What is the gay agenda?


So where does brainwashing kids come into play in convincing everyone to mind their own business?
I so WISH gays were about people minding their own business. They could start by keeping THEIR own business to themselves.
The Gay Agenda


How many of you haven’t heard of the “Gay Agenda” or “Radical Homosexual Agenda”?

Although many claim there isn't one, here it is, the new, improved radical, homosexual agenda for 2005. A roadmap, if you will, towards destroying nuclear families, and reshaping society to the point that if your son isn’t blowing his professor, don’t expect any graduation ceremonies.

For all the fear-mongering pigs that use religion to marginalize, humiliate, electrocute and murder others, may this new Gay Agenda permeate your worst nightmares. Yes, Focus on the Family, Traditional Values Coalition, Concerned Women for America, American Family Association, Family Research Council, Eagle Forum, Alliance Defense Fund, Chrisitian Coaltion, Morality in the Media and all you other assholes, this means you.

The Gay Agenda
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Pederasty, Liberasty, Tolerasty are but small parts of one big liberal agenda!

I don't know about US, but In UK "sex education" starts at the age of 4. Children learn of "normality" of broken and unconventional families where mama used to be a dad, but had an operation so your dad gave birth to you while your mum is really your dad...

By the age of 13 they are educated on different ways of having sex and feel pressured to try it out thus UK has the highest rate of underage pregnancy and sexually transmited results of education in tolerance and values. In turn it results in ever increasing numbers of children with damaged psyche who can not make sense of the world where nothing is as it seems and what feels wrong is forced upon you as right, perversions are presented as norm and what feels normal -- as shameful; growing up these children can't function in the society or build a functional family; and since family is an essential basic unit of every functioning society, it's distruction leads to the distruction of the society... which is what is really threatening the increasingly tolerant West.
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I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I have a hard time believing any of that is true and I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what the gay agenda actually is.

the gays want to engage in anal sex with each other and for all the rest of us to engage in some form of deviant sex so they wont feel ashamed...then take it all and paraded it down main street for the families and kids !!!...
The US is the most tolerant Nation in the world and yet sissies will continue to whine as long as someone listens. The gay agenda dream centers around government mandated forced acceptance of an abhorrent life style. 90% of pedophiles are male and 98% of pedophiles who prey on boys are homosexual. As long as the party of no family values continues to pander to it's radical base and try to force Americans to offer their kids as a hunting ground for monsters it ain't gonna happen.
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I have a hard time believing any of that is true and I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what the gay agenda actually is.

As a gay person, who happens to be a Conservative Libertarian I can tell you that the gay agenda depends on who you ask that happens to be gay. My personal agenda in life is to get up in the morning and live my day to the fullest. Love the people I have in my life. Be the best partner to my partner that I can be. And then end my day with a smile on my face as I close my eyes and know that at least in my world all is well. That's my personal agenda, and it comes from a gay man.

As to gay marriage, sex education and all that, I don't believe marriage should have a damn thing to do with the government one way or the other. I do think a civil union should be available to any and everyone who wants one, to include all of the special rights and privileges it entails, without discrimination of any kind towards any two consenting adults. Sex education should be all inclusive because it isn't just straight children attending the classes and the gay students also need to be kept informed to keep them safe.

With that said I think sex ed should be totally voluntary on behalf of the parents. If a parent wants to handle the issue, or allow their child to continue on in ignorance that should be their right. Who are we to tell someone they can't raise their child in ignorance of how the real world works? We don't tell them they can't raise them religious, so to me it's the same thing. But if the school is going to teach sex education then it needs to be all inclusive and as informative as possible in relation to the age of the children being taught.

Equality and discrimination are two things that are very important. Without equality for all citizens of the United States the entire social project begun by our fore fathers was for naught and has failed miserably in my opinion. We might as well not have even had a war for our independence if all we were going to do was continue to try to discriminate and treat people as less than equal just because they were different. We are all human beings, we all deserve the same amount of respect and consideration, we are all equals under the law and it should always be thus.

As for discrimination, I as a gay man have very rarely, as a matter of fact only once, been discriminated against in a way that would directly affect me. That was by a conservative Christian woman who fired me because she didn't agree with my sexual orientation. I got another job at the same place less than two days later so I didn't really care. When it comes to the private sector if someone wants to discriminate let them, they loose someone who might have been a damn good worker, or a damn good client or customer, and someone else gains them. Guess who looses in that equation.

Last but not least, public displays of affection from anyone should be kept to a minimum. It is unseemly for people to be seen in overt displays of affection in public places, be they gay or straight. Holding hands is one thing, even a hug and a light kiss is acceptable, but when you start making out or getting gross with it, you should be stopped. Simple as that. Respect is a great thing that more people really need to have. If a couple wants to simply kiss lightly, or hold hands, and you disagree then I'm sorry to say you are a very closed minded and unhappy person. With that logic you yourself should not be doing these things because to others it might be equally as disgusting as it is to you. But I digress.

