What If They're Not 'Racist Cops'???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There is no reason to dispute the data.

Assume it is accurate and correct.

The question being raised is simply.....is there another explanation for the data that is totally different, and, in fact, at odds with the 'racist cops' and 'racist America' explanation?

And, perhaps an even more pertinent question: why are so many so fearful of exploring that question?



If any have the courage......see if you can come up with that clear, unavoidable, ineluctable, alternative solution.
There is no reason to dispute the data.

Assume it is accurate and correct.

The question being raised is simply.....is there another explanation for the data that is totally different, and, in fact, at odds with the 'racist cops' and 'racist America' explanation?

And, perhaps an even more pertinent question: why are so many so fearful of exploring that question?

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If any have the courage......see if you can come up with that clear, unavoidable, ineluctable, alternative solution.

They will say it ALL RACISM, I say it isn't that simple.

Some of the blacks were shot by black cops......

Some of the blacks were shot by hispanic cops....

Some of the blacks were shot by white cops.

Some maybe racists, but most shoot because they a valid cause to shoot, Brown (Black) was charging a cop Wilson (white) who had already been assaulted when he was still in his vehicle, he was punched and then had to fight for his gun against a giant man (who was trying to grab the gun), when he tried to defend himself against the assault.

Blacks tried hard to destroy Wilson with lies and riots. The media was all over Wilson with lies.

The FBI, The Democrat County Prosecutor and the State all say Wilson was innocent of shooting Brown dead from valid self defense action.

The solution?

How about blacks and the media stop lying and sensationalizing claims against police officers, wait for the investigation to determine what happened FIRST, Stop rioting over every separate and rare white cop and black person incident.

Stop pushing racism claims all the time.
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There is no reason to dispute the data.

Assume it is accurate and correct.

The question being raised is simply.....is there another explanation for the data that is totally different, and, in fact, at odds with the 'racist cops' and 'racist America' explanation?

And, perhaps an even more pertinent question: why are so many so fearful of exploring that question?

View attachment 345005


If any have the courage......see if you can come up with that clear, unavoidable, ineluctable, alternative solution.

They will say it ALL RACISM, I say it isn't that simple.

Some of the blacks were shot by black cops......

Some of the blacks were shot by hispanic cops....

Some of the blacks were shot by white cops.

Some maybe racists, but most shoot because they a valid cause to shoot, Brown (Black) was charging a cop Wilson (white) who had already been assaulted when he was still in his vehicle, he was punched and then had to fight for his gun against a giant man (who was trying to grab the gun), when he tried to defend himself against the assault.

Blacks tried hard to destroy Wilson with lies and riots. The media was all over Wilson with lies.

The FBI, The Democrat County Prosecutor and the State all say Wilson was innocent of shooting Brown dead from valid self defense action.

Actually, that is not what I had in mind when I found those stats.

I wanted to post the data, and use the question I posed to prove.....PROVE.....that Liberals/Democrats/Progressives have been trained to be cowards.

They are too fearful to even entertain what I see as at least equally possible explanation for the stats.
The question being raised is simply.....is there another explanation for the data that is totally different, and, in fact, at odds with the 'racist cops' and 'racist America' explanation?

And, perhaps an even more pertinent question: why are so many so fearful of exploring that question?

Gee.....not a single Liberal/Progressive/Democrat is willing to take the challenge.

Sure looks like government school did to the Liberal's courage what 'gelding' does to horses.
The question being raised is simply.....is there another explanation for the data that is totally different, and, in fact, at odds with the 'racist cops' and 'racist America' explanation?

And, perhaps an even more pertinent question: why are so many so fearful of exploring that question?

Gee.....not a single Liberal/Progressive/Democrat is willing to take the challenge.

Sure looks like government school did to the Liberal's courage what 'gelding' does to horses.
There is no reason to dispute the data.

Assume it is accurate and correct.

The question being raised is simply.....is there another explanation for the data that is totally different, and, in fact, at odds with the 'racist cops' and 'racist America' explanation?

And, perhaps an even more pertinent question: why are so many so fearful of exploring that question?

View attachment 345005


If any have the courage......see if you can come up with that clear, unavoidable, ineluctable, alternative solution.

