What must Israel do to "end the occupation"? (solutions thread)

End the occupation of '67 land.

That didn't work in Gaza. Why didn't it?
Because that is the largest concentration camp on earth and the Israelis bomb it regularly!

Okay. So how would you suggest Israel end the "concentration camp"?

International law has always held that States hold the absolute right to permit or deny entry into their sovereign territory. Are you suggesting this law be changed?

Are you suggesting Gaza must have open borders? If so with which States? All of them? Or just Israel?

Are you suggesting Gaza not become independent? Or that Israel should be erased and become Palestine?

Should Israel be permitted to use military action to defend itself? What sort of action? In response to what? How often?
There's the problem Louie. "as long as it's acceptable to Democratically elected leaders".. That's NOT how REAL countries operate. Each new leadership is BOUND to a Constitution based foundation of LAW. And since the Palis LACK THAT -- and always have...
I stopped there, sorry.

Constitution of Palestine (2003) - Wikisource, the free online library

Sure Sure.. And the government EXERCISING that Constitution functionally ENDED in 2005 due to civil conflict.

""" Citizenship will be determined by law.""" Pretty vague for a place that is an Islamic, Arab, country built on Sharia law and currently has Islamic radical terrorists in control of Gaza. You KNOW that Constitution is NOT even a talking point for Hamas leadership.. Otherwise they couldn't execute people in the streets.
Thank-you for admitting that your comment was both idiotic and an obvious lie.

No such admission. Alas -- you're still the devious one. Fact is -- Gaza is free and NOT GOVERNED by that Constitution. And the rest of the Palestinian Authority is history. So it's a HISTORICAL document now. Not anything that Hamas gives 2.3 shits about. When was the last election? When will the next one be?

This is why the ONLY CHANCE for a Palestine is if OTHERS do it for them and HOPE they choose economic prosperity and RESPONSIBLE governance eventually.
End the occupation of '67 land.

That didn't work in Gaza. Why didn't it?
Because that is the largest concentration camp on earth and the Israelis bomb it regularly!

Moron, Hitler never even did that shit.

Concentration Camp? That's odd because your befuddlement misses the fact that the Islamic terrorists in Gaza and the West Bank are the recipients of a dedicated UN welfare fraud that maintains the fortunes of those Islamic terrorists at the top of the welfare fraud scheme.

Ole lefty "not a jew" Louie needs to go to Lebanon and view the "wall development" on the largest Pali camp in that country. HERE'S your "concentration camp".. Land swaps in Lebanon to remove this blight would put the "decent Palestinians" back within a Protectorate of Palestine. And OUT of these brutal INTOLERABLE prisons.


Sidon (Lebanon) (AFP) - Lebanon is building a wall near the country's largest Palestinian refugee camp to prevent jihadists from infiltrating, a military source said Monday.

The overcrowded and impoverished Ain al-Hilweh camp near the southern coastal city of Sidon has gained notoriety in recent years as a refuge for Muslim extremists and fugitives.

It also saw deadly fighting last year between the Jund al-Sham Islamist group and members of Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah movement.

And in September the army said security forces had arrested a Palestinian refugee suspected of links to the Islamic State group who was in the camp.

"The construction of the wall began some time ago and the aim is to stop the infiltration of terrorists inside Ain al-Hilweh from nearby orchards," the military source told AFP.

What must Israel do to end the occupation?

Remove the occupiers (Muslim-Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank) and deposit them on the East Side of the Jordan where they belong.

In Arab Palestine... a.k.a. Jordan.

Beyond the borders of Eretz Yisrael.

With gentleness and financial compensation and aid if they'll go peaceably.

With overwhelming deadly force and lightning speed if they will not.

The occupiers came from Europe you moron.
Calm yourself, my little Muslim-Arab pissant...

And, no... I don't believe for a minute that the Muslim-Arab squatters on the territory of Eretz Yisrael came from Europe.

Take it easy, punk.

The Zionist came from Europe. Where did you think they came from? I am neither Muslim nor Arab, but I do support my fellow Christians, the Palestinians.

