What is feminism today?

I would like to hear what the incels on here think
Regardless how hard you try, once you are accused of Sexual Misconduct, you will lose your career without any reasonable investigation.

If you are a victim of Domestic Violence, you are more likely to be arrested then helped.
Feminism in America, a traditionally leftist view, has changed, a lot over the past 70 years, and I think it's time we women re-evaluate what it means to be a feminist TODAY and what are and are not doing or what we should be doing. It's been accused of being a white elitist movement, and I have to agree there is an element of truth in that statement. It's also been accused of being out of touch with many women in America and elsewhere. There is truth there as well, at least if you go by the most vocal and politically active elements.

What does feminism mean today? Acknowledging something that, decades ago would have been sacrilege. We, as women, really are the guardians of family, culture, education, community strength and, often unacknowledged - diplomacy over war. IMO (and this is controversial and maybe even sexist) - women are more invested in the long term than men: climate change, global health issues, long term consequences that shape the world their children will inhabit. Feminism needs to move beyond equal rights for largely white corporate American women and needs to recognize that women in all walks of life are part of the sisterhood, regardless of politics, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality. Our outlook needs to focus inward to the community level and outward on a global scale. What is happening to women elsewhere in the world?

We used to have to fight for recognition that we were the equal of men in any job because at the time that was a battle of fundamental rights (and by and large we are equal) but in doing so we also had to deny some fundamental differences and those differences are important in what we should imo be focusing on in feminism.

This is my list:

First off, the global view - supporting our women everywhere and it's fundamental underpinning, freedom of choice and individual autonomy, everywhere in the world. The right to safety from violence, the right to determine whether or not to bear children, the right to an education, the right to choose freely who they will partner with. The right to equal treatment under their justice system. The right to free movement. The right to medical care. All of these things are denied to women in various parts of the world, because they are women.

Second, the community level. What's the use of shattering the glass ceiling when you have to raise your children in a drug and violence infested neighborhood, always afraid the streets will seduce your child or he or she will become another random victim of violence? What's the point if you don't have clean drinking water, or your daughter gets married off at 14, or her denied an education beyond primary school? Feminism shouldn't be looking down on the grandmother who isn't out there in corporate America but is instead investing her energy in family, and maybe she is the primary force behind pushing for an education in her grandchildren so they can get out of the trap, and maybe she is the one providing free baby sitting for a single mother with an erratic schedule who is also trying to go to school. There are a lot of hidden things women do that get looked down upon but are in reality feminism and a quite strength.

Something to think about - what is feminism?

I would be curious to hear other points of view.
I agree with you 100%.

Sadly, there are many issues men face as well

-- male victims of Domestic Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped

-- male offenders get 63% more time for the same crime

-- men accused of Sexual Misconduct lose their careers and are expelled without any Due Process

-- Misandry is very common on Social Media and MSM
Sadly the dominant brand of “feminism” is focused on eliminating the next generation.

What’s amazing is the abortion industry is the greatest threat to women in human history: Opinion | 160 Million and Counting (Published 2011)

It would be interesting to see a feminist call for tax breaks for women who choose to raise their children.
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So you're for equal pay for self serving reasons, not because women deserve it?

The disgrace is the idea that anyone should want equal pay ... Men, Women, or Undecided should want the most fricken pay they can possibly earn
and the market can bear ... Regardless of what their sorry assed co-workers are making ... :thup:


The disgrace is the idea that anyone should want equal pay ... Men, Women, or Undecided should want the most fricken pay they can possibly earn
and the market can bear ... Regardless of what their sorry assed co-workers are making ... :thup:

You knew what I meant. Equal pay for equally qualified people. Something women to this day often dont receive.
You knew what I meant. Equal pay for equally qualified people. Something women to this day often dont receive.

"Qualified" discounts attributes that are present, but not accounted for in written qualifications.

It doesn't matter if two people went to the same school, took the same classes, got the same grades, and come with the same experience ...
One could perform better at the job than the other and should be rewarded accordingly.

Gender (or lack thereof for the bedwetters) should have nothing to do with it ... :thup:

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There are no such critters as equal people ... And "qualified" discounts attributes that are present, but not accounted for in written qualifications.

It doesn't matter if two people went to the same school, took the same classes, got the same grades, and come with the same experience ...
One could perform better at the job than the other and should be rewarded accordingly.

