What is about Palin, Bachman and Paul, they would be good picks!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Sarah would be a good pick for Donald, at best together with Michele Bachman and Ron Paul.



Ron or Rand, yes. Palin is a retard, and Bachmann is a batshit religious nut.
Rand after being called out in the debate about how ugly he is probably would tell him to go fuck himself.

I just couldn't believe that.:laugh2: Or Palin on her first talk in Iowa, I'm sure Trump said no way.
For what. Bachman is crazy. Palin is stupid.

Sure, only faggots and communists are nice persons.

They both may be nice, but they are both crazy nice then.

So? What is so "crazy" about them? What is the leftard echo chamber say about Palin and Bachmann? Because anything that they don't like about her is only going to make me embrace the both of them more......so belly up to the table and spew some of your (snicker) "truths", sweetpea........
I'm sure he can find room for Rosie ODonnell in his administration

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