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton -- "At THIS POINT -- what difference does it make"? --- where they came from. Solve the freaking problem TODAY. Not a generation from now.
All you Palestine warriors -- you still gonna be whining 20 years from now about 1948 or 1967 or 100AD?? HERE'S the "concentration camp". One of about a DOZEN scattered in 5 neighboring NON-ISRAEL Arab countries.

The fact that Monte et al feels NO URGENCY to fix anything soon --- makes me believe they need to see MORE of Pali life OUTSIDE of Israel and quit whining and get thinking about ACTUAL solutions..

This ===== is Sidon Lebanon. NOW with a castle wall around it.


100,000 living in this camp south of Sidon. I'm telling you Internet Jihadi Jenerals --- SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO FIX THIS. It aint JUST an "Israel" problem. That's why I'm convinced that the "Neighborhood Solution" and a Protectorate is the right plan...

Hamas blasts planned wall around Lebanese refugee camp

On Tuesday, reports emerged that the Lebanese authorities had begun erecting a concrete barrier around Ain al-Hilweh, the country’s largest Palestinian refugee camp.

Located southeast of Lebanon’s coastal city of Sidon, Ain al-Hilweh is currently home to more than 100,000 Palestinian refugees, many of whom came to the camp in recent years after fleeing the conflict in next-door Syria.

"This wall… will only serve to hurt the refugees’ cause, threaten their future, harm their interests and contribute to the deterioration of their already-dire humanitarian condition," Hamas said.

The group criticized what it described as Lebanon’s policy of "the collective isolation" of Palestinian refugee camps on its territory.

Hamas went on to assert that the planned wall would represent a violation of international law and the principles of human rights, and would likely strain Palestinian-Lebanese relations.

According to UN figures, roughly 460,000 Palestinian refugees are currently living in 12 major camps scattered across Lebanon.
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The Lebanese solution to Palestinian refugees. Now in it's 70th year there as WELL as in Israel..


Get OFF you fat asses and start to get creative. Because THIS ^^^^ doesn't end well if OTHERS don't set aside a Palestine for them right now..
Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) are only native to Palestine. It is understandable that other countries control refugees with walls, fences etc. What is no longer acceptable is colonists expelling native people and preventing their living (or returning to) on their native land, as Israel does.
I intend this thread to be a "solutions" thread like those on the one, two and no more state solutions threads. For those not familiar with those threads -- the intent is not to re-hash the same old, same old, but to provide detailed, concrete suggestions for solving the conflict and moving forward.

The common refrain from the Palestinian side is that Israel must "end the occupation". What does that mean in concrete terms? What specific steps (military, practical, economic, political, legal) should Israel take? Do you think this should be done step-by-step or all at once? What measurable conditions will count the occupation ended?

Please be as specific as possible. For example, "end the blockade of Gaza" is too vague.

Be prepared to defend your proposals and explain why they are practical and will lead to an end of conflict agreement.
Another Shusha thread... another fail, go figure.

All your crazy straw man arguments aside, What must Israel do to "end the occupation" you ask? I have handed this to you on a silver platter on multiple threads, but you just start a nerw thread and pretend everything is too complex for you.

Again now, the zionists need to get the hell out of there. They need to let the Palestinians and their elected leaders decide from there. The ones who can live in peace should be allowed to remain, and those who cannot live in peace there should find somewhere were they can... if that is possible for these racist psychopaths.

Now that's pretty darn funny whining about arabs-moslems and elected leaders.

Tell us about the non-existent elections that the two competing islamic terrorist franchises (Hamas and Fatah) have refused to let proceed.
Perhaps they've seen that we routinely take out duly democratically elected governments in other nations to install governments we prefer.
Aside from a handy conspiracy theory you have ready to promote, are you furthering the notion that the Great Satan™ installed the islamic terrorist Hamas retrogrades?
Oh, you mean history? You know we took out a duly elected government in Iran, yeah? While back? Jesus. Watch a lotta tv don't ya.
It's April 30th 1948 borders.

To be clear, you are advocating the erasure of Israel as a State.
How can you "erase" something that is not there?

You need more pictures of the tent camps in Arab countries for the Palis? You THINK you are doing all those suffering souls an ounce of good by DENYING the existence of the state of Israel? How many more generations of wasted Pali life do you have the guts and patience to watch?

