What Is American Socialism, Communism, and Marxism: Open Q&A

How is "American" socialism, communism and Marxist ideology different from conventional definitions?

Even though I'm a socialist, I identify as a communist, because I consider communism the objective of socialism. So I identify with the goal or purpose of my socialism. American communism is democratic and in my communist school of thought, workers are never disarmed. We don't care how the anti-gun people feel about it. We believe the right-wing conservatives are correct on the issue of the importance of the citizenry having access to firearms. We see it as a means to revolutionary self-defense and working-class resistance.

The American character of our communism also manifests itself in our emphasis on democratic rule and freedom of speech/freedom of the press. We also love our country and consider ourselves patriots. We want the US to prosper and to be competitive with China and Russia.
Thank you. We're against all systemic racism. As far as personal racist sentiments, we don't police people's thoughts or their stupid, racist opinions. American communists, respect people's right to express their opinions, irrespective of how disgusting they might be. Where we draw the line is when racism is institutionalized or becomes part of the system. A systemic racism that undermines a person's ability to function and limits their opportunities. At that governmental, hierarchal level, racism can also threaten a person's life, so we are strongly against all forms of bigotry in the government and wherever it can cause injury. A moron spewing a bunch of racist crap on a street corner or online is ignored unless that person is in a position of power and influence.

We need to be careful about how we identify these social injustices because we can fall into a form of "social justice" fascism ourselves. As a Red Front activist, I concern myself mostly with the economics of social justice, than with the social aspects of it. I believe capitalism is what causes the most pain and suffering today. Bad economics is what creates hunger, the scarcity of resources, global warming..etc.

When America implodes it will be a different world. Both sides will blame each other. Better balkanize while you have a chance to get with your own tribe. Not a perfect fix, but you will still be with your political family.

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Better be on the right side of the gun bub, when you get your commie utopia!

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But you are correct that something will have to give with automation. We built our world on crude oil and capitalism. Now that America makes very little, and the crude production is peaking, we are in for a world of difference. you can't build your world one way only to have the rug pulled out.

Maybe they will force everyone into pods?

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You can't blame the kids 'too much' for being commies. not many options for them now that the Ponzi scheme is nearing a pop.

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There's really no free healthcare in China, as there is in Western Europe. The communists that I know, wear suits and don't dye their hair green or walk around looking like riff-raffs. You're confusing "woke liberalism" with actual Marxist communism.
Well, if kids can't get decent work or live, you figure why not try something new.

Families are socialist units. They all contribute to the good of the family and share equally. But that is a family and not Chicago.

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That's not a communist, but rather a "woke" liberal. We're different animals, not the same. We can define what a woman is and we don't inject children with puberty blockers.
When America implodes it will be a different world. Both sides will blame each other. Better balkanize while you have a chance to get with your own tribe. Not a perfect fix, but you will still be with your political family.

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Maybe America will become balkanized. I wouldn't be surprised. I don't vote democrat or republican, I vote communist.
That was pretty clear when Red Front couldn't explain why Marxism was going to work this time and not just kill a hundred million people like before

Kids believe they will 'do it right' this time.

Natives were used as an example in the OP. If we were natives living in a jungle, in small groups, then being a commie may work. (Some) That would be close to living as ants or bees.

Still, natives would trade with others for goods they wanted and went capitalistic in nature. Even within their group they evolved to hoard property to pay for dowries, etc.

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Problem with America is we got the tiger by the tail and can't let go. America is based on never ending consumption and growth.
Maybe America will become balkanized. I wouldn't be surprised. I don't vote democrat or republican, I vote communist.

You in the USA? If so, you don't do much voting. I guess you fit in with the dems. So, balkanize in Portland or Seattle. Maybe a Bernie Sanders voter, but he may not be radical enough for you.

If you go commie, eventually you won't be able to keep your guns...unless you go underground. I don't think commies like guns.

But you got a big problem being a USA commie. Commies want to seize the production for the state. America produces very little compared to what it once was. Are the commies going to seize Walmart and Target so they can sell goods from China?

Instead of a commie, maybe you should become a survivalist. I think America will implode before it ever goes commie. It just won't work out. The person living in the pod will be envious of the person with the mansion. To be good commies everyone should live relatively close to each other as far as their standing in the world.

