CDZ What is the argument FOR banning transgenders from military service?

Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.
A transgender must take hormones and drugs the rest of their life and thus are undeployable, which means unfit to serve.

They are unfit to serve in any and all capacities? Can they cook?

Cooks deploy.
The JC's are a pack of politicians; their own personal careers come first, so they aren't going to do anything that will get them fired or on the bad side of Congress or make themselves political targets. They cave for the same reasons psychiatrists and other alleged 'professionals and scientists' cave in to the faggot mobs; it might cost them money and/or power to have principles.

That certainly may be true, although it would seem cowardly of them to remain silent if they truly felt that transgenders should not serve. Perhaps they had a little talk before their testimony and concluded that telling the truth would change nothing except to imperil their careers. After all, liberals aren't always necessarily fond of the truth.

Many were appointed by Obama, plus, they don't want to get their budgets cut or otherwise harassed by Congressmen and Senators, and unfortunately the GOP's 'globalist' faction are just as fond of sick faggots as the Democrats are; it makes them feel all 'progressive n sophisticated n stuff', which of course means they don't know shit and are weak ass fashion victims.

You give our leftist opponents ammunition to accuse us of being bigots. And when conservatives don't condemn your bigotry, they might fairly ask, why do you stand with such bigots. Why don't you condemn such bigotry? How about doing the rest of us a favor and stop doing it, please?
I think it should be obvious that any adult who is confused about the difference between men and women, and especially confused as to which h'orsh'/it is; has some pretty serious mental health issues. We disqualify people from military service for less serious issues than that. What is so special about this particular mental illness, that should treat it any differently?
You may not be aware, but there are a fair number of gays that support Trump and most conservative ideals. Referring to them in this manner in a very public way such as this is counterproductive to the conservative cause. Such statements can and probably do push gays, who might otherwise vote our way, into the open arms of our political opponents. I encourage you to refrain from doing so in the future. Thanks for your consideration.

Homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population. Out of that 4%, how many are likely to support Republican/conservative causes and candidates? Probably less than 4%.

So you want us to refrain from calling out this sick, disgusting, immoral perversion for what it truly is, and those who engage in it for what they truly are, in order to avoid alienating that 0.16 of a percent who might otherwise support us? I think our moral principles and values are more important than pandering to that 0.16%.
The JC's are a pack of politicians; their own personal careers come first, so they aren't going to do anything that will get them fired or on the bad side of Congress or make themselves political targets. They cave for the same reasons psychiatrists and other alleged 'professionals and scientists' cave in to the faggot mobs; it might cost them money and/or power to have principles.

That certainly may be true, although it would seem cowardly of them to remain silent if they truly felt that transgenders should not serve. Perhaps they had a little talk before their testimony and concluded that telling the truth would change nothing except to imperil their careers. After all, liberals aren't always necessarily fond of the truth.

“The Emperor's New Clothes” effect. We are seeing it very vividly demonstrated in our society, these days, with regard to “transgenderism”.

Every sane adult knows the difference between men and women, and understands why this difference is important. Every sane adult knows that a man is not a woman, and a woman is not a man, and one cannot become the other. Every sane adult knows that “transgenderism” is insane bullshit, nothing more or less.

Yet too many of us have foolishly, cravenly allowed ourselves to be bullied and shamed into playing along with what we know to be an insane lie, for fear of being branded “transphobic” and “bigoted”, for fear of having our livelihoods harmed, and our social lives damaged. This is exactly the phenomenon of which Hans Christian Andersen wrote in his famous tale—of foolish, cowardly people praising the spectacular clothes that they could very clearly see that His Majesty was not wearing, for fear of being judged to be stupid or incompetent if they correctly said that His Majesty was parading before them stark naked.

Those of us who play along with the “transgenderism” lie are no better than the people in Andersen's tale, who praised The Emperor's New Clothes.
Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

That ought to be obvious.

