What Has Happened To Common Sense?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Not just what happened to the common sense of the average, local adult American one greets in passing in the execution of their daily travels, but what the hell happened to the common sense and basic reasoning ability of the masses of adults nationally and globally?

Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work. That simply never happened, anywhere . . . not ever, not once.

Regardless, and in spite of this truth, tens of millions of our fellow Americans are not just getting "the jab" but also strongly encouraging everyone they know to get it—even shunning family members who refuse. Meanwhile, they're doing this to the tune of ALL major media and journalistic outlets publishing non stop pro-vax propaganda; in today's news media there are NO meaningful or powerful voices dissenting from the official government/state push to vaccinate the entire nation. NONE, not even one.

No one else finds this the least bit suspicious? Really? Get outta here.

All journalistic and government entities, all "official" authorities possessed of the power to kill and/or detain fellow Americans, are united as one in their tireless crusade to convince and coerce every last one of us to get vaccinated.

And yet very, very, very few Americans are resisting this official line.

Is fucking dumber than a box of rocks the new dominate American genetic marker for all future generations?

Seems that way.

Stay tuned.
Totally nuts.

When asked what their likelihood of dying from covid if they get it is, the average answer is 12.8%, or 12 in a hundred

Not even close. High estimate is .4% for, which tranlates into a ~32X difference.

People are so damn lazy they're not even looking at any of this, which would take about 10 minutes to chase around.

Countless examples of this in this situation...
Not just what happened to the common sense of the average, local adult American one greets in passing in the execution of their daily travels, but what the hell happened to the common sense and basic reasoning ability of the masses of adults nationally and globally?

Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work. That simply never happened, anywhere . . . not ever, not once.

Regardless, and in spite of this truth, tens of millions of our fellow Americans are not just getting "the jab" but also strongly encouraging everyone they know to get it—even shunning family members who refuse. Meanwhile, they're doing this to the tune of ALL major media and journalistic outlets publishing non stop pro-vax propaganda; in today's news media there are NO meaningful or powerful voices dissenting from the official government/state push to vaccinate the entire nation. NONE, not even one.

No one else finds this the least bit suspicious? Really? Get outta here.

All journalistic and government entities, all "official" authorities possessed of the power to kill and/or detain fellow Americans, are united as one in their tireless crusade to convince and coerce every last one of us to get vaccinated.

And yet very, very, very few Americans are resisting this official line.

Is fucking dumber than a box of rocks the new dominate American genetic marker for all future generations?

Seems that way.

Stay tuned.
Millions and millions of vaccines administered...extremely rare fatal reactions, very few serious reactions.... Anyone with common sense would deem the vaccine safe, effective, and in the US it's free. Only a moron would refuse to get the jab.
Totally nuts.

When asked what their likelihood of dying from covid if they get it is, the average answer is 12.8%, or 12 in a hundred

Not even close. High estimate is .4% for, which tranlates into a ~32X difference.

People are so damn lazy they're not even looking at any of this, which would take about 10 minutes to chase around.

Countless examples of this in this situation...
What is the likelihood of dying from the vaccine?
What is the likelihood of dying from the vaccine?

We don't know that, or the risk of side effects, due to the fact that VAERs is a passive reporting system, which on its own page indicates that its main weakness is underreporting, however, those reported to VAERs indicate the number is (0.0019%)

The page also states that any death after a vaccine must be reported, so this makes causality murky, even if this is being followed.

Other sites I have seen put it at about 25 per million (.0025%) in the US.

Europe is reporting .0044% or 45 per million on their vaccine effects tracking site.
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Not just what happened to the common sense of the average, local adult American one greets in passing in the execution of their daily travels, but what the hell happened to the common sense and basic reasoning ability of the masses of adults nationally and globally?

Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work. That simply never happened, anywhere . . . not ever, not once.

Regardless, and in spite of this truth, tens of millions of our fellow Americans are not just getting "the jab" but also strongly encouraging everyone they know to get it—even shunning family members who refuse. Meanwhile, they're doing this to the tune of ALL major media and journalistic outlets publishing non stop pro-vax propaganda; in today's news media there are NO meaningful or powerful voices dissenting from the official government/state push to vaccinate the entire nation. NONE, not even one.

No one else finds this the least bit suspicious? Really? Get outta here.

All journalistic and government entities, all "official" authorities possessed of the power to kill and/or detain fellow Americans, are united as one in their tireless crusade to convince and coerce every last one of us to get vaccinated.

And yet very, very, very few Americans are resisting this official line.

Is fucking dumber than a box of rocks the new dominate American genetic marker for all future generations?

Seems that way.

