What the Tea Party Movement is Really About


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
A good piece on what the Tea Parties really area about: the rejection of Central Planning by those who will be victimized by it.

The Progressive Elites recognize this - hence their trashing of Tea Partiers as stupid and evil.

Here’s what the TP itself really fears, in an inchoate way that for most of its members doesn’t rise to the level of clear understanding, but is still intuitively very powerful: the US is embracing central planning as a governing theory, as fast as our legislative processes will allow.

Central planning has a long record of failure, but Americans have always believed that we know how to succeed where others can’t. That leads to the hubris of people like Barack Obama, who says “YES WE CAN!”


The endpoint of central planning, if not outright failure, is a much deeper and more intractable division of society into haves and have-nots. After promising a better world for everyone, the progressives will end up creating a society that is more polarized than ever.

Keep this firmly in mind, because you’ll see it first in stories that middle-income people are somehow having more and more trouble just affording the necessities of life. This is an unstoppable treadmill leading downward. There’s something very deeply wrong when ordinary necessities like food, shelter and healthcare need to be subsidized for millions of people. It means their own productivity isn’t adequate to provide for their needs. It means that economic progress is going backward. And it means that resources are being concentrated in fewer hands, rather than being spread more broadly. This is the crushing, bitter irony of Obama’s belief that we should “spread the wealth.”

And we’re already seeing everywhere, from David Brooks to Noam Chomsky, the signs of how the elites will have to deal with the polarization: by loudly proclaiming in their captive media that the have-nots are stupid and, eventually, evil.

Yeah, that’ll work.

What the Tea Party Movement is Really About | The New Ledger
Lord what hooey. I would hope that anyone who read that OP was old enough, smart enough, and thoughtful enough, to realize this conspiratorial nonsense is nothing but BS. Why is it no one is honest enough to say what the tea party really is? Why is it always necessary to find a plot hidden so well only the OP writers see it. One wonders what their life experience and education must be when the simplicity of their thought is so darn cockeyed.
Lord what hooey. I would hope that anyone who read that OP was old enough, smart enough, and thoughtful enough, to realize this conspiratorial nonsense is nothing but BS. Why is it no one is honest enough to say what the tea party really is? Why is it always necessary to find a plot hidden so well only the OP writers see it. One wonders what their life experience and education must be when the simplicity of their thought is so darn cockeyed.
Classic Newspeak. Don't listen to the opposition describing its position, rather define it for them. :cuckoo: Classic strawman, too.

This is the problem (or advantage, depending on whether you want to be one or not) with useful idiots.
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A good piece on what the Tea Parties really area about: the rejection of Central Planning by those who will be victimized by it.

The Progressive Elites recognize this - hence their trashing of Tea Partiers as stupid and evil.

Here’s what the TP itself really fears, in an inchoate way that for most of its members doesn’t rise to the level of clear understanding, but is still intuitively very powerful: the US is embracing central planning as a governing theory, as fast as our legislative processes will allow.

Central planning has a long record of failure, but Americans have always believed that we know how to succeed where others can’t. That leads to the hubris of people like Barack Obama, who says “YES WE CAN!”


The endpoint of central planning, if not outright failure, is a much deeper and more intractable division of society into haves and have-nots. After promising a better world for everyone, the progressives will end up creating a society that is more polarized than ever.

Keep this firmly in mind, because you’ll see it first in stories that middle-income people are somehow having more and more trouble just affording the necessities of life. This is an unstoppable treadmill leading downward. There’s something very deeply wrong when ordinary necessities like food, shelter and healthcare need to be subsidized for millions of people. It means their own productivity isn’t adequate to provide for their needs. It means that economic progress is going backward. And it means that resources are being concentrated in fewer hands, rather than being spread more broadly. This is the crushing, bitter irony of Obama’s belief that we should “spread the wealth.”

And we’re already seeing everywhere, from David Brooks to Noam Chomsky, the signs of how the elites will have to deal with the polarization: by loudly proclaiming in their captive media that the have-nots are stupid and, eventually, evil.

Yeah, that’ll work.

What the Tea Party Movement is Really About | The New Ledger

You mean like these big multinational corporations....
No. You continue to focus on the trees and miss the forest.

The Cronyism in which multinationals engage is fueled and enabled by Big Government.

Taking away the access to taxpayers money (i.e. socialized risk and privatized profit) is only possible via reforming the government. Politicians are the ones who dole out the money.
A good piece on what the Tea Parties really area about: the rejection of Central Planning by those who will be victimized by it.

The Progressive Elites recognize this - hence their trashing of Tea Partiers as stupid and evil.

