What three "Transformations" would you reverse in the 2016+ Post Obama-Nation?


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
New Mexico
Very simple concept.

Obama and crew have aggressively pursued a campaign of an Ethnocentric Socialist "Transformation" of America.

Soon, the "Chickens will come home to Roost" for the Democratic Party.

Perhaps not enough in 2014 to begin to reverse things, but most likely enough to halt any further "Transformation"

But in 2016, unless the mud-head old guard Republicans totally botch things, there will be about a two year opportunity to reserves some of the more radical things done in the "Transformation".

So, what is your top three list of items you'd like to see reversed?

If you're a Leftie, what are your top three Transformations you'd want to preserve?


For both sides, were the benefits of the Obama-Transformation worth the costs:

Damage to the Economy,
Bailouts for fat cats and lost jobs for the middle class,
Jobs Off-shored and foreclosed houses,
Billions spent of Green Energy Boondoggles,
new masses of ignorant, poor, needy instant amnesty citizens,
degradation of our International prestige,
loss of low-mid Income White Voters to the Democratic Party,
undermining the rule of law in DOJ,
precedents set of IRS, EPA, DHS, NSA being used as a Political Weapons,
masses of radicalized Islamic refugees fast tracked asylum in America from the Syria, Libya, Egypt, .... etc Arab-Spring U.S. Air-power aided overthrows...

In other words, was Obama and his "Transformation" worth the costs?

What was the most valuable benefit of the "Transformation"?

Would you do it again?

There have been a grand total of ZERO "transformations" that have occurred during Obama's term.

America, for all intents and purposes, is almost completely the same as it was in 2007.

The only major "changes" in that time frame have been in terms of public opinion, specifically on gay marriage and medical/recreational marijuana.
There have been a grand total of ZERO "transformations" that have occurred during Obama's term.

America, for all intents and purposes, is almost completely the same as it was in 2007.

The only major "changes" in that time frame have been in terms of public opinion, specifically on gay marriage and medical/recreational marijuana.

When I wrote this piece, I thought I would get all kinds of responses, both pro and con Obama.

I did not expect anyone to claim that a Leftie would claim that Obama has done/accomplished nothing.
I believe you must have a basic understanding of history to address this question. I only know a little history, but I have a comment.

The most critical change that must be made...as soon as, God Bless Us....Obama is gone, is to change the culture of the Federal Bureaucracy away from one which seeks to intrude upon our lives....and dissipate borrowed money for which our children will be liable...to buy votes.

I want a smaller government which is less intrusive...allows more local decisions...and which recognizes that there is not enough money to be borrowed to consistently buy the votes of a majority of the voters...and the attempt to do so has ended badly everywhere in history.
I believe you must have a basic understanding of history to address this question. I only know a little history, but I have a comment.

The most critical change that must be made...as soon as, God Bless Us....Obama is gone, is to change the culture of the Federal Bureaucracy away from one which seeks to intrude upon our lives....and dissipate borrowed money for which our children will be liable...to buy votes.

I want a smaller government which is less intrusive...allows more local decisions...and which recognizes that there is not enough money to be borrowed to consistently buy the votes of a majority of the voters...and the attempt to do so has ended badly everywhere in history.

Aye.... I am a TEA leaning Libertarian.

I like the ideal of Libertarianism, but they are so unwilling to ever force their will on others, that they are like the person being mugged to offers the thug their unnoticed cell phone and watch, in addition to their wallet.

The Libertarians are so resistant to the idea of any centralized or organized authority and action, they cannot fend off those who would enslave them.

The TEA Party represent Libertarians with just enough pride, street smarts, and a touch-of-pirate to survive the real world.

Back in the old days, at the very beginning, in 1776, we had a word for such people,... Patriots.

I am proud to call myself a TEA Patriot.

There have been a grand total of ZERO "transformations" that have occurred during Obama's term.

America, for all intents and purposes, is almost completely the same as it was in 2007.

