What is the attraction of Islam?

Sword pierces the soul. One must take up the cross which kills ones old way of life. Through this, peace follows. Of course you thought Jesus came along preaching death by the sword but that was incorrect...or you were just trying to make both equal....which is incorrect also.

That's your interpretation. There are Christians who interpret that very passage to mean that Jesus demands militant action by his followers. But I'm sure you don't want to talk about that.

They're not christians. They're occultists. Ive never met a christian that takes that verse and attributes it to militant action.

( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?

The main attraction is that it is a much more "color blind" religion than Christianity or Judaism. It's also less "structured" and more spiritual.

Color blind? Have you read any of the koran? It makes mein kampf look like a sacred book. There is nothing spiritual about some human crawling up out of a well.

The Koran, The Torah and the Old Testament have much of the same doctrine since they are the same books.

But in practice? Islam doesn't have the same sort of racial bias the other two do, especially Christianity.

This was one of the things that actually shocked Malcolm X and softened his views on white America.
In Islam all men are brothers, and all equal before God. None higher, none lower.

Except, they aren't brothers and worship on a book that deifies an imperfect human who crawled out of a well, had sex with children and envisions an eternity with virgins. How superficial can one be?
( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?

The main attraction is that it is a much more "color blind" religion than Christianity or Judaism. It's also less "structured" and more spiritual.

Color blind? Have you read any of the koran? It makes mein kampf look like a sacred book. There is nothing spiritual about some human crawling up out of a well.

The Koran, The Torah and the Old Testament have much of the same doctrine since they are the same books.

But in practice? Islam doesn't have the same sort of racial bias the other two do, especially Christianity.

This was one of the things that actually shocked Malcolm X and softened his views on white America.
In Islam all men are brothers, and all equal before God. None higher, none lower.

Except, they aren't brothers and worship on a book that deifies an imperfect human who crawled out of a well, had sex with children and envisions an eternity with virgins. How superficial can one be?
No different than talking burning bushes and donkeys. Pillar of salt anyone?
I can defend Islam all day long Mac, the same way that I can any other faith - sometimes useful bullshit...
Cool, try Christianity now.
If the Christians acted like Jesus, for the most part, this would be a vastly better nation and I wouldn't hate them so much. Unfortunately they have a gun-toting VISA-card Jesus, who is nothing like the crazy fucker of the Bible. Their version of a Peacemaker fires 30 rounds a second...
I can defend Islam all day long Mac, the same way that I can any other faith - sometimes useful bullshit...
Cool, try Christianity now.
If the Christians acted like Jesus, for the most part, this would be a vastly better nation and I wouldn't hate them so much. Unfortunately they have a gun-toting VISA-card Jesus, who is nothing like the crazy fucker of the Bible. Their version of a Peacemaker fires 30 rounds a second...
Yeah, I wasn't holding my breath. I rest my case.
I can defend Islam all day long Mac, the same way that I can any other faith - sometimes useful bullshit...
Cool, try Christianity now.
If the Christians acted like Jesus, for the most part, this would be a vastly better nation and I wouldn't hate them so much. Unfortunately they have a gun-toting VISA-card Jesus, who is nothing like the crazy fucker of the Bible. Their version of a Peacemaker fires 30 rounds a second...
Yeah, I wasn't holding my breath. I rest my case.
In case you didn't notice, that was a defense of Jesus, Mac, just not the stupid fuckers who supposedly believer in him, which they don't, obviously.
I can defend Islam all day long Mac, the same way that I can any other faith - sometimes useful bullshit...
Cool, try Christianity now.
If the Christians acted like Jesus, for the most part, this would be a vastly better nation and I wouldn't hate them so much. Unfortunately they have a gun-toting VISA-card Jesus, who is nothing like the crazy fucker of the Bible. Their version of a Peacemaker fires 30 rounds a second...
Yeah, I wasn't holding my breath. I rest my case.
In case you didn't notice, that was a defense of Jesus, Mac, just not the stupid fuckers who supposedly believer in him, which they don't, obviously.
And yet the PC Police deflect for the jihadists by attacking Christianity, as we see on this very thread.

Why do you suppose that is?
I can defend Islam all day long Mac, the same way that I can any other faith - sometimes useful bullshit...
Cool, try Christianity now.
If the Christians acted like Jesus, for the most part, this would be a vastly better nation and I wouldn't hate them so much. Unfortunately they have a gun-toting VISA-card Jesus, who is nothing like the crazy fucker of the Bible. Their version of a Peacemaker fires 30 rounds a second...
Yeah, I wasn't holding my breath. I rest my case.
In case you didn't notice, that was a defense of Jesus, Mac, just not the stupid fuckers who supposedly believer in him, which they don't, obviously.
And yet the PC Police deflect for the jihadists by attacking Christianity, as we see on this very thread.

Why do you suppose that is?
Because the Christians are unable to acknowledge that their shit stinks as well and their mentality is just as dangerous even though liberalism and capitalism have turned their faith into little more than a ticket to Heaven for most. They'd still be burning books otherwise, and witches.
Cool, try Christianity now.
If the Christians acted like Jesus, for the most part, this would be a vastly better nation and I wouldn't hate them so much. Unfortunately they have a gun-toting VISA-card Jesus, who is nothing like the crazy fucker of the Bible. Their version of a Peacemaker fires 30 rounds a second...
Yeah, I wasn't holding my breath. I rest my case.
In case you didn't notice, that was a defense of Jesus, Mac, just not the stupid fuckers who supposedly believer in him, which they don't, obviously.
And yet the PC Police deflect for the jihadists by attacking Christianity, as we see on this very thread.