That was the whole idea of communism. No rich people so people don't have to work as hard to make others rich. More time off to enjoy life and relax. But...it has never worked out that way.

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You in the USA? If so, you don't do much voting. I guess you fit in with the dems. So, balkanize in Portland or Seattle. Maybe a Bernie Sanders voter, but he may not be radical enough for you.

If you go commie, eventually you won't be able to keep your guns...unless you go underground. I don't think commies like guns.

But you got a big problem being a USA commie. Commies want to seize the production for the state. America produces very little compared to what it once was. Are the commies going to seize Walmart and Target so they can sell goods from China?

Instead of a commie, maybe you should become a survivalist. I think America will implode before it ever goes commie. It just won't work out. The person living in the pod will be envious of the person with the mansion. To be good commies everyone should live relatively close to each other as far as their standing in the world.

That was the whole idea of communism. No rich people so people don't have to work as hard to make others rich. More time off to enjoy life and relax. But...it has never worked out that way.

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You have a lot of misconceptions about communism. But I do agree with you that the US will likely fall apart before socialists get an opportunity to reform it.

The tech apocalypse is going to cause mass unemployment and extreme social unrest, which will likely further escalate into a civil war. America will be broken up into different regions and a few new countries will come out of it. I wouldn't be surprised. I'm in New York City.
Even though I'm a socialist, I identify as a communist, because I consider communism the objective of socialism. So I identify with the goal or purpose of my socialism. American communism is democratic and in my communist school of thought, workers are never disarmed. We don't care how the anti-gun people feel about it. We believe the right-wing conservatives are correct on the issue of the importance of the citizenry having access to firearms. We see it as a means to revolutionary self-defense and working-class resistance.

The American character of our communism also manifests itself in our emphasis on democratic rule and freedom of speech/freedom of the press. We also love our country and consider ourselves patriots. We want the US to prosper and to be competitive with China and Russ
I admire your honesty. The dirty little secret is that the media and the democrat party might share your belief structure but they aren't ready to proclaim their socialist/communist ideology.
I admire your honesty. The dirty little secret is that the media and the democrat party might share your belief structure but they aren't ready to proclaim their socialist/communist ideology.

In what way are the Dems socialists/communists?
I admire your honesty. The dirty little secret is that the media and the democrat party might share your belief structure but they aren't ready to proclaim their socialist/communist ideology.
How are Democrats, communists? Are you able to answer that question? You're claiming the political platform of the Democratic party is "communist". How so?
o take everything for themselves. In the not-too-distant future, advanced automation technology is going to force society by necessity to adopt a non-profit mode of production, also known as socialism. Democratic communism follows non-profit socialism. It's the objective of socialism.

Even though I'm a socialist, I identify as a communist, because I consider communism the objective of socialism. So I identify with the goal or purpose of my socialism. American communism is democratic and in my communist school of thought, workers are never disarmed. We don't care how the anti-gun people feel about it. We believe the right-wing conservatives are correct on the issue of the importance of the citizenry having access to firearms. We see it as a means to revolutionary self-defense and working-class resistance.

The American character of our communism also manifests itself in our emphasis on democratic rule and freedom of speech/freedom of the press. We also love our country and consider ourselves patriots. We want the US to prosper and to be competitive with China and Russia.
I think we're seeing clear evidence of most Americans have been propagandized into seeing communism around every corner. And now that there is really no communist threat from Russia, they are inventing a communist enemy.

Why do you think communism is the objective of socialism? Isn't that imagining an extreme that in fact hasn't been the case for many countries that have practiced democracy that includes a large amount of socialist policies?
Thank you. We're against all systemic racism. As far as personal racist sentiments, we don't police people's thoughts or their stupid, racist opinions. American communists, respect people's right to express their opinions, irrespective of how disgusting they might be. Where we draw the line is when racism is institutionalized or becomes part of the system. A systemic racism that undermines a person's ability to function and limits their opportunities. At that governmental, hierarchal level, racism can also threaten a person's life, so we are strongly against all forms of bigotry in the government and wherever it can cause injury. A moron spewing a bunch of racist crap on a street corner or online is ignored unless that person is in a position of power and influence.
That's a pretty strong statement against racism and for that reason I believe you and take it seriously.
We need to be careful about how we identify these social injustices because we can fall into a form of "social justice" fascism ourselves. As a Red Front activist, I concern myself mostly with the economics of social justice, than with the social aspects of it. I believe capitalism is what causes the most pain and suffering today. Bad economics is what creates hunger, the scarcity of resources, global warming..etc.
Well, I consider the economics of socialism to be the same thing as the social aspects.
Was that your response to my comment about you showing an assault rifle as your signature?

