What Number of "Mass Shootings" will Justify overruling of the 2nd Amendment?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Every time some nut job Leftist goes out and shoots up a school, or gathering...the Left jump on the "Take Away The Guns" bandwagon screaming from their morally superior high ground that only they have the final solution.

They ALWAYS blame gun violence on THE GUN itself. Completely omitting the horrendous leftist policies that are creating a generation of savages.

While they scream about the lives lost, they couldn't care less about that. Their power lies in the control they gain over others by any means necessary and available.

Therefore, in their minds, civilians must be disarmed.

So how many "Mass shootings" are the magic number required to get it done? 2 per year? 1 pr month?


The 2nd Amendment was never about Personal Safety....it is about National Safety. The ability of a population to resist government tyranny.

The price of freedom was never "Free". And the Cost of giving in to tyrants that want to disarm a population is higher than any number of isolated incidences of left leaning madmen who go on sporadic shooting sprees.

The very Day "good men" lose the fight to be armed, is the same day true tyranny will raise it's ugly head and devour them.
As long as we continue to focus on the tool used and not on the offender, there will be no stopping these people.

If anything, the 2A can stop at least some of it, but they always happen where guns are prohibited.
None. It’s a blood sport between felon criminals that don’t care about laws one way or another.
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Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?
Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?
They only talk...they all rolled over on their yellow bellies for the Patriot Act.
Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?

If you want to count the Civil war?

Otherwise, there has probably been no other time in US history when tyrants are so obviously trying to disarm Americans and rule by iron fist.

And if they never have the will to defend their Constitutional rights, then All That Was Required For Evil men To Prevail.........
Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?
They only talk...they all rolled over on their yellow bellies for the Patriot Act.

Unfortunately True.
Apparently, it will take serious, and I mean life changing, life threatening circumstances before Americans are vaguely motivated to stand up for their rights and freedoms. And even then, only a small percentage will.
As long as we continue to focus on the tool used and not on the offender, there will be no stopping these people.

If anything, the 2A can stop at least some of it, but they always happen where guns are prohibited.
How much faster would armed citizens have stopped that INCEL thug in Gilroy than the cops? Last time there was a group of armed citizens at a shooting, in Dallas, they all ran screaming like little girls.
Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?
They only talk...they all rolled over on their yellow bellies for the Patriot Act.

Unfortunately True.
Apparently, it will take serious, and I mean life changing, life threatening circumstances before Americans are vaguely motivated to stand up for their rights and freedoms. And even then, only a small percentage will.
The truth is that many of us are willing to have firearms regulated and therefore, they will not "stand up" with fanatics who are sure their gun collection is the only thing standing between themselves and total chaos.
As long as we continue to focus on the tool used and not on the offender, there will be no stopping these people.

If anything, the 2A can stop at least some of it, but they always happen where guns are prohibited.
How much faster would armed citizens have stopped that INCEL thug in Gilroy than the cops? Last time there was a group of armed citizens at a shooting, in Dallas, they all ran screaming like little girls.

There is a very large number of incidents where a licensed firearm carrier stopped a criminal with a gun. The media refuses to report the cases but it's thousands per year easily.
The truth is that many of us are willing to have firearms regulated and therefore, they will not "stand up" with fanatics who are sure their gun collection is the only thing standing between themselves and total chaos.

Between themselves and PROVEN HISTORY

Of which you apparently know nothing. if you knew anything about history, you would know that for mankind, freedom has been a very short lived and rare occurrence.
Most humans that have lived have lived under some form of oppression.
Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?

If you want to count the Civil war?

Otherwise, there has probably been no other time in US history when tyrants are so obviously trying to disarm Americans and rule by iron fist.

And if they never have the will to defend their Constitutional rights, then All That Was Required For Evil men To Prevail.........

So you're wetting your pants and arming up for something that has never happened, and there is no reason to believe will ever happen. Typical gun nut.
Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?
They only talk...they all rolled over on their yellow bellies for the Patriot Act.

Unfortunately True.
Apparently, it will take serious, and I mean life changing, life threatening circumstances before Americans are vaguely motivated to stand up for their rights and freedoms. And even then, only a small percentage will.
The truth is that many of us are willing to have firearms regulated and therefore, they will not "stand up" with fanatics who are sure their gun collection is the only thing standing between themselves and total chaos.

Gun nuts think every gun owner is firmly with them. They are drastically wrong.
The truth is that many of us are willing to have firearms regulated and therefore, they will not "stand up" with fanatics who are sure their gun collection is the only thing standing between themselves and total chaos.

Between themselves and PROVEN HISTORY

Of which you apparently know nothing. if you knew anything about history, you would know that for mankind, freedom has been a very short lived and rare occurrence.
Most humans that have lived have lived under some form of oppression.
I believe you responded to the wrong poster?
Every time some nut job Leftist goes out and shoots up a school, or gathering...the Left jump on the "Take Away The Guns" bandwagon screaming from their morally superior high ground that only they have the final solution.

They ALWAYS blame gun violence on THE GUN itself. Completely omitting the horrendous leftist policies that are creating a generation of savages.

While they scream about the lives lost, they couldn't care less about that. Their power lies in the control they gain over others by any means necessary and available.

Therefore, in their minds, civilians must be disarmed.

So how many "Mass shootings" are the magic number required to get it done? 2 per year? 1 pr month?


The 2nd Amendment was never about Personal Safety....it is about National Safety. The ability of a population to resist government tyranny.

The price of freedom was never "Free". And the Cost of giving in to tyrants that want to disarm a population is higher than any number of isolated incidences of left leaning madmen who go on sporadic shooting sprees.

The very Day "good men" lose the fight to be armed, is the same day true tyranny will raise it's ugly head and devour them.

How much intentional fake news justifies overruling the 1st amendment?
How many shootings will it take to ban violent shooter games and movies of gun toting monsters?.....You can't ban guns and leave them in movies and games....so why not try banning the violent movie and games first?....we had guns before shooter games but we didn't have mass shootings.....what has changed?....not guns...not gun ownership...the games have changed...movies have changed...kids have changed....
Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?
They only talk...they all rolled over on their yellow bellies for the Patriot Act.
You know that the patriot act was created and signed by the establishment to spy on people? When Obama, Pelosi and Reid were all in power in 2009, they could of abolished that act, but instead used it to spy in 2016. Funny how liberals bitch and moan then use the very tools they bitched and moaned about.
Since the civil war, how many times have Americans taken up arms against the government to protect their rights? Yes, I know there have been a couple cases when crazy nut jobs took over a bird sanctuary or similar things, but how many times have the public been at armed conflict with our government?

how many times have you used your fire ins on your house since youve had it???

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