Here’s what the TP itself really fears, in an inchoate way that for most of its members doesn’t rise to the level of clear understanding, but is still intuitively very powerful: the US is embracing central planning as a governing theory, as fast as our legislative processes will allow.

Central planning has a long record of failure, but Americans have always believed that we know how to succeed where others can’t. That leads to the hubris of people like Barack Obama, who says “YES WE CAN!”


The endpoint of central planning, if not outright failure, is a much deeper and more intractable division of society into haves and have-nots. After promising a better world for everyone, the progressives will end up creating a society that is more polarized than ever.

Keep this firmly in mind, because you’ll see it first in stories that middle-income people are somehow having more and more trouble just affording the necessities of life. This is an unstoppable treadmill leading downward. There’s something very deeply wrong when ordinary necessities like food, shelter and healthcare need to be subsidized for millions of people. It means their own productivity isn’t adequate to provide for their needs. It means that economic progress is going backward. And it means that resources are being concentrated in fewer hands, rather than being spread more broadly. This is the crushing, bitter irony of Obama’s belief that we should “spread the wealth.”

And we’re already seeing everywhere, from David Brooks to Noam Chomsky, the signs of how the elites will have to deal with the polarization: by loudly proclaiming in their captive media that the have-nots are stupid and, eventually, evil.

Yeah, that’ll work.

What the Tea Party Movement is Really About | The New Ledger

Strange, how simple the facts really are here, that no one so far has really opened their eyes. You are correct: they cannot see the trees for the forest, and likely will never change. They cook their own goose as well as their neighbors, who probably needs the assistance.
I had no idea what we tea party members were about until I read some of these posts. THANK YOU!!! Now that I know it gives me a new path to follow. I was lead to believe we were better people than we apparently are. I'll tell all my fellow members that we are all a bunch of uninformed, ignorant rascists. They will be truly shocked, especially the black ones and those who participated heavily in the civil rights movement. Amazing what you can learn just by doing research rather than listening to those who form opinions from thin air
First ...


Excellent thread boedicca!

Lord what hooey. I would hope that anyone who read that OP was old enough, smart enough, and thoughtful enough, to realize this conspiratorial nonsense is nothing but BS. Why is it no one is honest enough to say what the tea party really is? Why is it always necessary to find a plot hidden so well only the OP writers see it. One wonders what their life experience and education must be when the simplicity of their thought is so darn cockeyed.
I see it clear as day. It's really too bad that people like you don't and never will. It's people like you that Obama is depending upon.
They can't. Flaylo & Friends are Stuck On Racism.
Lord what hooey. I would hope that anyone who read that OP was old enough, smart enough, and thoughtful enough, to realize this conspiratorial nonsense is nothing but BS. Why is it no one is honest enough to say what the tea party really is? Why is it always necessary to find a plot hidden so well only the OP writers see it. One wonders what their life experience and education must be when the simplicity of their thought is so darn cockeyed.

I have said on this board before that I am a Conservative. Much of what the Tea Party folks say appeals to me.

Please tell me what I believe. I don't need to hear what you suppose a group that you probably have no contact with thinks in your own mind. Tell me what you think I think and then I can tell you if you are correct or not.

It might turn out to be instructional for both of us.
What is the Tea Bastard movement really about? I'll tell what they're about, they're a racist anti-black president movement that hides behind protests against higher taxes.
This is really getting old. You guys should come up with some new material.

The Teabaggers ought to come up with some new materials instead of protesting based on myth and conspiracies. How long will they keep saying Obama wasn't born in America?
What is the Tea Bastard movement really about? I'll tell what they're about, they're a racist anti-black president movement that hides behind protests against higher taxes.
This is really getting old. You guys should come up with some new material.

The Teabaggers ought to come up with some new materials instead of protesting based on myth and conspiracies. How long will they keep saying Obama wasn't born in America?
You lump everyone together, just like many of the blind progressive Obama followers on this board. Let me ask you ... how long will the left continue to blame Bush for 9/11? How long will the left continue to blame Bush for Katrina?

I don't see Obama and his anti-American, Communist, socialist, progressive administrations attempt at fundamentally changing the outlook and landscape of this country as a myth or conspiracy. Oh no. It's real.
This is really getting old. You guys should come up with some new material.

The Teabaggers ought to come up with some new materials instead of protesting based on myth and conspiracies. How long will they keep saying Obama wasn't born in America?
You lump everyone together, just like many of the blind progressive Obama followers on this board. Let me ask you ... how long will the left continue to blame Bush for 9/11? How long will the left continue to blame Bush for Katrina?

I don't see Obama and his anti-American, Communist, socialist, progressive administrations attempt at fundamentally changing the outlook and landscape of this country as a myth or conspiracy. Oh no. It's real.

