What Was Wrong With Kim Potter Shooting Daunte Wright ?


You've shot nothing down, gramps. You're senile. :cuckoo:

All you done is claim she lied about pulling out her service weapon, which she pulled out for no good reason other than it was a mistake on her part; and then you vacuously claimed she shot him knowing she would go to prison for that. Mind-numbingly stupid on your part.
You have NO WAY of ascertaing that she made a mistake. She's been a cop for 26 years. She knows what to do with an idiot like Daunte Wright. You blow him to bits with your gun, to avoid him shooting you.

Every cop knows that. Every conservative knows that. Every liberal is clueless.
Faun, you need to find a thread that is not about guns and police. You are outclassed here. You don't know what you're talking about.

I've wasted enough time here with you.
You have NO WAY of ascertaing that she made a mistake. She's been a cop for 26 years. She knows what to do with an idiot like Daunte Wright. You blow him to bits with your gun, to avoid him shooting you.

Every cop knows that. Every conservative knows that. Every liberal is clueless.

You're insane, gramps. Of course I have a way of ascertaining she made a mistake. She herself said it was a mistake. You look like an utter nut claiming she's lying.
Bottom line is -- there was no reason for Potter to pull her gun on Wright.
You're insane, gramps. Of course I have a way of ascertaining she made a mistake. She herself said it was a mistake. You look like an utter nut claiming she's lying.
HA HA HA. That is like saying every time someone speaks, they tell the truth. The reason you're so confused here, is because you don't have the FUNDAMENTAL information with which to assess all this. You're a liberal caught up inside of liberal thought, absent of how guns and police operate.

For the 50th time in this thread, cops shoot (with a GUN) whenever a suspect's hand disappears. There is NO DOUBT that Potter followed normal police procedure shooting Wright. But being in a liberal jurisdiction (where they don't acknowledge this), she knew they (mindless liberal idiots) would define this as murder, and thus she was forced to pretend she made a mistake (thereby reducing the sentence). She took the lesser of 2 evils.

If she had really been smart, she would have never worked in a police force in a Democrat city. No cop should ever do that. Another reason why liberals and conservatives should never be within the same country. You will probably never get this. You're too programmed into leftist loonism.
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Bottom line is -- there was no reason for Potter to pull her gun on Wright.
After everything I taught you in this thread, you now come up with a totally mindless thing like that. Sheesh. :rolleyes: Nothing could be more obvious than your total lack of understanding of policing. If you were ever a cop, you wouldnt be in this discussion at all. You would have been killed long ago. 😐
You have NO WAY of ascertaing that she made a mistake. She's been a cop for 26 years. She knows what to do with an idiot like Daunte Wright. You blow him to bits with your gun, to avoid him shooting you.

Every cop knows that. Every conservative knows that. Every liberal is clueless.

Wright was trying to drive away.
So his hands had to be right out in the open.
On the steering wheel and shifter.
There is no way he could possibly have been a threat to anyone by the use of a weapon.
The only way he was at all a threat is that by driving the car, the doors, wheels, etc., could have become a threat.
But just pulling one arm of the wheel and yanking in out of the driver's seat would have been sufficient to stop the vehicular threat.
You're insane, gramps. Of course I have a way of ascertaining she made a mistake. She herself said it was a mistake. You look like an utter nut claiming she's lying.

You miss his assertion.
I agree with you on this one, but he is saying that shooting was not a mistake, regardless of what she thought.
He is not saying she is lying, but using poor judgement.
He theory is that tasers do not make a lot of sense.
They are less lethal than a gun, but do often kill anyway, and are far less sure than a gun to be effective.

