CDZ What is the argument FOR banning transgenders from military service?

Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.
Mentally ill people can’t serve in the military without creating more problems than they solve.

I don't know. That's why I asked. However, the JCOS testimony to Congress in 2018 doesn't help the argument that transgenders should be banned.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

Simple, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Why liberals ant mentally ill folks having access to military weapons is beyond me.

I don't disagree with you, but I'm looking for some hard evidence that would support Trump's argument. Thanks for your response.
They are delusional.
Does that not count?
Congress can rewrite the UCMJ, until then Obama actually violated the law by allowing people with a diagnosed mental illness serve in the military.
Ummm…..these transvestites shouldn't be allowed in the military because they are all crazy as hoot owls?

Yeah, that's it.

And usually male prostitutes, too. We had one in our state who shot up a workplace, killed a bunch of women, and this black man was calling himself a woman (they had hired him for security......not really a good hire) though completely unaltered in any way, even clothes. And newspapers all over the country picked it up and called him "She" to be politically correct! Which messes up the stats on multiple murders bigtime: women hardly ever have done any of that, and now they've put this guy in the women-do-it-too box. He already had a diagnosis of schizophrenia, from some clinic in inner-city Baltimore.
They're extremely sick mentally ill people into extreme self-mutilation, and like faggots are a constant public health menace as well, there is a reason who WHO issues global hepatitis A epidemic warnings every year around Gay Pride Month, just for starters; there military isn't the place to be playing 'Diversity' fads and other ridiculously stupid games for another. If anyone needs more, just go to any faggot hangout and see for yourselves how sick they are.

They are not joining up for any other reason other than to get the taxpayers to pay for their self-mutilation fetish.
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Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

Simple, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Why liberals ant mentally ill folks having access to military weapons is beyond me.

I don't disagree with you, but I'm looking for some hard evidence that would support Trump's argument. Thanks for your response.

Under DEmocrats the data will have been non-existent or massaged to portray the 'correct' evidence desired, same as it all is in our 'mental health' industry re faggotry, and completely worthless.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

There is no such thing as 'transgender' therefore anyone claiming to be one is not anchored in reality. We need soldiers that are not confused.
You were born with a penis or you weren't.
If you were you're a male.
If you weren't you are a female.
It really IS just that simple.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

Trans is considered a mental illness and mentally ill people are not allowed to serve. It is not any more complex than that.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

Trans is considered a mental illness and mentally ill people are not allowed to serve. It is not any more complex than that.

Apparently, the JCOS disagree with you, at least they did a year or two ago.
You were born with a penis or you weren't.
If you were you're a male.
If you weren't you are a female.
It really IS just that simple.

I agree with you. The question is forming an argument to justify banning them from serving
Frankly, it's hard for me to come up with one when the JCOS say there is no problem.
You were born with a penis or you weren't.
If you were you're a male.
If you weren't you are a female.
It really IS just that simple.

I agree with you. The question is forming an argument to justify banning them from serving
Frankly, it's hard for me to come up with one when the JCOS say there is no problem.

In 2017 JCOS said the policy of accepting transgenders would not change unless and until Trump changes it. Clearly the JCOS have no real jursdiction here. Now, of course, the swampy TDSers are taking it to the courts where they want to make new government policy. That's their MO ya know.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.

Trans is considered a mental illness and mentally ill people are not allowed to serve. It is not any more complex than that.

Apparently, the JCOS disagree with you, at least they did a year or two ago.

Me? You mean Trump.
Above all, I think it's a matter of logistics.

The military segregates troops on the basis of sex. Women and men have separate housing and and sanitary facilities.

Adding a third option simply complicates the expense of maintaining gender segregation.

A solution might be to eliminate gender segregation entirely. Is it time for men and women in the military to eliminate all forms of gender segregation?
The JC's are a pack of politicians; their own personal careers come first, so they aren't going to do anything that will get them fired or on the bad side of Congress or make themselves political targets. They cave for the same reasons psychiatrists and other alleged 'professionals and scientists' cave in to the faggot mobs; it might cost them money and/or power to have principles.
There is no such thing as 'transgender' therefore anyone claiming to be one is not anchored in reality.

Ageed, and so I never say the word "transgender," because that is a circular argument: it admits in the very defining word the issue we are arguing, whether it is possible to change sex.

it isn't. So I call them transvestites: they can change their clothes. Their sex, not so much.

I'm a woman, and I know: eunuchs are not women. Men with penises who claim to be women are not women. I have to TELL you all this stuff???????
A solution might be to eliminate gender segregation entirely. Is it time for men and women in the military to eliminate all forms of gender segregation?

Maybe, if it's time for women to be conscripted like men. How about we not go there? I have understood forever that the reason radical feminists have insisted on women in the military is so conscription would never be possible. I agree with no conscription. But women in the military is just silly.
A solution might be to eliminate gender segregation entirely. Is it time for men and women in the military to eliminate all forms of gender segregation?

Maybe, if it's time for women to be conscripted like men. How about we not go there? I have understood forever that the reason radical feminists have insisted on women in the military is so conscription would never be possible. I agree with no conscription. But women in the military is just silly.

they were mostly interested in the lifetime bennies and job training opportunities the military offered, not 'serving our country', for the big majority of them; they saw a 'males only' program with lots of bennies, particularly medical and education benefits that were life long at the time, that appealed to working class people in general, and saw it as discriminatory based on sex. They are partly right in theory, but as we all know the military is an entirely different thing, and not a jobs program or social engineering hobby for dope-addled 'activists' to play around with like some Jr. College wish list.

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