What should really send a chill down the spine of Trump backers

and another gnat thread...

First off it was the President's right to fire Comey. Secondly it wasn't Congress that appointed the Special Prosecutor. AND third, it was Comey's leak of this memo claiming Trump had asked him to stop the investigation into Flynn despite no order being given that brought about the appointment of Mueller and his D team of lawyers.

Moronic "defense" of the orange piece of lard's administration.......Mueller is the special counsel.....He will do his thorough job......His finding will not bode well for the orange clown......LIVE WITH THAT REALITY......
First off it was the President's right to fire Comey. Secondly it wasn't Congress that appointed the Special Prosecutor. AND third, it was Comey's leak of this memo claiming Trump had asked him to stop the investigation into Flynn despite no order being given that brought about the appointment of Mueller and his D team of lawyers.

Moronic "defense" of the orange piece of lard's administration.......Mueller is the special counsel.....He will do his thorough job......His finding will not bode well for the orange clown......LIVE WITH THAT REALITY......

Mueller's bias and his teams bias will undermine any credibility he has. Four law partners of Jamie Gorelick including Mueller are on this investigation. It's a witch hunt.
The media have been vile assholes long before Trump. Trump just drove them to madness because he would not be cowed.

Your pretense that anything ANY republican candidate does could lead to fair or just treatment reveals you to be a complete liar without a shred of honesty in your body, or delusional to the point of barking at the moon crazy.

Remember when McCain ran, and they suddenly discovered he was "racist" and "dangerously hot headed"?

And now, that he is back to bad mouthing republicans, now they forgot that and like him again.

WHat a bunch of asshole motherfuckers.


The deal with McCain was so blatant. Whoopsies! All of a sudden poor John wasn't "mavericky" any more.

It is incredible to me that way liberals can turn their entire world view on a dime, based on what serves their purpose at that particular moment.

And then turn it BACK, without the slightest hesitation.

One perfect example recently that was just mind blowing was over Comey. Perfect example of how truly deranged the left is.

10 Times Democrats Slammed James Comey, Called For His Firing


10 Times Democrats Slammed James Comey, Called For His Firing

Katie Pavlich

Posted: May 10, 2017 11:00 AM


A number of Democrats in Washington D.C. this morning are expressing outrage over President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey. But it wasn't long ago that many of them called Comey unfit for public office, said they lacked confidence in his ability to lead the Bureau and called for his firing.

1. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

Schumer now claiming he told Trump firing Comey was a bad idea. Flashback to November. pic.twitter.com/lf3fyBZrR0

— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) May 9, 2017
2. Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler

Make up your mind, dude pic.twitter.com/uRW3QGIGd5

— Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) May 9, 2017
3. Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann wants Donald Trump impeached for listening to Keith Olbermann pic.twitter.com/fm1ZfiY6Ar

— Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) May 9, 2017
4. Democratic National Committee

FLASHBACK: Dem Official Submits DNC Resolution Blaming James Comey For 2016 Loss Dem Official Submits DNC Resolution Blaming Comey For 2016 Loss pic.twitter.com/3DmnR7YSX7

— The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 10, 2017
5. Former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta

The American public is getting mildly nauseous listening to Jim Comey James Comey’s Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate

— John Podesta (@johnpodesta) May 9, 2017
6. Think Progress (founded by John Podesta) Justice Editor Ian Millhiser

7. Liberal Newsweek columnist Kurt Eichenwald

Read my new column,n for @Newsweek: James Comey is unfit for public service and must be fired. In Opinion: FBI Director James Comey is unfit for public service

— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) November 7, 2016
8. House Leader Nancy Pelosi

9. Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

10. Former head of the Congressional Black Caucus G.K. Butterfield

"I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion,” said Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.), former head of the Congressional Black Caucus. “He embarrassed this nation, he possibly influenced the outcome of a presidential election, and he should not hold any position of trust, whatsoever, in our government.”

