Supreme Court to hear affirmative action case in colleges.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021

Personally affirmative action needs to be gone entirely, but college is a good start. People should get by on their ambition, skills and knowledge.

If blacks and so on want to get something they should have to earn it. The want to be treated equal then they need to be treated equally and not be given special privileges or consideration based purely on their skin color,because that's the opposite of being equal.
Is this the one where Asians are saying the universities are unfair because Asians score better on tests, yet universities are letting in whites who scored lower?
Is this the one where Asians are saying the universities are unfair because Asians score better on tests, yet universities are letting in whites who scored lower?
It’s blacks who are getting in with the lowest scores of all, and I’m sure the focus of the case will be on the unfair bias applied in favor of black applicants.

It is time to abolish all admissions standards based on race. If it turns out that Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are overrepresented, so be it.
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The question is, on what basis should competitive college admission be founded?

I can imagine throwing off all restraints on colleges, certainly private colleges, and letting them select on ANY basis they choose. That might fall afoul of equal treatment in commerce if they ban Asians, or discriminate; same with discriminating in favor of blacks. We don't allow that for motels, rentals, grocery stores ---- why do we allow discrimination in colleges? IF we decide to allow it, I see no reason they shouldn't give preference to legacy families, for instance.

The question of merit admission is the most interesting, but it (obviously!! since they don't use it!) is fraught and colleges don't use it, because blacks cannot compete on merit, as we know, and indeed, Chinese types do so well on the basis of admissions tests and merit that if that is the only criterion, American universities are likely to be entirely made over to the education of Chinese-Americans and no one else at all. That's a problem for the majority population, at least.
The question is, on what basis should competitive college admission be founded?

I can imagine throwing off all restraints on colleges, certainly private colleges, and letting them select on ANY basis they choose. That might fall afoul of equal treatment in commerce if they ban Asians, or discriminate; same with discriminating in favor of blacks. We don't allow that for motels, rentals, grocery stores ---- why do we allow discrimination in colleges? IF we decide to allow it, I see no reason they shouldn't give preference to legacy families, for instance.

The question of merit admission is the most interesting, but it (obviously!! since they don't use it!) is fraught and colleges don't use it, because blacks cannot compete on merit, as we know, and indeed, Chinese types do so well on the basis of admissions tests and merit that if that is the only criterion, American universities are likely to be entirely made over to the education of Chinese-Americans and no one else at all. That's a problem for the majority population, at least.
Brain-Drained Diploma Dumbos

College is work-without-pay indentured servitude. It is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. That is what excludes healthy American youth.
Brain-Drained Diploma Dumbos

College is work-without-pay indentured servitude. It is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. That is what excludes healthy American youth.
Agreed. Time to stop with this sad parody of college and let young people get out there and work for a living and learn that way. God knows we badly need the work force!
Agreed. Time to stop with this sad parody of college and let young people get out there and work for a living and learn that way. God knows we badly need the work force!
Here’s an idea: We have tens of millions of unfilled jobs, and a major labor shortage. How about we require college applicants to have one full year of work experience before applying?

1) Students would be able to save a portion of their earnings, and reduce their debt load.

2) Students would see what could await them if they choose a major that doesn’t provide them with career-level marketable skills.

3) Jobs would get filled.

4) It would give kids time to reflect on whether they are cut out for college at all, and might be better off enrolling in a vocational program.

Personally affirmative action needs to be gone entirely, but college is a good start. People should get by on their ambition, skills and knowledge.

If blacks and so on want to get something they should have to earn it. The want to be treated equal then they need to be treated equally and not be given special privileges or consideration based purely on their skin color,because that's the opposite of being equal.
So you want government to get involved in the admission process of colleges?

Here’s an idea: We have tens of millions of unfilled jobs, and a major labor shortage. How about we require college applicants to have one full year of work experience before applying?
Another Republican that wants government involved in who can and can't go to college and when...
I wonder if the SC will rule on legacy admissions as well...
Is this the one where Asians are saying the universities are unfair because Asians score better on tests, yet universities are letting in whites who scored lower?
No, white people have to get in on their own merit, and the stupid ones don't get in. It's the stupid black people that they let in at the expense of smart asian and white people that they are complaining about.

We don't have that in Texas. Top 10% are automatically admitted to any public university except the fucking longhorns because they are land locked and have no room. So, they only let in the top 7%.

Dems hate it because they can't manipulate based on race, like they always have back before the civil war.

As a result, A&M has had a very large uptick in Hispanic students.
Jungle-Jumbled Brains

It should be added to Attention Deficit Disorder (NewSpeak acronym: ADHD).
AA=Affirmative Action
ADA=Americans with Disabilities Act
CRT=Critical Race Theory

CRT essentially claims that certain racial groups have been disabled by White oppression. If this is true, why shouldn't they be recognized as such and be given ADA protections and accommodation?
It’s blacks who are getting in with the lowest scores of all, and I’m sure the focus of the case will be on the unfair bias applied in favor of black applicants.

It is time to abolish all admissions standards based on race. If it turns out that Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are overrepresented, so be it.
Funny how cultists forget that it's white women who use AA more than any other group.
Agreed. Time to stop with this sad parody of college and let young people get out there and work for a living and learn that way. God knows we badly need the work force!
The Country That Pays Students for Their Grades Will Dominate This Century's Economy

Instead of your commonplace alternative, America must replace this unmotivating indentured-servitude "education" with paid professional training.

Adam Smith mentioned something relevant about the apprentices of his time. Although their work made money for their masters, they got none of it. It made them lazy and bored, like the slackers of our time. College is the same, because preparation is the most important part of production. So our masters must pay for it (as a substitute for corporate taxes).

A lack of appreciation for training was another preview of the future at home that I noticed in Vietnam. We were rushed over there with only a familiarization-type training.

The Marines who were fully trained before the war were much better warriors. One of them made an incredible shot with a 3.5 rocket launcher. Not only were they skilled, but they knew how to handle both the fear of combat and the drudgery of patrolling as bait for the enemy to reveal its location.
No, white people have to get in on their own merit, and the stupid ones don't get in. It's the stupid black people that they let in at the expense of smart asian and white people that they are complaining about.

We don't have that in Texas. Top 10% are automatically admitted to any public university except the fucking longhorns because they are land locked and have no room. So, they only let in the top 7%.

Dems hate it because they can't manipulate based on race, like they always have back before the civil war.

As a result, A&M has had a very large uptick in Hispanic students.
Sneaky Equivalent

Texas's policy is still Affirmative Action. The top 10% at minority schools are no smarter than the top 50% at White schools.

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