Is there any other delusional mental illness, where it is considered an appropriate treatment to mutilate the patient in a vain attempt to force reality to conform to the patient's delusions?
You give our leftist opponents ammunition to accuse us of being bigots. And when conservatives don't condemn your bigotry, they might fairly ask, why do you stand with such bigots. Why don't you condemn such bigotry? How about doing the rest of us a favor and stop doing it, please?

Those on the left wrong are always trying to cast plain, obvious truth, as “bigotry”. Is this a good reason to tell lies instead of the truth, to avoid being accused of such “bigotry”? I say that it is not.

I, for one, absolutely will not be bullied into playing along with lies, and refraining from telling the truth, by that tactic. And I condemn as a lying, pathetic coward, anyone who will.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.
When you are dealing with phobias and hatred of minorities, you can never have a "clean debate".

This group of people want that group of people dead.

So let's compromise?

What does that even mean?


You could have, in this cartoon, we want to kill gays, or Hispanics, or Muslims.

See? You can never compromise, you can only defeat.
With the health issues this tiny minority brings with it, the military can ill afford it.

As I said earlier the reason they're joining is to get Federal financing for indulging in their mental illness, something which should be outlawed in the first place; allowing mentally ill people to mutilate themselves is just evidence of just how sick our culture has become in itself.
With the health issues this tiny minority brings with it, the military can ill afford it.

As I said earlier the reason they're joining is to get Federal financing for indulging in their mental illness, something which should be outlawed in the first place; allowing mentally ill people to mutilate themselves is just evidence of just how sick our culture has become in itself.
Treating a mental state with surgery does seem inappropriate.
Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

That ought to be obvious.

Is there any other delusional mental illness, where it is considered an appropriate treatment to mutilate the patient in a vain attempt to force reality to conform to the patient's delusions?

There's a popular Facebook page called "Gays for Trump". Would you refer to them as "faggots"? If so, why drive them to not vote with us but, instead, against us? Some voting margins are razor-thin. Why do that?
Thanks. Did they attempt suicide because they're mentally ill or because society rejects them? If society, or more particularly, the military was more "inclusive" toward them, would their suicide rate be lower?

It doesn't matter. Attempted fraud of the worst sort is what matters, and that's what these transvestites are trying.. No society can accept fraud about such basic issues as what sex people are. Or any other kind of serious fraud. Fighting fraud is very important to societal cohesion --- if we don't fight it, we are lost to all the criminals and crazies.
Friendly reminder, this is in the "clean debate forum".

I generally support Trump, but I'm not sold that his desired ban of transgenders from military service is really needed or warranted. Now, I've never served in the military so I cannot say whether transgenders serving have a positive or negative impact on the rest of the armed forces. I've not heard of major transgressions by transgenders, but perhaps I missed them. I do know that Bradley Manning leaked classified materials but, then again, so have some heterosexual service members. I guess I'm of the adage of "If it isn't broke..." So, what is the argument for banning transgenders from military service? Thanks in advance.
A transgender must take hormones and drugs the rest of their life and thus are undeployable, which means unfit to serve.
new "janisaries or gem hadar"?
Results: Across these 42 studies an average of 55% of respondents ideated about and 29% attempted suicide in their lifetimes. Within the past year, these averages were, respectively, 51% and 11%, or 14 and 22 times that of the general public. Overall, suicidal ideation was higher among individuals of a male-to-female (MTF) than female-to-male (FTM) alignment, and lowest among those who were gender non-conforming (GNC). Conversely, attempts occurred most often among FTM individuals, then decreased for MTF individuals, followed by GNC individuals.

Thanks. Did they attempt suicide because they're mentally ill or because society rejects them? If society, or more particularly, the military was more "inclusive" toward them, would their suicide rate be lower?
Suicide because of perceived rejection is a mental problem. Rejection does not cause suicide. Inability to deal with problems sometimes results in suicide. As a psychologist said, "Suicide is the permanent solution to a temporary problem."
Suicide because of perceived rejection is a mental problem. Rejection does not cause suicide. Inability to deal with problems sometimes results in suicide. As a psychologist said, "Suicide is the permanent solution to a temporary problem."