Now we know cops are just as racist as they were in the 1960's.

  • LMPD uses excessive force, including unjustified neck restraints and the unreasonable use of police dogs and tasers.
  • LMPD conducts searches based on invalid warrants.
  • LMPD unlawfully executes search warrants without knocking and announcing.
  • LMPD unlawfully stops, searches, detains, and arrests people during street enforcement activities, including traffic and pedestrian stops.
  • LMPD unlawfully discriminates against Black people in its enforcement activities.
  • LMPD violates the rights of people engaged in protected speech critical of policing.
  • Louisville Metro and LMPD discriminate against people with behavioral health disabilities when responding to them in crisis
This is true of most police who deal with communities that are mostly black. Cops need to stop treating blacks like 2nd class citizens.

What was in the report? Cops are 5 times more likely to pull over a black or give a black a ticket than they are a white who commits the exact same offense.

Now you see why racism isn't over? Why we need things like affirmative action? Because you white conservative devils REFUSE to evolve. You are 1/2 of the problem loser.
The question being raised is simply.....is there another explanation for the data that is totally different, and, in fact, at odds with the 'racist cops' and 'racist America' explanation?

And, perhaps an even more pertinent question: why are so many so fearful of exploring that question?
We are fearful of exploring that question because the only safe answer is, "A higher percentage of blacks than whites are killed by the police because the police are racist."

Claiming that blacks are more likely to be killed by the police because they have a higher crime rate, or even claiming that blacks have a higher crime rate can get one a career destroying accusation of racism.
Examining The Police ‘Racism’ Factor

1.In an earlier thread, I asked a particularly significant question, and not a single Democrat voter dared to opine. The question, in a discussion of events such as the George Floyd case, ‘what if there is no racism among police?’

Fearful of the answer involving detrimental accusations directed at their protected minority, the one necessary for any and every Democrat victory in national elections, Democrat supporters simply whistled past the graveyard, and skipped off toward the horizon.

They have learned never to question the dogma.

2. Author, scholar, and all-around smart guy, Charles Murray fears not. He specifically deals with the question in his new book, “Facing Reality.”

“Can race differences in arrest rates be interpreted as race differences in criminal behavior, or is it plausible that instead they reflect racism that leads the police to arrest Africans (and, to a lesser extent, Latins) on flimsy or concocted evidence?”

He refers to this chart, in which we find, for example, black Americans in NYC arrested at a rate nearly 12 times that of whites. And, this is a city run by and overwhelmingly Democrats.

3. This would be an apt moment for Democrats/Liberals/Progressives to give their explanation for the disparity in arrests.

4. Charles Murray provides his answer:

“… criminologist Michael Hindelang published a landmark study in which he compared arrest data to victimization surveys. His conclusion: These [victimization] data for rape, robbery, and assault are generally consistent with official data on arrestees and support the differential involvement hypothesis. Some evidence of differential selection for criminal justice processing is found; however, most of the racial disproportionality in arrest data is shown by victimization survey data to be attributable to the substantially greater involvement of blacks in the common law personal crimes of rape, robbery, and assault. (Hindelang, “Race and Involvement in Common Law Per- sonal Crimes,” American Sociological Review (1978), p. 93.)

Hindelang’s findings guided criminologists for the next thirty years, with some 160 studies citing him to justify the use of arrest data as a surrogate measure of criminal offending. “
Now we know cops are just as racist as they were in the 1960's.

  • LMPD uses excessive force, including unjustified neck restraints and the unreasonable use of police dogs and tasers.
  • LMPD conducts searches based on invalid warrants.
  • LMPD unlawfully executes search warrants without knocking and announcing.
  • LMPD unlawfully stops, searches, detains, and arrests people during street enforcement activities, including traffic and pedestrian stops.
  • LMPD unlawfully discriminates against Black people in its enforcement activities.
  • LMPD violates the rights of people engaged in protected speech critical of policing.
  • Louisville Metro and LMPD discriminate against people with behavioral health disabilities when responding to them in crisis
This is true of most police who deal with communities that are mostly black. Cops need to stop treating blacks like 2nd class citizens.

