What lies are Democrats spreading now?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats are holding hearings in the Democrat controlled house this week. What is the purpose of these hearings? Well, if you listen to the Chairmen of these committees, the purpose becomes clear. They have accused Trump of several things at the same time they themselves are guilty of doing the exact same thing. It's nothing but a pack of lies dressed up to start their last fundraising push before the convention.

Here's a list of lies that Democrats are currently spreading during their hearings, and you can bet that Democrats are guilty of most if not all of them:
  1. Jerry Nadler accused Trump of using the hearings to record campaign videos for the election....while allowing Democrats to record their wild accusations against AG Barr. They all made a point to refuse to allow him to answer their questions using the infamous phrase "I Reclaim My Time".
  2. Jerry Nadler says that the violence that is taking place in Portland as we speak and has been going on for over 60 days is a myth. House Democrats refused to condemn these acts of violence in a vote that took place yesterday.
  3. Democrats claim that the actions the Trump Administration took to fight the spread of COVID-19 never happened. If they never took place then explain how they know how many new cases that are being reported in the news every 15 mins on radio and television?
  4. Democrats are spreading the lie that wearing a paper or cloth mask is the best protection against COVID-19. It is not.
  5. Democrats are spreading the lie that it's okay for protesters to gather by the thousands in our streets and rub elbows with each other, but you cannot gather in a church or sing in a church to honor your God.
  6. Democrats are spreading the lie that it's okay to form a mob and attack a federal courthouse but it's unsafe to stand in a line at the polls.
  7. Barack Obama told a colossal lie during his campaign eulogy at John Lewis's funeral that Trump was trying to prevent an honest vote and suppress voters. The truth is Trump wants an accurate and honest vote, but Democrats want to make it impossible to verify the identity of voters casting ballots and they want to be able string out the election months past election day till they can generate enough fake votes to win.
  8. Democrats claim Trump stated that the election should be delayed. The truth is that Trump suggested that the election wasn't safe and that we weren't ready right now to conduct a fair election. The primary concern is the result of the New York primary vote count that is still ongoing weeks after all votes were cast.
  9. Democrats are lying that Trump downplayed the pandemic. That he didn't do enough to prevent the spread of the virus. This is an absolute lie. If anything, Democrats are doing everything they can to help the spread of the virus by encouraging sick illegals to cross our borders and by not discouraging protesters from gathering in large numbers. Democrats also decided that putting positive patients in rest homes was a great idea, causing the deaths of thousands of senior citizens. 30,000 alone in New York state.
  10. Democrats claim that our schools should not open....because they claim it will cause the deaths of at least 150,000 more. What they're really trying to do is keep our schools closed so that activist teachers won't be forced to return to work. Following the science shows that children aren't at any great risk. But when it comes to teachers, many of them that are setting police cars on fire and throwing firebombs in buildings, they seem to think that risky actions like these are okay, but teaching a bunch of students is a death sentence.

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