What happens when the next recession comes? And they always do.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Normally you don't shoot your wad and spend all your money during a time when the economy is doing well.

You want to take in some revenue so you'll have funds you can use to stimulate the economy when the recession comes. And it will. They always do. That's just basic economics.

It's so obvious. There is no need to stimulate the economy when it's doing really well.

Republicans, with their tax cuts for the rich during a time when some companies have so much money, they don't even know what to do with it all.

So what happens when the recession comes? What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We won't have money to do anything because Republicans already gave it away.
Normally you don't shoot your wad and spend all your money during a time when the economy is doing well.

You want to take in some revenue so you'll have funds you can use to stimulate the economy when the recession comes. And it will. They always do. That's just basic economics.

It's so obvious. There is no need to stimulate the economy when it's doing really well.

Republicans, with their tax cuts for the rich during a time when some companies have so much money, they don't even know what to do with it all.

So what happens when the recession comes? What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We won't have money to do anything because Republicans already gave it away.

Democrats/fake news/the swamp will rejoice that they were successful in resistance, obstruction, lies and tanking the economy..
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Basic economics and history.

Look at these right wingers posts.

It seems racism, ignorance and worship of the rich goes hand in hand with failure. And they don’t even know it.
Normally you don't shoot your wad and spend all your money during a time when the economy is doing well.

You want to take in some revenue so you'll have funds you can use to stimulate the economy when the recession comes. And it will. They always do. That's just basic economics.

It's so obvious. There is no need to stimulate the economy when it's doing really well.

Republicans, with their tax cuts for the rich during a time when some companies have so much money, they don't even know what to do with it all.

So what happens when the recession comes? What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We won't have money to do anything because Republicans already gave it away.

What happens when the next recession comes?

If Dems aren't in office, to slow down the recovery with extra, moronic regulations, it should be a brief dip.

What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We could always do what Obama did.....have the Fed buy a few trillion.
Basic economics and history.

Look at these right wingers posts.

It seems racism, ignorance and worship of the rich goes hand in hand with failure. And they don’t even know it.

It seems racism, ignorance and worship of the rich goes hand in hand with failure.

There, there, you're not a failure..........DERP!
What will happen? Same thing as last time but with a much larger debt. This time we'll have the Bush + Obama + Trump debt combined with an already low interest rate and few monetary levers to pull. Oh, and a non-Economist running the Fed.

Trillions in value will be lost, employees like Ed will lose or fear for their jobs, the govt will be slow to react and suffering will be great. Meanwhile, maybe 1% will figure out how to capitalize on the situation. How do I know, because only about 1% are even thinking about the inevitable next recession and how capitalize on it now when, really, everyone should be thinking that way.
Haven't seen a recession yet that didn't bring wealth to we who see it coming.

When Hillary and Nutty Old Uncle Bernie team up to run against President Trump (OK, a little salt for liberal wounds there) in 2024 then, yeah, it might be time to tip-toe out of equities.
Normally you don't shoot your wad and spend all your money during a time when the economy is doing well.

You want to take in some revenue so you'll have funds you can use to stimulate the economy when the recession comes. And it will. They always do. That's just basic economics.

It's so obvious. There is no need to stimulate the economy when it's doing really well.

Republicans, with their tax cuts for the rich during a time when some companies have so much money, they don't even know what to do with it all.

So what happens when the recession comes? What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We won't have money to do anything because Republicans already gave it away.

Obama's Fault

Trump inherited it
Normally you don't shoot your wad and spend all your money during a time when the economy is doing well.

You want to take in some revenue so you'll have funds you can use to stimulate the economy when the recession comes. And it will. They always do. That's just basic economics.

It's so obvious. There is no need to stimulate the economy when it's doing really well.

Republicans, with their tax cuts for the rich during a time when some companies have so much money, they don't even know what to do with it all.

So what happens when the recession comes? What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We won't have money to do anything because Republicans already gave it away.

