What is a Real American

Well, that's a pity that some will not consider views that don't agree with their own. So be it. It is only the internet.

However, let us, just for entertainment before my chores start, try to discuss some of the expressed thought from the two posters above.

To wit:

" protestors were righteously protesting"......well, I am a supporter of the ethic of 'Blue Lives Matter'. So it follows that I am somewhat skeptical of poster 'Not-a-Monkey' seeming advocacy of 'righteous protestors' who beat the hell out of uniformed police, sprayed 'em in the face with high-strength MACE, speared 'em with steel flagpoles, and dragged them into a mob to stomp the scheib outta them.

I'm skeptical because THAT.....is not my version of the ethic of our 1770's responsible "Patriots".
If that is what is being held up as true American "Patriot" by Not-A-Monkey.......Well, I respectfully demur.

I don't think so.

  1. I don't think that "all those cops" removed barricades.
  2. Nor, do I think abandoning barricades invited "legal entry".
It could be helpful if the good poster, 'jc456' would offer the forum a more fulsome explanation of the following:
  1. Why he believes that none of the police resisted;
  2. And why he thinks the attackers were invited.
Thanx, in advance.
Funny shit
What is a Real American

And I don’t mean what is a “Legal” American, I mean what is a Real American? What is it in the heart of a person that makes them a Real American, a Patriot?

Well, a real American IS a patriot. He would gladly serve his country in time of war. He would come to the aid of a neighbor. He knows America is an exceptional nation. In his heart he loves Liberty, Freedom; he appreciates entrepreneurship, he has the drive to make his way in life without a net and rise or fall on your own efforts like the pioneers did, and he knows that God endowed him with the right to Life, Liberty, and to pursue happiness

That is a real American.

Would you call some America-hating socialist or Leftist a real American? . . someone who mocks trucks and guns? . . someone who does not want to work and wants to live off of welfare? . . someone who despises America and hates our history and our traditions and our values and embraces evil ideologies? Is that a “Real American” just because they were born here?

Some people might say they are real Americans too because they were born here. I say those people are wrong. Such sick anti-American haters may be legally American if they were born here but they are not REAL Americans in their hearts. They are not Patriots.

Is this all too hard for a person to understand? If it is them maybe that person not a real American.

Have you heard people talk about fake Christians? Sadly there are people who call themselves Christians, and maybe they even go to church once in a while, but they do not have Christ in their heart. The lie and hate and do bad things. We all know they are out there. We see them all the time. Simply calling yourself a Christian and going to church every Easter does not make you one. Most people understand that, right?

Why should it be any different for being an American? . . a Patriot? Any fool can be born here. But when you are an adult, do you realize what a wonderful exceptional country American is and are you a patriot? Or are you a blood-sucking socialist democrat who enjoys the fruits of the land but hates the nation? If you are the latter then you are no American, born here or not.

Some people cannot grasp these concepts. That is too bad for them,
Any non-Dimmer is a real American.
Trump is unrepentant. Therefore unredeemable. And I have NEVER heard any right wingers talk about redemption for Hillary Clinton. Ever.

Jesus dislikes hypocrisy more than just about any other sin..

And I know all about Saul. He was on the road to Damascus to persecute more Christians when he was blinded and spoken to by Jesus. He then became the greatest Christian apostle of all time. My favorite books in the Bible are Acts and Romans.

Paul REPENTED of his sins. Trump never has.

Trump was a far left pro-choice advocate. He approved of abortions all the way to the ninth month.

He only became pro-life because he knew he could exploit the gullibility of the Right more easily than Hillary's supporters.

The man faked his way along. He didn't even know how pro-life people actually think. When asked if the mother should be punished for an abortion, he answered in the affirmative. Then he was informed that was contrary to what most pro-lifers believe, he turned on a dime.

The man has no idea what it means to be pro-life.

As for his appointments to the Supreme Court, I believe that is the only thing Trump did right. However, ANY Republican would have done the same thing. Trump had no clue who to appoint and went with that the Federalist Society told him to do.

After Trump registered as a Republican and announced he was running for President, you could see the chameleon huckster change his colors in real time in his natural habitat, television:

TAPPER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

TRUMP: Right. I'm Pro-Choice.

