What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?


A person who hates McConnell and Bohner for ruining the GOP brand.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

Let me get this straight:

Currently we have your President who was supported by the US Communist Party both elections. His replacements could be an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR, and didn't earn a steady paycheck until he reached the age of 40. The other under FBI investigation for her role in their charity she shares with her husband and deleting e-mails while scoffing the Freedom of Information Act.

And leftists have the balls to criticize a multi-billionaire who created thousands of jobs, became a real estate giant, and even dominated the entertainment industry?

Yep, there's them liberal standards again.
.....Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

Personally, I'm taking a Republican ballot on Tuesday, voting Trump, and will then write my own name in on the November ballot. My vote on Tuesday is less for Trump than against the establishment Republicans who don't have the first idea what Conservatism actually IS. Trump talks it but wouldn't walk it. The rest won't even talk it.

I agree with you...but then that is one less vote to stop hilary....and no matter how bad Trump may be...he is not evil.....hilary will be barak x100.....
So you also don't believe Cruz is a conservative? Is there no such thing as a conservative?

I don't trust any politician...but I am voting for Cruz.....of the lot, he at least has defended the Constitution in court and whatever personal problems he may have, I would trust him to come closer to appointing conservative judges, and to holding to what he said he would do on taxes....

But as I have said before....I will vote for anything breathing..or undead, to keep hilary out of office......
Then you don't agree with Anathema. You said you agreed when he said Trump was the only one who even talks like a conservative.
Donald Trump won New Hampshire, a moderate Northeastern state that prides itself on its sober analysis of the candidates at hand. Donald Trump won South Carolina, a conservative Southern state with a number of religious voters. Donald Trump has now won Nevada, a Western state with its own eclectic mix of Republican voting groups.

Trump won them all. According to preliminary entrance poll data reported by CNN, he won every age group and every education group and both genders -- and even every racial and ethnic group. About 1 in 10 Nevada Republicans were Hispanic. More than 4 in 10 of them backed Donald Trump (according to entrance polls with a notably large margin of error).

What's the theme here? What's the thing that's turned Donald Trump from the never-gonna-happen outsider of last June into the how-can-he-be-stopped candidate of February?

How Donald Trump dominated Nevada, in one word: Anger

Conservatives are angry because the Republican party does not listen to what they want. The Republicans were given majorities in both houses, in landslide elections......and then the Republicans ignored them.

So....the conservatives figure.....this time we will vote for the guy who says he will do things we want, who has an actual record of doing things that he says he will do....and as a side benefit...the Republican party gets a kick in the ass......

They brought it on themselves..........
.....Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

Personally, I'm taking a Republican ballot on Tuesday, voting Trump, and will then write my own name in on the November ballot. My vote on Tuesday is less for Trump than against the establishment Republicans who don't have the first idea what Conservatism actually IS. Trump talks it but wouldn't walk it. The rest won't even talk it.

I agree with you...but then that is one less vote to stop hilary....and no matter how bad Trump may be...he is not evil.....hilary will be barak x100.....
So you also don't believe Cruz is a conservative? Is there no such thing as a conservative?

I don't trust any politician...but I am voting for Cruz.....of the lot, he at least has defended the Constitution in court and whatever personal problems he may have, I would trust him to come closer to appointing conservative judges, and to holding to what he said he would do on taxes....

But as I have said before....I will vote for anything breathing..or undead, to keep hilary out of office......
Then you don't agree with Anathema. You said you agreed when he said Trump was the only one who even talks like a conservative.

Trump may or may not be conservative on some issues...guns....abortion...now.....and he may actually mean it...but he is an unkown since he hasn't held elective office....his first 4 years will clarify who he is....

A person who hates McConnell and Bohner for ruining the GOP brand.
They didn't ruin anything. If you have a little more patience, you may have Republicans in charge of the Presidency and House. If you don't turn against your own, maybe just maybe you can keep the Senate, but odds are against you. Boehner and McConnell had no hope of implementing your extreme agenda with Obama in the White House. But instead of uniting as a party, you turn against your own and weaken your chances of total power. The big question is why did Romney lose? If he hadn't, you'd be implementing some of your agenda right now.
.....Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

Personally, I'm taking a Republican ballot on Tuesday, voting Trump, and will then write my own name in on the November ballot. My vote on Tuesday is less for Trump than against the establishment Republicans who don't have the first idea what Conservatism actually IS. Trump talks it but wouldn't walk it. The rest won't even talk it.

