What the Chauvin trial reveals.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The Derek Chauvin trial is revealing a dangerous drop in intelligence in the United States presided over by media, academia, and politics. Americans old enough to remember the verdict in the 1995 OJ Simpson double murder trial witnessed no mass rioting by whites even though Simpson was clearly guilty. Simpson, a black celebrity, killed his estranged wife’s lover by slashing his throat and nearly decapitated her with a knife that was never found.

Simpson then got an airplane with a severely cut hand and fled the scene. What followed was an almost cartoon-like caricature of the US legal system where the venue was changed to make use of a racially tainted population that virtually guaranteed a not guilty finding. The prosecution was comically incompetent relying on the new science of DNA, overwhelming an IQ-challenged jury that could barley comprehend ABC. In defense of the jury, they also knew that if they did not ignore the obvious evidence and free Simpson they would likely have been murdered by an angry mob. Once again, after the verdict, no rioting by whites.

In the ensuing 26 years American higher education, in particular liberal arts, has shifted from educating to indoctrinating and with emergence social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, white intelligence has plummeted to levels so low that life expectancy has dropped in the United States. The resounding theme in American education and its arm banded propaganda media today is that white Americans are bad and must be ethnically cleansed by marginalized minorities via Critical Race Theory with help of “good” whites in order to save democracy.

George Floyd was the victim of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action, not Derek Chauvin. The destruction of the nuclear family by white intellectuals put Floyd on the pavement that day so loaded with drugs that his heart gave out. So, in essence, Floyd did die at the hands of White Supremacy imposed on him by white elites that have ruined America by inciting groups to overthrow the country and rebuild it in the image of socialist academic and political aristocracy.

Our system is in dire straits. A ballot stuffed election is the least of our problems. The intelligence of many Americans is so low that they could easily be persuaded to give up all their freedoms and liberties. Meanwhile cities will burn if we do not comply with the plan. Stay tuned.
Adding insult to injury
Rule by Fiat: When the Government Does Whatever It Wants

George Floyd was the victim of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action, not Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd was the victim of Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for eight minutes cutting off oxygen.

All while being handcuffed and surrounded by three armed policemen
George Floyd was the victim of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action, not Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd was the victim of Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for eight minutes cutting off oxygen.

All while being handcuffed and surrounded by three armed policemen
Floyd was a victim of his own resisting arrest. No resisting, no knee on the neck.
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George Floyd was the victim of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action, not Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd was the victim of Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for eight minutes cutting off oxygen.

All while being handcuffed and surrounded by three armed policemen
Floyd was a victim of his own resisting arrest. No resisting, no knee of the neck.

He was not resisting for 8 minutes
Unconscious is not resisting

I watched 8 minutes of video, I did not see a man resisting
George Floyd was the victim of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action, not Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd was the victim of Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for eight minutes cutting off oxygen.

All while being handcuffed and surrounded by three armed policemen
Floyd was a victim of his own resisting arrest. No resisting, no knee of the neck.

He was not resisting for 8 minutes
Unconscious is not resisting

I watched 8 minutes of video, I did not see a man resisting
Then you didn't see the whole altercation. Blacks resist arrest because they all want their $10 million like Rodney King. Either that, or they are all just fucking stupid not to realize that they could die if they resist arrest.
Oh Raymond you are funny. Our justice system has been a mess since day one. The wealthy have always received a much different level of justice than the rest of us. It’s a corrupt system by design. Like nearly everything in our society, money wins.
George Floyd was the victim of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action, not Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd was the victim of Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for eight minutes cutting off oxygen.

All while being handcuffed and surrounded by three armed policemen
Floyd died of an drug overdose, the world is a better place without him.
The reference to the OJSimpson trial is apropos.

That spectacle, which played out on our TV screens nightly for almost a year, elevated criminal advocacy - and public advocacy in general - to a level never before seen in American society. Rather than being appalled at the Defense team lying, misrepresenting, slandering, obstructing, and otherwise distorting reality to make their case, America became fascinated at witnessing this team of advocates turning reality on its head - SUCCESSFULLY! Rather than scorning that team of scoundrels, they became folk heroes to many. They established to principle that you don't have to be RIGHT in what you are advocating, you just need to be able to make your case in a way that SEEMS right.

And so we have a million examples on the nightly news every evening. Protests against endemic police depravity - that doesn't actually exist. Wailing about mistreatment of people on our southern border who should not be there in the first place. Whining about student debt, as though it were something that an evil supernatural power imposed on former college students, mainly Black ones, rather than just loans that they voluntarily applied for and happily took.

We are fucked up.
George Floyd was the victim of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action, not Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd was the victim of Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for eight minutes cutting off oxygen.

All while being handcuffed and surrounded by three armed policemen

You had no problem when the police were doing this:.....................................and you still don't have a problem today with allowing the gestapo to drag people with masks. Spare us your hollow words.

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George Floyd was the victim of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action, not Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd was the victim of Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck for eight minutes cutting off oxygen.

All while being handcuffed and surrounded by three armed policemen
What an ignorant claim----it is very very very hard to cut off someones airsupply. It's why so many stranglers leave survivors...

Its impossible to suffocate someone to death without leaving bruising and broken neck bones. You shouldn't post Right, if you are going to lie or don't understand basic anatomy.
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And so we have a million examples on the nightly news every evening. Protests against endemic police depravity - that doesn't actually exist. Wailing about mistreatment of people on our southern border who should not be there in the first place. Whining about student debt, as though it were something that an evil supernatural power imposed on former college students, mainly Black ones, rather than just loans that they voluntarily applied for and happily took.
Hyperbole is not a strong argument- FYI- that's what alleged liberals do- police depravity does exist- there is nothing wrong with being at a border- IF you want to end that, support FREE markets- student dent affects white people too- it's a scam to dumb down the populace and allow theft to be institutional- think about that.

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