Stay tuned.
People stopped going for the useless vax after video after video started popping up of people going down after getting jabbed

This vax has killed more people than all other vaxes combined over the last 30 years

Fuxk them


People stopped going for the useless vax after video after video started popping up of people going down after getting jabbed

This vax has killed more people than all other vaxes combined over the last 30 years

Fuxk them
You would think reality would have an effect on you, but that would be wrong. 600,000 deaths from COVID vs a handful from the vaccine.

Which is orders of magnitude different than when to protect themselves from smallpox that had a 30% mortality, they deliberately infected themselves with cowpox, that had a 3% mortality.
We don't know that, or the risk of side effects, due to the fact that VAERs is a passive reporting system, which on its own page indicates that its main weakness is underreporting, however, those reported to VAERs indicate the number is (0.0019%)

The page also states that any death after a vaccine must be reported, so this makes causality murky, even if this is being followed.

Other sites I have seen put it at about 25 per million (.0025%) in the US.

Europe is reporting .0044% or 45 per million on their vaccine effects tracking site.
Much less than the .4%. Thousands of times less.
Not just what happened to the common sense of the average, local adult American one greets in passing in the execution of their daily travels, but what the hell happened to the common sense and basic reasoning ability of the masses of adults nationally and globally?

Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work. That simply never happened, anywhere . . . not ever, not once.

Regardless, and in spite of this truth, tens of millions of our fellow Americans are not just getting "the jab" but also strongly encouraging everyone they know to get it—even shunning family members who refuse. Meanwhile, they're doing this to the tune of ALL major media and journalistic outlets publishing non stop pro-vax propaganda; in today's news media there are NO meaningful or powerful voices dissenting from the official government/state push to vaccinate the entire nation. NONE, not even one.

No one else finds this the least bit suspicious? Really? Get outta here.

All journalistic and government entities, all "official" authorities possessed of the power to kill and/or detain fellow Americans, are united as one in their tireless crusade to convince and coerce every last one of us to get vaccinated.

And yet very, very, very few Americans are resisting this official line.

Is fucking dumber than a box of rocks the new dominate American genetic marker for all future generations?

Seems that way.

Stay tuned.

Did it ever exist? I don't think so.
Not just what happened to the common sense of the average, local adult American one greets in passing in the execution of their daily travels, but what the hell happened to the common sense and basic reasoning ability of the masses of adults nationally and globally?

Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work. That simply never happened, anywhere . . . not ever, not once.

Regardless, and in spite of this truth, tens of millions of our fellow Americans are not just getting "the jab" but also strongly encouraging everyone they know to get it—even shunning family members who refuse. Meanwhile, they're doing this to the tune of ALL major media and journalistic outlets publishing non stop pro-vax propaganda; in today's news media there are NO meaningful or powerful voices dissenting from the official government/state push to vaccinate the entire nation. NONE, not even one.

No one else finds this the least bit suspicious? Really? Get outta here.

All journalistic and government entities, all "official" authorities possessed of the power to kill and/or detain fellow Americans, are united as one in their tireless crusade to convince and coerce every last one of us to get vaccinated.

And yet very, very, very few Americans are resisting this official line.

Is fucking dumber than a box of rocks the new dominate American genetic marker for all future generations?

Seems that way.

Stay tuned.
Rand paul.
You would think reality would have an effect on you, but that would be wrong. 600,000 deaths from COVID vs a handful from the vaccine.

Which is orders of magnitude different than when to protect themselves from smallpox that had a 30% mortality, they deliberately infected themselves with cowpox, that had a 3% mortality.
You know that the 600,000 deaths from covid is a lie, yet you and the clowns like you persist in banding that number around as if it were true.

Of that number, it is estimated that approximately 15% of that number are actual covid deaths.

Fear tactic rejected.
Utterly ridiculous.

From the OP:
"Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work. That simply never happened, anywhere . . . not ever, not once."

This is not some zombie plague you saw on tv. It is an actual illness. Denying it because no one has seen people dropping dead in the streets may be the weakest argument ever posted here.
Much less than the .4%. Thousands of times less.

Not anywhere near thousands. Hundreds, probably. Less if we use an IFR of .2, which is still high for some groups and the European numbers. Now were looking at 45x and that continues to shift based on age and comorbities.

Now, however, if we're looking at continual boosters, what does that do. Statistically chances of death and side effects will seemingly be impacted as we continue to cycle through the odds.

Nor do we have a shred of data on long term effects, nor what those look like if we're stacking boosters. How many? How does this impact overall risk? We simply do not know.

Do what you want. I have had it and am tested for antibodies every few months when I donate plasma, which I cannot do if I have had the vaccine.