What was in the report? Cops are 5 times more likely to pull over a black or give a black a ticket than they are a white who commits the exact same offense.

Now you see why racism isn't over? Why we need things like affirmative action? Because you white conservative devils REFUSE to evolve. You are 1/2 of the problem loser.

FBI Releases 2013 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted

Washington, D.C.November 24, 2014FBI National Press Office(202) 324-3691
According to statistics collected by the FBI, 76 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents in 2013. Of these, 27 law enforcement officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 49 officers died in accidents. In addition, 49,851 officers were victims of line-of-duty assaults. Comprehensive data tables about these incidents and brief narratives describing the fatal attacks and selected assaults resulting in injury are included in the 2013 edition of Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, released today.

In 2013, of the 49,851 officers assaulted while performing their duties, 29.2 percent were injured. The largest percentage of victim officers (31.2 percent) were assaulted while responding to disturbance calls. Assailants used personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) in 79.8 percent of the incidents, firearms in 4.5 percent of incidents, and knives or other cutting instruments in 1.8 percent of the incidents. Other types of dangerous weapons were used in 13.9 percent of assaults. Expanded assault details have been included in the 2013 publication. Data for assaults during which officers were injured with firearms or knives/other cutting instruments are located in new tables, figures, and selected narratives.

".... but nearly 1 in 10 sworn officers were attacked last year, resulting in injuries more than 29 percent of the time, according to statistics released this week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.... 80 percent of the officers assaulted were attacked by “personal weapons” (e.g. fists or feet), while 4.5 percent were attacked with firearms, 1.8 percent with knives or other cutting instruments, and nearly 14 percent with other dangerous weapons, according to the data.

Since 2004, the data shows, 573,456 law enforcement officers have been assaulted in the line of duty, with 26.2 percent of those officers receiving injuries during attacks.

The statistics are “proof positive of the dangers that all officers willingly face, day in and day out, to protect the rest of us,” the FBI said of the LEOKA report, which also states that in 2013, 27 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in the U.S., while 49 more police officers were killed as a result of accidents while on duty." New FBI data shows rate of assaults on US police officers dropped in 2013
Now we know cops are just as racist as they were in the 1960's.

  • LMPD uses excessive force, including unjustified neck restraints and the unreasonable use of police dogs and tasers.
  • LMPD conducts searches based on invalid warrants.
  • LMPD unlawfully executes search warrants without knocking and announcing.
  • LMPD unlawfully stops, searches, detains, and arrests people during street enforcement activities, including traffic and pedestrian stops.
  • LMPD unlawfully discriminates against Black people in its enforcement activities.
  • LMPD violates the rights of people engaged in protected speech critical of policing.
  • Louisville Metro and LMPD discriminate against people with behavioral health disabilities when responding to them in crisis
This is true of most police who deal with communities that are mostly black. Cops need to stop treating blacks like 2nd class citizens.

What was in the report? Cops are 5 times more likely to pull over a black or give a black a ticket than they are a white who commits the exact same offense.

Now you see why racism isn't over? Why we need things like affirmative action? Because you white conservative devils REFUSE to evolve. You are 1/2 of the problem loser.
between 6300 and 9000 black males killed by other black males.

[The FBI reported for2011 that 6,329 black people were murdered (by other blacks) for example." http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2013/jul/17/tweets/look-statistic-blacks-and-murder/]

Liberalism....the disease that will prove fatal to this nation.

FBI Releases 2013 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted​

Washington, D.C.November 24, 2014FBI National Press Office(202) 324-3691
According to statistics collected by the FBI, 76 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents in 2013. Of these, 27 law enforcement officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 49 officers died in accidents. In addition, 49,851 officers were victims of line-of-duty assaults. Comprehensive data tables about these incidents and brief narratives describing the fatal attacks and selected assaults resulting in injury are included in the 2013 edition of Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, released today.

In 2013, of the 49,851 officers assaulted while performing their duties, 29.2 percent were injured. The largest percentage of victim officers (31.2 percent) were assaulted while responding to disturbance calls. Assailants used personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) in 79.8 percent of the incidents, firearms in 4.5 percent of incidents, and knives or other cutting instruments in 1.8 percent of the incidents. Other types of dangerous weapons were used in 13.9 percent of assaults. Expanded assault details have been included in the 2013 publication. Data for assaults during which officers were injured with firearms or knives/other cutting instruments are located in new tables, figures, and selected narratives.

