Rational and proud of it.
There was something to these conspiracy theories? I mean, a lot of people it seems buy into these crazy ideas about the government being behind 911, aliens, the government's staged attack on Pearl Harbor, Obama not being a US citizen, 2012, etc. etc.
Wouldn't that be fucked up?!
I'd feel like an idiot for thinking these people were fools. And then I'd move to some remote Montana cabin and shoot anybody who came near for fear they were FBI agents or aliens. I'd make a really nice aluminum foil helmet though, none of those stupid conical dunce caps, mine would like slick. Maybe I'd have one that was a aluminum foil baseball cap and one that was a sombrero for really sunny days (cause who knows what the sun's rays will do to me since conspiracy theories could be credible!).
Then I would get drunk until Dec. 12, 2012. And on that day I'd send a radio broadcast to God asking him to hurry up with the whole Rapture thing and why is He waiting till the last second anyway.
What would you do?
Wouldn't that be fucked up?!
I'd feel like an idiot for thinking these people were fools. And then I'd move to some remote Montana cabin and shoot anybody who came near for fear they were FBI agents or aliens. I'd make a really nice aluminum foil helmet though, none of those stupid conical dunce caps, mine would like slick. Maybe I'd have one that was a aluminum foil baseball cap and one that was a sombrero for really sunny days (cause who knows what the sun's rays will do to me since conspiracy theories could be credible!).
Then I would get drunk until Dec. 12, 2012. And on that day I'd send a radio broadcast to God asking him to hurry up with the whole Rapture thing and why is He waiting till the last second anyway.
What would you do?