What Is It With Australia and Their Spiders?

Aww hell no! :eek-52:

Wow, is it really that cold where you are right now? I thought that today's high of 23 was bad. 😳
Was yesterday. Tomorrow and Friday into the 30's then back below 0 next week.
It isn't out of the question to get a few -30 to -40 here.

Only bugs in my house are the damn box elder bugs that are still coming from inside the walls. The cold drives them inside.
No spiders though.
All them suckers feel the wrath of the Shop Vac.
Wow, is it really that cold where you are right now? I thought that today's high of 23 was bad. 😳

We had a high of 12 degrees today, it's 9 degrees now, and supposed to get down to zero tonight. Good thing Walmart is having a clearance sale of their 100% Merino wool socks in the sporting goods dept. I've been buying single pairs marked down from $12 to $7, and just bought a two-pack for $9 today. We're down to 15% on our 500 gallon propane tank, but they're filling it some time this week. The furnace keeps it a toasty 70 degrees in the house and we also run an electric heater in the house and garage. I also run one of two kerosene heaters in the garage, either a restored black one made in the 1930's or the white Dyna-Glo. Our electric bill was $350 this month, and I'm buying bulk kerosene from the pump at a convenience store 20 miles from me. It costs a little over $6 per gallon and I fill up two 5-gallon containers when I go there. If you bought kerosene from Ace Hardware or Walmart, it runs about $10 per gallon. I get it from that store because there re a lot of Amish in that area. They use it for their heaters and lamps.

Was yesterday. Tomorrow and Friday into the 30's then back below 0 next week.
It isn't out of the question to get a few -30 to -40 here.

Only bugs in my house are the damn box elder bugs that are still coming from inside the walls. The cold drives them inside.
No spiders though.
All them suckers feel the wrath of the Shop Vac.

You're still getting box elder bugs? I usually see them when it warms up a little, or after they harvest the corn or soybeans across the highway. And those damned Asian lady beetles. They look like lady bugs but they can bite the hell out of you.
JGalt It's supposed to reach seven degrees on Monday. Hopefully it'll be nice weather in DC then.
I'm worse with snakes but can you imagine waking up to that thing crawling around in your bedroom? 😱


I have achieved stupendous acts of speed, jumps, screeches of amazing decibels and have even taken flight for short distances when attempting to get away from the spider debbils of earth.

When we moved here, we rented a porta potty because the land wasn't even cleared, let alone have a septic. For some reason, spiders all used that thing for a convention center. The first time- this ugly fucker with two inch fangs and weighing more than a puppy (seemed like) snuck up on me and said it was going to suck my eyeballs out. I promptly flew outta there and landed on the other side of the highway some distance away. I walked back home when I finished having a heart attack.
if you ever lived in the NW you had to deal with hobo spiders, they are the fastest spider in the USA and their bite is serious, it can swell up quite large

I have achieved stupendous acts of speed, jumps, screeches of amazing decibels and have even taken flight for short distances when attempting to get away from the spider debbils of earth.

When we moved here, we rented a porta potty because the land wasn't even cleared, let alone have a septic. For some reason, spiders all used that thing for a convention center. The first time- this ugly fucker with two inch fangs and weighing more than a puppy (seemed like) snuck up on me and said it was going to suck my eyeballs out. I promptly flew outta there and landed on the other side of the highway some distance away. I walked back home when I finished having a heart attack.

Is it okay to mark this as funny? 🤣

if you ever lived in the NW you had to deal with hobo spiders, they are the fastest spider in the USA and their bite is serious, it can swell up quite large
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JGalt, I need your flamethrower!! 😱

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