What happens if the democrats win...in 2020 or down the road? Economic disaster.

We have yet to see the long term impacts of Trumps trade wars

Whoever follows Trump will bear the economic impacts
Yeah, with the trade wars, more people are actually working here in the US, and who gives a shit about other countries, if they dont want to trade we are self sufficient with our own energy and manufacturing. China is hurting and they are going to get worse, they will come to the table when their billions start to starve.
right wing policies are unsustainable now


What is so funny is that the Dems now identify the big spending of the post 1998 GOP as "right wing."

There is "right wing" big spending and left wing big spending.

But there is no option to reduce or slow spending.....

and our debt keeps climbing as a result.
the right wing is for tax cut economics.
Why doesnt welfare ever get cut? Why do the libtards always threaten SS and Medicare that "supposedly" is going to go bankrupt, but welfare and Medicaid never seems to? Cut off all welfare, save 1 trillion dollars a year, put that towards the debt, in 15 years no debt, the most people working and for those who dont and want to steal other peoples stuff, when they are shot, no more worries.
Why would you want people to lose their homes and starve?
Because I had to work my ass up from minimum wage, without welfare assistance, why the fuck cant others? Dont give me crap they arent capable, if this guy down below didnt need welfare, no one does. Too many people have sucked off the government tits for too long and have languished in their poverty and misery, when Bill Clinton signed Newts contract with America, poor people had 5 years to get skills or education or the welfare was cut off, are you saying Bill(the rapist) Clinton wanted people to lose their homes and starve?


Bill Clinton's unemployment was in the 4s. Not bad when you force people to work.


What happens if the democrats win...in 2020 or down the road?

the Golden Rule...
You, while in control, treated the Democrats in the manner of which you wanted to be treated if you were in the same circumstance, if you were in their same shoes, didn't you?

Likely, the Republicans will meet that bitch called Karma, face to face.

We have yet to see the long term impacts of Trumps trade wars

Whoever follows Trump will bear the economic impacts
Yeah, with the trade wars, more people are actually working here in the US, and who gives a shit about other countries, if they dont want to trade we are self sufficient with our own energy and manufacturing. China is hurting and they are going to get worse, they will come to the table when their billions start to starve.
Actually trade wars go both ways and it is the consumers who bear the brunt of tariffs

We already had low unemployment BEFORE Trump started his war
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.

It's all to be paid for, the tax on each round of ammunition for all long guns, short guns, zip guns and cap guns will be $10,000 each, or $100k for a dozen.

Wow I’ll be close to a multi-millionaire
OP implies that Democrats when in office, really know how to get things done. I don't have that much confidence in their ability. And if any one party again captures the presidency AND a super majority, it'll come about by the majestic f-up of the other guys and so good riddance anyways.
American liberals want the U.S. to be a welfare provider for the world's poor and are fine with the fact that the standard of living of poor and middle-class Americans will be diminished. Look at Democratic jurisdictions and the plethora of poverty and suffering. They absolutely do not care.
American liberals want the U.S. to be a welfare provider for the world's poor and are fine with the fact that the standard of living of poor and middle-class Americans will be diminished. Look at Democratic jurisdictions and the plethora of poverty and suffering. They absolutely do not care.

Once again you are full of propaganda, and do not ever offer any proof of these lies, half-truths, rumors and innuendos; i.e. the digested bull food which you consume and echo.

Why don't you watch Sesame Street, you can learn much from their cast.
...it is the consumers who bear the brunt of tariffs...

That's true, but consumers are also employees and by opening more markets for American goods and services, those employees and their employers can be more productive and profitable.
Once again you are full of propaganda, and do not ever offer any proof of these lies, half-truths, rumors and innuendos;

California leads the nation in poverty and homelessness. Those are indisputable FACTS. The Democrats in power DO NOT CARE. Show otherwise.
...it is the consumers who bear the brunt of tariffs...

That's true, but consumers are also employees and by opening more markets for American goods and services, those employees and their employers can be more productive and profitable.

Some will make out, some will lose

International economic cooperation is a better option, always has been
Once again you are full of propaganda, and do not ever offer any proof of these lies, half-truths, rumors and innuendos;

California leads the nation in poverty and homelessness. Those are indisputable FACTS. The Democrats in power DO NOT CARE. Show otherwise.

California has more than 10% of the US Population, we have poverty but so do most of the RED STATES. We have the homeless too, but that is not what the Democrats have anything to do with, the price of rents and the purchase of homes are due to the private sector and supply and demand.

Once again you post bullshit and have no common sense or curiosity to research your borrowed comments. You don't even have the balls to post where you live.
The country’s swirling the drain now, thanks to the two criminal gangs and the oligarchs. Too late to blame one party and stupid too.

Right, the buck stops at Mar-a-Lago. The home of the 'Don' Trump and his Crime Family. Kiss his ass and do his bidding, otherwise he'll make a deal you can't refuse.
In the spirit of the movie 'The Graduate', I only have one word for Democrat investors and one word only: TENTS.

You're welcome.

In the spirit of the series, "The Last Czars", I have only one word for the middle class, both parties if Trump wins: LINES. Get used to standing in lines.

Lines? Really, the unemployment line has shrunk under Trump, especially for Blacks, Hispanics, and Women...who are now seeing the lowest unemployment rate in decades....thanks to Trump and his policies...

the tent cities in democrat controlled voting districts are on the verge of seeing the Plague return.....that is what you get with democrats.

Lies, half-truths, rumor, innuendos, willful ignorance and character assassinations are what motives the ...


The one on the far right is 2aguy.
We have the homeless too, but that is not what the Democrats have anything to do with, the price of rents and the purchase of homes are due to the private sector and supply and demand.

There are a number of reasons to explain why California has the highest homeless rate in the nation. One reason is the good weather, which attracts deadbeats from around the nation. So, yea, that's not the fault of Democrats. Another reason is because of housing, zoning laws enacted by Democrats which limits the amount of housing that can be built. Of course, millions of illegals flocking to California also contributes and Democrats welcome them and protect them from deportation, even those who have committed violent crimes.

Look at Democratic strongholds in places like St. Louis, New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, etc. and you'll find violent shitholes all under Democratic control and liberals like you are MUTE about the violence, crime and suffering that occurs there.
We have the homeless too, but that is not what the Democrats have anything to do with, the price of rents and the purchase of homes are due to the private sector and supply and demand.

There are a number of reasons to explain why California has the highest homeless rate in the nation. One reason is the good weather, which attracts deadbeats from around the nation. So, yea, that's not the fault of Democrats. Another reason is because of housing, zoning laws enacted by Democrats which limits the amount of housing that can be built. Of course, millions of illegals flocking to California also contributes and Democrats welcome them and protect them from deportation, even those who have committed violent crimes.

Look at Democratic strongholds in places like St. Louis, New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, etc. and you'll find violent shitholes all under Democratic control and liberals like you are MUTE about the violence, crime and suffering that occurs there.

Point by point:
  • zoning laws are established by counties, cities and towns - making a generalized statement does not paint the entire picture. Check this up to a half-truth
  • The Congress has the duty to "establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization": Art I. Sec 8, clause 4 - not the Democrats or Republicans in CA. Check this up irrelevant.
  • Democrats do not welcome those who enter the state illegally, business and industries, esp. agriculture exploit them; The Democratic Policy is established based on empathy; the Republican Policy is frame on callousness.
I'm not mute on crime and violence, I spent a career carrying a badge and 5 years running the Domestic Violence Unit for my agency.
If progressives have their way, small business will Cease to exist... fact

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