However, my opinion is that neither gun nor taser were appropriate.
Just yanking out of the driver's seat would have been the most successful tactic in my opinion.
Wright was trying to drive away.
So his hands had to be right out in the open.
On the steering wheel and shifter.
There is no way he could possibly have been a threat to anyone by the use of a weapon.
The only way he was at all a threat is that by driving the car, the doors, wheels, etc., could have become a threat.
But just pulling one arm of the wheel and yanking in out of the driver's seat would have been sufficient to stop the vehicular threat.
He could drive away with just one hand on the steering wheel, other hand hidden behind his body. Can't have that. That's what got Daniel shaver shot & killed also.
For the 50th time in this thread, cops shoot (with a GUN) whenever a suspect's hand disappears.

For the millionth time, that is WRONG.
If a cop can shoot a suspect for his hands disappearing, then a suspect can shoot a cop for his hands disappearing.
You are parroting bad training that military experts have ruined the police with.
Police do NOT have any exception legal powers, and only have the exact same ability to use lethal force that ANY ORDINARY citizen has.
Police can NOT use the military rules of engagement, where the enemy is to be killed in order to prevent any risk at all.
With the police, the correct rules of engagement is that the police are required to accept MORE risk than an ordinary person, in order to increase the defense of individual rights from accidents like this.
You miss his assertion.
I agree with you on this one, but he is saying that shooting was not a mistake, regardless of what she thought.
He is not saying she is lying, but using poor judgement.
He theory is that tasers do not make a lot of sense.
They are less lethal than a gun, but do often kill anyway, and are far less sure than a gun to be effective.

However, my opinion is that neither gun nor taser were appropriate.
Just yanking out of the driver's seat would have been the most successful tactic in my opinion.
Try lifting a 200 pound man out of a driver seat of a car sometime, and then just imagine being a woman, and trying to do that. Also, by doing that, you completely turn advantage over to the suspect, giving him the possibility to shoot you (which takes him 1/4 second to do).

In police procedure, you NEVER give the suspect capability to shoot you. That's why thy shoot when the hand(s) disappear.
He could drive away with just one hand on the steering wheel, other hand hidden behind his body. Can't have that. That's what got Daniel shaver shot & killed also.

Daniel Shaver was murdered.
His pants were falling down and he just hiked them up.
It was totally illegal to shoot him.
His hands were always vivible and there was never even the remote possibility of a weapon.
Shootings like that make ALL police deserve to be shot.
ALL police should have condemned the shooting.
Since they did not, they are all complicit, after the fact.
They are ALL guilty now in the eyes of the public.
They no longer have any credibility.
You're insane, gramps. Of course I have a way of ascertaining she made a mistake. She herself said it was a mistake. You look like an utter nut claiming she's lying.

It is awfully strange for someone to defend another person from a manslaughter charge by claiming it was outright murder.....

Insane does not even cover it. Awful lot of misogamy and racism dripping all over this thread.
Try lifting a 200 pound man out of a driver seat of a car sometime, and then just imagine being a woman, and trying to do that. Also, by doing that, you completely turn advantage over to the suspect, giving him the possibility to shoot you (which takes him 1/4 second to do).

In police procedure, you NEVER give the suspect capability to shoot you. That's why thy shoot when the hand(s) disappear.

There is no such thing as "police procedures".
Police are just ordinary people who are paid to take extra risks.
That does NOT give than ANY additional authority at all, in any way, because there is no way for them to get any additional authority.
In a democratic republic, government is NOT the source of legal authority.
The individuals of the republic and their inherent rights are the ONLY source of any legal authority.

Wright was a skinny kid.
Anyone could easily have yanked him out, and once you had one arm, he could not have done anything, because the other would have had to have gone to the steering wheel.
Again, he had no gun, there was place for him to get a gun, and there was NEVER any risk at all.
Got some evidence to SHOW that (both hands visible) ? A video ? If so, let's see it.

Here is the body cam video page.
One of the other cops blocks much of the view, but you have to remember that cop blocking the view could see both hands, as well as the cop in the passenger side door.
There really is absolutely no question Wright could not have accesses a weapon and tried to drive the car at the same time.
And at no time did any cop see any threat.
In fact, Potter put the other cops at risk the most, since she could easily have shot one of them.

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