What happened to the GOP "open tent Party" Autopsy after the last election?

We reputable and mainstream GOP are busily preparing for the TeaP reactionaries' demise in the primaries next year.

YOU are not WE. You are a disengenuous liar, you are a dem/lib tool.

We in the mainstream GOP are dedicated to eliminating most if not all of the far right reactionary congress critters and their un-American agendas.
We reputable and mainstream GOP are busily preparing for the TeaP reactionaries' demise in the primaries next year.

YOU are not WE. You are a disengenuous liar, you are a dem/lib tool.

We in the mainstream GOP are dedicated to eliminating most if not all of the far right reactionary congress critters and their un-American agendas.

You're a mole in the Republican party, Fakey. Of course you are dedicated to eliminating true conservatives from the party.
We reputable and mainstream GOP are busily preparing for the TeaP reactionaries' demise in the primaries next year.

YOU are not WE. You are a disengenuous liar, you are a dem/lib tool.

We in the mainstream GOP are dedicated to eliminating most if not all of the far right reactionary congress critters and their un-American agendas.
LAMESTREAM is more like it. YOU are no better than the Statist Democrats, Fakey. YOU act like one.
YOU are not WE. You are a disengenuous liar, you are a dem/lib tool.

We in the mainstream GOP are dedicated to eliminating most if not all of the far right reactionary congress critters and their un-American agendas.

You're a mole in the Republican party, Fakey. Of course you are dedicated to eliminating true conservatives from the party.

I am the heart of the GOP, and we are dedicated to eliminating your ultra-right reactionaries and radical anti-American agendas from Congress.
We reputable and mainstream GOP are busily preparing for the TeaP reactionaries' demise in the primaries next year.

YOU are not WE. You are a disengenuous liar, you are a dem/lib tool.

We in the mainstream GOP are dedicated to eliminating most if not all of the far right reactionary congress critters and their un-American agendas.

Hate to break it to you, but you are not a mainstream Republican. You are left of mainstream. Nice try though.
We in the mainstream GOP are dedicated to eliminating most if not all of the far right reactionary congress critters and their un-American agendas.

You're a mole in the Republican party, Fakey. Of course you are dedicated to eliminating true conservatives from the party.

I am the heart of the GOP, and we are dedicated to eliminating your ultra-right reactionaries and radical anti-American agendas from Congress.

You're hysterical, Fakey. Do you really think anyone is swallowing your horseshit?
We in the mainstream GOP are dedicated to eliminating most if not all of the far right reactionary congress critters and their un-American agendas.

You're a mole in the Republican party, Fakey. Of course you are dedicated to eliminating true conservatives from the party.

I am the heart of the GOP, and we are dedicated to eliminating your ultra-right reactionaries and radical anti-American agendas from Congress.

LOL you are the left wing of the democrap party. you are not fooling anyone.
Seems like a great strategy. Social issues are ALL democrats have, which is why they manufacture episodes and feign outrage.

Take away the social issues and it becomes a debate with:

the obamination care debacle, statism, lies, unemployment, national debt, and more statism


free market, fiscal conservativism

Easy win for the repubs.

GOP on health care - let him die.

GOP on lies - WMD's, Mission Accomplished, Saddam's people met with al Qaeda

GOP on Unemployment - cut it.

GOP on national debt - Trillions from Bush tax cuts, Trillions from two unfunded wars, Trillions from rebuilding Iraq, Trillions to take care of tens of thousands maimed in Iraq

OK, we know what Republicans have done, what have Democrats done?
Its always a laugher watching one party, dems in this case, telling the other party how to win elections.

No one is telling them how to win elections. Democrats are simply pointing out to America why Republicans are fucked up, damaging to the country and dangerous to the world. So far, Republicans seem to agree in their own weird way.
Being an attractive party to minorities and women would require too many changes in their preferred policies for the GOP's rank & file to accept.

Yep, it would require the Republican Party to become a party of looters and parasites. Instead they decided they should have principles.

Hmmm, looters and parasites.

You mean like the massive redistribution of wealth from the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich and the two money making no bid contract unfunded wars?


The fact Red States are leeches that Blue States have to support?
Being an attractive party to minorities and women would require too many changes in their preferred policies for the GOP's rank & file to accept.

Yep, it would require the Republican Party to become a party of looters and parasites. Instead they decided they should have principles.

Hmmm, looters and parasites.

You mean like the massive redistribution of wealth from the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich and the two money making no bid contract unfunded wars?


The fact Red States are leeches that Blue States have to support?

I've posted this 1000 times. Tax cuts do not constitute redistribution of wealth. Such claims are just the usual libturd attempt to redefine words to make their policies appear less sinister than they are.
So what do Republicans think about a duck blower being compared to Rosa Parks? Go ahead, insult blacks some more.
Its always a laugher watching one party, dems in this case, telling the other party how to win elections.
And I think it is a laugher watching one party, conservatives in this case, ignoring sensible advice and then making the same mistakes over and over.
Here is an excellent example. In the recent Virginia elections the Democrats sweep the three key elected offices in the state.
The won the Governor's, Lt Governor's, and Attorney General's offices by defeating three republicans in the process. So much for business as usual.
Yep, it would require the Republican Party to become a party of looters and parasites. Instead they decided they should have principles.

Hmmm, looters and parasites.

You mean like the massive redistribution of wealth from the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich and the two money making no bid contract unfunded wars?


The fact Red States are leeches that Blue States have to support?

I've posted this 1000 times. Tax cuts do not constitute redistribution of wealth. Such claims are just the usual libturd attempt to redefine words to make their policies appear less sinister than they are.

If I get $400 dollars back and he gets $400,000 back and there are no spending offsets and he takes his $400,000 and uses it to move my job to China, then there is indeed a massive redistribution of wealth. How can something so simple and so obvious be so hard for the right wing to understand? Just stop with the denial.
what happened to rdean telling the truth?

It's there. You've just so brainwashed with GOP propaganda, you just can't recognize "facts".

i posted your lies in your thread that got moved to the badlands. you are a proven liar.

let's see, i support gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, expanding medicaid to include all ages....and that makes me brainwashed with GOP propaganda.

like i said, you are a proven liar.
We in the mainstream GOP are dedicated to eliminating most if not all of the far right reactionary congress critters and their un-American agendas.

You're a mole in the Republican party, Fakey. Of course you are dedicated to eliminating true conservatives from the party.

I am the heart of the GOP, and we are dedicated to eliminating your ultra-right reactionaries and radical anti-American agendas from Congress.

"I am the heart of the GOP......blah blah blah...."

Look at all you and Huey have in common:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYQEhnQoiIM]Huey Lewis - Heart of Rock & Roll (live TV 1984) - YouTube[/ame]

Get down, Jakal!
Liberals always bring up hate, sexism, racism, they got to lie about something.

Lie? My link is to a Christian Site.

The hillbilly duck story is dominating the airwaves.

Oh, I'm sorry. You are just spouting talking points you recently learned. Got it.

and you spout the same fucking things you did when you first got here.....over and over again....like a bad commercial on TV that gets played 10x during the show....

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