CDZ What Socialist Policies in the U.S. Have Ever Worked?

However, the military procurement system is Government run and woefully inefficient, costly, and poorly run.
That's cronyism, not socialism.

You said the socialist Government run programs mentioned in the OP were never intended to make money.

All of them have lost trillions. I will now ask for a third time, are Government socialist programs like the Green New Deal or Medicare for all also intended to not make money and cost we the people trillions?

It is a simple question, not sure why you keep avoiding it. :)

I have news for you, air polution costs we the people a great deal. For 200,000 people a year, it costs them their life.
Perfectly clean air, ala, no industry, work, cars, trucks, planes or jobs would cost us MILLIONS of people per year in famine.

Should be up to us as voters to decide, not just the wealthy elite stockholders.
I personally do not believe the whole New Green Deal is practical, but some parts may be.
The green new deal is a starting place. Some things will be practical, some things won't. As technology advances more may become doable, and some things may not need to be done.
Trump gave the farmers $24Billion in aid (on top of their yearly subsidies). Was that bit of vivid socialism a failure
Really? our education system has failed this country miserably...the yearly subsidies are the socialism not the aid package, and the aid package is necessary because the socialist policy of yearly subsidies is failing us/the farmers, so yes it was a failure, but the social education provided by the socialists made it less vivid to you but achieved its goal of making you dependent upon them [requiring your vote if you want to stay viable]...aid packages are how capitalists do business [give money only when needed] and yearly subsidies are how socialists do business [give money on a regular schedule, needed or not, so that the socialists are needed] it makes the recipients dependent...
you have little or no understanding of the two principles

Okay...somehow with our "failing education system" we created more wealth than any nation in history, the strongest military, the most benevolent nation on the planet when it comes to foreign assistance, easily the most benign super power in the history of the planet, and the best standard of living...ever...period.
We won WWII via outright socialism and virtually nationalizing the means of production. Right wing forms of Capitalism and Tax Cut economics has shown right wingers cannot with their (social) wars via Capitalism.

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