You're no friend of those people. And you're virtually USELESS to them.. Times a'wasting. Pali lives are a'wasting. You're spouting dogma...
It's April 30th 1948 borders.

To be clear, you are advocating the erasure of Israel as a State.
How can you "erase" something that is not there?
Oh come on. How are we to have a reasonable discussion about solutions when you toss around one-liners like this? Of course Israel exists as a State.

Bottom line is Shusha -- I don't think the solutions lie in what Israel must do alone -- like the OP suggests. I think many more parties are REQUIRED to come to viable solutions. Because many more parties are already INVOLVED in the problem. And they are handling it WORSE than Israel is.. Time to call them into plans that get THEM out of the "occupation" and "discrimination" business wrt Palestinians.
I intend this thread to be a "solutions" thread like those on the one, two and no more state solutions threads. For those not familiar with those threads -- the intent is not to re-hash the same old, same old, but to provide detailed, concrete suggestions for solving the conflict and moving forward.

The common refrain from the Palestinian side is that Israel must "end the occupation". What does that mean in concrete terms? What specific steps (military, practical, economic, political, legal) should Israel take? Do you think this should be done step-by-step or all at once? What measurable conditions will count the occupation ended?

Please be as specific as possible. For example, "end the blockade of Gaza" is too vague.

Be prepared to defend your proposals and explain why they are practical and will lead to an end of conflict agreement.
As John Milius once said, "You must kill them all, every one, pig after pig, cow after cow, village after village ...".

This then also would pertain to the ultimate plight of the Palestinians.

They need to get their azzes out of Israel and its NEW TERRITORIES and keep their asses in Gaza or Jordan and stay out of Israel.

The Lion Of Judah is fierce again and the Palestinians are just a gad fly on their rump hole.
It's April 30th 1948 borders.

To be clear, you are advocating the erasure of Israel as a State.
How can you "erase" something that is not there?

You need more pictures of the tent camps in Arab countries for the Palis? You THINK you are doing all those suffering souls an ounce of good by DENYING the existence of the state of Israel? How many more generations of wasted Pali life do you have the guts and patience to watch?

You're no friend of those people. And you're virtually USELESS to them.. Times a'wasting. Pali lives are a'wasting. You're spouting dogma...
These tent rats left Israel and now they have no business getting back in.
It's April 30th 1948 borders.

To be clear, you are advocating the erasure of Israel as a State.
How can you "erase" something that is not there?
Oh come on. How are we to have a reasonable discussion about solutions when you toss around one-liners like this? Of course Israel exists as a State.
Where? Show me a map of Israel that does not have fake, armistice lines borders. Why fake borders if Israel is a real state?
It's April 30th 1948 borders.

To be clear, you are advocating the erasure of Israel as a State.
How can you "erase" something that is not there?

You need more pictures of the tent camps in Arab countries for the Palis? You THINK you are doing all those suffering souls an ounce of good by DENYING the existence of the state of Israel? How many more generations of wasted Pali life do you have the guts and patience to watch?

You're no friend of those people. And you're virtually USELESS to them.. Times a'wasting. Pali lives are a'wasting. You're spouting dogma...
Sure, Let's let the assholes in Israel steal the rest of the land and make more refugees. Yeah, that will help.
"End the occupation of '67 land" means what, exactly? That the 1949 Armistice lines become international borders (contrary to international treaties (ie law) and UN resolutions)?
That is true. There are no '67 borders. The armistice lines were specifically not to be political or territorial borders. Israel should withdraw to its 1948 borders.

Israel should be smaller then it actually was in 67? The Palestinian is out of his " mind"
It's April 30th 1948 borders.

To be clear, you are advocating the erasure of Israel as a State.
How can you "erase" something that is not there?
Oh come on. How are we to have a reasonable discussion about solutions when you toss around one-liners like this? Of course Israel exists as a State.
Where? Show me a map of Israel that does not have fake, armistice lines borders. Why fake borders if Israel is a real state?

You are seriously trying to argue that Israel is not a State. :bang3:

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