Gender (or lack thereof for the bedwetters) should have nothing to do with it ... :thup:

I"m talking about an initial hire. I guess I have to spell everything out for you.
I"m talking about an initial hire. I guess I have to spell everything out for you.

You don't have to spell anything out ... I don't really care what your hang ups may be.
I was pretty clear how people should expect to be paid and if you want to do it another way, then I don't care if you get screwed.
If I can get paid more than you walking through the door the first time, I will be fine with that.

Note ... There isn't a fucking question mark in that anywhere ... :thup:


You don't have to spell anything out ... I don't really care what your hang ups may be.
I was pretty clear how people should expect to be paid and if you want to do it another way, then I don't care if you get screwed.
If I can get paid more than you walking through the door the first time, I will be fine with that.

Note ... There isn't a fucking question mark in that anywhere ... :thup:

So if women get offered less pay at every single job just because they are women, they should just refuse to work? Or should they just accept the lower pay knowing there is nothing they can do about it?
So if women get offered less pay at every single job just because they are women, they should just refuse to work? Or should they just accept the lower pay knowing there is nothing they can do about it?

Gender (or lack thereof for the bedwetters) has nothing to do with anything I posted.
People should never aspire to set their goals to an arbitrary target.

Pursue excellence, strive for continuous improvement, be the best you can at your job
And make sure the company values you so much that their greatest fear is losing you to a competitor ...
So much they buy you a car, give you the codes to the security system, and send you and your significant other to Hawaii for Christmas ... :thup:


Gender (or lack thereof for the bedwetters) has nothing to do with anything I posted.
People should never aspire to set their goals to an arbitrary target.

Pursue excellence, strive for continuous improvement, be the best you can at your job
And make sure the company values you so much that their greatest fear is losing you to a competitor ...
So much they buy you a car, give you the codes to the security system, and send you and your significant other to Hawaii for Christmas ... :thup:

So you're perfectly fine with companies discriminating against women and paying them less than men, all things being equal? So according to you, it's the womens fault for accepting the lower pay. Gotcha.
So if women get offered less pay at every single job just because they are women, they should just refuse to work? Or should they just accept the lower pay knowing there is nothing they can do about it?
I agree. This is unfair.

As a man I am more concerned about Sentencing Gap -- men getting 63% more time for the same crime. That should be your priority as well.
So you're perfectly fine with companies discriminating against women and paying them less than men, all things being equal? So according to you, it's the womens fault for accepting the lower pay. Gotcha.
It is unfair. I wish women best luck in overcoming this unfairness.

It is my and your Ethical Duty to concentrate on an even larger unfairness -- The Sentencing Gap -- men getting 63% more time for the same crime. Here.
So you're perfectly fine with companies discriminating against women and paying them less than men, all things being equal? So according to you, it's the womens fault for accepting the lower pay. Gotcha.

Uh no ... That's not even close to what I posted.
I specifically stated that gender (or lack thereof for the bedwetters) shouldn't make a difference in what anyone is paid.

I am saying that anyone that expects to get paid a certain amount because someone else is paid that much ...
Is cutting themself short, doing themself a disservice and failing to recognize any actual potential they may have to achieve more.
I am also suggesting that I don't like their attitude and will find someone more ambitious the next chance I get.

They will be about to go from piss poor pay to unemployed ... :thup:

This is Coyote's thread about Modern Feminism.
I have made my concerns about the equal pay issue pretty clear.

I may not agree with all the directions Coyote may have suggested, but I hold the upmost respect for the women,
who struggled to bring us the opportunities available today.

It's not my place to go anything further off tangent.
If I have another issue that comes around, I reserve the chance to entertain it when it happens.

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So you're perfectly fine with companies discriminating against women and paying them less than men, all things being equal? So according to you, it's the womens fault for accepting the lower pay. Gotcha.
I wouldn't hire your whiney ass at all. I am looking for someone who wants to help my company to succeed not come in whining at the first interview that they aren't paid equally. Good luck snowflake.
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Of course you don't.

You hate women and want Trannies to take every sport and award away from them.

Just as long as abortions are promoted and increasing...

Is a tranny a woman?

Can men get pregnant?

Are birthing people found in dozens of different genders?
Are you one of those weirdos who pretend to care about women?

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