10 Times Democrats Slammed James Comey, Called For His Firing

Trump fired the man who was investigating him

Blunder on his part. By firing Comey, Congress had no recourse to naming a Special Prosecutor

First off it was the President's right to fire Comey. Secondly it wasn't Congress that appointed the Special Prosecutor. AND third, it was Comey's leak of this memo claiming Trump had asked him to stop the investigation into Flynn despite no order being given that brought about the appointment of Mueller and his D team of lawyers.

Mueller is a Rock Star and no amount of angry Trump tweets will soil his reputation
Mueller has established a highly qualified investigative team who will get to the bottom of the Russian issue

Unlike Comey, who bit at Trumps taunts, Mueller is above it all. He is staying low key as he goes about his business

I am willing to accept Muellers conclusions if they exonerate Trump...are you willing to accept them if he finds wrong doing?
Mueller's bias and his teams bias will undermine any credibility he has. Four law partners of Jamie Gorelick including Mueller are on this investigation. It's a witch hunt.

Lots of crooked witches are caught in "witch hunts"......But I thought you right wing morons had NO cares about the pure "innocence" of the orange lardo???
Now you're bitching that an investigation may actually harm and upset the orange paragon of demagoguery???

Why the switch?
No problem. Listen, I grew up in the city punctuated by trips to the wild to hunt deer because we were an immigrant family and the head of that family said that's what Americans do. I shot very few deer. While I love eating them, I already felt a little guilty shooting them. Anyway, there were two modes of thought on drawing deer in. One was to put a bunch of chemicals out that smelled like stuff they liked and make all kinds of deep like noise. The other was to be where deer hang out, sit quietly and wait for a deer to slip up and give you a shoot. I preferred the latter and I also got more deer then he other guys. You havenTeump under a spotlight now and all you are doing is watching Trump. If y'all would shit up and just watch maybe you would be vindicated. As it is now you are just solidifying the base and making the fence sitters feel put off. Relax man.
They've been "watching" President Trump for almost a year and have found NOTHING... times up... time to move on... America wants the left to just STFU about this BS and GET REAL.

Not me. I want them on TV every night. I want all the crazy horse stabbers they have out in force 24/7.
Yeah. Mueller is a Democrat GOD!

NO, Mueller is an honest, objective and professional American.....and your worst nightmare.

So Hillary have up top secret information and so did Comey. They leaked information that others would be thrown in jail for.

So what laws is Trump accused of breaking? I forget.

Oh yea, his son met with a Russian who was let into the country by Obama's Loretta Lynch because they did not have a Visa. Then the Russian tells Trumps son she has some information on Hillary, but lied and had nothing. No set up there. Nothing to see here!

My bad.

Yea, Trump is the bad guy.
The investigations against Donald John Trump will net you nothing. Mueller will do his job but when it is all done with the only thing I will be reading from the left is how Mueller is a flunky for Trump because Mueller did not find something to impeach and remove Trump.
The investigations against Donald John Trump will net you nothing. Mueller will do his job but when it is all done with the only thing I will be reading from the left is how Mueller is a flunky for Trump because Mueller did not find something to impeach and remove Trump.

I seriously doubt if Mueller will find much on Trump personally. Especially anything indictable

Any leader involved in questionable activities knows not to get personally involved but to let underlings make the actual contacts. I suspect Trump has maintained plausible deniability

What will happen is that Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Lil' Donnie will be up to their armpits in questionable contacts with the Russians and failure to report those contacts. Unless they cop a plea and reveal what Trump knew, Trump will get out of this with just the humiliation of an election victory tainted by Russian interference

Presidential pardons to follow
I seriously doubt if Mueller will find much on Trump personally. Especially anything indictable

Any leader involved in questionable activities knows not to get personally involved but to let underlings make the actual contacts. I suspect Trump has maintained plausible deniability

What will happen is that Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Lil' Donnie will be up to their armpits in questionable contacts with the Russians and failure to report those contacts. Unless they cop a plea and reveal what Trump knew, Trump will get out of this with just the humiliation of an election victory tainted by Russian interference

Presidential pardons to follow

I fully agree......Trump himself will neither be indicted nor ever impeached...and actually, no decent "spy" would have ever trusted an orange buffoon to pull off any decent subterfuge.

