Hamas-CAIR Chicago: America won and ‘Little Palestine’ lost. (This time).


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
The BIG question is, what happens next time?

A CAIR Plot to Lynch a Hero Cop in ‘Little Palestine’.
Islamists thought they had their very own "George Floyd."
January 9, 2025 by Daniel Greenfield.

Two years ago, CAIR and its allies in the Chicago area thought they had their own George Floyd case. Cowardly officials quickly gave in and lynched a hero cop to protect a Muslim thug.

But now the case has fallen apart.

Hadi Abuatelah, a 17-year-old Arab Muslim settler living in the Oak Lawn suburb, was stopped by police. When police officers pulled him over, they detected drugs, and asked him to get out. Instead of complying with police orders, he grabbed a bag from the back seat and ran.

The bag had a loaded gun inside.

Police chased him down and tackled him. As they took him down, he allegedly tried to get to the gun inside the bag. The officers hit him to keep him down and secured the bag. Considering that he was reportedly trying to reach for a loaded gun while struggling with police, the Muslim man was very lucky to be alive after the confrontation instead of merely bruised after a beat down..

Abuatelah had only three rounds in the gun and it was unclear what happened to the others.

Police officers grappling with a suspect who is going for a loaded gun would have had every right to shoot him on the spot. Instead they risked their lives to restrain him without killing him.

Two of the officers on the scene had to be treated for injuries they received in the struggle from a man whom Islamists would insist on describing as a “frail” and “submissive” mere “child.”.

In gratitude to the brave officers, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding trial, whose founder celebrated the Oct 7 attacks, launched a campaign portraying Abuatelah as a victim of Islamophobic police officers.

CAIR’s lawyer accused the Oak Lawn police of “a brutal beating of a child” and an assault on a “frail minor”. In an unintentionally comical touch, Abuatelah, who appeared muscular and taller than those around him, hobbled using a walker normally employed by the elderly rather than crutches or a wheelchair to leave prison while his buddies waved signs calling for “justice”.

His lawyer claimed that Abuatelah had never been in trouble before and had suffered horrifyingly by being forced to spend one night in juvenile detention. Most people who reach for a loaded gun while fighting with police officers suffer worse consequences than a night in ‘juvie’.

Last year the frail child was arrested again for a violent assault in a gym during which Abuatelah and two of his buddies allegedly punched and kicked a man in the face at a gym. Abuatelah, who was still on probation from the previous incident, was also accused of robbery.

Hadi Abuatelah, that frail child, appeared to have recovered from injuries that his lawyer claimed had caused him “irreversible” harm. Another of Abuatelah’s buddies, also of Oak Lawn, had also fled police, hitting an officer with an open car door and leading police on a 100-mile-per-hour chase involving a police helicopter. No word on whether he was also a frail child.

Or whether the speed limit is ‘Islamophobic’.

But in the meantime, CAIR-Chicago, its Islamist and pro-crime allies like Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Network, and cowardly local officials, had put the arresting officers through hell.

CAIR demanded that the officers be indicted for taking down Abuatelah even though they would have been well within their rights to shoot him and had suffered their own injuries in the struggle.

“Had the offender drawn the weapon, he could have shot him,” Oak Lawn Police Chief Dan Vittorio pointed out. “Were they supposed to wait for him to pull it out?”

Apparently the officers were expected to let themselves be shot rather than defend themselves.

Oak Lawn has a large Muslim settler population and local Islamic activists insist that it’s part of a ‘Little Palestine’ hub in the Chicago area. Islamist groups have become very influential in Cook County, and the lynching of a courageous officer was soon underway.

CAIR-Chicago was outraged that even minor charges were filed against Abuatelah and protested those while demanding the indictment of all three officers who took him down.

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, one of the most notorious pro-crime prosecutors, had developed an extensive relationship with CAIR and had honored Ahmed Rehab, the head of CAIR-Chicago. Despite the lack of evidence, Foxx’s office indicted Officer Patrick O’Donnell, and Rehab held a press conference once again complaining that Abuatelah was a “frail minor”.

Rehab contended that “in no civilization, no time, and no place on earth is this kind of behavior acceptable.” By that he didn’t mean running from the police while reaching for a loaded gun, he meant stopping a violent thug from reaching for a gun. An Egyptian immigrant, Rehab did not comment on what would have happened in Cairo to a non-Muslim caught with drugs and a loaded gun who was running from the police.

Islamists searching for their own George Floyd claimed that Abuatelah was a victim of “Islamophobia” and “racism”.

“There’s deep-seated racism in southwest,” Muhammad Sankari of the Arab American Action Network, claimed. “Offices didn’t see him as a human being when they looked at Hadi, and they took it out on him with police brutality.”