In any case, that's my two cents towards the OP and the little bit of the thread that I did read.
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I have a hard time believing any of that is true and I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what the gay agenda actually is.

The gay agenda is an effort to improve fabrics used in the White House!!!
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I have a hard time believing any of that is true and I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what the gay agenda actually is.

The gay agenda is an effort to improve fabrics used in the White House!!!

well, good for them. :thup:
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I have a hard time believing any of that is true and I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what the gay agenda actually is.

As a gay person, who happens to be a Conservative Libertarian I can tell you that the gay agenda depends on who you ask that happens to be gay. My personal agenda in life is to get up in the morning and live my day to the fullest. Love the people I have in my life. Be the best partner to my partner that I can be. And then end my day with a smile on my face as I close my eyes and know that at least in my world all is well. That's my personal agenda, and it comes from a gay man.

As to gay marriage, sex education and all that, I don't believe marriage should have a damn thing to do with the government one way or the other. I do think a civil union should be available to any and everyone who wants one, to include all of the special rights and privileges it entails, without discrimination of any kind towards any two consenting adults. Sex education should be all inclusive because it isn't just straight children attending the classes and the gay students also need to be kept informed to keep them safe.

With that said I think sex ed should be totally voluntary on behalf of the parents. If a parent wants to handle the issue, or allow their child to continue on in ignorance that should be their right. Who are we to tell someone they can't raise their child in ignorance of how the real world works? We don't tell them they can't raise them religious, so to me it's the same thing. But if the school is going to teach sex education then it needs to be all inclusive and as informative as possible in relation to the age of the children being taught.

Equality and discrimination are two things that are very important. Without equality for all citizens of the United States the entire social project begun by our fore fathers was for naught and has failed miserably in my opinion. We might as well not have even had a war for our independence if all we were going to do was continue to try to discriminate and treat people as less than equal just because they were different. We are all human beings, we all deserve the same amount of respect and consideration, we are all equals under the law and it should always be thus.

As for discrimination, I as a gay man have very rarely, as a matter of fact only once, been discriminated against in a way that would directly affect me. That was by a conservative Christian woman who fired me because she didn't agree with my sexual orientation. I got another job at the same place less than two days later so I didn't really care. When it comes to the private sector if someone wants to discriminate let them, they loose someone who might have been a damn good worker, or a damn good client or customer, and someone else gains them. Guess who looses in that equation.

Last but not least, public displays of affection from anyone should be kept to a minimum. It is unseemly for people to be seen in overt displays of affection in public places, be they gay or straight. Holding hands is one thing, even a hug and a light kiss is acceptable, but when you start making out or getting gross with it, you should be stopped. Simple as that. Respect is a great thing that more people really need to have. If a couple wants to simply kiss lightly, or hold hands, and you disagree then I'm sorry to say you are a very closed minded and unhappy person. With that logic you yourself should not be doing these things because to others it might be equally as disgusting as it is to you. But I digress.

In any case, that's my two cents towards the OP and the little bit of the thread that I did read.

just to wade through that... let me get this straight, you think unless someone is relgious (gay issue aside) that they shouldn't be married?

that doesn't comport with history.... or the right to equal protection
just to wade through that... let me get this straight, you think unless someone is relgious (gay issue aside) that they shouldn't be married?

that doesn't comport with history.... or the right to equal protection

That is a very good point, and I apologize for having phrased that the way I did. I was wrong. I am not a religious person so I consider marriage as a religious issue I have no interest in. I base that on the fact that the majority of the people I know who are married are religious. I allowed that to cloud my judgement when posting that. It is untrue and also insulting to those who are non-religious and married.

As a non-religious person I guess what I should say is this. I wish to see a totally legalistic approach be brought to this to grant the status of domestic partnership to all who wish to have it without a religious consideration or one towards their sexuality.
The ‘Gay’-Activist Science Deniers

September 4, 2012
by J. Matt Barber

Woe to any scientist with an interest in objectively researching and reporting on “LGBT”-related issues. If your findings fail the left’s socio-political “butterflies-and-rainbows” litmus test, the “progressive” establishment will try to destroy you – guaranteed. Thus, on these matters, honest scientific inquiry will require courage.