Not all Democrats agree with Obama and neither do all blacks, but you lump us altogether as being blind, maybe its the Tea Bastards that are blind, you jump on their bandwagon because they bash Obama. Bush can be blamed for some things but what can Obama really be blamed for except moving slowly to clean up Bush and the Republican's 8 years of mess? The socialist, communist accusations are mythological conspiracies cum lunancy, if you want a real communist country go to China, go to South Korea, go to Cuba, then you'll realize that you have paradise in the US under Obama. Ungrateful shithead.
What is the Tea Bastard movement really about? I'll tell what they're about, they're a racist anti-black president movement that hides behind protests against higher taxes.

I thought I'd give you one more try.. yawn .. It's like deja vu... all over again..

Obama will be out out of office in 2014... I'll check back then...

But... To group a movement of American citizens into your myopic nut shell is only a refection of limited and somewhat bigoted knowledge. Clean up your act it's simply drool and foaming lips..
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The Teabaggers ought to come up with some new materials instead of protesting based on myth and conspiracies. How long will they keep saying Obama wasn't born in America?
You lump everyone together, just like many of the blind progressive Obama followers on this board. Let me ask you ... how long will the left continue to blame Bush for 9/11? How long will the left continue to blame Bush for Katrina?

I don't see Obama and his anti-American, Communist, socialist, progressive administrations attempt at fundamentally changing the outlook and landscape of this country as a myth or conspiracy. Oh no. It's real.

Not all Democrats agree with Obama and neither do all blacks, but you lump us altogether as being blind, maybe its the Tea Bastards that are blind, you jump on their bandwagon because they bash Obama. Bush can be blamed for some things but what can Obama really be blamed for except moving slowly to clean up Bush and the Republican's 8 years of mess? The socialist, communist accusations are mythological conspiracies cum lunancy, if you want a real communist country go to China, go to South Korea, go to Cuba, then you'll realize that you have paradise in the US under Obama. Ungrateful shithead.

Ungrateful? :lol::lol::lol: We're supposed to thank our politicians for trashing our Constitution.... :lol::lol::lol::lol: Fuck off you racist ass.

Plug in your brain, your stupidity is showing. Your first post in this thread lumped all TEA partiers together as racist, birther whackjobs then complain that we do likewise. What a fucking moron. God help us if you are the standard of intellect in the US Army. Happily I know this is not the case.... you're the exception - the stupid that slipped through the process.
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What is the Tea Bastard movement really about? I'll tell what they're about, they're a racist anti-black president movement that hides behind protests against higher taxes.

I thought I'd give you one more try.. yawn .. It's like deja vu... all over again..

Obama will be out out of office in 2014... I check back then...

But... To group a movement of American citizens into your myopic nut shell is only a refection of limited and somewhat bigoted knowledge. Clean up your act it's simply drool and foaming lips..

Fail-go's lips are so firmly attached to Obama's ass that it's hard for him to speak coherently.
You lump everyone together, just like many of the blind progressive Obama followers on this board. Let me ask you ... how long will the left continue to blame Bush for 9/11? How long will the left continue to blame Bush for Katrina?

I don't see Obama and his anti-American, Communist, socialist, progressive administrations attempt at fundamentally changing the outlook and landscape of this country as a myth or conspiracy. Oh no. It's real.

Not all Democrats agree with Obama and neither do all blacks, but you lump us altogether as being blind, maybe its the Tea Bastards that are blind, you jump on their bandwagon because they bash Obama. Bush can be blamed for some things but what can Obama really be blamed for except moving slowly to clean up Bush and the Republican's 8 years of mess? The socialist, communist accusations are mythological conspiracies cum lunancy, if you want a real communist country go to China, go to South Korea, go to Cuba, then you'll realize that you have paradise in the US under Obama. Ungrateful shithead.

Ungrateful? :lol::lol::lol: We're supposed to thank our politicians for trashing our Constitution.... :lol::lol::lol::lol: Fuck off you racist ass.

Plug in your brain, your stupidity is showing. Your first post in this thread lumped all TEA partiers together as racist, birther whackjobs then complain that we do likewise. What a fucking moron. God help us if you are the standard of intellect in the US Army. Happily I know this is not the case.... you're the exception - the stupid that slipped through the process.

All Tea Bastards are dipshits because either they're racist or they complain about not having it good enough and can't see how good they already have it. Either way you cut it, Tea Bastards are so stupid that they can be lumped together.

As a soldier who made E-7 in 11 years my intellect cannot be denied, the intellect of a racist like you is lacking, but LOL, I'm not mad at you.

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