What Makes Trump Think That Way?


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Normal, educated people listen to Trump lie repeatedly and wonder what the hell is wrong with the guy. How can someone lie so prolifically? A few educated professionals whose job it is to understand aberrant behavior weigh in.

To the Editor:

Donald Trump never apologizes, acknowledges a mistake or appears to reflect on his role in the creation of his recurrent difficulties.

As a practicing mental health professional for over 40 years, I believe that people can change, but I also know it is often difficult and painful work, sometimes requiring a therapist to help illuminate why one keeps finding oneself in the same kind of quandary.

This is the central problem that other mental health experts and I addressed in our 2017 book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” and is what makes him unfit to hold high office. He has to be right, never needs to learn from his mistakes, and must protect his inflated and fragile self-image above all else, including the nation’s security.

He is always the victim, never having had a hand in the creation of his own dilemmas.

Leonard L. Glass
Newton, Mass.

The writer is an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

To the Editor:

Efforts to find a “logical” or even minimally reasonable explanation for human behavior tend to run into a stone wall, especially when the behavior clearly defies ordinary logic. Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents and his response to government efforts to reclaim them arguably fall within this category.

I would suggest a different approach: a consideration of what might be going on deeper inside Mr. Trump psychologically, below the realm of logic and conscious reason.

Think of a child’s beloved stuffed animals, commonly known in psychoanalytic terminology as “transitional objects.” In theory, the transitional object provides a child with a fantasied connection to the safety provided by the “mother” that is increasingly threatened as normal development and separation occur.

However, transitional objects may also serve perverse or negative functions, such as maintaining the fantasy of unlimited, grandiose power. And the need for that imagined power may be seen as an attempt to counter deep feelings of weakness and vulnerability.

Mr. Trump’s behavior in protecting his transitional objects (in this case the documents) shows all the characteristics of a child’s response when the beloved stuffed animal is lost or taken away. Anxiety and rage are almost instantaneous. Desperate attempts to retain or restore the transitional objects follow. It may be helpful to reconsider Mr. Trump’s behavior as primitive, regressive and best understood outside the parameters of adult thinking.

Priscilla F. Kauff
New York

The writer is a clinical professor of psychology in psychiatry at Weill Medical College.

Normal, educated people listen to Trump lie repeatedly and wonder what the hell is wrong with the guy. How can someone lie so prolifically? A few educated professionals whose job it is to understand aberrant behavior weigh in.

To the Editor:

Donald Trump never apologizes, acknowledges a mistake or appears to reflect on his role in the creation of his recurrent difficulties.

As a practicing mental health professional for over 40 years, I believe that people can change, but I also know it is often difficult and painful work, sometimes requiring a therapist to help illuminate why one keeps finding oneself in the same kind of quandary.

This is the central problem that other mental health experts and I addressed in our 2017 book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” and is what makes him unfit to hold high office. He has to be right, never needs to learn from his mistakes, and must protect his inflated and fragile self-image above all else, including the nation’s security.

He is always the victim, never having had a hand in the creation of his own dilemmas.

Leonard L. Glass
Newton, Mass.

The writer is an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

To the Editor:

Efforts to find a “logical” or even minimally reasonable explanation for human behavior tend to run into a stone wall, especially when the behavior clearly defies ordinary logic. Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents and his response to government efforts to reclaim them arguably fall within this category.

I would suggest a different approach: a consideration of what might be going on deeper inside Mr. Trump psychologically, below the realm of logic and conscious reason.

Think of a child’s beloved stuffed animals, commonly known in psychoanalytic terminology as “transitional objects.” In theory, the transitional object provides a child with a fantasied connection to the safety provided by the “mother” that is increasingly threatened as normal development and separation occur.

However, transitional objects may also serve perverse or negative functions, such as maintaining the fantasy of unlimited, grandiose power. And the need for that imagined power may be seen as an attempt to counter deep feelings of weakness and vulnerability.

Mr. Trump’s behavior in protecting his transitional objects (in this case the documents) shows all the characteristics of a child’s response when the beloved stuffed animal is lost or taken away. Anxiety and rage are almost instantaneous. Desperate attempts to retain or restore the transitional objects follow. It may be helpful to reconsider Mr. Trump’s behavior as primitive, regressive and best understood outside the parameters of adult thinking.

Priscilla F. Kauff
New York

The writer is a clinical professor of psychology in psychiatry at Weill Medical College.

He's the little boy who never grew up, a sociopathic, (more) disordered version of Micheal Jackson.