Why do you suppose that is?
Because the Christians are unable to acknowledge that their shit stinks as well and their mentality is just as dangerous even though liberalism and capitalism have turned their faith into little more than a ticket to Heaven for most.
And the jihadists are willing to acknowledge that their shit stinks?

And the jihadists don't slaughter as their "ticket to Heaven"?

And the mentality of Christianity is "just as dangerous" as that of the jihadists?

Are you serious? Have you really convinced yourself of that?
There's the college girl who sort of finds religion and wants to wear the garb for a few years before she snaps out of it.

The lifelong Muslim is attracted to the simplicity. The enigmas and mysteries of the OT are steam ironed flat. The Quran works better as a cookbook. Some Christians try to treat the Bible as a recipe book, but that always leads to absurdities. So, true Christianity leads to greater richness, but also greater doubt. Islam is less challenging to understand.

Excellent observation. An inherent nexus exists between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam where each subsequent faith represents some form of revision upon the older ways. Jesus is a reformational figure, who pushed back against what he saw as fundamental errors in the theological development of the Jewish faith. His purpose was to correct those errors, and set straight the misguided teachings that had come to be embraced. Much of the resulting new religion reflects an improvement on the older Jewish theology. Where stoning woman for divorcing her husband proved to be a problematic theological principle, Jesus taught that the first stone should be thrown by a sinless person. Where the prohibition against doing work on the Sabbath might lead a person to starve, Jesus taught that the law must be read with flexibility and not be taken to extremes such that demand pain and suffering from the faithful.

Muhammad was also a reformational figure in nearly the exact same way. He set out to further clarify and refine perceived theological problems and inconsistencies within Christianity. As a result, there is a somewhat progressive transitional relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. An open minded and curious individual who comes from a Jewish background and who sets out to search for spiritual fulfillment can very naturally find themselves appreciating Christianity as a refinement of the imperfect Judaism that has left them unfulfilled. It's rather quite common for Jewish people to convert to Christianity their first introductions to Christian teachings. Likewise, an open minded and curious individual who comes from a Christian background and who sets out to search for spiritual fulfillment can very naturally find themselves appreciating Islam as a refinement of the imperfect Christianity that has left them unfulfilled; Christian to Muslim conversion occurs with the same ease for many people as Judaism to Christianity conversions.
The Quran attempts to be 'The Bible Demystified'. To some, that may be appealing. To me, religion is richer when the mysteries and paradoxes are left untouched.

Islam has many parallels with Mormonism. Both have an additional prophet. Both have dietary rules. Both are more prescriptive. Both add details to amorphous biblical characters and themes. IMHO, that's not an improvement. But to a Muslim or Mormon, it's the completion of the journey
If the Christians acted like Jesus, for the most part, this would be a vastly better nation and I wouldn't hate them so much. Unfortunately they have a gun-toting VISA-card Jesus, who is nothing like the crazy fucker of the Bible. Their version of a Peacemaker fires 30 rounds a second...
Yeah, I wasn't holding my breath. I rest my case.
In case you didn't notice, that was a defense of Jesus, Mac, just not the stupid fuckers who supposedly believer in him, which they don't, obviously.
And yet the PC Police deflect for the jihadists by attacking Christianity, as we see on this very thread.

Why do you suppose that is?
Because the Christians are unable to acknowledge that their shit stinks as well and their mentality is just as dangerous even though liberalism and capitalism have turned their faith into little more than a ticket to Heaven for most.
And the jihadists are willing to acknowledge that their shit stinks?

And the jihadists don't slaughter as their "ticket to Heaven"?

And the mentality of Christianity is "just as dangerous" as that of the jihadists?

Are you serious? Have you really convinced yourself of that?
It's absolutely true. Evil peas in an evil pod. No difference worth mentioning and both groups just as blind to their actions. At least in their holy book you are allowed to kill, under the right conditions, which isn't true in the NT but that never stops the fucking Christians from dropping bombs on people.
Yeah, I wasn't holding my breath. I rest my case.
In case you didn't notice, that was a defense of Jesus, Mac, just not the stupid fuckers who supposedly believer in him, which they don't, obviously.
And yet the PC Police deflect for the jihadists by attacking Christianity, as we see on this very thread.

Why do you suppose that is?
Because the Christians are unable to acknowledge that their shit stinks as well and their mentality is just as dangerous even though liberalism and capitalism have turned their faith into little more than a ticket to Heaven for most.
And the jihadists are willing to acknowledge that their shit stinks?

And the jihadists don't slaughter as their "ticket to Heaven"?

And the mentality of Christianity is "just as dangerous" as that of the jihadists?

Are you serious? Have you really convinced yourself of that?
It's absolutely true. Evil peas in an evil pod. No difference worth mentioning and both groups just as blind to their actions. At least in their holy book you are allowed to kill, under the right conditions, which isn't true in the NT but that never stops the fucking Christians from dropping bombs on people.
Okay, got it, thanks.

Very instructive.
I can defend Islam all day long Mac, the same way that I can any other faith - sometimes useful bullshit...
Cool, try Christianity now.
If the Christians acted like Jesus, for the most part, this would be a vastly better nation and I wouldn't hate them so much. Unfortunately they have a gun-toting VISA-card Jesus, who is nothing like the crazy fucker of the Bible. Their version of a Peacemaker fires 30 rounds a second...


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