We each have to make our own decisions based on age and health and relative risk. Nobody should be telling anyone what they should do, one way or the other.
Not anywhere near thousands. Hundreds, probably. Less if we use an IFR of .2, which is still high for some groups and the European numbers. Now were looking at 45x and that continues to shift based on age and comorbities.

Now, however, if we're looking at continual boosters, what does that do. Statistically chances of death and side effects will seemingly be impacted as we continue to cycle through the odds.

Nor do we have a shred of data on long term effects, nor what those look like if we're stacking boosters. How many? How does this impact overall risk? We simply do not know.

Do what you want. I have had it and am tested for antibodies every few months when I donate plasma, which I cannot do if I have had the vaccine.

We each have to make our own decisions based on age and health and relative risk. Nobody should be telling anyone what they should do, one way or the other.

And if a loved one needs one of the ER/ICU beds occupied by an anti-vaxxer and dies in traffic on their way to another hospital 30 minutes away... will you still fill the same way?

I'm sure, for the sake of the board, you'll say yes. We both know it's not the case.
And if a loved one needs one of the ER/ICU beds occupied by an anti-vaxxer and dies in traffic on their way to another hospital 30 minutes away... will you still fill the same way?

I'm sure, for the sake of the board, you'll say yes. We both know it's not the case.

No, I'll say that is a ridiculous scenario. There has never, even at the absolute height of this, been a shortage of beds here. Maybe the case in other cities/states, but not a problem here. They threw up field hospitals that cost millions and were never used. ER visits declined as people avoided hospitals. Hospitals laid people off.

Now you're straying into nonsense land. Too bad, it was a reasonable discussion to that point.
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Not just what happened to the common sense of the average, local adult American one greets in passing in the execution of their daily travels, but what the hell happened to the common sense and basic reasoning ability of the masses of adults nationally and globally?

Most fellow Americans, if they're being honest, will tell you—when asked—how throughout the past year and a few months of surviving the (supposed) pandemic, they never once saw, with their own eyes, people dropping dead or even dropping over at all (from COVID-19) in the streets, stores, other places of business, their own homes, or at work. That simply never happened, anywhere . . . not ever, not once.

Regardless, and in spite of this truth, tens of millions of our fellow Americans are not just getting "the jab" but also strongly encouraging everyone they know to get it—even shunning family members who refuse. Meanwhile, they're doing this to the tune of ALL major media and journalistic outlets publishing non stop pro-vax propaganda; in today's news media there are NO meaningful or powerful voices dissenting from the official government/state push to vaccinate the entire nation. NONE, not even one.

No one else finds this the least bit suspicious? Really? Get outta here.

All journalistic and government entities, all "official" authorities possessed of the power to kill and/or detain fellow Americans, are united as one in their tireless crusade to convince and coerce every last one of us to get vaccinated.

And yet very, very, very few Americans are resisting this official line.

Is fucking dumber than a box of rocks the new dominate American genetic marker for all future generations?

Seems that way.

Stay tuned.

The irony of you to open the debate suggesting the lack of common sense the proceed to encourage no one should get the vaccine. Then you suggest the pandemic isn't real.
Where's the common sense in that?
It's not real common in your brain.

How would anyone expect to see people dropping dead in the street? Why would they be? They'd be in hospital you idiot.

Do you ever read anything you write?
I know who is asdumb as a box of rocks.
No, I'll say that is a ridiculous scenario. There has never, even at the absolute height of this, been a shortage of beds here. Maybe the case in other cities/states, but not a problem here. They threw up field hospitals that cost millions and were never used. ER visits declined as people avoided hospitals. Hospitals laid people off.

Now you're straying into nonsense land. Too bad, it was a reasonable discussion to that point.
Yeah...until you started with the "well, we're fine; fuck everyone else" stance.... of course entire cities at the height of the pandemic had scarce ER/ICU beds.... Ours was one of them.

The economic issues of course, are off topic since those who would normally self present were not going anywhere near the hospital and the laws of supply and demand kicked in; had nothing to do with covid patients themselves.
Millions and millions of vaccines administered...extremely rare fatal reactions, very few serious reactions.... Anyone with common sense would deem the vaccine safe, effective, and in the US it's free. Only a moron would refuse to get the jab.
It depends on the individual. Each individual needs to do their own risk/benefit analysis when considering whether or not to get the vaccine. Yes, I know "individual" is a very hard concept for LWNJ sheeple like you to comprehend.

For example: There's no reason that somebody who already had COVID-19 and recovered should get vaccinated, because they have already developed immunity. When you do the risk/benefit analysis, there is no possible benefit, however, getting the shot has a risk of unwanted side effects. And most people do have side effects.

The risks outweigh the benefits, therefore it is wiser for them to decline the shot.

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