Most likely,however, is a Trump resignation, urged on by republicans who see the Trump "brand" as a liability to their own sorry asses.

No doubt in my mind that Mueller's investigation will divulge a whole bunch of ethical, questionable behaviors along the lines of emolument breaches and financial misdeeds....not along the lines of outright criminality but very unsavory behaviors.

Slice it any way your biases dictate, but if Trump and his followers thought that his would be an outstanding administration, that estimation is only agreed upon by morons.
I seriously doubt if Mueller will find much on Trump personally. Especially anything indictable

Any leader involved in questionable activities knows not to get personally involved but to let underlings make the actual contacts. I suspect Trump has maintained plausible deniability

What will happen is that Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Lil' Donnie will be up to their armpits in questionable contacts with the Russians and failure to report those contacts. Unless they cop a plea and reveal what Trump knew, Trump will get out of this with just the humiliation of an election victory tainted by Russian interference

Presidential pardons to follow

I fully agree......Trump himself will neither be indicted nor ever impeached...and actually, no decent "spy" would have ever trusted an orange buffoon to pull off any decent subterfuge.

Most likely,however, is a Trump resignation, urged on by republicans who see the Trump "brand" as a liability to their own sorry asses.

No doubt in my mind that Mueller's investigation will divulge a whole bunch of ethical, questionable behaviors along the lines of emolument breaches and financial misdeeds....not along the lines of outright criminality but very unsavory behaviors.

Slice it any way your biases dictate, but if Trump and his followers thought that his would be an outstanding administration, that estimation is only agreed upon by morons.

I seriously doubt Trump would resign without the threat of impeachment
He will go out like Reagan with Iran/Contra.....nothing to pin on Trump except for inept leadership

There will be a slew of charges against his team and it may only mean a lesser role for Kushner who will resign so that he can take care of his personal business empire and Trump will give a Medal of Freedom and pardon from prosecution

Trump supporters will not care. They will only gloat that they won regardless of how sleazy that victory was

Mueller's bias and his teams bias will undermine any credibility he has. Four law partners of Jamie Gorelick including Mueller are on this investigation. It's a witch hunt.

Lots of crooked witches are caught in "witch hunts"......But I thought you right wing morons had NO cares about the pure "innocence" of the orange lardo???
Now you're bitching that an investigation may actually harm and upset the orange paragon of demagoguery???

Why the switch?
we don't care what you all bring up because we already know it is a nothing burger. Most everyone now has stated such. But we mindlessly have to shut down the spiritual advances by the left claiming russia russia to remind you all how fked up you all are. you be fked up dude. No change from yesterday, last week, last month, last year.
I seriously doubt if Mueller will find much on Trump personally. Especially anything indictable

Any leader involved in questionable activities knows not to get personally involved but to let underlings make the actual contacts. I suspect Trump has maintained plausible deniability

What will happen is that Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Lil' Donnie will be up to their armpits in questionable contacts with the Russians and failure to report those contacts. Unless they cop a plea and reveal what Trump knew, Trump will get out of this with just the humiliation of an election victory tainted by Russian interference

Presidential pardons to follow

I fully agree......Trump himself will neither be indicted nor ever impeached...and actually, no decent "spy" would have ever trusted an orange buffoon to pull off any decent subterfuge.

Most likely,however, is a Trump resignation, urged on by republicans who see the Trump "brand" as a liability to their own sorry asses.

No doubt in my mind that Mueller's investigation will divulge a whole bunch of ethical, questionable behaviors along the lines of emolument breaches and financial misdeeds....not along the lines of outright criminality but very unsavory behaviors.

Slice it any way your biases dictate, but if Trump and his followers thought that his would be an outstanding administration, that estimation is only agreed upon by morons.