A CAIR-Chicago complaint alleged that the officers had violated the Fourteenth Amendment by conspiring to deprive the armed thug “who is Arab” of “the equal protection of the laws” with “racial animus toward Plaintiff”. The Islamist pro-terrorist group provided no evidence that the officers knew or cared that Abuatelah was Arab or that they would have treated a fleeing armed suspect reaching for a loaded gun any differently if he hadn’t been an Arab.

CAIR Chicago’s communications coordinator, in a revealing slip of the tongue, urged that Muslim “must take firm and principled stances against these acts of injustice and treason towards our communities.” Treason implied that American elected officials owed their allegiance and obedience to Islamic groups rather than toward the Constitution and American laws.

While outgoing scandal-prone State’s Attorney Kim Foxx may have owed her allegiance to CAIR, incoming Cook County State’s Attorney Eileen O’Neill Burke tossed the charges, declaring that “the evidence is insufficient to meet our burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt”. CAIR and its allies responded by doubling down on a demand for Officer O’Donnell’s head and denouncing Burke for putting the law ahead of Islamic political vendettas.

The Islamist campaign to get Officer O’Donnell pitted Oak Lawn’s Muslim settler colonial population against its American population. Americans in Oak Lawn responded to the Islamist lynch mobs by displaying their support for the police with flags and lawn signs. Muslim settlers have taken to protesting local events with demands that the police officers be punished.

This time out, America won and ‘Little Palestine’ lost. But what will happen next time?

Um, okay, in the real world.

The arrest in question happened in July of 2022. While conducting a traffic stop, Oak Lawn police said they smelled marijuana coming from the car they pulled over.

Body cameras captured 17-year-old Hadi Abuatelah running from officers. Eventually, officers stopped him in the street. Video released by Oak Lawn police shows officers hitting the teen.

Prosecutors accused O'Donnell of punching the teen in the face more than 10 times during the arrest, and said he also used his Taser, which led to the teen being hospitalized.

Police said Abuatelah had a bag with a gun in it, and wouldn't let it go. Oak Lawn police said a gun was recovered after the incident.

After an investigation, the Cook County State's Attorney's Office decided to indict O'Donnell, saying he, along with two other officers, held down the teenager and punched him repeatedly, causing massive injuries.

"If Officer O'Donnell acted how he was trained, it really speaks to the point of what's wrong with policing in this state," said Muhammad Sankari, with the Arab American Action Network. "If officers are trained that while two other adults are restraining a child, you repeatedly punch them in the face, you grab their hair and repeatedly punch them in the face and you break their nose, and you fracture their pelvis and you cause internal bleeding in their brain, what is wrong with policing in this state?"

Comment: This new State's Attorney is well liked by the Fascist Order of Police, and this incident kind of shows why.
JoeB131 said:
Um, okay, in the real world..

The arrest in question happened in July of 2022. ...
Always on Islamofascism side.
Still insisting on being "non" Muslim?

"Palestinian" Mufti Ekrama Sabri incites Muslim mob who stone Christians on Temple Mount​

"Palestinian" Mufti Ekrama Sabri incites Muslim mob who stone Christians on Temple Mount
Israel today Israel News Muslims stone Christians on Temple Mount

[February 19, 2012]
A mob of some 50 Palestinian Muslims stoned a group of Christian tourists atop Jerusalem's Temple Mount on Sunday morning. Three of the Israeli police officers who acted to protect the Christian group were wounded by the stone-throwers.

Police arrested 11 Palestinians, several of them minors, for their role in the attack.

The attack is believed to have been instigated by the former Muslim mufti of Jerusalem, Ekrama Sabri, who told Palestinian media over the weekend that Jewish groups were planning to break into the mosques that occupy the holy compound and desecrate them.

Sabri urged all local Muslims to protect the mosques from "the Israeli conspiracy against the city and its holy places."

Muslim religious figures regularly claim that Israel is plotting to destroy the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque to pave the way for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple, which the Muslims now insist never previously existed.

Because of the constant threat of Muslim violence, and despite the fact that the Temple Mount is the most holy place on earth to Jews and many Christians, the Israeli police comply with Muslim demands for harsh restrictions on non-Muslim visitors to the site. For instance, Jews and Christians are forbidden to carry Bibles atop the Temple Mount or to utter even silent prayers within its walls. Jews and Christians are regularly detained for violating these conditions.

In other violence, Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired a Grad-type missile at the southern Israel city of Beersheva on Saturday....

Who is the "Palestinian" Islamic leader former Mufti 'Ekrama Sabri?'

