What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

He shot an unarmed woman holding a baby. Unless he was SS working for Himler, there was no excuse for that. Cops are only supposed to kill people who are a clear and immediate threat to the lives of others.

How often are snipers deployed when that's not the case?


What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

1 Jun 2022 ~~ By Andrew McCarthy

The senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee is demanding that the Justice Department and the FBI investigate the bureau’s top agent in Washington, D.C., over his social-media posts, which are highly partisan — I know, I know, you’ll never guess for which side!
Tim Thibault runs the FBI’s Washington field office which, naturally, handles many of federal law enforcement’s most politically charged investigations. He’s been at the FBI for a quarter-century, is a longtime supervisory agent, and also held top counterterrorism posts.
Turns out, agent Thibault has a very active, highly political presence on LinkedIn, among other platforms. And no, to scrutinize that presence is not to deny that police officials are American citizens who, like everyone else, are entitled to have and to express political views. To attract people to his social-media accounts, Thibault appears to be brandishing his FBI credentials, with the implication that his status and experience give him special insight into the subjects of his ding battery.
As the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy reports, Thibault’s public commentary takes aim at Republicans, the Trump administration, the Justice Department under then-attorney general Bill Barr, the American South, and the Catholic Church, among others.
As echoed by our editorial today on the Michael Sussmann acquittal, it is disheartening to watch, day after day, how infection by partisan politics has degraded a great American institution.

When the agents of the FBI begin arresting law abiding citizens for political reasons and tamper with evidence you have to stop and ask why and come to the conclusion that those with corrupted with power in the FBI have adopted the methods of the ill-famed East German STASI.
The realization that corruption can be so thorough and deep yet presents a seemingly clear and convincing appearance of integrity and professionalism...no one wants to believe it, so there's an urge to always look the other way, but when it keeps slapping you in the face---especially in such a personal and poignant way---it can be tremendous blow to an "establishment" mindset.
The Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left and RINO's love to describe how Trump corrupts his supporters but it’s becoming increasingly obvious he has more completely exposed the corrupted and seditious in far larger numbers his opponents.
NR is typically the last to notice
It's not murder if they are given a chance to surrender and refuse.

You imagine the baby was given a chance to surrender and refuse? How about Weaver's wife and son? Do you imagine the women and children at Waco were given a chance to surrender?
We have known about the FBI since the Richard Jewell fiasco
No finer firsthand example.One that is indubitably sound and
most Americans can relate around.If not for a valiantly brave
and courageous Lawyer,Jewell would have been used as a
pawn { more like rook } in the game playing the FBI became
accustomed.The reason was simple.The FBI had an agent on the
ground at that Olympics festive event who was kinda goofin' off
and not doing his job.It was Jewell who as a mere security guard,
was the one who noticed that Backpack left unattended in a
strategic spot under a sitting bench.
That FBI agent needed to make a laughing stock out of Richard
Jewell instead of owning-up to his own total lack of professional awareness.
This is NOT the same FBI as portrayed by James Stewart in :
- The FBI Story - { 1959 }

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