Aerosmith had a song you'd enjoy, it's called 'Dream On'


I seriously doubt if Mueller will find much on Trump personally. Especially anything indictable

Any leader involved in questionable activities knows not to get personally involved but to let underlings make the actual contacts. I suspect Trump has maintained plausible deniability

What will happen is that Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Lil' Donnie will be up to their armpits in questionable contacts with the Russians and failure to report those contacts. Unless they cop a plea and reveal what Trump knew, Trump will get out of this with just the humiliation of an election victory tainted by Russian interference

Presidential pardons to follow

I fully agree......Trump himself will neither be indicted nor ever impeached...and actually, no decent "spy" would have ever trusted an orange buffoon to pull off any decent subterfuge.

Most likely,however, is a Trump resignation, urged on by republicans who see the Trump "brand" as a liability to their own sorry asses.

No doubt in my mind that Mueller's investigation will divulge a whole bunch of ethical, questionable behaviors along the lines of emolument breaches and financial misdeeds....not along the lines of outright criminality but very unsavory behaviors.

Slice it any way your biases dictate, but if Trump and his followers thought that his would be an outstanding administration, that estimation is only agreed upon by morons.

It would be suicide on the GOP part if they ask Trump to step down.

It would be worst than Nixon leaving and the GOP does not have a Reagan to heal and fix the party.

Best thing for the GOP is ride the tide and hope that Trump is a one term wonder and in 2024 run a GOOD candidate more to their liking...

( Democrats would have to win in 2020 for this to happen )
I seriously doubt if Mueller will find much on Trump personally. Especially anything indictable

Any leader involved in questionable activities knows not to get personally involved but to let underlings make the actual contacts. I suspect Trump has maintained plausible deniability

What will happen is that Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Lil' Donnie will be up to their armpits in questionable contacts with the Russians and failure to report those contacts. Unless they cop a plea and reveal what Trump knew, Trump will get out of this with just the humiliation of an election victory tainted by Russian interference

Presidential pardons to follow

I fully agree......Trump himself will neither be indicted nor ever impeached...and actually, no decent "spy" would have ever trusted an orange buffoon to pull off any decent subterfuge.

Most likely,however, is a Trump resignation, urged on by republicans who see the Trump "brand" as a liability to their own sorry asses.

No doubt in my mind that Mueller's investigation will divulge a whole bunch of ethical, questionable behaviors along the lines of emolument breaches and financial misdeeds....not along the lines of outright criminality but very unsavory behaviors.

Slice it any way your biases dictate, but if Trump and his followers thought that his would be an outstanding administration, that estimation is only agreed upon by morons.

Aerosmith had a song you'd enjoy, it's called 'Dream On'


the dude is still trying to interfere with my vote. how patriotic of the little fk.
It would be suicide on the GOP part if they ask Trump to step down.

It would be worst than Nixon leaving and the GOP does not have a Reagan to heal and fix the party.

Best thing for the GOP is ride the tide and hope that Trump is a one term wonder and in 2024 run a GOOD candidate more to their liking...

( Democrats would have to win in 2020 for this to happen )

I respectfully disagree.....Actually, the best thing for the GOP is to convince Trump to permanently go golfing......What Trump has done to the GOP brand, no democrat could have ever dreamed of......The sooner the GOP sheds this scarlet (orange, really) letter from their party....the better.
It would be suicide on the GOP part if they ask Trump to step down.

It would be worst than Nixon leaving and the GOP does not have a Reagan to heal and fix the party.

Best thing for the GOP is ride the tide and hope that Trump is a one term wonder and in 2024 run a GOOD candidate more to their liking...

( Democrats would have to win in 2020 for this to happen )

I respectfully disagree.....Actually, the best thing for the GOP is to convince Trump to permanently go golfing......What Trump has done to the GOP brand, no democrat could have ever dreamed of......The sooner the GOP sheds this scarlet (orange, really) letter from their party....the better.
still trying to silence me and my vote eh? how white of you fk.