I agree with you...but then that is one less vote to stop hilary....and no matter how bad Trump may be...he is not evil.....hilary will be barak x100.....
Not evil? He has no problem with Putin killing journalists, he praises Putin because he did that, he praises kim Jong un, he wants to loosen libel laws so he can sue media he does not agree with. He has no empathy. The man is a ego driven psycho path. He likes you until he doesn't like you anymore then you are his enemy. He even said he could shoot somebody and his supporters would still follow him. This man is the epitome of evil.

A person who hates McConnell and Bohner for ruining the GOP brand.
They didn't ruin anything. If you have a little more patience, you may have Republicans in charge of the Presidency and House. If you don't turn against your own, maybe just maybe you can keep the Senate, but odds are against you. Boehner and McConnell had no hope of implementing your extreme agenda with Obama in the White House. But instead of uniting as a party, you turn against your own and weaken your chances of total power. The big question is why did Romney lose? If he hadn't, you'd be implementing some of your agenda right now.
How many years do the duo need to accomplish something in Congress? They just cow towed to Obama.

A person who hates McConnell and Bohner for ruining the GOP brand.
They didn't ruin anything. If you have a little more patience, you may have Republicans in charge of the Presidency and House. If you don't turn against your own, maybe just maybe you can keep the Senate, but odds are against you. Boehner and McConnell had no hope of implementing your extreme agenda with Obama in the White House. But instead of uniting as a party, you turn against your own and weaken your chances of total power. The big question is why did Romney lose? If he hadn't, you'd be implementing some of your agenda right now.
How many years do the duo need to accomplish something in Congress? They just cow towed to Obama.
Really? So the laws that have been passed 2011-present look just like the ones passed 2009-10? Silly, me. I thought there were some differences.

McConnell and Boehner represent the opposition to the President. So long as he's President, and he has majority or slight minority supporting him in the Senate, there is no way the opposition is imposing its agenda. Simply not happening. But you guys just won't accept reality.

A person who hates McConnell and Bohner for ruining the GOP brand.
They didn't ruin anything. If you have a little more patience, you may have Republicans in charge of the Presidency and House. If you don't turn against your own, maybe just maybe you can keep the Senate, but odds are against you. Boehner and McConnell had no hope of implementing your extreme agenda with Obama in the White House. But instead of uniting as a party, you turn against your own and weaken your chances of total power. The big question is why did Romney lose? If he hadn't, you'd be implementing some of your agenda right now.
How many years do the duo need to accomplish something in Congress? They just cow towed to Obama.
Really? So the laws that have been passed 2011-present look just like the ones passed 2009-10? Silly, me. I thought there were some differences.

McConnell and Boehner represent the opposition to the President. So long as he's President, and he has majority or slight minority supporting him in the Senate, there is no way the opposition is imposing its agenda. Simply not happening. But you guys just won't accept reality.
Reality is, that we had the power in Congress and did nothing with it. Now, that is reality. McConnell almost lost his seat. I even gave to the Matt Bevin campaign. If there is going to be pressure put on anyone, it should be the party to rid itself of McConnell.
Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class.
Uh... sounds like a winner... the Intelligentsia at work. Despising the working class as untermenschen...
He should have said preferred race.

It would have been just as untrue.
White is the preferred race in this nation.
That's why we have only had white presidents?
.....Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

Personally, I'm taking a Republican ballot on Tuesday, voting Trump, and will then write my own name in on the November ballot. My vote on Tuesday is less for Trump than against the establishment Republicans who don't have the first idea what Conservatism actually IS. Trump talks it but wouldn't walk it. The rest won't even talk it.

I agree with you...but then that is one less vote to stop hilary....and no matter how bad Trump may be...he is not evil.....hilary will be barak x100.....
Not evil? He has no problem with Putin killing journalists, he praises Putin because he did that, he praises kim Jong un, he wants to loosen libel laws so he can sue media he does not agree with. He has no empathy. The man is a ego driven psycho path. He likes you until he doesn't like you anymore then you are his enemy. He even said he could shoot somebody and his supporters would still follow him. This man is the epitome of evil.

And hilary actually did things that are evil.....she helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault and helped sell government secrets to the Chinese.....

Trump is not even on her scale of evil........
McConnell and Boehner represent the opposition to the President. So long as he's President, and he has majority or slight minority supporting him in the Senate, there is no way the opposition is imposing its agenda. Simply not happening. But you guys just won't accept reality.
You didn't get the memo from November 2014 I see. But obama didn't get the tax hikes he wanted and congress did trim spending, at least in growth.