TAPPER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

TRUMP: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

As those of you who have been on this forum a while know, I am pro-life, and always have been. Let me ask all of you pro-lifers out there something. Have you EVER in your life accidentally identified yourself as pro-choice?

Me, neither.

I have been pro-life my entire life, unlike Trump. And until 2017, I was a Republican all my life, unlike Trump.

In order to be taken seriously, you have to be truthful.
You're blinded by hate.
What is a Real American

And I don’t mean what is a “Legal” American, I mean what is a Real American? What is it in the heart of a person that makes them a Real American, a Patriot?

Well, a real American IS a patriot. He would gladly serve his country in time of war. He would come to the aid of a neighbor. He knows America is an exceptional nation. In his heart he loves Liberty, Freedom; he appreciates entrepreneurship, he has the drive to make his way in life without a net and rise or fall on your own efforts like the pioneers did, and he knows that God endowed him with the right to Life, Liberty, and to pursue happiness

That is a real American.

Would you call some America-hating socialist or Leftist a real American? . . someone who mocks trucks and guns? . . someone who does not want to work and wants to live off of welfare? . . someone who despises America and hates our history and our traditions and our values and embraces evil ideologies? Is that a “Real American” just because they were born here?

Some people might say they are real Americans too because they were born here. I say those people are wrong. Such sick anti-American haters may be legally American if they were born here but they are not REAL Americans in their hearts. They are not Patriots.

Is this all too hard for a person to understand? If it is them maybe that person not a real American.

Have you heard people talk about fake Christians? Sadly there are people who call themselves Christians, and maybe they even go to church once in a while, but they do not have Christ in their heart. The lie and hate and do bad things. We all know they are out there. We see them all the time. Simply calling yourself a Christian and going to church every Easter does not make you one. Most people understand that, right?

Why should it be any different for being an American? . . a Patriot? Any fool can be born here. But when you are an adult, do you realize what a wonderful exceptional country American is and are you a patriot? Or are you a blood-sucking socialist democrat who enjoys the fruits of the land but hates the nation? If you are the latter then you are no American, born here or not.

Some people cannot grasp these concepts. That is too bad for them,

Such bullshit.

When you say "a real American IS a patriot", I'm assuming by "patriot" you mean either "agrees with me" or "right wing".

A patriot is someone who loves their country. Therefore a Communist who loves their country will want Communism. A Fascist who loves their country will want Fascism.

"He would gladly serve his country in time of war. "

So a "real American" is a "he"? Fuck me.

As for serving their "country", when was the last time the US had a war where the soldiers were serving their "country"? Iraq? No. That was serving the rich elite. Afghanistan too. WW2? Maybe. WW1? No.

"He would come to the aid of a neighbor." So, your neighbor has illegally entered your house, you call the police, the police are beating your neighbor up, so you "would come to the aid of [the] neighbor"?????

"He knows America is an exceptional nation."
How is the US "exceptional"? Because it's got the third largest population size and uses this to bully smaller countries? Goes to Bolivia and gets them to privatize their water industry so 1/4th of La Paz doesn't have clean water all so the US can make money? Or going to war in Iraq with lies as an excuse and destroying OPEC as an aim? Because racism has been a massive part of its History? Because poor people get fucked over massively?

"In his heart he loves Liberty, Freedom;"
Don't most people love Liberty and Freedom? Loving it is one thing. Actively protecting it is something, very, very different.

For example: not wanting gay people to marry isn't loving "Liberty, Freedom"

"he has the drive to make his way in life without a net"

But the net is there because... wait for this... the rich love their boom and bust. They get RICHER every time there's a boom and bust. They literally make it happen to enrich themselves. And somehow the people have put in place a thing to make sure they don't STARVE TO DEATH when the rich people make the shit hit the fan.

"and he knows that God endowed him with the right to Life, Liberty, and to pursue happiness"

Oh, so a person who doesn't believe in God isn't a "real American"???
Think about it for a minute. America was the envy of the world when boat loads of Europeans were crossing the Atlantic Ocean in order to live here.

