What Schiff Is Doing

How about any corroboration and she never accused him of rape you fucking idiot.
Assault then. You say that it is OK for a man to assault women as long as there are not witnesses.
Nope wasn’t assault either. Keep trying your fat fucking liar.
So forcing a girl down & holding your hand overt their mouth is just foreplay. Maybe for you but real men don;t need to do that.
Nope. Allegedly he was drunk and wrestled with her. It was what 35 years ago. She cannot name the time/date/place or how she got home. How about that liar Julie that Avenatti threw out there. It was all a pro choice sham and you fell for it because you’re gullible.
So now you claim assaulting women is just wrestling.
No what happened with Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford allegedly was just wrestling. IMO nothing happened and in her opinion an attempt at wrestling happened.
The answer is yes. Trials are public. IdiotDave

Investigations are not public.
Schiff for Brains isn't a prosecutor, dumbass.

this isn't a court of law. CONGRESS has their own rules & protocol.
Yet they freely display interviews with the CEOs of banks, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. Make it all public

uh-huh. but not anything that literally hasta do with national security or is classified. breaking into that skiff was a huge mistake. experts are even saying their devices might have been hacked & turned into microphones. the skiff will now hafta be overhauled.
If Mueller can sit in front of Congress then this should be open too. Or have it closed with zero leaks. Not closed with some leaks. That’s just plain stupid.
Schiff never thought president Trump would release the transcript of the phone call. Therefore he thought he could make up any horse schiff he wanted to and Trump would be unable to defend himself (as seen in schiffs opening statement in the first "hearing").

Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber, he can make up any horse schiff he wants to. What witnesses say is whatever schiff want to leak to the press, whether they testified to that or not. And NOBODY in the room is allowed to speak of it or even refute what schiff leaks to the press.

Today they are reporting the "BOMBSHELL" testimony of yesterday...HOW DO THEY KNOW? Wasn't that testimony secret?

Not even half of congress heard the testimony...how do the reporters have it? How do they know it's true?
slick willy? didn't vote for him. didn't vote for gore either.


I voted for Gore. First election I was eligible. You voted for Dubya?! LOL

i voted for nader. my husband - who is a (R) voted for W. he freely admits that was THE stupidest vote he ever cast. he learned from his mistake & didn't make that mistake twice--- unlike the poorly educated partisan hacks who CONtinue to vote against their best interests every time.
So your husband became a (D) LOL. Blue sheep vs Red sheep.

he's still a (R). he just doesn't bark every time he's told.
I do not want to know about your personal life.

repeating yerself is a trait you learned from president tinkles as well.
Dems didn’t want Trump to win, so those loyal to Clintons lied to get a warrant to spy in a Trump.

If you can’t see the evidence and connect the dots, you are stupid or disingenuous.
Investigations are not public.
Schiff for Brains isn't a prosecutor, dumbass.

this isn't a court of law. CONGRESS has their own rules & protocol.
Yet they freely display interviews with the CEOs of banks, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. Make it all public

uh-huh. but not anything that literally hasta do with national security or is classified. breaking into that skiff was a huge mistake. experts are even saying their devices might have been hacked & turned into microphones. the skiff will now hafta be overhauled.
If Mueller can sit in front of Congress then this should be open too. Or have it closed with zero leaks. Not closed with some leaks. That’s just plain stupid.

mueller sat in front of congress only to discuss what elements of his report that was made public. the redacted parts were off limits. any open hearings we have had so far also had questions that could NOT be answered in an open forum; & those questions that were deemed classified were then scheduled for a closed door hearing at a later date.

you didn't catch any of that when it happened, or are you choosing to CONveniently ferget?
Schiff never thought president Trump would release the transcript of the phone call. Therefore he thought he could make up any horse schiff he wanted to and Trump would be unable to defend himself (as seen in schiffs opening statement in the first "hearing").

Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber, he can make up any horse schiff he wants to. What witnesses say is whatever schiff want to leak to the press, whether they testified to that or not. And NOBODY in the room is allowed to speak of it or even refute what schiff leaks to the press.

Today they are reporting the "BOMBSHELL" testimony of yesterday...HOW DO THEY KNOW? Wasn't that testimony secret?

Not even half of congress heard the testimony...how do the reporters have it? How do they know it's true?

I love the conservative outrage machine.

"HOW DO THEY KNOW?" Because every single one of the witnesses has given a written statement to the press and the members of the Committee before they go into the hearing to testify.

