What sanction a are appropriate for the World community to take against Israel ?

No sanctions. Israel should be treated as any other country - in other words, if an outside entity is lobing rockets into their civilian centers, they have a right to defend their population.

But there are underlying issues here that ought to be examined - one being the law that is forcing the eviction of Palestinian families from East Jerusalem. It's an inherently unfair and outdated law that allows Jews to easily reclaim property that was Jewish prior to 1948, but makes it extremely difficult for Palestinians to do so.

Maybe that needs to be addressed.
There was not such thing as a "Palestinian" until 1967.
Irrelevant semantical games.
Relevant to me. Opinions vary.

Now they are destroying media outlets in order to silence the world media and hide their murdering ways. What can be done about this ?

USA should stop all aid to Israel immediately. Netanyahu must be forced to step down and a reasonable government installed. Palestinians must turn over the rocketeers any remaining rockets and supplies, and also replace leadership with reasonable people.

Palestinian rockets are shit. They would not miss them.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that serves as the leadership for Gaza and the West Bank. Why do you love terrorists?


I said "install responsible leaders".

Now they are destroying media outlets in order to silence the world media and hide their murdering ways. What can be done about this ?

USA should stop all aid to Israel immediately. Netanyahu must be forced to step down and a reasonable government installed. Palestinians must turn over the rocketeers any remaining rockets and supplies, and also replace leadership with reasonable people.

Palestinian rockets are shit. They would not miss them.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that serves as the leadership for Gaza and the West Bank. Why do you love terrorists?


They are better than Israelis.

Actually the problem is the extremists on both sides. Unfortunately they are in charge on both sides as well. I have been to Israel many times and have many friends among both Israelis and Palestinians. They aren't interested in fighting this war, they just wanna do their jobs, have a beer after work (or coffee for the Muslims), and live their lives. Sadly they are the ones that end up dying.

Now they are destroying media outlets in order to silence the world media and hide their murdering ways. What can be done about this ?

USA should stop all aid to Israel immediately. Netanyahu must be forced to step down and a reasonable government installed. Palestinians must turn over the rocketeers any remaining rockets and supplies, and also replace leadership with reasonable people.

Palestinian rockets are shit. They would not miss them.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that serves as the leadership for Gaza and the West Bank. Why do you love terrorists?


I said "install responsible leaders".

The Israeli government has no bounds. Because of the Holocaust they feel justified in any action at all.

Now they are destroying media outlets in order to silence the world media and hide their murdering ways. What can be done about this ?

USA should stop all aid to Israel immediately. Netanyahu must be forced to step down and a reasonable government installed. Palestinians must turn over the rocketeers any remaining rockets and supplies, and also replace leadership with reasonable people.

What aid? It is a military contract. It isn't aid you fucking moron.

You mean this "military" contract is paid for by US taxpayers.

Now they are destroying media outlets in order to silence the world media and hide their murdering ways. What can be done about this ?


Fuck Sanctions against Israel Tommy, they need your help now.
Hook-up with Priceline and book a flight to Gaza.
Pack clean underwear, probably won't need more than one pair.

We are just proud to see you finally make something of your life, however short that may still be ... :thup:


Now they are destroying media outlets in order to silence the world media and hide their murdering ways. What can be done about this ?

USA should stop all aid to Israel immediately. Netanyahu must be forced to step down and a reasonable government installed. Palestinians must turn over the rocketeers any remaining rockets and supplies, and also replace leadership with reasonable people.

What aid? It is a military contract. It isn't aid you fucking moron.

tenor (5).gif

Now they are destroying media outlets in order to silence the world media and hide their murdering ways. What can be done about this ?

-it was a bldg being used as a hamas military outpost, the media was prewarned to get out and they did,so your post is dissinformation/Hamas propaganda which means their use of the media as a cover/shield means the method worked and you were the dupe who fell for it.-oops
The "world" is a big place. Which community are you referring to? Keep in mind that president Bill Clinton obtained NATO's authorization to bomb Yugoslavia when he was caught with his pants down and there was little "world community" outrage. Israel is fighting for it's life and can no longer depend on the U.S. under a doddering old liberal.
Israel is set to preserve or widen its control over East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. These territories will be a part of this state. The best thing what other countries can do is developing a working plan of relocating of some Arab people from this land with significant financial compensation.

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