The Mufti Ekrama Sabri (Ikrema Sabri, Ekrima Sabri, Ikrima Sabri) has Islamized even further the (anti-Israel wave of violence by Arab-Palestinians since 2000, also known as) "intifada" as even more of a Holy war / Jihad,[1] linking the "intifada" to the al-Aqsa mosque:

Our campaign is definitely religious and emanates from belief, although we try to avoid this slogan. The current Intifada of the [Arab and Islamic] world is a religious outburst, because it relates to the Al-Aqsa mosque.[2]

Glorifying child martyrdom, he stated: 'the younger the martyr, the greater and the more I respect him.'[3] From the US Congress:

In the aftermath of the 1993 Oslo Accords, Yassir Arafat's Palestinian Authority asserted preeminence on the Temple Mount through the subversion of the Waqf and by coercing the Jordan-affiliated officials and clergymen off the Temple Mount. Arafat personally nominated the virulently anti-Semitic and anti-American Mufti Ikrima Sabri as the Imam of al-Aqsa Mosque. In May 1998, Sabri declared that the Jews have no right to the Temple Mount.[4]

He has been instilling hatred in Palestinian-Arab children.[5]

From his anti-American jihad and his dehumanization of Jews, the radical Islamic "apes and pigs," fantasy, Ikrama Sabri (In a sermon at Al-Aksa Mosque, July 11, 1997):

"Oh Allah, destroy America . . . Allah shall take revenge on behalf of his prophet against the colonialist settlers who are sons of monkeys and pigs."[6][7][8]

Author, in his New York Times bestseller book:

The Palestinian Authority–appointed mufti, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, added strongly anti-American themes to the Temple Mount sermons. Weeks before September 11, Sabri had gone so far to declare before worshipers, "Allah, bring destruction on the United States, on those who help it and on all its collaborators." He also called for the destruction of Great Britain. His militant anti-Americanism continued years later. For example, on December 3, 2004, he charged the US with waging a cultural war against Muslims, which was part of the "Crusader-Zionist attack on Islam." It was notable that these themes were still being voiced even after the death of Yasser Arafat and his replacement by Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who had been courted by the Bush administration.[9]

Sabri is an outrageous denier of Jewish history,[10][11] part of negative pehenomenon by official PA.[12] A form of Arab racism.[13] He also called upon Jews who migrated (after the Holocaust to their homeland) from Germany, to simply go back there, in an interview to German media.[14][15]

The Arab-Islamic apartheid prohibiting selling land to Jews,[16] was pushed [further] by Mufti Sabri in the 1990s. He has barred all Muslims accused of selling land to Jews from being buried in a Muslim cemetery. And it is punishable by death.[17] PA Mufti Ikrama Sabri:

"Whoever is found to have sold land to Jews, his punishment is death. It is forbidden to pray for him, it is forbidden to purify his body before burial, and it is forbidden to bury him in a Muslim cemetery. We are obligated to remind the public of this religious law, so as not to allow Jews to purchase Arab land and property with dollars they receive from America in order to throw us out of this land." (In an interview with an Israeli newspaper, May, 1997)[18][19]

He renewed the Islamic decree "fatwa" in 2008.[20]

In 2001, Mufti Sabri on 'Voice of Palestine,' Radio (Fatah) asked Allah to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to destroy Israel, America and Britain.[21][22]

He's an ugly Holocaust denier.[23] Among Islamic 'religious leaders' anti-Semitic Holocaust deniers are noted: "Sheikh Mohammad Mehdi Shamseddin of Lebanon, Sheik Ikrima Sabri of Jerusalem and Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei."[24]

From his virulent anti-Jewish racism, Sabri said in 2000:

"I am filled with rage toward the Jews. I have never greeted a Jew when I came near one. I never will. The Jews do not dare to bother me, because they are the most cowardly creatures Allah has ever created."[25]

In 2005, he was to be on a "jury" of a Mock-Trial of Bush/Blair/Sharon by the Arab Lawyers Union.[26] The 'Union of Arab Lawyers' itself is infamous of horrific anti-Semitism embedded with raw Nazi sentiments like the Sturmer cartoons, as expressed in Durban 2001,[27] racist conference.[28] The other one on the "jury" was George Golloway, who allied himself in 2006[29] with the Nazi SSNP.[30][31]

He was arrested in 2009, for role in [East Jerusalem] Arab anti-Jewish attacks on Yom Kippur.[32]

In February 2012, (now former) Mufti Sabri incited Muslim masses. A mob of 50 Muslims attacked and stoned Christians who visited the historic place of the Jews. Christian tourists and Israeli police protecting them were injured.[33][34]


  1. Children aren't born hating. It's something they learn - and the PA has been the ideal teacher.

  2. Arab racism consists of calling [all of] the Land of Israel, Arab land.

  3. On the grounds of the U.N. conference itself, the Arab Lawyers Union distributed pamphlets filled with grotesque caricatures of hook-nosed Jews depicted as Nazis, spearing Palestinian children, dripping blood from their fangs, with missiles bulging from their eyes or with pots of money nearby. Attempts to have the group's U.N. accreditation revoked were refused.

