What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

He knew a woman standing in a doorway holding a baby wasn't a threat to any agent of the FBI or police officer on the scene. You quit your job before you follow those kinds of orders. Otherwise, you're guilty.

Got to love Monday morning quarterbacks. You wasn't there, you don't know what he knew.


What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

1 Jun 2022 ~~ By Andrew McCarthy

The senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee is demanding that the Justice Department and the FBI investigate the bureau’s top agent in Washington, D.C., over his social-media posts, which are highly partisan — I know, I know, you’ll never guess for which side!
Tim Thibault runs the FBI’s Washington field office which, naturally, handles many of federal law enforcement’s most politically charged investigations. He’s been at the FBI for a quarter-century, is a longtime supervisory agent, and also held top counterterrorism posts.
Turns out, agent Thibault has a very active, highly political presence on LinkedIn, among other platforms. And no, to scrutinize that presence is not to deny that police officials are American citizens who, like everyone else, are entitled to have and to express political views. To attract people to his social-media accounts, Thibault appears to be brandishing his FBI credentials, with the implication that his status and experience give him special insight into the subjects of his ding battery.
As the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy reports, Thibault’s public commentary takes aim at Republicans, the Trump administration, the Justice Department under then-attorney general Bill Barr, the American South, and the Catholic Church, among others.
As echoed by our editorial today on the Michael Sussmann acquittal, it is disheartening to watch, day after day, how infection by partisan politics has degraded a great American institution.

When the agents of the FBI begin arresting law abiding citizens for political reasons and tamper with evidence you have to stop and ask why and come to the conclusion that those with corrupted with power in the FBI have adopted the methods of the ill-famed East German STASI.
The realization that corruption can be so thorough and deep yet presents a seemingly clear and convincing appearance of integrity and professionalism...no one wants to believe it, so there's an urge to always look the other way, but when it keeps slapping you in the face---especially in such a personal and poignant way---it can be tremendous blow to an "establishment" mindset.
The Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left and RINO's love to describe how Trump corrupts his supporters but it’s becoming increasingly obvious he has more completely exposed the corrupted and seditious in far larger numbers his opponents.

The FBI is no longer salvageable......it must be disbanded and the agents sent out of government service..........it is now an enforcement arm of the democrat party, their gestapo..........it is sad to say, but the FBI is over ........ and the sooner we dismantle it, the better off the country will be....
The lack of any evidence for any actual crimes kind of put a damper on that.

Remember, we haven't achieved you Stalinist utopia yet, so you can't use a kangaroo court to lock up your political opponents. But keep trying.

You guys are way ahead of us on that.....the Jan. 6 Soviet show trial, the FBI using known fake information to lie to Federal courts to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on and arrest enemies of the democrat party are way ahead of us.........
You dummy, a sniper isn't always aware of the whole scene/situation. He did his job, the one responsible is the one that gave the order.


Then the SAIC should be responsible and face charges, the same goes for the killing of the 14 yr. old boy that was shot because the dog exposed his hide.
The FBI is no longer salvageable......it must be disbanded and the agents sent out of government service..........it is now an enforcement arm of the democrat party, their gestapo..........it is sad to say, but the FBI is over ........ and the sooner we dismantle it, the better off the country will be....
Indeed, that statement should include the DOJ, CIA, DNI and the 15 other alleged intelligence agencies created by Congress.

What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

1 Jun 2022 ~~ By Andrew McCarthy

The senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee is demanding that the Justice Department and the FBI investigate the bureau’s top agent in Washington, D.C., over his social-media posts, which are highly partisan — I know, I know, you’ll never guess for which side!
Tim Thibault runs the FBI’s Washington field office which, naturally, handles many of federal law enforcement’s most politically charged investigations. He’s been at the FBI for a quarter-century, is a longtime supervisory agent, and also held top counterterrorism posts.
Turns out, agent Thibault has a very active, highly political presence on LinkedIn, among other platforms. And no, to scrutinize that presence is not to deny that police officials are American citizens who, like everyone else, are entitled to have and to express political views. To attract people to his social-media accounts, Thibault appears to be brandishing his FBI credentials, with the implication that his status and experience give him special insight into the subjects of his ding battery.
As the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy reports, Thibault’s public commentary takes aim at Republicans, the Trump administration, the Justice Department under then-attorney general Bill Barr, the American South, and the Catholic Church, among others.
As echoed by our editorial today on the Michael Sussmann acquittal, it is disheartening to watch, day after day, how infection by partisan politics has degraded a great American institution.

