Diamond Member

Special counsel report says Trump would've been convicted for Jan. 6 'unprecedented criminal effort'
WASHINGTON — Special counsel Jack Smith said his team “stood up for the rule of law” as it investigated President-elect Donald Trump’s efforts...

So now all the news junkies will have their next bowl of pablum, and be able to shriek about how they KNEW all along that Trump was a criminal, and he tried to overthrow the government, blah, blah, blah.
But here is the question I would like to address (and get some serious pondrification from others). What if Trump was right? What if the combination of the suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop story, Zuckerberg's half-billion dollar campaign to illegally buy Biden votes, vote harvesting in Atlanta and elsewhere, and shenanigans with voting rules by various Secretaries of State truly did amount to stealing the 2020 election?
If it makes it easier, imagine that the result went the opposite way, and all of those factors favored Trump. How should Biden have acted in that case?
If a sitting Presidential KNOWS that the election was stolen - knows it for a fact - and there is no legal remedy for the theft, how should s/he respond?
DO NOT use this space to re-argue whether Trump was right or not. PRESUME that he was right. How should he have handled it?