What is the biblical timeline for the next era?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I grew up Baptist and I have some understanding of the biblical predictions of the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, and other events.

I've never been clear on the timeline, and I wonder if that is because the bible is unclear on the sequence of events.

I would like to ask for your understanding of these predictions. I will respect everyone's input equally, but I would also be interested to know why you believe as you do, did it come from the bible itself, were you taught it, etc.
I would like to ask for your understanding of these predictions.
I learned they are not predictions, at least in the way you mean. Instead, they are accounts about what was happening at the time they were written. I learned how they help us now, is that down through the ages, things periodically came crashing down. Revelation is adamant that we can always trust God to bring us back out of the evil that may have us bogged down.

How can we tell when bad things may begin to happen? As far back as Genesis, our ancestors recorded their observations of a declining or falling nation. Beware when there is a lack of discipline, and what will be particularly noticeable is a lack of sexual discipline.

What should give us hope is that Ninevah repented, changed its ways and thus avoided the coming downfall.


There is no actual timeline.

Some religious leaders will state that we've just started "the end".
Other religious leaders state that we've already been through the worst, and now getting close to the "second coming".
And even other religious leaders will state that there is no actual timeline for biblical "prophecies", as the bible would have been more explicit with a timeline, rather than extremely vague and generic.

The only prophecies I've ever read that have any type of suggested timeline are from Nostradamus.
And even his prophecies aren't all that clear and concise.

Prophecies in general are like UFO, Nessie, and Big Foot photos.......fuzzy and confusing at best.

Prophecies are only vague notions of what COULD happen if certain things are not done. But this is only because certain people have the knack for "reading" society, technology, or people in general and giving a theoretical guess as to what will more than likely occur if the current trends are not changed.

The most concise, most "believable" timeline I've ever heard, was from one of the old History Channels documentaries from back in the 90's. They used a computer program to figure out the end of the world.
They input info from bibles, ancient civilizations, prophets, and end of the world scenarios that never happened. And the program stated, to its best guess on the data it was given.............

The end of the human race will be sometime in the mid 2500's, and the physical end of the world will be around 3200.
I grew up Baptist and I have some understanding of the biblical predictions of the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, and other events.

I've never been clear on the timeline, and I wonder if that is because the bible is unclear on the sequence of events.

I would like to ask for your understanding of these predictions. I will respect everyone's input equally, but I would also be interested to know why you believe as you do, did it come from the bible itself, were you taught it, etc.

that's because the desert regions abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity and believe they will be saved rather than they will accomplish what was prescribed - or perish.

the desired outcome can only be accomplished without them - the triumph of good, all who would be reminiscing for the final judgement.
There is no actual timeline.

Some religious leaders will state that we've just started "the end".
Other religious leaders state that we've already been through the worst, and now getting close to the "second coming".
And even other religious leaders will state that there is no actual timeline for biblical "prophecies", as the bible would have been more explicit with a timeline, rather than extremely vague and generic.

The only prophecies I've ever read that have any type of suggested timeline are from Nostradamus.
And even his prophecies aren't all that clear and concise.

Prophecies in general are like UFO, Nessie, and Big Foot photos.......fuzzy and confusing at best.

Prophecies are only vague notions of what COULD happen if certain things are not done. But this is only because certain people have the knack for "reading" society, technology, or people in general and giving a theoretical guess as to what will more than likely occur if the current trends are not changed.

The most concise, most "believable" timeline I've ever heard, was from one of the old History Channels documentaries from back in the 90's. They used a computer program to figure out the end of the world.
They input info from bibles, ancient civilizations, prophets, and end of the world scenarios that never happened. And the program stated, to its best guess on the data it was given.............

The end of the human race will be sometime in the mid 2500's, and the physical end of the world will be around 3200.
There many references to the last days or latter days in the Bible. Isaiah has several as well as Ezekiel and Zechariah. New Testament has a lot about the time of restitution of all things when parts of the gospel will be restored.
I cannot elaborate but some think the book of Daniel gives you a way to figure it out. In their opinion the end will come in 2023.
There many references to the last days or latter days in the Bible. Isaiah has several as well as Ezekiel and Zechariah. New Testament has a lot about the time of restitution of all things when parts of the gospel will be restored.
Zechariah 12:7 says they will fight on horse with swords. It's not futuristic.
“The LORD will give victory to the rest of Judah first, before Jerusalem, so that the people of Jerusalem and the royal line of David will not have greater honor than the rest of Judah.

- whatever happened to that one ... faint lite for the 1st century events and its concluding chapter.
Zechariah 12:7 says they will fight on horse with swords. It's not futuristic.
Zechariah 13:6, "And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends."
Zechariah 14:1 - 5, " Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, an half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains........and the Lord my God shall come, and all the Saints with thee." (Latter-day Saints of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Zechariah 13:6, "And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends."
Zechariah 14:1 - 5, " Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, an half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains........and the Lord my God shall come, and all the Saints with thee." (Latter-day Saints of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
They did gather against Jerusalem. Foreign fighters from all over the Roman empire fought under Titus. The Mt of olives was cleaved in half by opposing factions.
They did gather against Jerusalem. Foreign fighters from all over the Roman empire fought under Titus. The Mt of olives was cleaved in half by opposing factions.
Did the Lord stand in the midst of them and show his nail prints? No. Jesus did not stop the Romans and speak to the Jews. Reading in context, he was prophesying of the last days and the coming or 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
Did the Lord stand in the midst of them and show his nail prints? No. Jesus did not stop the Romans and speak to the Jews. Reading in context, he was prophesying of the last days and the coming or 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
It was the last days for temple Judaism.
I grew up Baptist and I have some understanding of the biblical predictions of the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, and other events.

I've never been clear on the timeline, and I wonder if that is because the bible is unclear on the sequence of events.

I would like to ask for your understanding of these predictions. I will respect everyone's input equally, but I would also be interested to know why you believe as you do, did it come from the bible itself, were you taught it, etc.
How do you understand this alleged rapture?
Did the Lord stand in the midst of them and show his nail prints? No. Jesus did not stop the Romans and speak to the Jews. Reading in context, he was prophesying of the last days and the coming or 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
That's not what the Revelation letter says.
That's not what the Revelation letter says.
Yes it does! You JWs have really bad scholars. You are contradicting Zachariah. My interpretation of Revelation doesn’t. John was revealing the last days as was Zechariah. It’s completely clear and factual.
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Yes it does! You JWs have really bad scholars. You are contradicting Zachariah. My interpretation of Revelation doesn’t. John was revealing the last days as was Zechariah. It’s completely clear and factual.
Zechariah isn't talking about Jesus. What is a JW? Didn't you all write your own bible?
Zechariah isn't talking about Jesus. What is a JW? Didn't you all write your own bible?
Zechariah says it's the Lord who parts the Mount of Olives and shows the Jews the wounds in His hands that he got from the house of His friends, Judah. And, it is specific to the last days. The Mount of Olives has not parted down the middle yet, ever. Jehovah Witness. You obviously side with their redundant thinking.
No, we didn't write our own Bible. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it. We believe the Bible to be the word of God. The Book of Mormon is a second witness of Jesus Christ. Isaiah and Ezekiel both wrote about this Book being one in thine hands. Out of the mouth of two witnesses. HELLO??? Anyone there???

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