When the agents of the FBI begin arresting law abiding citizens for political reasons and tamper with evidence you have to stop and ask why and come to the conclusion that those with corrupted with power in the FBI have adopted the methods of the ill-famed East German STASI.
The realization that corruption can be so thorough and deep yet presents a seemingly clear and convincing appearance of integrity and professionalism...no one wants to believe it, so there's an urge to always look the other way, but when it keeps slapping you in the face---especially in such a personal and poignant way---it can be tremendous blow to an "establishment" mindset.
The Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left and RINO's love to describe how Trump corrupts his supporters but it’s becoming increasingly obvious he has more completely exposed the corrupted and seditious in far larger numbers his opponents.
Obama destroyed that
I thought that opposing the government taking life without due process was supporting the Constitution and that supporting the government taking a life without due process was the act of a person who despises the Constitution and is actually an enemy of the State.
Perfect description of OKTexas. I don't understand these so-called "conservatives" who automatically defend the government when it violates the rights of American citizens.

What the Hell Has Happened to the FBI?

1 Jun 2022 ~~ By Andrew McCarthy

The senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee is demanding that the Justice Department and the FBI investigate the bureau’s top agent in Washington, D.C., over his social-media posts, which are highly partisan — I know, I know, you’ll never guess for which side!
Tim Thibault runs the FBI’s Washington field office which, naturally, handles many of federal law enforcement’s most politically charged investigations. He’s been at the FBI for a quarter-century, is a longtime supervisory agent, and also held top counterterrorism posts.
Turns out, agent Thibault has a very active, highly political presence on LinkedIn, among other platforms. And no, to scrutinize that presence is not to deny that police officials are American citizens who, like everyone else, are entitled to have and to express political views. To attract people to his social-media accounts, Thibault appears to be brandishing his FBI credentials, with the implication that his status and experience give him special insight into the subjects of his ding battery.
As the Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy reports, Thibault’s public commentary takes aim at Republicans, the Trump administration, the Justice Department under then-attorney general Bill Barr, the American South, and the Catholic Church, among others.
As echoed by our editorial today on the Michael Sussmann acquittal, it is disheartening to watch, day after day, how infection by partisan politics has degraded a great American institution.

When the agents of the FBI begin arresting law abiding citizens for political reasons and tamper with evidence you have to stop and ask why and come to the conclusion that those with corrupted with power in the FBI have adopted the methods of the ill-famed East German STASI.
The realization that corruption can be so thorough and deep yet presents a seemingly clear and convincing appearance of integrity and professionalism...no one wants to believe it, so there's an urge to always look the other way, but when it keeps slapping you in the face---especially in such a personal and poignant way---it can be tremendous blow to an "establishment" mindset.
The Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left and RINO's love to describe how Trump corrupts his supporters but it’s becoming increasingly obvious he has more completely exposed the corrupted and seditious in far larger numbers his opponents.

No one has been arrested for political reasons. Tampering with evidence is illegal. Once again Republicans attack free speech rights. The senior Republican and Andrew McCarthy are the partisans.
You got to love those who accept any tyranny their government dishes out like a lamb; may your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countryman.

Child, I worry more about what's happening today, no one can change what happened 29 years ago.

I skimmed the video, I'm not going to spend more than two hours watching a video not knowing who made it or what their agenda is.

A simple wiki search would have given you your answer.

"Waco: The Rules of Engagement is a 1997 documentary directed by William Gazecki about the 1993 Waco siege, a 51-day standoff beginning with the February 28 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms assault on the Branch Davidian church and home outside of Waco, Texas, and ending with the April 19 Federal Bureau of Investigation assault on the building which killed most of the inhabitants."

The film was spearheaded by gun rights activist turned filmmaker Michael McNulty who spent twenty-eight months and $400,000 developing the film.
What happened?

The Clinton Mob.

During the Bill Clinton Regime, the lower and middle ranks of the FBI were filled with radical leftists, Marxists and Stalinists. Over the decades, those lower and middle ranks have bubbled up to the top.

Look at the SHIT that leads the FBI. Robert "Mobbed Up" Mueller -openly on the payroll of Whitey Bulger. James Comey - and now Chris "Adolf" Wray.

Traitor Strzok, who lead a coup against a sitting president on behalf of Obama.

The FBI is a criminal organization.

You are part of a criminal organization. The Republican Party is a criminal organization.

The FBI is not being run by radicals. You are the one who wants corrupt the FBI.

Mueller, Comey and Wray have served and refused to allow the FBI to become Trump's Gestapo.

Strzok supported re-opening the Clinton investigation.
I once respected the FBI. My respect ended on the day an FBI sniper shot a woman holding a baby, and he wasn't disciplined because he was following orders.
Randy Weavers family. They set him up, then murdered his son and wife. Scum of the earth. Happens every time the Democrats are in charge.

Then there was the murder of 86 men, women and children because of Janet Reno.

THATS what set off the OKC bombing. Not okay, but that was the motivation. The ruthless Clinton years

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