What to do if we run out of oil?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What to do if we run out of oil? I understand that electricy doesn't really rely on it that much, but our trains certainly carry the coal(40 percent of energy) and food certainly does. Should we decrease our need of coal and oil by going over to nuclear, wind and solar??? For transport maybe we can make "electric" trains that run on the energy grid?

I"M talking about building nuclear and other means that don't have to rely on it. Can it be done and continue having the civilization that we have today.
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"We" won't run out of oil. In a hundred or two hundred years sometime in 20220 they might have to consider it but unless the fascists still run the government the private sector might have some solutions. Meanwhile we have to consider the way pop-culture seems to just adore the rich Saudi princes but condemn the hard working Americans who run oil companies.
There are many things that can produce 'oil'. However, use these, you have to increase the price of the end product in order to cover costs. At a certain point, it becomes cheaper to use other forms of energy. And that is leaving out the environmental and climatic costs that the use of oil for fuel creates.
What to do if we run out of oil? I understand that electricy doesn't really rely on it that much, but our trains certainly carry the coal(40 percent of energy) and food certainly does. Should we decrease our need of coal and oil by going over to nuclear, wind and solar??? For transport maybe we can make "electric" trains that run on the energy grid?

I"M talking about building nuclear and other means that don't have to rely on it. Can it be done and continue having the civilization that we have today.

use the fat from fat people
There are many things that can produce 'oil'. However, use these, you have to increase the price of the end product in order to cover costs. At a certain point, it becomes cheaper to use other forms of energy. And that is leaving out the environmental and climatic costs that the use of oil for fuel creates.

Alternatives and renewables are not totally without such costs. And I would contend that hydrocarbons' benefits far outweigh such cost.
I have been running my entire fleet on ethanol for over 12 years. Who needs oil?

Livestock gain weight 30% faster on 15% less Ethanol co-product DDG feed than they do on corn. Food & fuel are no problem.

New bio-genetic enzymes have just been developed to turn seaweed/kelp efficiently into ethanol. We may soon be farming the ocean, reducing dead zones & reducing carbon as we produce ethanol fuel.

Poet Ethanol is already producing cellulosic ethanol. They are about finished with construction on their second cellulosic ethanol plant that will come on-line producing cellulosic ethanol to capacity in 2013.
What to do if we run out of oil?

Are you kidding, or are you just trolling to see if there is any potential for peak oil religious converts in this particular forum? We once had one of those missionaries, but we threw him back as he wasn't fully grown. We never did get a replacement with functioning neurons.
We will have 4 next-gen cellulosic ethanol plants operating next year.

DuPont breaks ground on $200M cellulosic ethanol plant

Poet, the largest ethanol maker in the U.S., has turned down a $105 million federal loan guarantee that would have financed it's cellulosic ethanol plants. Poet announced it has established a joint venture with life sciences company Royal DSM to commercially demonstrate and license its cellulosic ethanol made from corn cob and crop residue. The joint venture, called POET-DSM Advanced Biofuels LLC, is scheduled to start production in the second half of 2013.

Poet has been working towards commercial production of next-gen cellulosic ethanol for more than a decade. In 2006, it partnered with DuPont to find cost effective ways to bring corn stover-ethanol to market. Two years later, Poet built a pilot plant in Scotland, South Dakota, where it began testing its cellulosic ethanol production process. Poet plans to eventually scale up its production to 25 million gallons a year at Project Liberty, the company’s long-planned cellulosic plant in Emmetsburg, Iowa.
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I have been running my entire fleet on ethanol for over 12 years. Who needs oil?

Livestock gain weight 30% faster on 15% less Ethanol co-product DDG feed than they do on corn. Food & fuel are no problem.

New bio-genetic enzymes have just been developed to turn seaweed/kelp efficiently into ethanol. We may soon be farming the ocean, reducing dead zones & reducing carbon as we produce ethanol fuel.

Poet Ethanol is already producing cellulosic ethanol. They are about finished with construction on their second cellulosic ethanol plant that will come on-line producing cellulosic ethanol to capacity in 2013.

At what cut? 10%?

The better question is, who needs corn? 40% of corn crops go to ethanol production. So much ethanol, that 20% is exported.

Was this the initial intention of the ethanol program when introduced in the 80's?


There were 3 basic tennets: Reduce oil imports (not done), improve air quality (not done), improve crop prices to agriculture (DONE).

Back to the question... who needs corn? The world is starving. We have starving kids in this country. If you argue that ETOH corn is not food-grade, then I'd argue that we should devote those acres to food-grade ag products.

