What The "Discussion via Murtha" Has Wrought


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Via CNN:

(CNN) — An Arabic language news network has aired a video of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s top lieutenant, in which he called on U.S. President George W. Bush to admit defeat in Iraq.

Al-Jazeera said the video, which is about a minute long, was made in December.

According to CNN’s translation of the video, Ayman al-Zawahiri offers his condolences to Pakistan for the October 8 earthquake before congratulating fellow Muslims for what he says is a victory in Iraq.

He refers to a November 30 speech in which Bush reiterated the U.S. position that its military would leave Iraq once Iraqi forces were fully trained, without laying out a timetable.

The video, which had been edited, shows the gray-bearded al-Zawahiri seated, wearing glasses, a white headdress, a white sash, a gray shirt and a clip-on microphone.

As he speaks, he is constantly pointing at the camera with his right hand, but his voice remains calm. Behind him is a gun propped up on a brown wall.

The video has English subtitles and shows the logo of the production company, As-Sahab, which has produced previous al Qaeda videos as well as videos from the 9/11 bombers.

Here is the full translation of the video as it aired on Al-Jazeera:

“Even though I send my condolences to my Islamic nation for the tragedy of the earthquake in Pakistan, today I congratulate everyone for the victory in Iraq. You remember, my dear Muslim brethren, what I told you more than a year ago, that the U.S. troops will pull out of Iraq. It was only a matter of time.

“Here they are now and in the blessing of God begging to pull out, seeking negotiations with the mujahedeen. And here is Bush who was forced to announce at the end of last November that he will be pulling his troops out of Iraq.

“He uses the pretext that the Iraqi forces reached a high level of preparedness. But he doesn’t have a timetable for the pullout.

“If all of his troops — air force, army — are begging for a way to get out of Iraq, will the liars, traitors and infidels succeed in what the world superpower failed to achieve in Iraq?

“You have set the timetable for the withdrawal a long time ago and Bush, you have to admit that you were defeated in Iraq, you are being defeated in Afghanistan, and you will be defeated in Palestine, God willing.”​

Hmmm, ya think the enemy has been paying attention to what’s been said amongst the cut and run crowd?

Thank you, Rep. Murtha, and the Democrats and you Rhinos in our Congress of our United States of America. You all should be proud, to be quoted by a terrorist who tried to destroy our country in one day, and may you all sleep well at night? :puke3:
While Murtha and others have served in the military and deserve thanks for that, a lot of these guys have been politicians for far longer than they served. Their knowledge of current military culture, training, operations or anything else is VERY dated. Service in the military does not necessarily make one an expert in foreign affairs, strategic planning anything else.
CSM said:
While Murtha and others have served in the military and deserve thanks for that, a lot of these guys have been politicians for far longer than they served. Their knowledge of current military culture, training, operations or anything else is VERY dated. Service in the military does not necessarily make one an expert in foreign affairs, strategic planning anything else.

Yeah, I really love the part where ANY criticism of Murtha's actions as a liberal Congressman are twisted into attacking his service in the Corps. He isn't "Representative Murtha" -- he's "37-year Marine Corps vet Murtha."
GunnyL said:
Yeah, I really love the part where ANY criticism of Murtha's actions as a liberal Congressman are twisted into attacking his service in the Corps. He isn't "Representative Murtha" -- he's "37-year Marine Corps vet Murtha."

Oh, that reminds me, I forgot to link to two videos, found here:


By Michelle Malkin · January 07, 2006 11:05 AM

Sgt. Mark Seavey was outnumbered, but not alone at the moonbat townhall hosted by Reps. Jim Moran and John Murtha last week. Near the end of the marathon session, a Vietnam veteran, General Wagner, stepped up to the microphone to deliver a message from the mother of an Iraqi war vet who gave his life for his country and for the mission. After reading a scathing letter addressed to Murtha, Wagner talked about his own experience in Vietnam:

and here:


By Michelle Malkin · January 07, 2006 06:05 AM

This. Is. Priceless.

As I noted in the post just below, Sgt. Mark Seavey confronted Democrat Reps. Jim Moran and John Murtha at a town hall meeting in Arlington, Va., earlier this week and left the moonbats momentarily speechless. Greyhawk transcribed Sgt. Seavey's comments. I have now isolated and captured the video clip from C-Span for educational purposes and for posterity:
Although I disapprove of Bush's handling of the war militarily speaking I still firmly believe that once we are there we should not retreat and moreover we should increase our enemy kill counts without regard to public opinion here or in Iraq.

With that said, Murtha, Boxer, Turban Durbin and all these other assholes should be tried for treason. When did the saying "politics stops at the water's edge" go away? Was I fucking asleep that day? Did I miss the memo?
What do you mean when you describe your topic as "Murtha verses Discussion?" I think Murtha encourages discussion. I also think GWB would rather not. Dictatorship? Pay attention. We, Americans, are on a downhill slide and an uphill battle.

Once again, the WORLD is emperiled in a religious war. THEY, nor WE will win this one. As history reflects, WE will fight again another day and another time. Why are the teachings of Jesus so ignored by those that profess such a belief in them?

Mr. Murtha was a fine soldier and is certainly entitled toany honest opinion he has for having represented his country HOWEVER........................

are his thoughts really his or the sentiments of his constituents who are looking to plug a big name who is influencial for later when they run the hILDABEAST!!! I would hate to think such a fine man has become so influenced by the filth that exists in our nations capital.
Psychoblues said:
What do you mean when you describe your topic as "Murtha verses Discussion?" I think Murtha encourages discussion. I also think GWB would rather not. Dictatorship? Pay attention. We, Americans, are on a downhill slide and an uphill battle.

Once again, the WORLD is emperiled in a religious war. THEY, nor WE will win this one. As history reflects, WE will fight again another day and another time. Why are the teachings of Jesus so ignored by those that profess such a belief in them?


self description??
OCA said:
Although I disapprove of Bush's handling of the war militarily speaking I still firmly believe that once we are there we should not retreat and moreover we should increase our enemy kill counts without regard to public opinion here or in Iraq.

With that said, Murtha, Boxer, Turban Durbin and all these other assholes should be tried for treason. When did the saying "politics stops at the water's edge" go away? Was I fucking asleep that day? Did I miss the memo?

The part about "without regard to public opinion here or in Iraq" I have to disagree with. If the majority of Iraqs citizens don't want us there then we should leave, period. It just seems pretty cut and dried to me..no pun intended.

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