What Is It With Australia and Their Spiders?

I don't like spiders. The only exception are those cute little jumping spiders that look at you.

They look at you like they are so surprised you've noticed them and it gets into a staring contest!


The world........she be a changing.

If you pay really CLOSE attention to everything going on in the world.......both human and animal alike..........you will notice that the earth is in the beginnings of its next global shift.

And animals are gearing up for it, by morphing into their next phases of their evolutions.

Spiders are getting larger and more venomous.
Cats are starting to grow "thumbs".
Dogs are getting smaller.
Birds are learning how to use refuse to build nests/forts.


It's only the fucking dumbassed humans that aren't doing anything to gear up for the next earth shift.

War isn't going to kill off most humans, the global shift is.
You're still getting box elder bugs? I usually see them when it warms up a little, or after they harvest the corn or soybeans across the highway. And those damned Asian lady beetles. They look like lady bugs but they can bite the hell out of you.
Yeah, I still have both coming into the house, even though it's cold as hell out.
Probably have a million of them in my walls.
I vacuum up a few each day.

I have achieved stupendous acts of speed, jumps, screeches of amazing decibels and have even taken flight for short distances when attempting to get away from the spider debbils of earth.

When we moved here, we rented a porta potty because the land wasn't even cleared, let alone have a septic. For some reason, spiders all used that thing for a convention center. The first time- this ugly fucker with two inch fangs and weighing more than a puppy (seemed like) snuck up on me and said it was going to suck my eyeballs out. I promptly flew outta there and landed on the other side of the highway some distance away. I walked back home when I finished having a heart attack.

Reminds me of Charlottes Web. Never liked that story.
And snakes too. Look at this thing!! 😱

Ah yes, Atrax Robustus (Sydney Funnel Web spider) was bad enough to deal with...now Mr Christensen has discovered ol' Robustus on steroids...named after him: Atrax Christenseni.
I grew up in Sydney, a child long before the anti-venom was invented in the 1980s.
They used to come inside at night, we only used to have light coloured carpet so we could see them.
They're not very fast-running, they can't jump, but sure look totally evil when caught and put in a glass jar of methylated spirits.
Strands of their webs are used in optical equipment.
They hate the sun. Sun will kill them if they stay in it for very long.
We never left shoes outside near doors. Never let sheets, blankets, quilts touch the foor.
Never left clothes on the floor.
Always shake shoes before wearing.
Mountain lions and bears scare me. I can't fight them with a broom.


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