The only major "changes" in that time frame have been in terms of public opinion, specifically on gay marriage and medical/recreational marijuana.

When I wrote this piece, I thought I would get all kinds of responses, both pro and con Obama.

I did not expect anyone to claim that a Leftie would claim that Obama has done/accomplished nothing.

That is likely because you have a warped view as to what the word "leftie" means.
Thanks to mindless GOP obstruction, not enough has happened- the reason the recovery is not complete. You had to destroy the magic negro- incredibly stupid, and the greedy idot Pubs and the silly hater dupes are clueless as always. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest, longest wars ever, the world depression, and 5 years of hate and idiocy, though, ASSHOLES.
Ethnocentric Socialist "Transformation" of America.

You know nothing, little Snow.
Very simple concept.

Obama and crew have aggressively pursued a campaign of an Ethnocentric Socialist "Transformation" of America.

Soon, the "Chickens will come home to Roost" for the Democratic Party.

Perhaps not enough in 2014 to begin to reverse things, but most likely enough to halt any further "Transformation"

But in 2016, unless the mud-head old guard Republicans totally botch things, there will be about a two year opportunity to reserves some of the more radical things done in the "Transformation".

So, what is your top three list of items you'd like to see reversed?

If you're a Leftie, what are your top three Transformations you'd want to preserve?


For both sides, were the benefits of the Obama-Transformation worth the costs:

Damage to the Economy,
Bailouts for fat cats and lost jobs for the middle class,
Jobs Off-shored and foreclosed houses,
Billions spent of Green Energy Boondoggles,
new masses of ignorant, poor, needy instant amnesty citizens,
degradation of our International prestige,
loss of low-mid Income White Voters to the Democratic Party,
undermining the rule of law in DOJ,
precedents set of IRS, EPA, DHS, NSA being used as a Political Weapons,
masses of radicalized Islamic refugees fast tracked asylum in America from the Syria, Libya, Egypt, .... etc Arab-Spring U.S. Air-power aided overthrows...

In other words, was Obama and his "Transformation" worth the costs?

What was the most valuable benefit of the "Transformation"?

Would you do it again?


People like you that blame one person are the only problem in politics.

Politicians jump when Corporations that pay them the most tell them to jump. Even anti-jump measures can be taken.

Coal is bad for the environment. Fact. Wind energy CORPORATIONS give Obama TONS of money to push wind energy. Obama uses Bushes tactics of "Stimulus" to dump money into his donors.

Next election, Coal is ready to buy a candidate because wind energy is taking over.

Romney shows up standing for Coal like no other. He makes speeches in Coal plants. He promises a future in more coal.

So what line do you follow? Coal is obviously bad for the environment and causes "smog days" in schools in cities that use a lot of Coal. KNOWING Coal is bad, shouldn't be the issue.

Do you vote for the man who took the Wind energy money or the man who took the Coal energy money?

Or do you stand up as a human and try to stop money from influencing politics because it's supposed to be an opinion based process, not a monetary based process...
The people talking "Socialism" here have never spent 10 minutes researching what socialism actually is. Most Americans don't. THIS is pathetic.

I'm not saying it's good, I'm saying you should KNOW what you are talking about.
There have been a grand total of ZERO "transformations" that have occurred during Obama's term.
America, for all intents and purposes, is almost completely the same as it was in 2007.

The only major "changes" in that time frame have been in terms of public opinion, specifically on gay marriage and medical/recreational marijuana.

What a load of crap...

Don't make any sudden turns with those blinders on...

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
There have been a grand total of ZERO "transformations" that have occurred during Obama's term.
America, for all intents and purposes, is almost completely the same as it was in 2007.

The only major "changes" in that time frame have been in terms of public opinion, specifically on gay marriage and medical/recreational marijuana.

What a load of crap...

Don't make any sudden turns with those blinders on...

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

How is your life changed since Obama entered office?

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