What has Joe Biden forced you to give up


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

In this era of the highest inflation in modern history, what has Joe Biden and the democrats forced you to give up?

Americans chime in on how they are learning to do without.

Next stop, Bernie Sanders Venezuela.

In this era of the highest inflation in modern history, what has Joe Biden and the democrats forced you to give up?

Americans chime in on how they are learning to do without.

Next stop, Bernie Sanders Venezuela.
What are you talking about?

Give up?

The only thing I am giving-up is everything that I could buy with the extra money I'm stuck spending on gas.

And eggs... and groceries... and clothing... and new appliances... and services... and cars... and everything else...

But... but... but... I know the Democrats will take good care of me... after all, they've TOLD me that they would, so... :auiqs.jpg:


These Democrat a$$hole$ have proven to be bad news for America... everything from Inflation to the latest Southern Invasion to China and beyond...

The only reason why they regained power is because the a$$hole$ in the Republican Party gave them a window of opportunity...

Rump was such an existential threat to democracy that large numbers of Whites and Conservatives of all races felt forced to vote for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe...

Rump had to go at any cost... and we're paying that price now...

Field a better candidate in 2024, Republicans... America is running out of time, and you're going to lose again if you run the same disgraced POS again...

The GOP has gotta shake-off January 6, 2021... and dumping Rump is the only way you do that, in the eyes of the majority that lies outside of your party.

Entertainment means nothing to me.

I eat just as well as I did when President Trump was in office because I grow my own or get it from friends who have farms near me, and I have at least enough preserved food to last unil the end of this -- giggle -- "administration". I'm getting ready to start my garden "sowing" the seeds I saved from last year's garden in tiny pots under grow lights.

I didn't have to pare down my clothing budget because I bought enough fabric to choke a horse when President Trump was in office and yard goods were still cheap. If I want new clothing, I make it. Shoes as well. I was smart enough to buy very rugged Carhartt when I had to buy something like a coat or boots. They'll last for years.

Oh, PS -- If the power grid goes out, all I'll need is daylight to sew that clothing with my beautiful 100-year-old Singer 66 treadle sewing machine. If the power goes out, how are the little whiners going to charge their Holy Glowing Rectangles? When they don't have social media and video games, they will literally lose their small minds.

And when it gets really cold like much of this winter has been, they'll note the smoke coming from my chimney and smell the smells of dinner cooking on my wood stove. They will probably knock on my door, cold and hungry. I will remember all of the nasty slurs that good people have endured from the baby killing soibois we encounter here all the time, when those high rise tiny box apartments go dark and cold.

When my husband left the earth, we had accumulated enough wealth that I don't have to worry about the cost of much of anything. My car is paid for, well cared for and running beautifully. My home is paid for and I have done some major improvements. I have enough in the bank to cover any "emergencies".

The people who are being screwed are the losers who never bothered to get themselves ready. The silly SJW's who spent their time and energy on "protesting", instead of working and amassing wealth. The ones who now are going to whine the loudest when eggs cannot be had and milk is $10/gallon, and bread is $10 a loaf. And real meat will probably go up to $50/pound, but my freezer is full of beef, pork and chicken.

So, the only real change in my life is the price of gas. I don't think it will hurt me. I can economize. Gas goes a long way when you've got a scooter that gets about 50 miles per gallon.

No real changes in my life.
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What are you talking about?

Give up?

The only thing I am giving-up is everything that I could buy with the extra money I'm stuck spending on gas.

And eggs... and groceries... and clothing... and new appliances... and services... and cars... and everything else...

But... but... but... I know the Democrats will take good care of me... after all, they've TOLD me that they would, so... :auiqs.jpg:


These Democrat a$$hole$ have proven to be bad news for America... everything from Inflation to the latest Southern Invasion to China and beyond...

The only reason why they regained power is because the a$$hole$ in the Republican Party gave them a window of opportunity...

Rump was such an existential threat to democracy that large numbers of Whites and Conservatives of all races felt forced to vote for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe...

Rump had to go at any cost... and we're paying that price now...

Field a better candidate in 2024, Republicans... America is running out of time, and you're going to lose again if you run the same disgraced POS again...

The GOP has gotta shake-off January 6, 2021... and dumping Rump is the only way you do that, in the eyes of the majority that lies outside of your party.

You sound confused.

When it gets cold and dark and you're starving, you can eat your "democracy".

I've heard it takes great with barbecue sauce.


In this era of the highest inflation in modern history, what has Joe Biden and the democrats forced you to give up?

Americans chime in on how they are learning to do without.

Next stop, Bernie Sanders Venezuela.

While I will never defend the current king of the USA things certainly aren't as bad as your article would have us believe. Things are actually . . . quite ripping bloody good. Personal apocalypses notwithstanding, life here in America is steady good if not exactly marvelous. One can still survive, even flourish, in our little totalitarian police state we call USA: land of the not so brave and not so free (anymore).
.You sound confused.

When it gets cold and dark and you're starving, you can eat your "democracy".

I've heard it takes great with barbecue sauce.
Ah, you're one of those who would play along with Benito Mussolini because he made the trains run on-time...

You're one of those who would play along with Adolf Hitler because he cured unemployment and threw off the shackles of Versailles and restored Volkish pride.

What's "democracy" compared to that, eh?

Got it... very informative... thanks for playing the past of Poster Boy for the worst that the hyper-right MAGA wing of the GOP attracts to its ranks.

( "Your Honor... the Prosecution rests." )
Ah, you're one of those who would play along with Benito Mussolini because he made the trains run on-time...

You're one of those who would play along with Adolf Hitler because he cured unemployment and threw off the shackles of Versailles and restored Volkish pride.

What's "democracy" compared to that, eh?

Got it... very informative... thanks for playing the past of Poster Boy for the worst that the hyper-right MAGA wing of the GOP attracts to its ranks.

( "Your Honor... the Prosecution rests." )

Wow. What's so hard to grasp about "eat your democracy"?

Oh, I know.

It's fun to listen to your own voice.

I get it.


In this era of the highest inflation in modern history, what has Joe Biden and the democrats forced you to give up?

Americans chime in on how they are learning to do without.

Next stop, Bernie Sanders Venezuela.

Not one single thing.

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