Well, that's an exceedingly simplistic comment.

A country with slavery, a country that people saw as better than their own, probably based on rumor, based on ignorance, rather than knowledge that it was better. They were leaving their home country because of problems there, and many walked into new problems in the US.

The Italians suffered massive racism, took a long, long time for Catholics to be accepted into society.

People migrated with Europe too. Does that mean those countries they went to were exceptional?
What is a Real American

And I don’t mean what is a “Legal” American, I mean what is a Real American? What is it in the heart of a person that makes them a Real American, a Patriot?

Well, a real American IS a patriot. He would gladly serve his country in time of war. He would come to the aid of a neighbor. He knows America is an exceptional nation. In his heart he loves Liberty, Freedom; he appreciates entrepreneurship, he has the drive to make his way in life without a net and rise or fall on your own efforts like the pioneers did, and he knows that God endowed him with the right to Life, Liberty, and to pursue happiness

That is a real American.

Would you call some America-hating socialist or Leftist a real American? . . someone who mocks trucks and guns? . . someone who does not want to work and wants to live off of welfare? . . someone who despises America and hates our history and our traditions and our values and embraces evil ideologies? Is that a “Real American” just because they were born here?

Some people might say they are real Americans too because they were born here. I say those people are wrong. Such sick anti-American haters may be legally American if they were born here but they are not REAL Americans in their hearts. They are not Patriots.

Is this all too hard for a person to understand? If it is them maybe that person not a real American.

Have you heard people talk about fake Christians? Sadly there are people who call themselves Christians, and maybe they even go to church once in a while, but they do not have Christ in their heart. The lie and hate and do bad things. We all know they are out there. We see them all the time. Simply calling yourself a Christian and going to church every Easter does not make you one. Most people understand that, right?

Why should it be any different for being an American? . . a Patriot? Any fool can be born here. But when you are an adult, do you realize what a wonderful exceptional country American is and are you a patriot? Or are you a blood-sucking socialist democrat who enjoys the fruits of the land but hates the nation? If you are the latter then you are no American, born here or not.

Some people cannot grasp these concepts. That is too bad for them,

That is ridiculous.
There is nothing good about being patriotic.
When a government does good, you praise and support it.
When it does something bad, you are supposed to oppose it.
If you do not do it that way, then you are bad.

The US is NOT a wonderful country.
It had slavery, and has the highest % imprisoned in the world.
The US has lots of terrible tyrannical laws, like the War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.
The US does not even have the public health care most of the world has.
And the US has more military and wars than any other country, with which is ridiculous since no one one has tried to attack the US since 1812,.

Patriotism is how all bad countries force people to support it.
Good countries do not need patriotism.

Oh, so a person who doesn't believe in God isn't a "real American"???

Let me say to you: The more your country will suffer the more your country will need people who love it. And god will give them the power to do so.

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"America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength in the world. That is the American way.''
Well, that's an exceedingly simplistic comment.
It's just another demonstration of how small their world has become. Smaller and smaller every day, as the walls around their world get thicker. They don't want to understand anything outside their little reality's borders.

That may be where we're ultimately headed: A balkanization in which laws and people are more different from state to state. Less like United States, more like Europe. So much for being "exceptional", huh?
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That is ridiculous

Spoken like a Fake American.

Let me say to you: The more your country will suffer the more your country will need people who love it. And god will give them the power to do so.

You need to re-read the OP because thats exactly what it says.

Trump never served in the military

So what asshole

"America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength in the world. That is the American way.''

YOU are a Great American

It's just another demonstration of how small their world has become

Your post is just another demonstration of how you are not a real American.
That piece of ignorant stupidity nullified the rest of your post. Do you know who wrote most of the New Testament? A man who literally killed thousands of Christians Paul, who was Saul.

Christianity is about redemption. Your comments reek of ignorance and judgmentalism.

In case you didn't know, Trump was voted Pro Life Person of the Year by Operation Rescue.

What have you done for the unborn lately, big mouth?
Trump is not saved nor has he redeemed himself and so many blinded fools follow that man right off the cliff into the abyss of hell and willfully my I say!

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