What is Social Liberalism?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.

Understanding Social Liberalism​

Social liberalism is the ideology of collective liberties and rights that favors social welfare and justice. It comes in a political and economic form. It is one of two dominate types of liberalism(the other being its predecessor classical liberalism).

Like classical liberalism, social liberalism is a left-wing ideology of liberty and equality. Unlike the classically left-wing classical liberalism, which favors liberty on issues of state, social liberalism mixes in classically conservative planks like taxation, regulations on individuals, groups, and businesses, and more in an effort to ensure social justice and social welfare via government.

Social liberalism is considered a socially left wing ideology (despite its mixed nature). It generally comes in populist and elitist forms that can differ in their positions on how government should be used to ensure social justice.

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i'll engage with you on this topic when i finish watching soccer. don't mind that jerk brighton fan luiza

What prompted me was a suggestion that Boris Johnson is a social liberal, and how it is somehow all conflated with Conservatism. In America too?

What’s with Brighton? Other than a pebbly beach, nude bathing, and a tatty decaying town centre?
What prompted me was a suggestion that Boris Johnson is a social liberal, and how it is somehow all conflated with Conservatism. In America too?

What’s with Brighton? Other than a pebbly beach, nude bathing, and a tatty decaying town centre?
Brighton are a soccer team. i love Boris Johnson, are you British by any chance?
conservatism provides a healthy balance between the rich and the poor, ensuring a stable society. liberalism sows chaos asunder, with once beautiful cities becoming a dumping ground of crime, poverty, and feces
I'm more of an individual rights proponent.

I have no desire for collectivism because too often collectivism attempts to make everyone responsible for the mis deeds of other people.

The best example I see is the anti gun people trying to say that because some people own a particular type of firearm that they are responsible for the crimes other people commit with that firearm.
What prompted me was a suggestion that Boris Johnson is a social liberal, and how it is somehow all conflated with Conservatism. In America too?

What’s with Brighton? Other than a pebbly beach, nude bathing, and a tatty decaying town centre?
Now you are in the real world . Brighton and Hove Albion, or ,The Seagulls ,are currently the most exiting young team in football in Europe and possibly the world. Reasons are many but I naturally would not wish to be seen as highjacking this soppy thread to anything more important or pleasure giving .But to help you , the term Social Liberalism is the equivalent of weak tea , not strong, and with three sugars and not one.Discuss .
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Now you are in the real world . Brighton and Hove Albion, or ,The Seagulls ,are currently the most exiting young team in football in Europe and possibly the world. Reasons are many but I naturally would not wish to be seen as highjacking this soppy thread to anything more important or pleasure giving .But to help you , the term Social Liberalism is the equivalent of weak tea , not strong, and with three sugars and not one.Discuss .

You’re getting quite a reputation. Even l have heard of you. :rofl:
Must you? :meow::rolleyes:

Threadjacking so early?

There isn't even a valid topic here.

The "user content" in OPs that the existing rules require needs to be "stepped up".. "Get a load of this" -- is no longer sufficient topical content"... Must be 2 lines or more.. The more the better.. Must SUMMARIZE the topic to be discussed and why you think it NEEDS discussion..

New "Clean Start" Policy on Creating Threads
There isn't even a valid topic here.

The "user content" in OPs that the existing rules require needs to be "stepped up".. "Get a load of this" -- is no longer sufficient topical content"... Must be 2 lines or more.. The more the better.. Must SUMMARIZE the topic to be discussed and why you think it NEEDS discussion..

New "Clean Start" Policy on Creating Threads

How modern conservatism conflates with social liberalism.

I already mentioned it.

But as you’re ‘that’ type......

I'm more of an individual rights proponent.

I have no desire for collectivism because too often collectivism attempts to make everyone responsible for the mis deeds of other people.

The best example I see is the anti gun people trying to say that because some people own a particular type of firearm that they are responsible for the crimes other people commit with that firearm.
Really, cuz I only hear you support those who are not like that.

So, do you?

1. Support people opting to not get vaccinated?
2. Support people who opt to not want a one fit national health care program?
3. Support people who want to opt their kids out of being taught the gender gospels in school?
4. Support people who protested the government during January 6th?
5. Support people who wish to abide by the Second Amendment and own guns?

We can stop there for now and wait for a response.
How modern conservatism conflates with social liberalism.

I already mentioned it.

But as you’re ‘that’ type......

Have you been able to find a defence against the "weak tea with too much sugar "proposition? Suggest you use UK, PG Tips ( chimps)for tea testing as they use live monkeys for their advertising .Or ,Social Liberals as they are known as in the trade
Really, cuz I only hear you support those who are not like that.

So, do you?

1. Support people opting to not get vaccinated?
2. Support people who opt to not want a one fit national health care program?
3. Support people who want to opt their kids out of being taught the gender gospels in school?
4. Support people who protested the government during January 6th?
5. Support people who wish to abide by the Second Amendment and own guns?

We can stop there for now and wait for a response.
I never cared if you got vaccinated or not. No one was ever forced to get a vaccination against their will
I have always been against Obamacare and being forced to pay for things you don't want or need
If parents don't like the government school curricula they are free to redress their grievances with the government as per the 1st Amendment. Or they can put their kids in a private school or home school them.

I have no problem with protesting. I do have a problem with rioting and vandalism and if you were a law abiding person you would too.

I happen to be a staunch 2 A supporter and if you think I'm not then please post a quote of any post that says I'm not.

FYI I am also for a woman's right to choose to have an abortion

See individual rights.
I never cared if you got vaccinated or not. No one was ever forced to get a vaccination against their will
I have always been against Obamacare and being forced to pay for things you don't want or need
If parents don't like the government school curricula they are free to redress their grievances with the government as per the 1st Amendment. Or they can put their kids in a private school or home school them.

I have no problem with protesting. I do have a problem with rioting and vandalism and if you were a law abiding person you would too.

I happen to be a staunch 2 A supporter and if you think I'm not then please post a quote of any post that says I'm not.

FYI I am also for a woman's right to choose to have an abortion

See individual rights.
So do you vote for people who share your beliefs or do you just not vote democrat?

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