Demonstrating you support that extreme on gun ownership, to me seems to be a contradiction of socialism. Can you clear that up?

Please recall that I'm a Canadian and that will come off as a different approach to the questions on socialism and communism.

Fwiw, I'm probably getting into this topic too soon, before the crazies have wound down. For that reason I'll keep my comments brief.

The paranoia you've brought out is delightful!
I think China is not pure communism. It is some fort of capitalist-based communism with few boundaries when it comes to their exports. I don't know what you call it. If it was pure commie, they would not have tons of China billionaires.
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You're inventing an enemy that just isn't there. Your country's propagandists need to keep an enemy in the minds of the people, for the purpose of making the call to war.

Do you know the reason why patriotic Americans accepted a war against Vietnam? The cartoon shows the invented reason!
Answer the question or leave my thread. How about that? You leave.

What is wrong with you? You said I don't know anything about what we're talking about. Since I do, that means you didn't understand and you know nothing about what you are talking about. Content knows content, and you have none. You didn't offend me and I have nothing against you, but I'm not wasting time talking to a Democrat who doesn't listen and doesn't know when you don't know what you're talking about . Come back when you learn things like that Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto so they aren't different things, that was classic. Tata, have a good one
Hello everyone

I found the following threads in the politics section:

  1. Lord Long Rod

    Let’s Call Them What They Are: Communists
    First response anticipated from the leftist dummies on this board: “Oh, this article is from...
  2. R
    Marxist, Communism, Socialism and Capitalism
    This is the question. Marxism: What It Is and Comparison to Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism KEY TAKEAWAYS Marxism is...
  3. LeroyDumonde

    What IS National Socialism
    The terms Nazi and Neo-Nazi get thrown around a lot, usually as a shallow smear against people...
  4. Invisibleflash

    If Socialist Communism Spreads in the United States
    From the City-Data Forum. (Lifetime banned...so I opened up discussion here.) "If Socialist...

Hence, I decided to open this topic in the politics section, because none of the above threads were banned or deleted.

This thread is dedicated to discussing and understanding the concepts of American-born Socialism, Communism, and Marxism (the American democratic version of socialism/communism/Marxism - Socialism with American characteristics), among other related topics.

The purpose of this thread is to provide a platform for open and informed discussion. It is an opportunity for us to learn from each other, dispel misconceptions, and deepen our understanding of these political and economic topics.

I invite all of you, regardless of your current knowledge or beliefs, to ask questions, share insights, and contribute to the conversation. Whether you're a seasoned scholar, a curious observer, or someone who's just starting to explore these topics, your perspective is valuable and welcome here.

Some potential, opening topics to discuss:

Two types of communism. The pre-agrarian/hunter-gatherer, paleolithic, Primitive Communism of our ancestors:

Marxist "High-Communism"/High-Tech Communism :

" a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.[3][4][5] A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state.[7][8][9] Communists often seek a voluntary state of self-governance but disagree on the means to this end. This reflects a distinction between a more libertarian approach of communization, revolutionary spontaneity, and workers' self-management, and a more authoritarian vanguardist or communist party-driven approach through the development of a socialist state followed by the withering away of the state.[10] As one of the main ideologies on the political spectrum, communism is placed on the left-wing alongside socialism, and communist parties and movements have been described as radical left or far-left.[11][12][note 1]

Variants of communism have been developed throughout history, including anarchist communism, Marxist schools of thought, and religious communism, among others. Communism encompasses a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, Leninism, and libertarian communism, as well as the political ideologies grouped around those. All of these different ideologies generally share the analysis that the current order of society stems from capitalism, its economic system, and mode of production, that in this system there are two major social classes, that the relationship between these two classes is exploitative, and that this situation can only ultimately be resolved through a social revolution.[21][note 2] The two classes are the proletariat, who make up the majority of the population within society and must sell their labor power to survive, and the bourgeoisie, a small minority that derives profit from employing the working class through private ownership of the means of production.[23] According to this analysis, a communist revolution would put the working class in power,[24] and in turn establish common ownership of property, the primary element in the transformation of society towards a communist mode of production.[25][26][27]"

SOURCE: Communism - Wikipedia

I am not into Marxism or communism. But we do have socialist programs that are very popular and there is nothing wrong with them.