If not, the least we can do is plow under the worthless shit and plant trees.
It's possible that the radicals can mange to raise taxes and punish American achievers while maintaining a phony loyalty to the muslem brotherhood and that's why they want to destroy information networks that might not go along with the program. I have seen offensive programs promoted by the "history channel and nat-geo" that tends to promote the extravagant lifestyle of mid East Saudies rich and famous.
Kimmy, you know I like ya but ethanol is an aberrant concept created by a self-serving industry with the sole purpose of getting that incremental bushel of grain to market.

Agriculture was a main culprit behind getting methanol banned. There was no issue with methanol save for one- containment. It's the same issue with ethanol. There are containment concerns- train cars derailing, tanker trucks crashing, blended fuels leaking into the environment...

The purpose of the U.S. agriculture industry is not to "feed the world" but to fleece the world.

It's one giant marketing scam.
How'd that work out turnin' food into fuel?

It works great.

I love watching amateurs discuss shit they know absolutely nothing about. Especially the ones who call themselves Mad Scientist. :lol:

China Starts Probe of US Feed Dumping driving down DDG feed & corn prices in China far below the cost their farmers can produce them for.

Livestock gain weight 30% faster on 15% less DDG feed from ethanol plants than they do on corn. With ethanol production we have more food than without. Animal feeders can't even be competitive anymore without feeding their livestock Ethanol's DDG feed.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wwRpznV00A"]Feeding Cattle DDGs[/ame]
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What to do if we run out of oil?

Are you kidding, or are you just trolling to see if there is any potential for peak oil religious converts in this particular forum? We once had one of those missionaries, but we threw him back as he wasn't fully grown. We never did get a replacement with functioning neurons.

LOL... still renting time in your dumb head, I see.

Actually, what you had was a poster who kicked your ass all over the subforum, got bored with your intellectual blockage regarding the fundamental aspects of global energy depletion, and moved on to fresher meat. You didn't "throw back" anything. Tool.

I still drop in from time to time only to witness you jacking yourself to the same dumb premises over and over again. How are those annual depletion rates holding on shale gas/oil plays since we last spoke? 25%? 35%? Talk about a nosedive. They don't tell America about that aspect of the fracking craze, do they? ... Yeah, there's plenty down there, ... if you're willing to build a new series of $90 million wells every few months. LOL.

Another fraud passed off by the fossil fuel industry, and the masses of dumb Americans willing to lap it up under the illusionary blanket of "energy independence!"

What to do if we run out of oil? I understand that electricy doesn't really rely on it that much, but our trains certainly carry the coal(40 percent of energy) and food certainly does. Should we decrease our need of coal and oil by going over to nuclear, wind and solar??? For transport maybe we can make "electric" trains that run on the energy grid?

I"M talking about building nuclear and other means that don't have to rely on it. Can it be done and continue having the civilization that we have today.

No, it can't. Nuclear, wind and solar won't move freight. Won't make computer chips, won't provide plastics, asphalt, tires and the tens of thousands of other things oil is (afford-ably) used for - most especially nitrogen-based fertilizers and pesticides for our global food conveyor belt and its "just in time" delivery system.

We'll never "run out" of oil. It will (and already is) simply get more expensive than the middle-class consumer can afford, and will push the fragile world economy into systemic meltdown ... a process that is already well underway. ... and a concept our "nothing to see here" contingent of cornucopians continues to avoid like the plague, .... and with good reason, because the "how do we pay for it" question dumps their retarded overall argument on its ass. Every time.

It is called the petrol-dollar for a reason. Oil is indispensable to maintain the buoyancy of our fake, bubble economy.
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Peak oil will be realized it's only a matter of time.

Nuclear is our best option for our power needs. Electricity can replace petroleum products for heating homes and electric cars will continue to improve.

Diesel engines can run on oil from renewable sources and of course waste cooking oil can be recycled.

Solar and wind, in my opinion, are supplemental sources not primary.
World Oil Production is still rising in the face of the Peak Oil Nay Sayers!


This rise in oil production happened even as Iran has been embargoed forcing their enormous oil production to plummet.

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"We" won't run out of oil. In a hundred or two hundred years sometime in 20220 they might have to consider it but unless the fascists still run the government the private sector might have some solutions. Meanwhile we have to consider the way pop-culture seems to just adore the rich Saudi princes but condemn the hard working Americans who run oil companies.

No, we won't run out of oil In fact, we will continue using it in spite of the obvious affects of burning fossil fuel. However, a some point, it will become too spendy for most people to use as the motive power for their vehicles. You see, recoverable reserves go up as the price goes up. However, there is a point where the public will seek out alternatives as the price gets beyond their means.
Since everything manufactured today takes oil, shouldn't we be using natural gas to power our cars and save the oil for everything else?

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