A person who hates McConnell and Bohner for ruining the GOP brand.
They didn't ruin anything. If you have a little more patience, you may have Republicans in charge of the Presidency and House. If you don't turn against your own, maybe just maybe you can keep the Senate, but odds are against you. Boehner and McConnell had no hope of implementing your extreme agenda with Obama in the White House. But instead of uniting as a party, you turn against your own and weaken your chances of total power. The big question is why did Romney lose? If he hadn't, you'd be implementing some of your agenda right now.
How many years do the duo need to accomplish something in Congress? They just cow towed to Obama.
Really? So the laws that have been passed 2011-present look just like the ones passed 2009-10? Silly, me. I thought there were some differences.

McConnell and Boehner represent the opposition to the President. So long as he's President, and he has majority or slight minority supporting him in the Senate, there is no way the opposition is imposing its agenda. Simply not happening. But you guys just won't accept reality.
Reality is, that we had the power in Congress and did nothing with it. Now, that is reality. McConnell almost lost his seat. I even gave to the Matt Bevin campaign. If there is going to be pressure put on anyone, it should be the party to rid itself of McConnell.
You've only had the Senate for 1 year, and in that year the calculation was made to allow the election to decide the direction our country would go. I agree with McConnell's, Boehner's, and Ryan's decision not to shut down the government during Obama's last 2 years in office.
Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class.
Uh... sounds like a winner... the Intelligentsia at work. Despising the working class as untermenschen...
He should have said preferred race.

It would have been just as untrue.
White is the preferred race in this nation.
That's why we have only had white presidents?
Correct, as Obama is as much white as he is black.
.....Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

Personally, I'm taking a Republican ballot on Tuesday, voting Trump, and will then write my own name in on the November ballot. My vote on Tuesday is less for Trump than against the establishment Republicans who don't have the first idea what Conservatism actually IS. Trump talks it but wouldn't walk it. The rest won't even talk it.

I agree with you...but then that is one less vote to stop hilary....and no matter how bad Trump may be...he is not evil.....hilary will be barak x100.....
Not evil? He has no problem with Putin killing journalists, he praises Putin because he did that, he praises kim Jong un, he wants to loosen libel laws so he can sue media he does not agree with. He has no empathy. The man is a ego driven psycho path. He likes you until he doesn't like you anymore then you are his enemy. He even said he could shoot somebody and his supporters would still follow him. This man is the epitome of evil.

And hilary actually did things that are evil.....she helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault and helped sell government secrets to the Chinese.....

Trump is not even on her scale of evil........
I don't see him as evil at all. He uses situations to accommodate his own policies or deals. Perhaps he has a lot to learn in politics in general, but he is not corrupt as Hillary or the DNC is, or perhaps the GOP establishment as I am beginning to think.
Uh... sounds like a winner... the Intelligentsia at work. Despising the working class as untermenschen...
He should have said preferred race.

It would have been just as untrue.
White is the preferred race in this nation.
That's why we have only had white presidents?
Correct, as Obama is as much white as he is black.
Hardly. He is a full fledged black when it comes to ideology.
McConnell and Boehner represent the opposition to the President. So long as he's President, and he has majority or slight minority supporting him in the Senate, there is no way the opposition is imposing its agenda. Simply not happening. But you guys just won't accept reality.
You didn't get the memo from November 2014 I see. But obama didn't get the tax hikes he wanted and congress did trim spending, at least in growth.
You guys could have gone for an extended government shutdown. The calculation was made to not do that as it would harm your chances to win in 2016.
You would NEVER see some article put out in the LAslimes that says : the uneducated and worthless black people are the ones supporting Hillary and Bernie.

and that a liberal, like the OP, would put this out and not see a damn thing wrong it. I guess they've used up all that compassion and tolerance they have for all people. disgusting

I think it was Trump who said he loved the poorly educated, and there's a reason for that alleged love.

I see Stephanie's branch of the Republican Party, the Ku Klux Klan, are supporting Trump to the bitter end. They want to send all their kids to the middle east to play soldier in Trump's minion army and come home in body bags. They want to build a wall and place all brown people in concentration camps. They want to force young women to give birth to babies that will either die in poverty or grow up to be poorly educated and the next generation of cannon fodder. They want to build monuments to the Christian God on government property and take all homosexuals to the city gates and stone them to death. Trump supporters are scary people.

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