Furthermore, not one of the nearly 50 Republicans who are members of the Committees hearing the testimony has uttered a single word to counter the statements made by the witnesses in their statements. All they are doing is pounding their fists on the table.
Assault then. You say that it is OK for a man to assault women as long as there are not witnesses.
Nope wasn’t assault either. Keep trying your fat fucking liar.
So forcing a girl down & holding your hand overt their mouth is just foreplay. Maybe for you but real men don;t need to do that.
Nope. Allegedly he was drunk and wrestled with her. It was what 35 years ago. She cannot name the time/date/place or how she got home. How about that liar Julie that Avenatti threw out there. It was all a pro choice sham and you fell for it because you’re gullible.
So now you claim assaulting women is just wrestling.
No what happened with Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford allegedly was just wrestling. IMO nothing happened and in her opinion an attempt at wrestling happened.

"I'm sorry judge, we were just wrestling & my dick slipped in" The new Rapist defense.
it's all there is and all that any phone call has. so you still don't get it.

This goes beyond phone calls. Trump was running a rogue foreign policy with Giuliani pressuring Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden. Little wonder Giuliani won't testify. That has been clearly established.
about time we know why hunter got his job. yes!!!!

Try to obfuscate by bringing up a unrelated matter. Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Maybe we should find out how you got your job.
go for it. not sure why, but I'm confident in my life. why isn't he? funny, you all screaming what's trump afraid of and you all coil up like venemous snakes to keep people away. you can't live up to your own expectations of others. Oh fk, that's right, you're a fking leftist. BTW, my dad was never vice president of the country. Where certain rules apply.

It is none of your business how he got the gig. Americans have rights and a private citizen like Hunter Biden has rights. One of those rights is against unlawful prosecution. There is not a shred of evidence to warrant a investigation of Hunter Biden. You are just playing politics. Anyone who holds Trump accountable is a leftist Joe McCarthy? Then 56% of Americans are leftists. They disapprove of Trump's conduct of his office. So if you have a father that is VP, it is okay to open a political investigation? I think not. Or maybe Kushner's deals should be looked at as well considering he is part of the Trump family.

God, listen to the leading member of the impeach Trump witch mob blubbering about rights. Anyone who supports this Soviet style star chamber "inquiry" is far worse than Joe McCarthy. At least he did his business in public, before the cameras.

You must be in a contest to see how many idiocies you can cram into a single post.
My point is that the process NEEDS to change. IDGAF what Gowdy or Schiff think. Have it out in the open for all to see and allow Trump to call his witnesses and defend himself. Let the country judge. I am sick of partisan commentary. Sick of it and sick of idiot partisans like you. I am Unenrolled and have NEVER belonged to a party.
You should consider that there was a network of people involved in the dealings with the Ukraine.

During an investigation, does the police gather all suspects & witnesses in the same room so everyone hears what the others have to say? Are witnesses in a trial allowed to sit in on the process before it is their turn to testify?

The answer is no.
The answer is yes. Trials are public. IdiotDave

Investigations are not public.
Schiff for Brains isn't a prosecutor, dumbass.

In this case, he is a investigator. He can hold secret hearings to hear testimony.
He's not a prosecutor, and the House intelligence committee is not a Grand Jury.

End of story.
Schiff never thought president Trump would release the transcript of the phone call. Therefore he thought he could make up any horse schiff he wanted to and Trump would be unable to defend himself (as seen in schiffs opening statement in the first "hearing").

Now with everything being held in schiffs secret star chamber, he can make up any horse schiff he wants to. What witnesses say is whatever schiff want to leak to the press, whether they testified to that or not. And NOBODY in the room is allowed to speak of it or even refute what schiff leaks to the press.

Today they are reporting the "BOMBSHELL" testimony of yesterday...HOW DO THEY KNOW? Wasn't that testimony secret?

Not even half of congress heard the testimony...how do the reporters have it? How do they know it's true?
How many dozens of topics are you tards going to start so you can whine about this? GEEZUS!

There is absolutely nothing stopping the Republican Senate from holding public hearings about Trump's crimes.

The Senate held public hearings about Watergate for fourteen months before the House began its investigation. I remember watching them on TV. Senator Sam Ervin became a TV star.

The Republican Senate held open Benghazi hearings even though the Republican House was holding secret Benghazi hearings.

So why isn't the Republican Senate holding open hearings about Trump's and Rudy the Hand Grenade's activities in the Ukraine?

/----/ Maybe McConnel is protecting Mccain's reputation, He was the main architect in the Steel Dossier spreading.
Because they don’t know what a Trumpybear is.

