What happens when BIG PHARMA and BIG TECH get together in this TECHNOCRACY era we are in?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

This is what happens. Yes, it is technocracy. This is how it works.

Fairly good theory any way.
Sorry, but big Tech and Big Pharma were doing just fine without COVID. Both were making record profits and powerful long before COVID came along.

Also the "vaccine passport" as they like to call them has no data except the date of your shots. There is no other medical information on it.
Sorry, but big Tech and Big Pharma were doing just fine without COVID. Both were making record profits and powerful long before COVID came along.

Also the "vaccine passport" as they like to call them has no data except the date of your shots. There is no other medical information on it.
QR codes track everything we do. On your person they know where you are at.
Sorry, but big Tech and Big Pharma were doing just fine without COVID. Both were making record profits and powerful long before COVID came along.

Also the "vaccine passport" as they like to call them has no data except the date of your shots. There is no other medical information on it.

And now they have even more power over governments.
This is what the left want.

They are drones.

Many of the lefties I see post on this board are straight up communists.

Really think about what they post.

They refuse to admit anything is wrong with Biden’s cognition….meanwhile INDEPENDENTS have only a 26% approval rating of Biden.


Are they all racist Trumptards?
The fact that no one from the left will explain why Biden is tanking among independents says it all.

The Biden asslickers do not have the mental capacity for any objective thought.

They are wards of the state.

The thought police own them. No opinions until their puppet masters tell them what to think.

Fucking sheep.
You left out the other two factors. Big pharma and the tech industry could not be in collusion without government and media support. Democrats are in charge and there is no effort to tackle issues and no criticism in the media.
Its astonishing to witness Pharma buying off the media to push the experimental gene therapy.
Why do you think Biden is cratering among independents?

Because of the inflation caused by the supply line issues. Independents are too smart to think that there is some fucking grand CT to get Tech and Pharma even richer. That is for folks like you
Its astonishing to witness Pharma buying off the media to push the experimental gene therapy.
Been happening a lot longer than that. For example the mass shootings. Notice how they have increased over the last 30 years or so. Columbine, the VT shootings, Sandy Hook...ETC etc etc ..

Ever see how any of those shooters were on some anti depressant or other type of PRESECRIPTION DRUG? Try looking it up.

Yeah, the msm draws their howitzer nearly every time at guns and the gun industry.

Well compare and contrast. The mass shootings have started on a rather regular basis after the pharmaceutical companies started mass advertising their drugs (always with disclaimers) like zoloft over the last 30 years. Their drug pushers, (doctors) passing them on to their patients. Their minds altered.

Ever see gun companies advertise on the msm networks? No? Neither have I.

Been going on for a long time
Been happening a lot longer than that. For example the mass shootings. Notice how they have increased over the last 30 years or so. Columbine, the VT shootings, Sandy Hook...ETC etc etc ..

Ever see how any of those shooters were on some anti depressant or other type of PRESECRIPTION DRUG? Try looking it up.

Yeah, the msm draws their howitzer nearly every time at guns and the gun industry.

Well compare and contrast. The mass shootings have started on a rather regular basis after the pharmaceutical companies started mass advertising their drugs (always with disclaimers) like zoloft over the last 30 years. Their drug pushers, (doctors) passing them on to their patients. Their minds altered.

Ever see gun companies advertise on the msm networks? No? Neither have I.

Been going on for a long time

Yep. Dont understand why this is legal. Seems like a conflict of interest.

Definitely I have noticed how many shooters are on anti depressants.

But did they do the shooting because they are fucking insane in spite of the drugs…..or did they do the shootings BECAUSE of the drugs?
Yep. Dont understand why this is legal. Seems like a conflict of interest.

Definitely I have noticed how many shooters are on anti depressants.

But did they do the shooting because they are fucking insane in spite of the drugs…..or did they do the shootings BECAUSE of the drugs?
Not sure. What I do know is guns have been around for a while now. The first gun invention (not by white Christians) can be traced back to around 1000 ad.

There were mass shootings here or there, like the Texas shooting in the 60s by Charles Whitman in 1966. Of course it was found out he had an actual tumor in the brain at the time of the shooting.


So there were no mass shootings on this scale until AFTER or since drug companies started pushing on a mass scale drugs to alter moods or the mind.

Do we know how many doctors have just quickly given those medications? They are supposed to be as a last resort by psychiatrists. Do we really think they have done that as a last resort considering the kickbacks they get? Are we that stupid? We know the left is.

That goes for pain medications too but that is another story.

The point is how the media avoids the blame of drug companies cause they are bought and paid for by advertising dollars.

Which brings us to the vaccines and why treatments like Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine are attacked and those that push them are demonized.

We all only have a 99 percent chance of living from covid. Yet we are all being treated as flat earthers when we question why they are pushing vaccines that are pushed by those same drug companies.


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