What is your Political Typology quiz?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
What is your Political Typology quiz?

Political Typology Quiz

Your best fit is...
Steadfast Conservative
along with 12% of the public.

This overwhelmingly Republican group holds very conservative attitudes across most issues, including social policy and the size and scope of government. However, they generally are critical of business and Wall Street. Overall, Steadfast Conservatives also express highly negative attitudes toward immigrants and take a skeptical view of U.S. global involvement. Compare groups on key issues.
Your best fit is...
Young Outsider
along with 13% of the public.

This relatively young, largely independent group holds a mix of conservative and liberal views. And while more lean toward the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, Young Outsiders generally express unfavorable opinions of both major parties. They are largely skeptical of activist government, as a substantial majority views government as wasteful and inefficient. Yet many diverge from the two conservative typology groups – Steadfast Conservatives and Business Conservatives – in their strong support for the environment and many liberal social policies. Compare groups on key issues.
Seems like it could use more choices. If someone wants to choose between two very cookie-cutter political ideologies, they can do it in only one question on my political quiz (see signature).
What is your Political Typology quiz?

Political Typology Quiz

Your best fit is...
Steadfast Conservative
along with 12% of the public.

This overwhelmingly Republican group holds very conservative attitudes across most issues, including social policy and the size and scope of government. However, they generally are critical of business and Wall Street. Overall, Steadfast Conservatives also express highly negative attitudes toward immigrants and take a skeptical view of U.S. global involvement. Compare groups on key issues.
Conservative do not have a negative attitude towards immigrants.
What is your Political Typology quiz?

Political Typology Quiz

Your best fit is...
Steadfast Conservative
along with 12% of the public.

This overwhelmingly Republican group holds very conservative attitudes across most issues, including social policy and the size and scope of government. However, they generally are critical of business and Wall Street. Overall, Steadfast Conservatives also express highly negative attitudes toward immigrants and take a skeptical view of U.S. global involvement. Compare groups on key issues.
Conservative do not have a negative attitude towards immigrants.
Conservatives believe in enforcing our immigration laws..........aka...............the Constitution.
I stopped taking the quiz after a few questions this thing is to black and white.
To each his own...................
I have no opinion on the homosexual issue and believe it should be left to the states to decide. I'm not a tree hugging hippy but I don't think people should get away with polluting the environment. Legal immigration is a good thing. I'm not religious at all. To black and white.
According to the quiz I'm a young outsider. Well I feel young and I'm an outdoor lover so i guess it works.
At 78 years old I'm a young outsider hooray. Both parties are tied to big money which leads to this factual statement...america is rigged. Its bought and paid for.
Your best fit is...
Solid Liberal
along with 15% of the public.

I agree that the quiz is too either/or. I would have preferred some other choices for a few of the questions.
Not a very good quiz, IMO. None of the answers were a good fit for me.
I came out as a Rightwinger

Why am I not surprised?
What is your Political Typology quiz?

Political Typology Quiz

Your best fit is...
Steadfast Conservative
along with 12% of the public.

This overwhelmingly Republican group holds very conservative attitudes across most issues, including social policy and the size and scope of government. However, they generally are critical of business and Wall Street. Overall, Steadfast Conservatives also express highly negative attitudes toward immigrants and take a skeptical view of U.S. global involvement. Compare groups on key issues.

I am a young outsider...

" 2012 vote: 37% for Obama | 48% for Romney

This relatively young, largely independent group holds a mix of conservative and liberal views. And while more lean toward the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, Young Outsiders generally express unfavorable opinions of both major parties. They are largely skeptical of activist government, as a substantial majority views government as wasteful and inefficient. Yet many diverge from the two conservative typology groups – Steadfast Conservatives and Business Conservatives – in their strong support for the environment and many liberal social policies. Compare groups on key issues. "

Political Typology Quiz

I will never deny my fiscal conservative roots and social liberal views...

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