What is more important: keeping the government running or funding obamacare?

What is more important: keeping the government running or funding obamacare?

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That wasn't a reliable source because it is a survey asking whether they want to move somewhere, rather than actual data which shows that people have actually moved there. Meanwhile in the real world: Steve Wozniak Seeks Australian Citizenship: America May Lose Yet Another Billionaire
And that was just last year. Keep messing up America and more will leave, fortunately the Republican majority will be gone from the House in 2014 or later.

I am in awe...you are SO intelligent that you can't understand that YOU said nobody WANTS to come here and I showed you they did...sorry kid...you don't get to decide what sources are good nd which ones aren't....I took what you said and showed you you were wrong.

It's ok, it won't be the last time it happens.
Really, did I say that? You spend all your time bitching about America not being '#1'. In fact I didn't, so much for a 'bitchslap':
Meanwhile the rest of the developed world looks at America and is glad they don't live there
I said 'glad they don't live there', not 'no one wants to live there'. Keep making up crap about me, it is getting boring arguing with you. :lol:

LOI know it hurts...a man of presumed "lesser" intellect used your own words to show you you you jus ain't all that...;)

Like I said kid, it won't be the last time.
Your tactic is common around here among the rightwing inmates. Start a thread based on an idiotic premise and then cry about it when normal intelligent people point out how idiotic it is.

If it's more important to keep the government running than it is to fund - or defund - Obamacare,

then that just proves that the Republicans in Congress are acting irresponisibly by their willingness to shut down the government over the funding or defunding of Obamacare.

Why aren't the Republicans threatening to shut down the government if Medicare isn't defunded?

i'll take this as your round about answer: you would rather shut down the entire government and fund obamacare.

you care more about one program than all of the other government. that is the most stupid thing i've ever heard. you are the one holding us hostage by claiming one program, which has not even started yet and which there are countless waivers/exemptions for...is more important than the rest of government. you are the epitome of projection.

NO. The Republicans care about ENDING one program more than they care about all of the rest of the government.

If a Republican were president, and the Democrats said, we're going to shut down the government if the universal background check gun law isn't passed,

you're trying to tell us you'd side with the Democrats,

on principle?

Fuck off. lol

wow....what a hissy fit.

liberals are about ENDING ALL GOVERNMENT in order to save one program that is not even implemented yet

fuck off. lol
I answered the question. Since it's vital to fund the government no single program's funding should be used as a bargaining chip.

Now answer mine.

Which you weren’t required to do given the question’s partisan idiocy.

another liberal coward

it is a simple question based on the claim by you libs that the pubs are holding the government hostage, yet, when the question is actually posed to you, you claim it is idiotic, yet...you continue the stupid dishonest claim the pubs are holding the gov hostage

pound sand

It is the GOP causing all of this uncertainty.
It turns out that there are 44 countries where, according to Gallup's data, more than 5 percent of the adult population say say they would like to move to the United States. Five percent! That's a remarkably large share. In 15 of those countries, the proportion of the population that wants to move to the United States is above 10 percent. And there are three countries where more than a quarter of the adult population would like to move here: Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Dominican Republic.

The data do not, as you might expect, always correlate with wealth. In other words, while it looks as though people in poorer countries are, in general, more likely to want to move to the United States, this doesn't explain the data entirely. GDP per capita is quite low in South Asia and the Middle East, but few countries in those regions broke about 5 percent.

Run a long and play, its just going to get worse for you.
Which you weren’t required to do given the question’s partisan idiocy.

another liberal coward

it is a simple question based on the claim by you libs that the pubs are holding the government hostage, yet, when the question is actually posed to you, you claim it is idiotic, yet...you continue the stupid dishonest claim the pubs are holding the gov hostage

pound sand

It is the GOP causing all of this uncertainty.

what uncertainty? they passed a spending bill....only the dems are holding it up.
i'll take this as your round about answer: you would rather shut down the entire government and fund obamacare.

you care more about one program than all of the other government. that is the most stupid thing i've ever heard. you are the one holding us hostage by claiming one program, which has not even started yet and which there are countless waivers/exemptions for...is more important than the rest of government. you are the epitome of projection.

NO. The Republicans care about ENDING one program more than they care about all of the rest of the government.

If a Republican were president, and the Democrats said, we're going to shut down the government if the universal background check gun law isn't passed,

you're trying to tell us you'd side with the Democrats,

on principle?

Fuck off. lol

wow....what a hissy fit.

liberals are about ENDING ALL GOVERNMENT in order to save one program that is not even implemented yet

fuck off. lol

Carb is quite intellectually ill equipped for this sort of give and take.
you still have not answered the OP chicken. and no, the issue is DEFUNDING, not repealing moron. stop lying you fucking hack.

i predict the chicken will not answer the question but demand i answer his....:lol:

I answered the question. Since it's vital to fund the government no single program's funding should be used as a bargaining chip.