Kansas State University, July 2010: Family Studies professor Dr. Walter Schumm releases the most comprehensive study to date on the effects of homosexual “parenting.” Published in the Journal of Biosocial Science, the study determined, among other things:

•Children raised in “gay” households are up to 12 times more likely to self-identify as “gay”;
•Of those in their 20s – presumably after they’d been able to work out any adolescent confusion or experimentation – 58 percent of the children of lesbians called themselves “gay,” and 33 percent of the children of “gay” men called themselves “gay.” (Contrast these rates with current studies indicating that around 3 percent of the general population is homosexual.)
Just before the research was released, AOL News reported, “Schumm says it shouldn’t have taken until 2010 to do the meta-analysis. Too often his colleagues impose ‘liberal or progressive political interpretations’ on their studies, which inhibit further inquiry. ‘It’s kind of sad,’” he said.

Sad, yes, but it’s also by design. “I just want to know the truth about something,” he confessed. Unfortunately, there are many with an extreme socio-political agenda who depend entirely upon suppressing the truth.


The US is the most tolerant Nation in the world and yet sissies will continue to whine as long as someone listens. The gay agenda dream centers around government mandated forced acceptance of an abhorrent life style. 90% of pedophiles are male and 98% of pedophiles who prey on boys are homosexual. As long as the party of no family values continues to pander to it's radical base and try to force Americans to offer their kids as a hunting ground for monsters it ain't gonna happen.

There are so many lies in that post I don't know where to begin.
The ‘Gay’-Activist Science Deniers

September 4, 2012
by J. Matt Barber

Woe to any scientist with an interest in objectively researching and reporting on “LGBT”-related issues. If your findings fail the left’s socio-political “butterflies-and-rainbows” litmus test, the “progressive” establishment will try to destroy you – guaranteed. Thus, on these matters, honest scientific inquiry will require courage.

Kansas State University, July 2010: Family Studies professor Dr. Walter Schumm releases the most comprehensive study to date on the effects of homosexual “parenting.” Published in the Journal of Biosocial Science, the study determined, among other things:

•Children raised in “gay” households are up to 12 times more likely to self-identify as “gay”;
•Of those in their 20s – presumably after they’d been able to work out any adolescent confusion or experimentation – 58 percent of the children of lesbians called themselves “gay,” and 33 percent of the children of “gay” men called themselves “gay.” (Contrast these rates with current studies indicating that around 3 percent of the general population is homosexual.)
Just before the research was released, AOL News reported, “Schumm says it shouldn’t have taken until 2010 to do the meta-analysis. Too often his colleagues impose ‘liberal or progressive political interpretations’ on their studies, which inhibit further inquiry. ‘It’s kind of sad,’” he said.

Sad, yes, but it’s also by design. “I just want to know the truth about something,” he confessed. Unfortunately, there are many with an extreme socio-political agenda who depend entirely upon suppressing the truth.



Walter Schumm testified during the proceedings concerning Florida’s law banning homosexuals from adopting.

Schumm’s testimony was utterly without merit:

Dr. Schumm is not a psychologist, a summary of his testimony is included in this section because he conducted a methodological analysis of the works of psychologists on homosexual parenting. When reanalyzing studies on outcomes of children raised by gay parents, he found some differences in outcomes as a factor of parental sexual orientation where the original researchers reported no differences (the null hypothesis). He suggests that his reanalysis, mostly unpublished should be accepted over the analyses of well respected researchers in peer reviewed journals. Dr. Schumm admitted that he applies statistical standards that depart from conventions in the field. In fact, Dr. Cochran and Dr. Lamb testified that Dr. Schumm’s statistical reanalysis contained a number of fundamental errors. Dr. Schumm ultimately concluded that based on his reanalysis of the data, there are statistically significant differences between children of gay and lesbian parents as compared to children of heterosexual parents. Dr. Schumm understands that much of the scientific community disagrees with his conclusions and concedes to the possibility that some gay parents may be beneficial to some children.

The testimony of Dr. Schumm does not support the blanket prohibition on
homosexual adoption. Dr. Schumm’s conclusion was that such decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis. Further, the trial court was entitled to accept the testimony of Dr. Cochran and Dr. Lamb that Dr. Schumm’s statistical re-analyses contained fundamental statistical errors.

So much for Walter Schumm.

The ban on gays adopting in Florida was struck down by the court.
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I have a hard time believing any of that is true and I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what the gay agenda actually is.

For a growing minority of gays that is exactly the agenda (maybe not so much the blugeoning people to death part).

The gay agenda is more and more about compelling us to give them what they deem to be rights based upon your sexual preferences. It doesn't matter if the greater good is served; it's about their so-called rights.

And more and more, anybody that defies them in any capacity; is a bigot. Apparently, they granted Obama a waiver for four years though.

And, the gay agenda is being promoted in the schools. And if someone doesn't do that, then we'll actually see that tenure doesn't mean anything if you're engaged in so-called hate speech.
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