Evidently his father was a boor and dreadful.
Don't any educated people listen to Biden? If you are educated by the mainstream media you probably think an exaggeration is a lie, a joke is a lie and if Trump estimates a number to be a million and it's only nine hundred ninety thousand nine hundred and ninety nine, it's a lie. In other words everything the left thinks it knows about Trump is a lie.
The orange grifter appeared on my radar in 1985, I'm sure he was a POS before then too.
Don't any educated people listen to Biden? If you are educated by the mainstream media you probably think an exaggeration is a lie, a joke is a lie and if Trump estimates a number to be a million and it's only nine hundred ninety thousand nine hundred and ninety nine, it's a lie. In other words everything the left thinks it knows about Trump is a lie.
You are correct, saying 999,999 people is a million is not a lie, unless you know for a fact it is 999,999 instead of a million. In which case you would be lying if you stated it was a million. An exaggeration is, in fact a lie. If you say something you know or should know is not true, and you say it with intent to decieve, it is a lie. You guys have even attempt to change the definition of a lie for Trump. Making an untrue statement with intent to deceive is a lie, even when Trump does it. It is a cult.
You are correct, saying 999,999 people is a million is not a lie, unless you know for a fact it is 999,999 instead of a million. In which case you would be lying if you stated it was a million. An exaggeration is, in fact a lie. If you say something you know or should know is not true, and you say it with intent to decieve, it is a lie. You guys have even attempt to change the definition of a lie for Trump. Making an untrue statement with intent to deceive is a lie, even when Trump does it. It is a cult.
You are correct, saying 999,999 people is a million is not a lie, unless you know for a fact it is 999,999 instead of a million. In which case you would be lying if you stated it was a million. An exaggeration is, in fact a lie. If you say something you know or should know is not true, and you say it with intent to decieve, it is a lie. You guys have even attempt to change the definition of a lie for Trump. Making an untrue statement with intent to deceive is a lie, even when Trump does it. It is a cult.
I wonder what the professors think about Biden telling the same lies, over and over and over and over? E.g his Amtrak lie, or his lie that his son died in Iraq.
Normal, educated people listen to Trump lie repeatedly and wonder what the hell is wrong with the guy. How can someone lie so prolifically? A few educated professionals whose job it is to understand aberrant behavior weigh in.

To the Editor:

Donald Trump never apologizes, acknowledges a mistake or appears to reflect on his role in the creation of his recurrent difficulties.

As a practicing mental health professional for over 40 years, I believe that people can change, but I also know it is often difficult and painful work, sometimes requiring a therapist to help illuminate why one keeps finding oneself in the same kind of quandary.

This is the central problem that other mental health experts and I addressed in our 2017 book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” and is what makes him unfit to hold high office. He has to be right, never needs to learn from his mistakes, and must protect his inflated and fragile self-image above all else, including the nation’s security.

He is always the victim, never having had a hand in the creation of his own dilemmas.

Leonard L. Glass
Newton, Mass.

The writer is an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

To the Editor:

Efforts to find a “logical” or even minimally reasonable explanation for human behavior tend to run into a stone wall, especially when the behavior clearly defies ordinary logic. Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents and his response to government efforts to reclaim them arguably fall within this category.

I would suggest a different approach: a consideration of what might be going on deeper inside Mr. Trump psychologically, below the realm of logic and conscious reason.

Think of a child’s beloved stuffed animals, commonly known in psychoanalytic terminology as “transitional objects.” In theory, the transitional object provides a child with a fantasied connection to the safety provided by the “mother” that is increasingly threatened as normal development and separation occur.

However, transitional objects may also serve perverse or negative functions, such as maintaining the fantasy of unlimited, grandiose power. And the need for that imagined power may be seen as an attempt to counter deep feelings of weakness and vulnerability.

Mr. Trump’s behavior in protecting his transitional objects (in this case the documents) shows all the characteristics of a child’s response when the beloved stuffed animal is lost or taken away. Anxiety and rage are almost instantaneous. Desperate attempts to retain or restore the transitional objects follow. It may be helpful to reconsider Mr. Trump’s behavior as primitive, regressive and best understood outside the parameters of adult thinking.

Priscilla F. Kauff
New York

The writer is a clinical professor of psychology in psychiatry at Weill Medical College.

Abnormal, uneducated people listen to Xiden and the SCUM demonRATS lie repeatedly and wonder what the hell is wrong with these people..... How can someone lie so prolifically?
beiging xiden:
sells AMERICA out to the chinese, ukraine, and many others
accepts bribery monies with IT'S drug addict kid, who fucks ITS dead brothers wife
threatens ukraine prosecutors to rid 1 that will take xiden down
makes AMERICA go broke
sky rocketing inflation

do you SCUM demonRATS need more TRUTHFUL examples?