As a member of the Red Front, I'd like to share our vision of American Democratic Communism, a form of communism that harmonizes traditional Marxist principles with the historical, cultural, and political context of the United States.

American Democratic Communism envisions a high-tech, classless society where the need for money is eliminated. We believe in the potential of a stateless society or, at the very least, a society with a minimal state apparatus. We have a forward-looking vision of a society where technology is harnessed for the common good.


We uphold the right to keep and bear arms (Including combat rifles, with access to ammunition. Law-abiding Americans must remain armed - all men between the ages of 18 and 60 are members of the auxiliary civil defense forces and hence must be armed and possess at least 1000 rounds of ammunition), and the freedom of speech and of the press. We believe in the free exchange of ideas and the importance of free and independent media.


We believe in secure and controlled borders and a fair and just immigration system, recognizing the importance of national sovereignty and the rule of law (illegal immigrants will be deported). We stand firmly for the deportation of illegal immigrants, while also advocating for a fair and just immigration system.

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In order to keep American citizens who live near our southern border safe, from the Mexican drug cartels and other criminals entering illegally through our southern border, we will deploy the US Army and Marines permanently, on our southern border.


We believe that housing is a human right. In our vision, anyone who is currently paying a mortgage for their personal residence would become the legal owner of that home. We distinguish between personal property, which includes one's home and possessions for personal use, and private property, which is used to generate capital (profits). Citizens can own up to two homes and a plot of land up to 10 acres, for their own personal use.

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We stand firmly against defunding the police or military. We believe in maintaining law and order, and in cleaning our streets of drugs and violent crime. We propose housing the homeless and mandating rehab for those with substance abuse problems. Once clean and sober, these individuals will receive housing, medical care, job training, and employment opportunities. Those who sell hard drugs like crack cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl will face severe penalties, including capital punishment.


We believe that every human being has a right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and a job. If a person can't find a job in the private sector, they will receive one in the public sector.


With the elimination of markets and money through advanced automation technology and artificial intelligence, everyone will work 20 hours weekly and receive all the goods and products they need and want.



We plan to restore the nation's manufacturing base, with worker councils collaborating with the government to provide logistical data and a production plan that meets everyone's needs.


The military-industrial complex will be nationalized, and the military will have its own fully automated factories.

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NASA will also have its own factories, both on Earth and in space, producing equipment for deep space exploration and colonization.

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We believe in the right to life and consider abortions of convenience immoral. We support the right to an abortion when the woman's health or life is threatened by the pregnancy, or in cases of rape and insist.

We value life in the womb as a future member of our society, full of human potential. Abortion is a social ill, that mostly affects the poor and is more often performed on women of color. We see mass abortions of convenience as a form of racist genocide. Life in the womb is human and precious. Women don't conceive worthless pieces of protoplasm or trash, but human beings. That's one of several reasons why women are amazing. They conceive human beings!

Our foreign policy is one of peace through strength. We do not interfere in the internal political affairs of other countries and are against imposing economic sanctions, as they often hurt the people of the country more than those in power. We are against "free trade" agreements and only support fair trade.


We uphold the freedom of religion and are family-oriented, believing in the importance of family values. We believe the family is the foundation of American communist society.


We stand against pornography and the sexualization of the internet, especially the sexualization of minors. We are against injecting children with puberty blockers in the futile attempt of changing their sex/gender. Those who suffer from gender dysphoria should be treated with compassion but that shouldn't include, reinforcing their mental illness by identifying them as something they're not. Men can't become women and women can't become men. Men are men and women are women.

In conclusion, American Democratic Communism as envisioned by the Red Front is a unique blend of traditional communist principles and traditional American values. We believe in a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive, regardless of their race or gender, where technology is used for the benefit of all, and where individual rights and freedoms are respected. We are committed to advancing this vision through peaceful, democratic means.
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