Trying to change sex is an attempt to avoid rejection. They start out probably treated badly or manipulatively by crazy parents and decide changing sex will solve their problems. It only makes things much, much, much worse, but by then they've taken huge doses of hormones and maybe had amputation surgeries, changed their names and clothes, left their families, and there's no going back, though all they get is complete lack of acceptance, because people are afraid of somebody that crazy, and rightly so. So of course they commit suicide, duh!

It's pretty mean to encourage people to do this crazy stuff or let them change as children: it just leads to a short and very unhappy life. If they don't take steps to lock in the crazy changes, they might recover later. Many do try to go back to their real sex. I read the book When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson last fall, and it's very informative. A little too sympathetic, oh the poor tranny, and he doesn't touch on the immorality issue of the terrible fraud they are trying to commit against all the rest of us, but it's good information. They do indeed have a very high suicide rate, as well as breakdowns and attempts to go back to their original gender identity.

A lot of it is attention-seeking by hysterics. Like Cher's "son." I can see from a recent clickbait photo that it must be a downer to be the very plain daughter of one of the most beautiful women in the world --- so she decided the way to get the attention her mother gets was to turn into a man. I suppose the reasoning was that people don't care so much if a man is ugly.
Suicide because of perceived rejection is a mental problem. Rejection does not cause suicide. Inability to deal with problems sometimes results in suicide. As a psychologist said, "Suicide is the permanent solution to a temporary problem."

Trying to change sex is an attempt to avoid rejection. They start out probably treated badly or manipulatively by crazy parents and decide changing sex will solve their problems. It only makes things much, much, much worse, but by then they've taken huge doses of hormones and maybe had amputation surgeries, changed their names and clothes, left their families, and there's no going back, though all they get is complete lack of acceptance, because people are afraid of somebody that crazy, and rightly so. So of course they commit suicide, duh!

It's pretty mean to encourage people to do this crazy stuff or let them change as children: it just leads to a short and very unhappy life. If they don't take steps to lock in the crazy changes, they might recover later. Many do try to go back to their real sex. I read the book When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson last fall, and it's very informative. A little too sympathetic, oh the poor tranny, and he doesn't touch on the immorality issue of the terrible fraud they are trying to commit against all the rest of us, but it's good information. They do indeed have a very high suicide rate, as well as breakdowns and attempts to go back to their original gender identity.

A lot of it is attention-seeking by hysterics. Like Cher's "son." I can see from a recent clickbait photo that it must be a downer to be the very plain daughter of one of the most beautiful women in the world --- so she decided the way to get the attention her mother gets was to turn into a man. I suppose the reasoning was that people don't care so much if a man is ugly.
Put another way, efforts to change one's genetic determination is rejecting one's biological self, the mental failure to integrate the physical being. Of course this can only lead to massive internal conflict, neurosis and schizoid acting out. Secondary gain such as attention getting certainly plays in.
It is a personally tragic situation, but on a societal level it involves so few that mobilizing great measures for it are misappropriation of resources better used more widely.
Put another way, efforts to change one's genetic determination is rejecting one's biological self, the mental failure to integrate the physical being. Of course this can only lead to massive internal conflict, neurosis and schizoid acting out.

Good point. Self-hate on such a profound level, with such amazing and doomed efforts at self-improvement can't lead to anything good psychologically.
None of this is what the military is designed to do. The military should only care about fighting and winning wars. Anything that can't help it accomplish that should be of no concern of the military. Meaning if some mentally ill cross dresser kills himself because he can't serve in the military, that is sad, but the military shouldn't change policy based on that.

And amazing that there were no issues with this until that POS Obama changed the policy on his own, which is well beyond the scope of the authority of the President of the United States.

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