What happens when the next recession comes?

If Dems aren't in office, to slow down the recovery with extra, moronic regulations, it should be a brief dip.

What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We could always do what Obama did.....have the Fed buy a few trillion.
That doesn't even make sense.

In other words, you have no idea and aren't even aware you look like a fool.

Got it!
Normally you don't shoot your wad and spend all your money during a time when the economy is doing well.

You want to take in some revenue so you'll have funds you can use to stimulate the economy when the recession comes. And it will. They always do. That's just basic economics.

It's so obvious. There is no need to stimulate the economy when it's doing really well.

Republicans, with their tax cuts for the rich during a time when some companies have so much money, they don't even know what to do with it all.

So what happens when the recession comes? What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We won't have money to do anything because Republicans already gave it away.

What happens when the next recession comes?

If Dems aren't in office, to slow down the recovery with extra, moronic regulations, it should be a brief dip.

What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We could always do what Obama did.....have the Fed buy a few trillion.
That doesn't even make sense.

In other words, you have no idea and aren't even aware you look like a fool.

Got it!

That doesn't even make sense.

What doesn't make sense to you?
The fact that idiotic over-regulation harms GDP growth, or the fact that the Fed bought US debt during Obama's term?
Normally you don't shoot your wad and spend all your money during a time when the economy is doing well.

You want to take in some revenue so you'll have funds you can use to stimulate the economy when the recession comes. And it will. They always do. That's just basic economics.

It's so obvious. There is no need to stimulate the economy when it's doing really well.

Republicans, with their tax cuts for the rich during a time when some companies have so much money, they don't even know what to do with it all.

So what happens when the recession comes? What if we can't get some country like China to buy our debt?

We won't have money to do anything because Republicans already gave it away.

Gee, R-Derp...at least under Trump we're getting a higher interest rate at the Fed so that if another recession DOES come...we can lower interest rates to stimulate the economy! That arrow will be back in the quiver of weapons that can be used to combat a sluggish economy. Barry went for most of his eight years with nearly zero interest rates because his economies were so weak that every time the Fed hinted at raising them the markets started to tank! Since Trump was elected we've had three Fed interest rate hikes and the stock market is still growing by leaps and bounds! How come Obama couldn't do that?
Why do you do this to yourself, R-Derp? You know what happens when you pretend to know something about economics! You start a string like this one...embarrass yourself with how little you actually understand about the subject and then run off with your tail between your legs to start another equally ridiculous anti Trump...anti GOP thread!
Why do you do this to yourself, R-Derp? You know what happens when you pretend to know something about economics! You start a string like this one...embarrass yourself with how little you actually understand about the subject and then run off with your tail between your legs to start another equally ridiculous anti Trump...anti GOP thread!
I'm not embarrassed. I'm shocked at GOP ignorance.

Historically, companies and countries follow close to the same pattern.

When the economy/company is doing really well, you don't spend a lot. You don't need to. You fuking save. Duh! You save.

And then, when the economy cools, a country enacts a stimulus package as needed to keep people working and to pay for those unemployed or a company develops new product so when the economy heats up again they have something new to sell.

That's it. That's economics 101. WTF are you A..W..... arguing about?

Republicans already threw that money away. Just like they did with the Bush tax cuts which hamstrung Obama. How many trillions then, how many trillions now?
Havent seen a stimulus ever end a recession
Who ever said it did?



A stimulus is like a savings account. It's there to help you get through bad times.

Anyone can look it up.

China Unveils $586 Billion Stimulus Plan

Go to fuking Google.

type in the name of a country and then "'s stimulus package"

hit enter

Then you can read about the most recent stimulus package of that fuking country.

Every country, at one time or another, has a stimulus package.

Knock knock df's, you only use the stimulus when you are close to or in a recession. When the economy is doing well you SAVE. Got it? SAVE. When the economy is doing well, you SAVE.

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