Zone1 What "Pro Israel Christians" really support


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Can't make this up...

Pro Israel Christians say they oppose homosexuality. By supporting Israel, they do just the opposite....
Anybody supporting GLSEN is supporting groomers. I don't consider this guy as something that means the entire Jewish population of Israel or the U.S. as supporting it either.

But yes, Christians need to be far less gullible about blindly supporting anything some Jewish cults babble just because they claim to be Jews; that is just mindlessly stupid.
I just like the Israelis because they have big smashy bulldozers that run over protesters.

And lots of IDF babes with guns.

What's not to like? :laughing0301:

Can't make this up...

Pro Israel Christians say they oppose homosexuality. By supporting Israel, they do just the opposite....
Well, we aren't supporting Israel because of homosexuals. It's not even in the question. Why do you convolute the two?
Why do you support Israel?

Because you think if all Muslims are exterminated and their land is given to Israel, that Jesus will float down from the clouds?
I support Israel because they don’t fly planes into our buildings! You do know that Muslims supported Hitler. I didn’t think you knew that. Fascist supports fascists. They are our allies.
I support Israel because they don’t fly planes into our buildings!

They were behind 911, so 100% wrong there... and you are a complete traitor for falling for it and supporting wars over the false flag 911 to help the exact entity behind it.

You do know that Muslims supported Hitler

Here is what the Zionist Fascist installs in the empty brain of the Pro Israel Christian.

If you care about nothing except hating muslims over Zionist Fascist lies, you need to take your useless treasonous fucking dumb ass over to Israel and SIGN THE FUCK UP THERE....

As for your definition of fascist, try a Jew will 1 million times your IQ...

Can't make this up...

Pro Israel Christians say they oppose homosexuality. By supporting Israel, they do just the opposite....
There is only a few reasons to support the nation calling itself modern Israel.......the most compelling is the fact they are the closet thing that resembles a democratic republic right in the middle of a sea of middle aged despotic nations. They are the closet thing the US has to an ally in the middle east. For this reason I support Israel......its certainly not because of the false ideology that they are God's chosen people.

You can't force religion or morality upon anyone........true faith is based upon a free will decision. The sin of homosexuality has existed from the beginning.......the wages of all sin is both physical and spiritual death (separation from the Father) sin is no greater than another. As long as life exists, there is always hope, after the race of life is over there remains no hope.

Hate the sin.......but never give up on the sinner. Without grace.......Our Lord Jesus Christ has died in vain. Every man struggles with the spirit overcoming the flesh, as even the Apostle Paul described (Gal. 5:17, 1 Cor. 9:24-27). We must fight the good fight every day of our lives, we must endure to the end of life, then the reward of salvation through grace (1 Tim. 6:12).
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They were behind 911, so 100% wrong there... and you are a complete traitor for falling for it and supporting wars over the false flag 911 to help the exact entity behind it.

Here is what the Zionist Fascist installs in the empty brain of the Pro Israel Christian.

If you care about nothing except hating muslims over Zionist Fascist lies, you need to take your useless treasonous fucking dumb ass over to Israel and SIGN THE FUCK UP THERE....

As for your definition of fascist, try a Jew will 1 million times your IQ...

Shut up! You are just as fanatical as the Muslims that did it. Go bother a crocodile
the most compelling is the fact they are the closet thing that resembles a democratic republic right in the middle of a sea of middle aged despotic nations. They are the closet thing the US has to an ally in the middle east.

A parrot of lies you are. We, the US, had no problems in the Middle East prior to 1948. If you do not like Israel's neighbors then MOVE TO ISRAEL and sign up with IDF...

They are the closet thing the US has to an ally

An "ally" that did 911, USS Liberty, JFK, RFK, MLK, Marines in Lebanon 1983 etc....

Our Lord Jesus Christ has died in vain.

Once again, we see the pro Israel Christian for what it is, a parrot of treasonous lies, a liability towards making any progress in actually stopping what is harming America the most, and an absolute hook in mouth moron to every single lie, false flag, and hate hoax produced by exactly who said idiot Christian is told to "serve" every Sunday...

Shut up! You are just as fanatical as the Muslims that did it. Go bother a crocodile

IQ under 5.

Why, decades after his death, were Jews interested in Jesus?

A: they were fascinated at how many absolute morons this guy conned out of everything. His tactics were pathetically obvious frauds. The answer must be that really stupid people WANT TO BELIEVE, and if they WANT TO BELIEVE they will part with all assets and freedoms...

