What happened in 1943?


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Before war, there were 2 views on the "unification of Germania". The Lesser Germanic way presupposed an empire under the rule of Prussia, the Great German way an empire under the rule of Austro-Hungary.

Until 1943, it had the self-name "German Reich" (German: Deutsches Reich), then "Greater German Reich" (German: Großdeutsches Reich).

At the same time, much has changed on the fronts and in politics. At this time, there was a turning point on the eastern front, the German troops turned back. At this time, political unrest in the leadership of Germany begins, a program of new weapons Wunderwaffe, a technology leak in the United States, a second front opens a little later.

In the USSR at this time, serious reforms were being carried out in the troops to revive the officer's army and the removal of commissars from management.

All these signs indicate that in 1943 the Austro-Hungarians seized part of power in Germany, and they collaborated with the part of leadership of the USSR and the USA

Despite the fact that England emerged victorious from the war, the center of power in the world immediately after the war moved to the United States, and the British Empire collapsed
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The v2 missiles that attacked London at the end of the war were in the USA immediately after the war.
watch this In the end of this vid:
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Lettering on the rocket: "German V2 rocket / ordinance dept / white sands proving grounds / New Mexico"
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The leakage of data from German projects into the Manhatton Project is not a conspirology, it is an officially accepted point of view and the projects that carried out this activity are known.
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The Lesser German way of unification did not initially envisage the inclusion of Austria-Hungary in Germany.
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Apparently, in the German leadership there was initially a confrontation between the Prussian and Austro-Hungarian units. This was originally a compromise alliance. Part of the left-wing Nazis from the Strasser fraction were repressed.
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Goebbels came from the left wing and sympathized with the communists, he did not immediately go over to Hitler's side
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Here there are maps that show separately the German Reich of 1942, and it does not include Austria as part of the metropolis, and there are maps of the central government of the Reich which is located on the territory of Poland, and there are even maps of the Austrian Reich.
I don't know where these maps come from, but they probably reflect different stages of politics in Europe, and the maps of the German Reich date back to the period up to 43
Perhaps the ban on the Anschluss of Austria is directed not against possible German aggression, but, on the contrary, against Austrian influence in Germany
After the Allied invasion of Italy in the summer of 1943, Mussolini was removed from power and arrested by the Grand Fascist Council with the support of King Victor Emmanuel III, but was soon released as a result of a German special operation.
Before war, there were 2 views on the "unification of Germania". The Lesser Germanic way presupposed an empire under the rule of Prussia, the Great German way an empire under the rule of Austro-Hungary.

Until 1943, it had the self-name "German Reich" (German: Deutsches Reich), then "Greater German Reich" (German: Großdeutsches Reich).

At the same time, much has changed on the fronts and in politics. At this time, there was a turning point on the eastern front, the German troops turned back. At this time, political unrest in the leadership of Germany begins, a program of new weapons Wunderwaffe, a technology leak in the United States, a second front opens a little later.

In the USSR at this time, serious reforms were being carried out in the troops to revive the officer's army and the removal of commissars from management.

All these signs indicate that in 1943 the Austro-Hungarians seized part of power in Germany, and they collaborated with the part of leadership of the USSR and the USA

Despite the fact that England emerged victorious from the war, the center of power in the world immediately after the war moved to the United States, and the British Empire collapsed
I was going to say the Battle of Kursk
The v2 missiles that attacked London at the end of the war were in the USA immediately after the war.
watch this In the end of this vid:

Not only were they brought here, they brought 1000's on nazis here also and turned them loose after giving them jobs.
The U.S. used rockets as tactical weapons on aircraft for ground support. They were never needed by the Allies for terror weapons, which was all they were for Germans who lacked any other means for attacking Britain. B-17's and the like were much more effective and carried far bigger payloads, and we had a lot of those. The rockets on the P-51's used by Patton's air wing in Europe in the drive for Germany were far more effective in Normandy and beyond than any of the German rockets. Patton was a big beleiver in combined arms in his armored assaults, something few people seem to realize; the common belief is he won all his battles just with armor.

