CDZ What Will be Obamas Legacy?

What Will be Obamas Legacy?

I don't see much to go on but one of the most failed presidencies in U.S. History.

Stopped a Depression
Saved the banks and auto companies
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Killed bin Laden
Immigration reform

Not too shabby

Lengthened the Recession
Gave GM to the UAW
Lied to the public about Obamacare
Killed Christopher Stevens
Violated Immigration Law
Invited Russia to seize Ukraine
Lost the Iraq War

Not too impressive.

Terrorists killed Christopher Stevens....were the 3000 killed on 9-11 killed by George Bush?

The SEALS killed bin Laden.
A white man killed Bin Laden.
What Will be Obamas Legacy?

I don't see much to go on but one of the most failed presidencies in U.S. History.

Stopped a Depression
Saved the banks and auto companies
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Killed bin Laden
Immigration reform

Not too shabby

Lengthened the Recession
Gave GM to the UAW
Lied to the public about Obamacare
Killed Christopher Stevens
Violated Immigration Law
Invited Russia to seize Ukraine
Lost the Iraq War

Not too impressive.

Terrorists killed Christopher Stevens....were the 3000 killed on 9-11 killed by George Bush?

The SEALS killed bin Laden.
A white man killed Bin Laden.

He was a SEAL. While not all of them took the shot, all played an important role in allowing it to happen.
How bad will the obama failure get? He now spends most of his time in isolation and drinking. Some say he is having a mental breakdown. The white house is so toxic, obama can't even fill his own cabinet positions. He has basically declared war on the Pentagon.

Legacy, of the most spectacular failure of a presidency that caused generations of harm to the country.
President's Obama at this point is looking like it'll be like the first female cadet at the Virginia Military Institute - the first black President, but not the ideal first.

You mean the first half black President?

It'll be like the first female cadet at The Citadel. A failure from day one. She lasted less than a week.
Stopped a Depression
Saved the banks and auto companies
Passed Obamacare
Expanded gay rights
Killed bin Laden
Immigration reform

Not too shabby

Lengthened the Recession
Gave GM to the UAW
Lied to the public about Obamacare
Killed Christopher Stevens
Violated Immigration Law
Invited Russia to seize Ukraine
Lost the Iraq War

Not too impressive.

Terrorists killed Christopher Stevens....were the 3000 killed on 9-11 killed by George Bush?

The SEALS killed bin Laden.
A white man killed Bin Laden.

He was a SEAL. While not all of them took the shot, all played an important role in allowing it to happen.

So did the guy who ordered it
"If I can't cut the national debt in half, I will not run for a second term"... Barry Soetoro.
Lengthened the Recession
Gave GM to the UAW
Lied to the public about Obamacare
Killed Christopher Stevens
Violated Immigration Law
Invited Russia to seize Ukraine
Lost the Iraq War

Not too impressive.

Terrorists killed Christopher Stevens....were the 3000 killed on 9-11 killed by George Bush?

The SEALS killed bin Laden.
A white man killed Bin Laden.

He was a SEAL. While not all of them took the shot, all played an important role in allowing it to happen.

So did the guy who ordered it
There were orders to kill Obama... errr... Osama, long before the kenyan took office.
Lengthened the Recession
Gave GM to the UAW
Lied to the public about Obamacare
Killed Christopher Stevens
Violated Immigration Law
Invited Russia to seize Ukraine
Lost the Iraq War

Not too impressive.

Terrorists killed Christopher Stevens....were the 3000 killed on 9-11 killed by George Bush?

The SEALS killed bin Laden.
A white man killed Bin Laden.

He was a SEAL. While not all of them took the shot, all played an important role in allowing it to happen.

So did the guy who ordered it

Sorry, no credit for doing something even you could have done.
Terrorists killed Christopher Stevens....were the 3000 killed on 9-11 killed by George Bush?

The SEALS killed bin Laden.
A white man killed Bin Laden.

He was a SEAL. While not all of them took the shot, all played an important role in allowing it to happen.

So did the guy who ordered it
There were orders to kill Obama... errr... Osama, long before the kenyan took office.
Just another example of Obama taking credit for what someone else did.
The ONE supposed accomplishment of Obuma has been DEFLATED by his own words.....

I find it interesting that Obama and his supporters believe a business growing from the ground up that becomes successful "didn't build that" but that Obama is the one that actually killed bin Laden because he supposedly gave an order to do something just about anyone could have done.
His legacy will be that of yet another affirmative action black being put into a job based on skin color rather than qualifications.
What Will be Obamas Legacy?

I don't see much to go on but one of the most failed presidencies in U.S. History.
That's completely untrue. He is not at all a failed president. If you want to discuss a failed presidency, discuss GW Bush. You people love making up a false reality about Obama. Pretty silly.

Are you sticking to the merits of the op or are you goading me into a Bush/Obama comparison? Generally, people make the argument you do in an effort to point toward someone they PERCEIVE as worse so as to prop up the person in question. But no one is in question here but President Obama. There is nothing in this thread about Bush. I see what you're doing.

Esmeralda's argument is akin to rebutting someone's accusation that you smell terrible by saying "That guy over there smells just as bad!". It's indicative with how little Obama supporters have to work with at this juncture of his presidency.

My personal belief is that Obama's "legacy" will sink or swim with how bad the Affordable Care Act ends up becoming for the country. At present it's an awful piece of legislation that was sold to the American people by lying to them. As it stands it isn't workable. So the question is...can it be fixed or will it be scrapped and replaced with something totally different? Liberals have made a political calculation that taking away entitlements is so hard to do that conservatives won't be able to get rid of this latest one. I think that will come down to how much the Middle Class sees it's health care costs increase because as usual...they will be the ones paying for this.
Are you sticking to the merits of the op or are you goading me into a Bush/Obama comparison? Generally, people make the argument you do in an effort to point toward someone they PERCEIVE as worse so as to prop up the person in question. But no one is in question here but President Obama. There is nothing in this thread about Bush. I see what you're doing.

My point is that I think it is ludicrous to assert that Obama's is a failed presidency. The facts don't support such an assertion, but the right wing has been making that assertion since the beginning of his tenure in office, even calling regularly for his impeachment when there is nothing to base an impeachment on. To point out the hypocrisy of the right, I mention how clearly we can see that GW Bush's presidency was a failure and yet you folks never mention that. The whole position in the OP is ludicrous. That's my point. I'll leave this thread alone. I've expressed my opinion; it won't change. Essentially, the OP has no merit.

Since you have provided zero support for why you say Obama has done well, your assertion has no merit. You, once again, have done nothing but say the other guy is bad. At least provide examples if you want to be taken seriously. Twice you've failed to do so.
It's already been done on this board repeatedly, time and again. What is the point of doing it yet again for your type to dismiss it all out of hand. I'm not interested in that kind of game playing.
Please take the time to list some of the efforts of Obama's that I may have not given enough credit for. I will be objective and honest in my reply. I can see you are upset and you may have a right to be.
At the moment my internet is not working well (I'm about 7000 miles away from you in a small country and internet often not great.)

Here is a website:
14 Facts About The Obama Presidency That Most People Don rsquo t Know

This is but a small list, 14, of his accomplishments.
I'll pick one....

9. At least 7 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.
in the 6 years barack obama has been in office, the US population has increased about 12 million What of those 5 million? He hasn't even kept up. 87% of our population has some kind of health insurance. 7 million of 12 million is under 60%.

Some accomplishment there!

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