Opportunity - create a "religion of the unChosen" "commanded by God to serve the Chosen"

and that is Christianity in a nutshell. One of the most despicable frauds in human history, a liar, a charlatan, a rapist, a murderer, a liar, a ponzi scheme organizer... crucified to thunderous cheers of those he bilked out of everything and made slaves, and then tried to starve to death.... becomes the "real" "Son of God" and to be "worshipped" because of a 2000 year old book that claims stars are the same size as figs...

the Chosen actually have this right...

A parrot of lies you are. We, the US, had no problems in the Middle East prior to 1948. If you do not like Israel's neighbors then MOVE TO ISRAEL and sign up with IDF...

An "ally" that did 911, USS Liberty, JFK, RFK, MLK, Marines in Lebanon 1983 etc....

Once again, we see the pro Israel Christian for what it is, a parrot of treasonous lies, a liability towards making any progress in actually stopping what is harming America the most, and an absolute hook in mouth moron to every single lie, false flag, and hate hoax produced by exactly who said idiot Christian is told to "serve" every Sunday...

You must learn the difference between bigoted hate and facts. Its clear you hate Israel because you have been indoctrinated to hate. Why pay attention to anything you have to declare when its so easy to debunk your out right lie?

No problems in the middle before 1948? Really? The middle east had a history of never ending warfare and self promoted hate long before the United Nations created Israel by political resolution. There is only 1 of 2 choices.......1. you are a supporter of Muslim Terrorism 2. You are a modern Nazi that hates Jews for simply living.

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IQ under 5.

Why, decades after his death, were Jews interested in Jesus?

A: they were fascinated at how many absolute morons this guy conned out of everything. His tactics were pathetically obvious frauds. The answer must be that really stupid people WANT TO BELIEVE, and if they WANT TO BELIEVE they will part with all assets and freedoms...

Opportunity - create a "religion of the unChosen" "commanded by God to serve the Chosen"

and that is Christianity in a nutshell. One of the most despicable frauds in human history, a liar, a charlatan, a rapist, a murderer, a liar, a ponzi scheme organizer... crucified to thunderous cheers of those he bilked out of everything and made slaves, and then tried to starve to death.... becomes the "real" "Son of God" and to be "worshipped" because of a 2000 year old book that claims stars are the same size as figs...

the Chosen actually have this right...

Why would anyone follow your blood thirsty religion that creates killer pilots. And throw bombs into civilians in Israel?
The middle east had a history of never ending warfare and self promoted hate long before the United Nations created Israel by political resolution

Earth to SUB, WE are the UNITED STATES, not the UN. If you only care about Israel MOVE THERE!!!

You must learn the difference between bigoted hate and facts

This coming from someone who thinks stars are the same size as figs... and that Earth is only 100k years old....
your blood thirsty religion

Some of us are not religious. We care about truth and America, and we do not, over and over, fall for the same lies by the same demographic like you SUBS do....

This is what you cheered... TRAITOR!!!

Some of us are not religious. We care about truth and America, and we do not, over and over, fall for the same lies by the same demographic like you SUBS do....

This is what you cheered... TRAITOR!!!

Some Jews are also not religious. Same with Christians like Catholics. Tradition and nationality is important with them. 90% of Tele Avive is this way. Interesting how Muslims who live side by side with Jews inside of Israel don’t have your hatred.
The end of the conflict there is quite simple. Palestinians need to accept Israel as a nation. Israel is ready to help the people. Instead, they put a terrorist group to be their leaders. So, the terrorists continue to lob rocket bombs into Israel and strap bombs to women and children to attack Israelis citizens. Then, when Israel retaliates, you people cry foul. Other Muslim countries were ready to accept Israel when Trump was President. Now, you sick Democrats have ramped up the hatred again. And you refuse to step back and see this is true.
I support Israel because they don’t fly planes into our buildings! You do know that Muslims supported Hitler. I didn’t think you knew that. Fascist supports fascists. They are our allies.
Israel Is Our Shield

The Jewish Homeland was established by the victors in World War I because they anticipated that another jihad would arise to replace the one lost by the Turks. So they used the Jewish desire to go back to their homeland as a decoy to that jihad. It worked until Al Qaeda wised up and decided to bypass Israel and attack the West directly.
Some of us are not religious. We care about truth and America, and we do not, over and over, fall for the same lies by the same demographic like you SUBS do....

This is what you cheered... TRAITOR!!!

How do you function with that level of insane hate? It's literally eating you alive.

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