".... but nearly 1 in 10 sworn officers were attacked last year, resulting in injuries more than 29 percent of the time, according to statistics released this week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.... 80 percent of the officers assaulted were attacked by “personal weapons” (e.g. fists or feet), while 4.5 percent were attacked with firearms, 1.8 percent with knives or other cutting instruments, and nearly 14 percent with other dangerous weapons, according to the data.

Since 2004, the data shows, 573,456 law enforcement officers have been assaulted in the line of duty, with 26.2 percent of those officers receiving injuries during attacks.

The statistics are “proof positive of the dangers that all officers willingly face, day in and day out, to protect the rest of us,” the FBI said of the LEOKA report, which also states that in 2013, 27 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in the U.S., while 49 more police officers were killed as a result of accidents while on duty." New FBI data shows rate of assaults on US police officers dropped in 2013
What's your point? And do you believe the FBI's stats? And do you feel the same way about Capitol Police as you do police who murder black people?

The DOJ basically said Memphis Police do the exact same shit to black people today that LBJ and the Kerner Commission figured out in the 1960's. That cops treat blacks like second class citizens.

The report was released in 1968, after seven months of investigation. It attributed the riots to lack of economic opportunity for African Americans and Latinos, failed social service programs, police brutality, racism, and the orientation of national media to white perspectives.
The DOJ basically said Memphis Police do the exact same shit to black people today that LBJ and the Kerner Commission figured out in the 1960's. That cops treat blacks like second class citizens.

The report was released in 1968, after seven months of investigation. It attributed the riots to lack of economic opportunity for African Americans and Latinos, failed social service programs, police brutality, racism, and the orientation of national media to white perspectives.
The Kerner Commission Report was an insult to whites. It claimed in effect that whites who obeyed the law were responsible for the fact that lots of blacks disobeyed the law.

In 1964 white racial moderates thought that by supporting the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty they were buying racial peace. What we got instead was five years of increasingly destructive black ghetto riots. That is why Richard Nixon was elected in 1968, and re elected in 1972, even though the War in Vietnam was becoming unpopular.
The Kerner Commission Report was an insult to whites. It claimed in effect that whites who obeyed the law were responsible for the fact that lots of blacks disobeyed the law.

In 1964 white racial moderates thought that by supporting the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty they were buying racial peace. What we got instead was five years of increasingly destructive black ghetto riots. That is why Richard Nixon was elected in 1968, and re elected in 1972, even though the War in Vietnam was becoming unpopular.

I'm sorry if the truth hurt your feelings.

And wow! So basically what you are saying is whites only gave blacks 4 years to dig themselves out of the 400 year hole we put them in?

Based on your comment, we should not discuss this. Because I just want to call you a stupid racist mother fucker.

If you don't get BLM and you don't believe the Kerner Report, you're just a racist white fuck. Hector? Isn't that Mexican?
Based on your comment, we should not discuss this. Because I just want to call you a stupid racist mother fucker.

If you don't get BLM and you don't believe the Kerner Report, you're just a racist white fuck. Hector? Isn't that Mexican?
Your low class vulgarity does not intimidate me; it amuses me.

Hector is the Trojan hero in Homer's The Iliad. Have you ever heard of Homer and The Iliad? Have you ever heard of the Trojan war?

Those who blame white racism for black social pathology cannot explain the rise in black crime and illegitimacy since 1963.
What's your point? And do you believe the FBI's stats? And do you feel the same way about Capitol Police as you do police who murder black people?

The DOJ basically said Memphis Police do the exact same shit to black people today that LBJ and the Kerner Commission figured out in the 1960's. That cops treat blacks like second class citizens.

The report was released in 1968, after seven months of investigation. It attributed the riots to lack of economic opportunity for African Americans and Latinos, failed social service programs, police brutality, racism, and the orientation of national media to white perspectives.

Repost sans the juvenile vulgarity and I may honor you with a response.

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