What happened to the invading hordes?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Did the caravan disappear after the election?


STUDY: NY Times, Wash. Post coverage of caravan plummets after midterms
News stories referencing the caravan drop by more than half post-elections, front-page ones by more than two-thirds


In the weeks leading up to the 2018 midterm elections, The New York Times and The Washington Post filled their news pages with reporting about a caravan of migrants moving through Central America and Mexico toward the United States. The caravan was more than 1,000 miles from the U.S. border -- a journey of several weeks on foot -- and shrinking. But President Donald Trump, in a series of demagogic statements aimed at bolstering GOP chances in the elections, warned that the caravan constituted an “invasion” and a national emergency, and the Times and Post allowed him to set their news agendas.

After the election, Trump largely stopped talking about the caravan, and the coverage of the subject in those papers plunged.

In the eight days before the election, the Times and Post ran a total of 84 news stories in their print editions mentioning the caravan, putting 25 on the front page. In the eight days since, they ran 39 such stories, only eight of which ran on A1. That’s a decline of roughly 54 percent in news stories and 68 percent in front-page news stories.


STUDY: NY Times, Wash. Post coverage of caravan plummets after midterms

Trump is the king of FAKE NEWS.
The caravan didn't disappear, they are still a couple of weeks away from getting here.

Their perceived political value by Trump has though. He's no longer concerned with them because they can't be used to rile up his base.

And, I really feel for those active duty troops on the border. Why? Because they were probably in the sweet spot between deployments and had planned on being home for the holidays. But, now those plans are shot. At least the married people with dependents are getting 250/mo extra in separation pay, but that is about it.

Today, Mattis was on the border and was interviewed. When asked what the mission of the troops was, he didn't have an answer. When asked if the concertina wire was going to stay up or be taken down, he didn't have an answer for that either.
OP didn't research and now looks like a clown LOL


Wrong. Not everybdy trying to enter are part of the caravan. My information is is 3 hours old. And it is about the reduction of reporting about the caravan. Also it brings up the fact that your president has not made the caravan the big issue he made during the election. Learn how to read so you can stop posting irrelevant bullshit that has really nothing to do with the OP.
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CBS evenings news lead story tonight "The first of the migrant caravan arrives". The massive caravan that broke through the Southern border of Mexico has broken up into many smaller groups some choosing to stay in Mexico. That doesn't mean there is no problem. Just like water, you can get hit with a big wave or many gradual smaller waves. In either case you have to deal with the flood.
Did the caravan disappear after the election?


STUDY: NY Times, Wash. Post coverage of caravan plummets after midterms
News stories referencing the caravan drop by more than half post-elections, front-page ones by more than two-thirds


In the weeks leading up to the 2018 midterm elections, The New York Times and The Washington Post filled their news pages with reporting about a caravan of migrants moving through Central America and Mexico toward the United States. The caravan was more than 1,000 miles from the U.S. border -- a journey of several weeks on foot -- and shrinking. But President Donald Trump, in a series of demagogic statements aimed at bolstering GOP chances in the elections, warned that the caravan constituted an “invasion” and a national emergency, and the Times and Post allowed him to set their news agendas.

After the election, Trump largely stopped talking about the caravan, and the coverage of the subject in those papers plunged.

In the eight days before the election, the Times and Post ran a total of 84 news stories in their print editions mentioning the caravan, putting 25 on the front page. In the eight days since, they ran 39 such stories, only eight of which ran on A1. That’s a decline of roughly 54 percent in news stories and 68 percent in front-page news stories.


STUDY: NY Times, Wash. Post coverage of caravan plummets after midterms

Trump is the king of FAKE NEWS.
Trump controls the NYT and WashPo now? Holy shit is there anything the man can't do!? Or is there anything you whiners won't lie about he did. In fact the invasion has reached San Diego this morning....tried crossing as well. I hope we shoot every damn one of them.
Did the caravan disappear after the election?


STUDY: NY Times, Wash. Post coverage of caravan plummets after midterms
News stories referencing the caravan drop by more than half post-elections, front-page ones by more than two-thirds


In the weeks leading up to the 2018 midterm elections, The New York Times and The Washington Post filled their news pages with reporting about a caravan of migrants moving through Central America and Mexico toward the United States. The caravan was more than 1,000 miles from the U.S. border -- a journey of several weeks on foot -- and shrinking. But President Donald Trump, in a series of demagogic statements aimed at bolstering GOP chances in the elections, warned that the caravan constituted an “invasion” and a national emergency, and the Times and Post allowed him to set their news agendas.

After the election, Trump largely stopped talking about the caravan, and the coverage of the subject in those papers plunged.

In the eight days before the election, the Times and Post ran a total of 84 news stories in their print editions mentioning the caravan, putting 25 on the front page. In the eight days since, they ran 39 such stories, only eight of which ran on A1. That’s a decline of roughly 54 percent in news stories and 68 percent in front-page news stories.


STUDY: NY Times, Wash. Post coverage of caravan plummets after midterms

Trump is the king of FAKE NEWS.

Are you really this stupid?
OP didn't research and now looks like a clown LOL


Wrong. Not everybdy trying to enter are part of the caravan. My information is is 3 hours old. And it is about the reduction of reporting about the caravan. Also it brings up the fact that your president has not made the caravan the big issue he made during the election. Learn how to read so you can stop posting irrelevant bullshit that has really nothing to do with the OP.

Even CBS says they have arrived....give it up. You can't win
Did the caravan disappear after the election?


STUDY: NY Times, Wash. Post coverage of caravan plummets after midterms
News stories referencing the caravan drop by more than half post-elections, front-page ones by more than two-thirds


In the weeks leading up to the 2018 midterm elections, The New York Times and The Washington Post filled their news pages with reporting about a caravan of migrants moving through Central America and Mexico toward the United States. The caravan was more than 1,000 miles from the U.S. border -- a journey of several weeks on foot -- and shrinking. But President Donald Trump, in a series of demagogic statements aimed at bolstering GOP chances in the elections, warned that the caravan constituted an “invasion” and a national emergency, and the Times and Post allowed him to set their news agendas.

After the election, Trump largely stopped talking about the caravan, and the coverage of the subject in those papers plunged.

In the eight days before the election, the Times and Post ran a total of 84 news stories in their print editions mentioning the caravan, putting 25 on the front page. In the eight days since, they ran 39 such stories, only eight of which ran on A1. That’s a decline of roughly 54 percent in news stories and 68 percent in front-page news stories.


STUDY: NY Times, Wash. Post coverage of caravan plummets after midterms

Trump is the king of FAKE NEWS.

yes. Too late to vote Demoicrat..unless they make it to Florida.
It's Mexico. Things move a little slower down there.

They'll be here.

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