  4. British MP George Galloway... Britain's Stop the War Coalition and the darling of Canada's "anti-war" left, was on a whirlwind run of speaking engagements in Ontario -- one of which was a celebration to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party.
    The SSNP is devoted to the creation of a "Greater Syria" that would engulf Israel and Lebanon along with several other countries that lie between the Euphrates and the Nile. For decades, the SSNP was known mainly as a shadowy terrorist organization distinguished by its practice of turning emotionally-disturbed young women into suicide bombers. But last year, right around the time Galloway was visiting Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and praising him to the skies as "the fortress of the remaining dignity of the Arabs," the SSNP was absorbed within Syria's ruling Baathist coalition.

  5. Anton Saada, referred to as the Fuhrer of the Syrian Nation by his followers, was head of the "Hisb-el-qaumi-el-suri," the Social Nationalist Party...

  6. Giving himself the title of az-Za'im (Der Fuhrer), Saadeh imitated Hitler and the Nazis in almost every possible manner. Thus, the Syrian national anthem for the PPS sang "Syria, Syria uber alles" to the same familiar tune of "Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles."

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Always on Islamofascism side.
Still insisting on being "non" Muslim?

This wasn't an Islamofascist.

This was a 17-year-old kid who smoked a little weed and ran from the cops at a traffic stop. He wasn't even the one driving the car.

That didn't merit breaking his nose, shattering his pelvis, and putting him in the hospital.

"Palestinian" Mufti Ekrama Sabri incites Muslim mob who stone Christians on Temple Mount​

"Palestinian" Mufti Ekrama Sabri incites Muslim mob who stone Christians on Temple Mount
Israel today Israel News Muslims stone Christians on Temple Mount

What does any of this have to do with a 17-year-old kid being beaten up by three cops at a traffic stop? Or are you arguing people deserve to be brutalized because of their ethnicity?

Who else thought like that.... Hmmmm....


Oh, damn, that was awkward!
A true CAIR lobbyist Arabist Islamist propagandist, pro "Palestinians" who pretend to be against Hitler?

As if Arab "palestine" ever stopped its Hitler worshipping.
This amidst 'swastika palestine' en masse?
Where do you think is mein kampf so popular?

images - 2024-11-09T124117.669.jpeg

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A true CAIR lobbyist Arabist Islamist propagandist, pro "Palestinians" who pretend to be against Hitler?

As if Arab "palestine" ever stopped its Hitler worshipping.
This amidst 'swastika palestine' en masse?
Where do you think is mein kampf so popular?

The Zionists are today's nazis.

The star of David is the new Swastika.
Your concession is duly noted.

A Palestinian showing a swastika is about as meaningful as Kanye West showing one. It's just trolling.

  • Like Hamas adding notes on Mein Kampf?
  • i24NEWS

    Or "Hitler was [sic] right" Gaza journalists for BBC?

  • Sk132RaJ2_0_0_502_586_0_x-large (1).jpg

    Or UNRWA fakestine:
    Wake up Hitler, there are still people to burn,' in Palestinian textbooks.
    Despite promises to the contrary, UNRWA continues to employ educational staff that routinely advocate hatred and violence against Jews, even going so far as praising Hitler; 'UNRWA is fully culpable in this fiasco,' says UN watchdog



  • tala-e1626449234754-640x400.jpeg
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If anyone has learned ...
images (33).jpeg

Palestinian Anti-Semitism: Mein Kampf in ARAB East Jerusalem & the Palestinian Authority.

Awesome Jew
Michael Rapaport goes off on Kanye West:

“You know what h*tler would have done to your biracial kids… You want to be Jewish… You hate yourself, scumbag… You look ridiculous… You’re pathetic…”

Feb 11, 2025
Playing with flying words (and imaginary comparisons to diminish Nazis) vs facts.

This, anyone can come up with.

I look at who is engaging in the behavior, not the symbols.

The Zionists are putting people in camps
The Zionists are engaging in ethnic cleansing
the Zionists are engaging in Genocide

I've often said, the Zionists are like abused children who've gotten big enough to abuse someone else.

And squealing "but, but, but Hitler" just doesn't fly anymore.

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