He's the little boy who never grew up, a sociopathic, (more) disordered version of Micheal Jackson.

Evidently his father was a boor and dreadful.
obviously, you are referring to beijing xiden, the traitor occupying the white house.....

Normal, educated people listen to Trump lie repeatedly and wonder what the hell is wrong with the guy. How can someone lie so prolifically? A few educated professionals whose job it is to understand aberrant behavior weigh in.

The man is a textbook narcissist.
You are correct, saying 999,999 people is a million is not a lie, unless you know for a fact it is 999,999 instead of a million. In which case you would be lying if you stated it was a million. An exaggeration is, in fact a lie. If you say something you know or should know is not true, and you say it with intent to decieve, it is a lie. You guys have even attempt to change the definition of a lie for Trump. Making an untrue statement with intent to deceive is a lie, even when Trump does it. It is a cult.
You retards attempt to change the definition of a lie for beijing xiden, and the SCUM demonRATS. Making an untrue statement with intent to deceive is a lie, even when xiden, and the SCUM demonRATS do it. It is a thing called the ruining of AMERICA

Abnormal, uneducated people listen to Xiden and the SCUM demonRATS lie repeatedly and wonder what the hell is wrong with these people..... How can someone lie so prolifically?
Trump does it every day.
beiging xiden:
sells AMERICA out to the chinese,
Donald J. Trump


President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

11:01 AM · May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse.

Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

The orange grifter drops sanctions and gets $1,000,000,000 in Chinese checks.
ukraine, and many others
accepts bribery monies

www.nytimes.com › 2022/04/10 › usBefore Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment ...

Apr 10, 2022 · April 10, 2022 Six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump
with IT'S drug addict kid, who fucks ITS dead brothers wife
threatens ukraine prosecutors to rid 1 that will take xiden down
makes AMERICA go broke

Why the U.S. National Debt Rose to $7.8 Trillion Under Trump​

The national debt under former President Trump rose $7.8 trillion amid the tax cuts and spending. It was a crisis even before the COVID-19 pandemic.
sky rocketing inflation

do you SCUM demonRATS need more TRUTHFUL examples?

Your brain.........on orange kool-aid.

Normal, educated people listen to Trump lie repeatedly and wonder what the hell is wrong with the guy. How can someone lie so prolifically? A few educated professionals whose job it is to understand aberrant behavior weigh in.

To the Editor:

Donald Trump never apologizes, acknowledges a mistake or appears to reflect on his role in the creation of his recurrent difficulties.

As a practicing mental health professional for over 40 years, I believe that people can change, but I also know it is often difficult and painful work, sometimes requiring a therapist to help illuminate why one keeps finding oneself in the same kind of quandary.

This is the central problem that other mental health experts and I addressed in our 2017 book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” and is what makes him unfit to hold high office. He has to be right, never needs to learn from his mistakes, and must protect his inflated and fragile self-image above all else, including the nation’s security.

He is always the victim, never having had a hand in the creation of his own dilemmas.

Leonard L. Glass
Newton, Mass.

The writer is an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

To the Editor:

Efforts to find a “logical” or even minimally reasonable explanation for human behavior tend to run into a stone wall, especially when the behavior clearly defies ordinary logic. Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents and his response to government efforts to reclaim them arguably fall within this category.

I would suggest a different approach: a consideration of what might be going on deeper inside Mr. Trump psychologically, below the realm of logic and conscious reason.

Think of a child’s beloved stuffed animals, commonly known in psychoanalytic terminology as “transitional objects.” In theory, the transitional object provides a child with a fantasied connection to the safety provided by the “mother” that is increasingly threatened as normal development and separation occur.

However, transitional objects may also serve perverse or negative functions, such as maintaining the fantasy of unlimited, grandiose power. And the need for that imagined power may be seen as an attempt to counter deep feelings of weakness and vulnerability.

Mr. Trump’s behavior in protecting his transitional objects (in this case the documents) shows all the characteristics of a child’s response when the beloved stuffed animal is lost or taken away. Anxiety and rage are almost instantaneous. Desperate attempts to retain or restore the transitional objects follow. It may be helpful to reconsider Mr. Trump’s behavior as primitive, regressive and best understood outside the parameters of adult thinking.

Priscilla F. Kauff
New York

The writer is a clinical professor of psychology in psychiatry at Weill Medical College.

You sub-cretins get lied to all day every day from your team, yet y'all don't ever bat an eye.

What's wrong with YOU?

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