CDZ What exactly is "Equity" and how does it compare to "Equality"?

That’s equal opportunity.
It puts requirements on the short guy that the tall guy doesn't have.

Shorty needs tools, seeds, knowledge of agriculture, access to land, the strength to plant, and time and energy to cultivate.
Even so, he's still limited to apples and potatoes, while the tall guy can do anything he likes and still enjoy the game.

Isn't that the exact opposite of equal opportunity?
Equity is the new nice term for holding blacks to a lower standard because the Leftists think they're too stupid to live by the same societal standards as whites.

To be fair they apply it to any protected class they see fit, and apply it differently depending on said class.
You have to Iighten up on the captain, Cecilie1200. He's an "Englishman." And he obviously thinks that fact makes him better than us, lowly Americans.

Maybe he can't help acting like an arrogant, condescending piece of dogshit. Lol...
The covert poster, quite a spineless trait.

Nah, you just have a butchered version of the English language, pip-squeak.

Butchered is probably a bit harsh, so I will say "lazy"
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Obviously I do. Also equity which is a stupid word anyway.
Equity is a stupid word, everyone uses the word fairness. Society has a habit to make a song and dance out of everything these days.

It's like, "Linear sequences". Not many understand that but we all know what, "Numbers that go up or down in a pattern" means.
In the modern political arena, this cartoon seems to sum it up best.

View attachment 586013
The pic on the right seems fair.

Edit - Found the truth

download (19).jpeg
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In the modern political arena, this cartoon seems to sum it up best.

View attachment 586013

You know how I can tell that you know you're defending something evil? The fact that all your "arguments" are vague, unrelated analogies instead of actually addressing the issues.

When you and Captain Condescending have something real to say instead of apples and cartoons about boxes, let us know.
It puts requirements on the short guy that the tall guy doesn't have.

Shorty needs tools, seeds, knowledge of agriculture, access to land, the strength to plant, and time and energy to cultivate.
Even so, he's still limited to apples and potatoes, while the tall guy can do anything he likes and still enjoy the game.

Isn't that the exact opposite of equal opportunity?
Ability and opportunity are different things.
I have to be honest, and say I don't really recall the term "Equity" being used the way it has before about 2-3 years ago. Back then the calls were for "Equality" a term far more easy to understand, and define.

My question is why the change? When did Equality become not good enough?

My answer, to start things off, is using Equity allows you to seem like supporting equality, but allows you to add a fudge factor to favor one side/person/thing over another. It's basically giving one side the advantage due to "XYZ" but still claim because of the other sides previous advantages, things are now truly equal.

It's a way to put your finger on the scale and tip the situation in your favor, or in the favor of the side you approve of.
I agree, but I think equality has to do with opportunity but the left wants to change that narrative to address outcome (equity). Sorry, I don't agree with that. I have tried different things during my life and some things I excelled at while others I did not. I don't think if I tried my damnedest to be an NFL QB, that I would ever be worth a shit. Does that mean I should be given "equitable" treatment or compensation to a top tier pro? Of course not, some people just have different abilities that they excel at, life is learning what those abilities are. And that is the fallacy of equity.
I agree, but I think equality has to do with opportunity ....................
That's a good point you raise, as it relates to the fallacy of IQ differences between people's skin colour. (not races, as we're all the human race)
And then there is little doubt that 'opportunity' or lack of, relates directly to future 'outcome'.
That's a good point you raise, as it relates to the fallacy of IQ differences between people's skin colour. (not races, as we're all the human race)
And then there is little doubt that 'opportunity' or lack of, relates directly to future 'outcome'.
I don't know where you get these ideas. No where in anything I said was IQ or skin color raised. Equality deals with opportunity. If opportunities are available to ALL, as in my example of the NFL QB, I could go try out (opportunity) and succeed or fail. The opportunity was there. That is not to say that even though I was sincere in my attempt and tenacious, that I should be signed or highly compensated as someone who excelled at the tasks. That would be Equity and deals with outcomes. To suggest that is absolutely ridiculous and leads to incompetence and mediocrity.
The pic on the right seems fair.

Edit - Found the truth

View attachment 586127
What you and Pellinore seem to miss in your graphics are the fact that the people in the ball park PAID for their seats to compensate the players and support personnel and they all have the quality of seat that they paid for. The examples you provide are THIEVES. There is no honor among thieves. They all have an Equal opportunity to purchase a seat. What you are advocating is that they should have the Equity of outcome that the PAYING customers are enjoying.
I agree, but I think equality has to do with opportunity but the left wants to change that narrative to address outcome (equity). Sorry, I don't agree with that. I have tried different things during my life and some things I excelled at while others I did not. I don't think if I tried my damnedest to be an NFL QB, that I would ever be worth a shit. Does that mean I should be given "equitable" treatment or compensation to a top tier pro? Of course not, some people just have different abilities that they excel at, life is learning what those abilities are. And that is the fallacy of equity.
Surprised you gave my pic a thumbs down when you've just described it in you post. The part about the Left is the "Reality" part!!!
I don't know where you get these ideas. No where in anything I said was IQ or skin color raised.
I commended you and then I connected that to skin colour and IQ. If it's an inconvenient truth for you then you're entitled to your opinion. That doesn't make it any less true.

In fact it's directly to the point on opportunity relating to skin colour and thus relating to IQ's of those with less opportunities. African bushmen don't score highly on IQ tests designed for modern countries.
Then of course it relates to 'outcomes' too.
Equality deals with opportunity. If opportunities are available to ALL, as in my example of the NFL QB, I could go try out (opportunity) and succeed or fail. The opportunity was there. That is not to say that even though I was sincere in my attempt and tenacious, that I should be signed or highly compensated as someone who excelled at the tasks. That would be Equity and deals with outcomes. To suggest that is absolutely ridiculous and leads to incompetence and mediocrity.
Surprised you gave my pic a thumbs down when you've just described it in you post. The part about the Left is the "Reality" part!!!
The graphic example is fallacious. The people who are LEGALLY in the ball park by virtue of purchasing a ticket have paid for the quality of seat that they chose. They were all given the same opportunity to purchase base line seats or nose bleed seats. The example that you provide seems to suggest that the lower priced tickets should get the higher priced positions. The fallacy in the graphic is that none of the three took the opportunity that was available and instead chose to steal the value. They did not avail themselves to the opportunity to purchase a seat.

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