BTW, you have no respect.
I seriously doubt if Mueller will find much on Trump personally. Especially anything indictable

Any leader involved in questionable activities knows not to get personally involved but to let underlings make the actual contacts. I suspect Trump has maintained plausible deniability

What will happen is that Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Lil' Donnie will be up to their armpits in questionable contacts with the Russians and failure to report those contacts. Unless they cop a plea and reveal what Trump knew, Trump will get out of this with just the humiliation of an election victory tainted by Russian interference

Presidential pardons to follow

I fully agree......Trump himself will neither be indicted nor ever impeached...and actually, no decent "spy" would have ever trusted an orange buffoon to pull off any decent subterfuge.

Most likely,however, is a Trump resignation, urged on by republicans who see the Trump "brand" as a liability to their own sorry asses.

No doubt in my mind that Mueller's investigation will divulge a whole bunch of ethical, questionable behaviors along the lines of emolument breaches and financial misdeeds....not along the lines of outright criminality but very unsavory behaviors.

Slice it any way your biases dictate, but if Trump and his followers thought that his would be an outstanding administration, that estimation is only agreed upon by morons.

I seriously doubt Trump would resign without the threat of impeachment
He will go out like Reagan with Iran/Contra.....nothing to pin on Trump except for inept leadership

There will be a slew of charges against his team and it may only mean a lesser role for Kushner who will resign so that he can take care of his personal business empire and Trump will give a Medal of Freedom and pardon from prosecution

Trump supporters will not care. They will only gloat that they won regardless of how sleazy that victory was


In my humble opinion, Trump would welcome a way out...as long as he can blame the entire planet rather than taking ANY responsibility......The "adulation" is long gone (except from his 1/3 brain-washed base)

Does this 71 year old baby look like he's enjoying himself?

I seriously doubt if Mueller will find much on Trump personally. Especially anything indictable

Any leader involved in questionable activities knows not to get personally involved but to let underlings make the actual contacts. I suspect Trump has maintained plausible deniability

What will happen is that Flynn, Manafort, Kushner and Lil' Donnie will be up to their armpits in questionable contacts with the Russians and failure to report those contacts. Unless they cop a plea and reveal what Trump knew, Trump will get out of this with just the humiliation of an election victory tainted by Russian interference

Presidential pardons to follow

I fully agree......Trump himself will neither be indicted nor ever impeached...and actually, no decent "spy" would have ever trusted an orange buffoon to pull off any decent subterfuge.

Most likely,however, is a Trump resignation, urged on by republicans who see the Trump "brand" as a liability to their own sorry asses.

No doubt in my mind that Mueller's investigation will divulge a whole bunch of ethical, questionable behaviors along the lines of emolument breaches and financial misdeeds....not along the lines of outright criminality but very unsavory behaviors.

Slice it any way your biases dictate, but if Trump and his followers thought that his would be an outstanding administration, that estimation is only agreed upon by morons.

I seriously doubt Trump would resign without the threat of impeachment
He will go out like Reagan with Iran/Contra.....nothing to pin on Trump except for inept leadership

There will be a slew of charges against his team and it may only mean a lesser role for Kushner who will resign so that he can take care of his personal business empire and Trump will give a Medal of Freedom and pardon from prosecution

Trump supporters will not care. They will only gloat that they won regardless of how sleazy that victory was


In my humble opinion, Trump would welcome a way out...as long as he can blame the entire planet rather than taking ANY responsibility......The "adulation" is long gone (except from his 1/3 brain-washed base)

Does this 71 year old baby look like he's enjoying himself?

View attachment 139513

The wild card is Trump's health in 2020

Fat Donnie is one cheeseburger away from a stroke. With the stress of his job, his poor exercise and eating habits and advanced age....we never know what he will be like in three years
It will be funny when the entire trump administration is lead away in hand cuffs. Mueller will cause so much pressure on the orange one that he will try to start WW III. Let's hope Tillis and Mattis will talk him down.

Put down the bong Jim and for the sake of freaking humanity stop WHINING. You lost an election. Deal with it. If you don't you D's are just going to continue to lose even more seats across the nation.

So you're okay with Putin picking our president?

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