What The? OFA Borrows 15 Million From BAC


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I thought the Obama deus ex $$$ machina had it ALL under control???

"Even CBS News is now calling it Foreign-Donor-Gate.
Hundreds of millions donated to the Obama campaign may be illegal - but Obama’s people are shrugging their shoulders, laughing all the way to the bank. They consider the foreign donor funds to be untraceable and unknowable.

Back in 2008, two-thirds of Obama’s fundraising haul during the final phases of his campaign were untraceable .
This election cycle it is much worse: 70% of the donations through Obama.com are from foreign sources, and only 2% have records kept on them.
The vast majority are less than $50 and, as such, no records are required by law to be kept.

Tracing The Vast Untraceable Donations Of Obama’s Donorgate | Republican Party of Milwaukee County

SO Why...
Obama Campaign Borrows $15M from Bank of America due Nov 14,2012???

Warren Buffett invested $5B in BofA last year and Obama For America took out a $15 million loan from Bank of America last month, according to the campaign’s October monthly FEC report. The loan was incurred on September 4 and is due November 14, eight days after the election. OFA received an interest rate of 2.5% plus the current Libor rate.
Obama Campaign Borrows $15M from Bank of America | Washington Free Beacon
[Why not? Rates are cheap, Warren Buffet invested five billion in B of A to keep it afloat, so the terms are generous. The guy raises a billion dollars from the Saudis, Iran, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Russia, Kenya, the Chicomms and he still needs another fifteen mill to finish his campaign. Mebbe its because of all those individual state recount lawsuits he intends to file and have overturned, Al Franken and Christine Gregoire style, after the votes are tallied. He obviously intends to remain America's president by hook or by crook. Christopher Stevens couldn't be reached for comment.]

"Obama For America took out a $15 million loan from Bank of America last month, according to the campaign’s October monthly FEC report. The loan was incurred on September 4 and is due November 14, eight days after the election. OFA received an interest rate of 2.5% plus the current Libor rate.

Warren Buffett, Obama donor and namesake of the infamous “Buffett Rule,” invested $5 billion in Bank of America last year in an effort to help the ailing financial institution. Last month, two weeks after OFA took out the loan, Bank of America announced a plan that would lay off 16,000 workers by the end of the year.

Obama has a complicated relationship with Bank of America. The bank contributed $20 million toward the cost of the Democrat National Convention earlier this year. Bank of America stadium, home to the Carolina Panthers, was supposed to host Obama’s acceptance speech. At the last moment, the campaign switched to a significantly smaller venue. The campaign claimed that an impending storm would not allow the President to deliver his address. Many questioned whether move was made because the campaign was having trouble filling such a large stadium.

It is unclear why the first $1 billion campaign needed an extra $15 million for the final two months of the campaign."

Obama Campaign Borrows $15M from Bank of America | Washington Free Beacon
Right... most under $50 from foreign countries' GIFT cards UNTRACEABLE
by Debbie @ Right Truth: Why is the Obama campaign borrowing $15M from Bank of America?

Is the Obama campaign broke? We all know how freely they spend money and how obnoxious they have been about sending out pathetic emails begging for a few dollars. Washington Free Beacon , via Drudge.

Obama For America took out.a $15 million loan from Bank of America last month, according to the campaign’s October monthly FEC report. The loan was incurred on September 4 and is due November 14, eight days after the election. OFA received an interest rate of 2.5% plus the current Libor rate. [snip] Obama-BOA-szep_hopefullyposter

It is unclear why the first $1 billion campaign needed an extra $15 million for the final two months of the campaign.

There's more info at the Beacon.

Seems the Obama campaign is running on hope, spending and borrowing like there is no tomorrow. Even all those illegal foreign donations can't save Obama. May their hopes be dashed come election day.

The righties keep getting more desperate with the conspiracy theories. It must be so frustrating for them, that they can't get anyone else to care.

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