Hahaha. I kid the so called President because he and his followers seem to love his tactical use of pet names. I know, I know, it's shallow of me, but WTF I admit I'm a shallow person. I didn't vote for Trump because of any policy he ever put out there, nope, it was his face. I can't believe we elected a guy with a face like that. Can you imagine what other countries are saying about that face?

They are old but likely not ancient like you.


They are investigating the FISA warrant and how a political opponent paid for it. Oh oh.

That really has nothing to do with Trumpybears problems and Chairman Schiff's investigation.
I am a dude and don’t check out other dudes. Including HRC. Talk about ugly faces. If you want an attractive President then vote for Tulsi Gabbard. Schiff is as dumb as a box of rocks. He lost all credibility with his attempted parody act. Well whatever credibility he had left.

You are dumber than rocks. Schiff has more credibility than you or Donald trump.

"Schiff has more credibility than you or Donald trump"


Schiff is a proven liar and scumbag. He lied continuously for 2 1/2 years about having evidence against Trump.
The answer is yes. Trials are public. IdiotDave

This is not a trial. I am talking about witnesses not being privy to the testimony of other witnesses.

You aren't very bright, are you?
Bullshit. It is 100% a trial. Let the witnesses stand up and talk. You calling someone else not bright is like Peter Dinklage calling someone short.

It is in the investigative part. Qyit being such a dick.
It is? Then why cannot the Republicans help investigate? I think both parties suck and hence it should be in the open for the people too see. You’re an uneducated dumbass but I truly want to see what is going on.

Republicans on the relevant committees can ask any question they want. They are participating. At the proper time you will see everything.
The proper time is now. Why should we wait 3 months of questioning and then have a few days of questioning in public? Only a scumbag would find that fair or just.
The people making the transcripts are stenographers. They record the call live, as it is happening. The transcripts are not "recollections" or "notes," as you dishonestly claimed.

The question you have to answer is why should anyone take the word of this so-called "whistleblower" over the record made contemporaneous with the event?

It is Trump who is covering things up. The call was clearly a hint you better investigate Biden or else. Then we have Giuliani running around putting pressure on Ukraine to investigate Biden. Zelensky was apparently aware of the pressure a few weeks after he was elected.
actually it was about the DNC server, but you don't have reading skills and can't figure it out. you should get someone to help you decipher the words

Read it again.

The President: Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

The prosecutor in question was not good, he was corrupt. The United States knew it, the international community knew it and Ukrainians knew it. That is why there were large protests in Ukraine against this corrupt prosecutor. The head of the IMF also expressed doubts about sending aid to Ukraine with the corruption in Ukraine.
I never said he didn't mention Biden, I said that wasn't his favor ask. you conveniently left that out of the discussion that the quid was about. so, feel free to post the part about the favor for the DNC server and working with Barr. convenience ain't your friend.

And then you can tell me the law trump broke by asking for dirt on biden.

Trump was talking about all the money that the US gave Ukraine. Then he asks for 2 favors. One to look for phantom servers and secondly to investigate Biden.

The act of pressuring a foreign country is the crime. A impeachable offense does not have to be the breaking of a law. Any conduct detrimental to the office of the President is the crime.
Pressuring a foreign company to give your son a $600,000 no show job is a crime. Asking a foreign government with a law enforcement program is normal conduct between sovereign nations.

All through the Mueller witch hunt you douchebags were always asking what's the problem with an investigation if the targets are innocent? Now you prove that your questions were disingenuous and that you're a sleazy scumbag.
My point is that the process NEEDS to change. IDGAF what Gowdy or Schiff think. Have it out in the open for all to see and allow Trump to call his witnesses and defend himself. Let the country judge. I am sick of partisan commentary. Sick of it and sick of idiot partisans like you. I am Unenrolled and have NEVER belonged to a party.
You should consider that there was a network of people involved in the dealings with the Ukraine.

During an investigation, does the police gather all suspects & witnesses in the same room so everyone hears what the others have to say? Are witnesses in a trial allowed to sit in on the process before it is their turn to testify?

The answer is no.
The answer is yes. Trials are public. IdiotDave

Investigations are not public.
Schiff for Brains isn't a prosecutor, dumbass.

this isn't a court of law. CONGRESS has their own rules & protocol.
That's right, it isn't a court of law. That's why you're blowing hot gas out your ass whenever you compare what Schiff for Brains is doing to what a prosecutor and a Grand Jury do.

Congress works for the public, and unless it's discussing classified material, everything it does should be in public.

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