What folks do you get along best and worse with


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I seem to get along fine with most whites , Latinos and Asians
Even the white trash I can tolerate

. I don’t get along well with blacks !!
Very difficult and dangerous folks and unpredictable.
They sometimes can be ok then 2 min later they get all “ Apish and —-ggary “ and I can’t deal with it
I seem to get along fine with most whites , Latinos and Asians
Even the white trash I can tolerate

. I don’t get along well with blacks !!
Very difficult and dangerous folks and unpredictable.
They sometimes can be ok then 2 min later they get all “ Apish and —-ggary “ and I can’t deal with it

In real life? I get along with most everyone who isn't a pixelated mass typing nonsense on the internet. When face to face there is no quarter for Tom Fuckery and pretense of bravado.
I seem to get along fine with most whites , Latinos and Asians

What do you mean by get along ? Black ppl are 13% of the pop compared to the rest being 87% non blk. So we have to "get along" with non blacks. Now the key question is : Do I have close friends white, Asian or Latino friends ? No. I don't.

Black and whites will always be mortal enemies because of the history.

Even the white trash I can tolerate

Well that's what you are. So you relate to them more.

I don’t get along well with blacks !!

OK. So what are you going to do about that ?

Very difficult and dangerous folks and unpredictable.

When, or if, black people begin raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; writing books to prove how stupid white people are, creating facts to prove how violent white people are, going into majority white countries n killing the indigenous white population n enforcing systems of apartheid, creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can you saying blk ppl are dangerous and unpredictable will make sense.
Regardless of their ethnicity, I do not get along well with assholes and bigots... sorry for the seeming redundancy, but not all assholes are bigots...

I believe from my 83 years of life that -- generally speaking -- Caucasians are the easiest to get along with. Since -- until recently -- they have been the vast majority, they seem to have the fewest hang ups. That is not to say, however, that there are not a lot of Caucasian jackasses -- or worse.

I have found that Asians really do differ. For example, the Chinese and the Japanese and the Koreans and the Vietnamese do have particular personalities. Personally, I find the Chinese the easiest to get along with. One thing in common: I never fear physical violence from any of them.

I find Latinxs the most friendly. I have found there's a big difference between the Latinxs born here and the ones who are immigrants. The former have hang ups that the latter do not. That is, to say the former have met prejudice and discrimination that the latter have not, since the latter are new to the country. I get along with both so long as I am respectful and careful.

Last but not least, I find the most difficult to get along with are African Americans. The older ones (in thirties and beyond) are usually pretty nice. In general, they often seem to be more tolerant when it comes to social behavior than the other ethnicities. I have had, however, quite a few unpleasant experiences with African American teenagers and twentysomethings -- dating back to the 1960s. I admit that I am very wary of them. And the media stories about their sucker punchings do nothing to alleviate my feelings. I always make certain to show respect to them, for they are very touchy about being disrespected.

Wow! What a strange country. It is a miracle that we all get along as well as we do!
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I believe from my 83 years of life that -- generally speaking -- Caucasians are the easiest to get along with. Since -- until recently -- they have been the vast majority, they seem to have the fewest hang ups. That is not to say, however, that there are not a lot of Caucasian jackasses -- or worse.

I have found that Asians really do differ. For example, the Chinese and the Japanese and the Koreans and the Vietnamese do have particular personalities. Personally, I find the Chinese the easiest to get along with. One thing in common: I never fear physical violence from any of them.

I find Latinxs the most friendly. I have found there's a big difference between the Latinxs born here and the ones who are immigrants. The former have hang ups that the latter do not. That is, to say the former have met prejudice and discrimination that the latter have not, since the latter are new to the country. I get along with both so long as I am respectful and careful.

Last but not least, I find the most difficult to get along with are African Americans. The older ones (in thirties and beyond) are usually pretty nice. In general, they often seem to be more tolerant when it comes to social behavior than the other ethnicities. I have had, however, quite a few unpleasant experiences with African American teenagers and twentysomethings -- dating back to the 1960s. I admit that I am very wary of them. And the media stories about their sucker punchings do nothing to alleviate my feelings. I always make certain to show respect to them, for they are very touchy about being disrespected.

Wow! What a strange country. It is a miracle that we all get along as well as we do!
What about Jews ??
I’ve met good people and dickheads of all races and creeds. In real life I’m surrounded by people I get along with. I don’t really have to deal with anyone I don’t like generally. I’m pretty lucky in that regard. In the past I’ve had people I worked with that I didn’t care for, but at the moment that’s not the case.

I believe from my 83 years of life that -- generally speaking -- Caucasians are the easiest to get along with. Since -- until recently -- they have been the vast majority, they seem to have the fewest hang ups. That is not to say, however, that there are not a lot of Caucasian jackasses -- or worse.

I have found that Asians really do differ. For example, the Chinese and the Japanese and the Koreans and the Vietnamese do have particular personalities. Personally, I find the Chinese the easiest to get along with. One thing in common: I never fear physical violence from any of them.

I find Latinxs the most friendly. I have found there's a big difference between the Latinxs born here and the ones who are immigrants. The former have hang ups that the latter do not. That is, to say the former have met prejudice and discrimination that the latter have not, since the latter are new to the country. I get along with both so long as I am respectful and careful.

Last but not least, I find the most difficult to get along with are African Americans. The older ones (in thirties and beyond) are usually pretty nice. In general, they often seem to be more tolerant when it comes to social behavior than the other ethnicities. I have had, however, quite a few unpleasant experiences with African American teenagers and twentysomethings -- dating back to the 1960s. I admit that I am very wary of them. And the media stories about their sucker punchings do nothing to alleviate my feelings. I always make certain to show respect to them, for they are very touchy about being disrespected.

Wow! What a strange country. It is a miracle that we all get along as well as we do!
What about Jews ??

Well, when I walk in a predominately Jewish area, I feel 100% safe. I do NOT expect a young gentleman to suddenly sucker punch me.

Furthermore, Jewish high school & university students are (like the Asians) top students and an intellectual joy for teachers.

Yes, being 83 years old, I realize that some people have negative feelings about Jewish people, for -- like all human beings -- Jewish people include some very unscrupulous individuals in business matters.

(By the way, I never use the three-letter word for "Jewish person." I know that if it is used in a nice way, it is NOT offensive and that Jewish people themselves regularly use it. BUT it sounds too harsh to my ears.)

Have a nice day!
I seem to get along fine with most whites , Latinos and Asians

What do you mean by get along ? Black ppl are 13% of the pop compared to the rest being 87% non blk. So we have to "get along" with non blacks. Now the key question is : Do I have close friends white, Asian or Latino friends ? No. I don't.

Black and whites will always be mortal enemies because of the history.

Even the white trash I can tolerate

Well that's what you are. So you relate to them more.

I don’t get along well with blacks !!

OK. So what are you going to do about that ?

Very difficult and dangerous folks and unpredictable.

When, or if, black people begin raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; writing books to prove how stupid white people are, creating facts to prove how violent white people are, going into majority white countries n killing the indigenous white population n enforcing systems of apartheid, creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can you saying blk ppl are dangerous and unpredictable will make sense.
I can't stand wankers who pontificate unless it's the Pope. Hence politically I like people like Ben Carson, Donald Trump and that Schweitzer guy who was governor of Montana. And Kiwis and Pommy bastards...but that's only when it comes to Rugby and Cricket you Pope wannabe!!


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