Now answer mine.

Which you weren’t required to do given the question’s partisan idiocy.

He's not up to actually debating the issue.
I answered the question. Since it's vital to fund the government no single program's funding should be used as a bargaining chip.

Now answer mine.

Which you weren’t required to do given the question’s partisan idiocy.

He's not up to actually debating the issue.

i've been waiting for a serious debate, but all i get from the left is name calling and derision.

care to step up and actually debate?
another liberal coward

it is a simple question based on the claim by you libs that the pubs are holding the government hostage, yet, when the question is actually posed to you, you claim it is idiotic, yet...you continue the stupid dishonest claim the pubs are holding the gov hostage

pound sand

It is the GOP causing all of this uncertainty.

what uncertainty? they passed a spending bill....only the dems are holding it up.

Oh...okay. Obama has nothing to do with it until the Senate acts.
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i'll take this as your round about answer: you would rather shut down the entire government and fund obamacare.

you care more about one program than all of the other government. that is the most stupid thing i've ever heard. you are the one holding us hostage by claiming one program, which has not even started yet and which there are countless waivers/exemptions for...is more important than the rest of government. you are the epitome of projection.

NO. The Republicans care about ENDING one program more than they care about all of the rest of the government.

If a Republican were president, and the Democrats said, we're going to shut down the government if the universal background check gun law isn't passed,

you're trying to tell us you'd side with the Democrats,

on principle?

Fuck off. lol

wow....what a hissy fit.

liberals are about ENDING ALL GOVERNMENT in order to save one program that is not even implemented yet

fuck off. lol

The Democrats aren't trying to shut the government down.
I answered the question. Since it's vital to fund the government no single program's funding should be used as a bargaining chip.

Now answer mine.

Which you weren’t required to do given the question’s partisan idiocy.

He's not up to actually debating the issue.

That much is obvious. It's sort of like the false choice between those who claimed we shouldn't be going to the moon when we had starving people in Alabama. In the "either/or" world of the simple minded, you get this sort of debate.

I like it though because it's fun to see the lengths they'll go to.
NO. The Republicans care about ENDING one program more than they care about all of the rest of the government.

If a Republican were president, and the Democrats said, we're going to shut down the government if the universal background check gun law isn't passed,

you're trying to tell us you'd side with the Democrats,

on principle?

Fuck off. lol

wow....what a hissy fit.

liberals are about ENDING ALL GOVERNMENT in order to save one program that is not even implemented yet

fuck off. lol

The Democrats aren't trying to shut the government down.

really? why not pass the spending bill that the house passed?
i'll take this as your round about answer: you would rather shut down the entire government and fund obamacare.

you care more about one program than all of the other government. that is the most stupid thing i've ever heard. you are the one holding us hostage by claiming one program, which has not even started yet and which there are countless waivers/exemptions for...is more important than the rest of government. you are the epitome of projection.

NO. The Republicans care about ENDING one program more than they care about all of the rest of the government.

If a Republican were president, and the Democrats said, we're going to shut down the government if the universal background check gun law isn't passed,

you're trying to tell us you'd side with the Democrats,

on principle?

Fuck off. lol

wow....what a hissy fit.

liberals are about ENDING ALL GOVERNMENT in order to save one program that is not even implemented yet

fuck off. lol

You voted in your own poll that it is more important to keep the government running.

Therefore, you cannot support the Republicans putting a specific partisan condition on keeping the government running,

because by doing so they are saying they are willing to keep the government from running, they are willing to shut down the government,

if their condition isn't met.

The act of putting conditions on whether or not the government will be shut down is taking the position that keeping the government running is not the more important of the two.
NO. The Republicans care about ENDING one program more than they care about all of the rest of the government.

If a Republican were president, and the Democrats said, we're going to shut down the government if the universal background check gun law isn't passed,

you're trying to tell us you'd side with the Democrats,

on principle?

Fuck off. lol

wow....what a hissy fit.

liberals are about ENDING ALL GOVERNMENT in order to save one program that is not even implemented yet

fuck off. lol

You voted in your own poll that it is more important to keep the government running.

Therefore, you cannot support the Republicans putting a specific partisan condition on keeping the government running,

because by doing so they are saying they are willing to keep the government from running, they are willing to shut down the government,

if their condition isn't met.

The act of putting conditions on whether or not the government will be shut down is taking the position that keeping the government running is not the more important of the two.

Good job on the thread...Game, set, match, Carbiner!

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