In northwest Europe during the war, the combination of the U.S. Third Army commanded by Lt. Gen. George S. Patton and the XIX Tactical Air Command led by Brig. Gen. Otto P. Weyland proved to be the most effective allied air-ground team of World War II.

The great success of Patton’s drive across France, ultimately crossing the Rhine, and then racing across southern Germany, owed a great deal to Weyland’s airmen of the XIX Tactical Air Command. This deft cooperation paved the way for allied victory in Western Europe and today remains a classic example of air-ground effectiveness. It forever highlighted the importance of air-ground commanders working closely together on the battlefield.

In northwest Europe during the war, the combination of the U.S. Third Army commanded by Lt. Gen. George S. Patton and the XIX Tactical Air Command led by Brig. Gen. Otto P. Weyland proved to be the most effective allied air-ground team of World War II.

The great success of Patton’s drive across France, ultimately crossing the Rhine, and then racing across southern Germany, owed a great deal to Weyland’s airmen of the XIX Tactical Air Command. This deft cooperation paved the way for allied victory in Western Europe and today remains a classic example of air-ground effectiveness. It forever highlighted the importance of air-ground commanders working closely together on the battlefield.
Was this not the usual tactic of covering the offensive of ground forces from the air?
The v2 missiles that attacked London at the end of the war were in the USA immediately after the war.
watch this In the end of this vid:[/MEDIA]

So? German rocket engineers and their technical teams made a point of surrendering to the United States to avoid becoming Soviet prisoners.
Was this not the usual tactic of covering the offensive of ground forces from the air?

Actually it was developed as SOP for the American forces by Patton in North Africa, after getting pissed off at the Germans bombing his troops at will. The scene in the movie where he's in his room and a German plane strafes the town and he runs out and shoots at it with his pistol is an abstraction of his anger that led to Tactical air wings being attached to Armies. The Germans had a slightly different organizational thing but had something close to it. In any event they lsot air superiority on the eastern front because Hitler had to strip it and their most of their anti-aircraft batteries to fight the Allied bombing raids over Germany itself. The Soviets pretty much owned the skies in their front. They could even use old WW I biplanes for night raids and get away with it. They needed imported high octane fuel boosters and British engines to do it, though. The Brits supplied hundreds of thousands of Russian and Slav partisans behind German lines via air drops. Somewhere there is a site that lists the railroad tonnages and number of engines blown up by them. I lost the link when I bought a new pc, ans don't remember the name of it now.
Actually it was developed as SOP for the American forces by Patton in North Africa, after getting pissed off at the Germans bombing his troops at will. The scene in the movie where he's in his room and a German plane strafes the town and he runs out and shoots at it with his pistol is an abstraction of his anger that led to Tactical air wings being attached to Armies. The Germans had a slightly different organizational thing but had something close to it. In any event they lsot air superiority on the eastern front because Hitler had to strip it and their most of their anti-aircraft batteries to fight the Allied bombing raids over Germany itself. The Soviets pretty much owned the skies in their front. They could even use old WW I biplanes for night raids and get away with it. They needed imported high octane fuel boosters and British engines to do it, though. The Brits supplied hundreds of thousands of Russian and Slav partisans behind German lines via air drops. Somewhere there is a site that lists the railroad tonnages and number of engines blown up by them. I lost the link when I bought a new pc, ans don't remember the name of it now.
What I mean is that cover with fire is always desirable during an offensive, because while the enemy is under fire, he is constrained in counterattacking actions. This cover can be provided by artillery, but it is more convenient to use air for this. Therefore, there is hardly anything new in tactical science. This is "window" of attack when the enemy's firepower is suppressed

Perhaps this is correctly called Suppressive Fire.
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So? German rocket engineers and their technical teams made a point of surrendering to the United States to avoid becoming Soviet prisoners.
If they could.
Most of the advanced weapons R&D were in Eastern Europe/German areas and closer to Soviet operations than USA ones.

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