What exactly did people think was going to happen?

When the systematic attempt at eliminating white people in America and around the world was finally figured out by white people who can't find work because of all the "legal invaders" the government has allowed in,can't go to college because their spots were taken by a dumber nonwhite to fill a affirmative action spot...etc etc? Did you think we would just go quietly into the night and watch as we were eliminated? Baffling..

I would expect ANY people to fight back via ANY means necessary if this was happening to them....why act so shocked? The government created this problem and this is our answer.
Shooting unarmed innocents in Walmart doesn't help you and your plight you fucking retard :thup:
He didn't say it was the solution, dumbass. He said it was bound to happen.
As usual you don't have to acknowledge the great replacement but its quite clear its happening. Leftists LOVE to post links showing the white majority quickly dwindling and then want to claim in the same breath THERE IS NO GOAL TO ELIMINATE YOU!
The great replacement is fake news. But if you guys keep trying this, you'll be creating your own replacement.
Yawn. ARE white people decreasing in numbers or not dickhead? We ALL know the answer so no its not fake its quite real in fact.

Then go have sex. Consensual sex. It's not our fault you can't get laid.

Then go have sex. Consensual sex. It's not our fault you can't get laid.

What are you, in high school? Starting a family isn't a function of "getting laid".
When the systematic attempt at eliminating white people in America and around the world was finally figured out by white people who can't find work because of all the "legal invaders" the government has allowed in,can't go to college because their spots were taken by a dumber nonwhite to fill a affirmative action spot...etc etc? Did you think we would just go quietly into the night and watch as we were eliminated? Baffling..

I would expect ANY people to fight back via ANY means necessary if this was happening to them....why act so shocked? The government created this problem and this is our answer.

Eliminating white people? White people have ruled the world for centuries. Now other people are demanding equality, and you call that eliminating them?

And this crap about losing jobs. These "invaders" have very few skills, don't understand the language, and most cannot provide the basic ID necessary for a real job. If these people are replacing you, you might rethink your career path or your work ethic.

And the slaughter of innocents does not help your cause. There have been more illegals deported under Trump than have been deported under any other administration. Now that the gov't is finally doing something you try to justify the wholesale murder of innocents? Bullshit.
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As usual you don't have to acknowledge the great replacement but its quite clear its happening. Leftists LOVE to post links showing the white majority quickly dwindling and then want to claim in the same breath THERE IS NO GOAL TO ELIMINATE YOU!
The great replacement is fake news. But if you guys keep trying this, you'll be creating your own replacement.
Yawn. ARE white people decreasing in numbers or not dickhead? We ALL know the answer so no its not fake its quite real in fact.

Then go have sex. Consensual sex. It's not our fault you can't get laid.

Then go have sex. Consensual sex. It's not our fault you can't get laid.

What are you, in high school? Starting a family isn't a function of "getting laid".

If the white population is declining it means whites must produce more children. There is only one way to do that.
When the systematic attempt at eliminating white people in America and around the world was finally figured out by white people who can't find work because of all the "legal invaders" the government has allowed in,can't go to college because their spots were taken by a dumber nonwhite to fill a affirmative action spot...etc etc? Did you think we would just go quietly into the night and watch as we were eliminated? Baffling..

I would expect ANY people to fight back via ANY means necessary if this was happening to them....why act so shocked? The government created this problem and this is our answer.
Shooting unarmed innocents in Walmart doesn't help you and your plight you fucking retard :thup:
He didn't say it was the solution, dumbass. He said it was bound to happen.
What he said was retarded, just like everything you say. Neither of your balls have dropped.
Still no one has understood why this is happening...oh well. Funny thing is ANY time one of us tries to explain what's going on they are banned from social media,news shows,etc etc and then idiots whine when one of our soldiers commits an act of war.....these elitist idiots will never learn. To defeat your enemy you have to KNOW your enemy...we know ours but by trying to censor us and continuing down this road of white genocide you are just going to force us to turn to arms and acts of war. So be it. I was never one that thought we could win politically or by voting etc...

So that was one of your soldiers that killed all those people? You're a sick person, aren't you?
As usual you don't have to acknowledge the great replacement but its quite clear its happening. Leftists LOVE to post links showing the white majority quickly dwindling and then want to claim in the same breath THERE IS NO GOAL TO ELIMINATE YOU!
The great replacement is fake news. But if you guys keep trying this, you'll be creating your own replacement.
Yawn. ARE white people decreasing in numbers or not dickhead? We ALL know the answer so no its not fake its quite real in fact.

Then go have sex. Consensual sex. It's not our fault you can't get laid.
Child #5 is in the oven...due in November. I will post when he is born.
When the systematic attempt at eliminating white people in America and around the world was finally figured out by white people who can't find work because of all the "legal invaders" the government has allowed in,can't go to college because their spots were taken by a dumber nonwhite to fill a affirmative action spot...etc etc? Did you think we would just go quietly into the night and watch as we were eliminated? Baffling..

I would expect ANY people to fight back via ANY means necessary if this was happening to them....why act so shocked? The government created this problem and this is our answer.

Eliminating white people? White people have ruled the world for centuries. Now other people are demanding equality, and you call that eliminating them?

And this crap about losing jobs. These "invaders" have very few skills, don't understand the language, and most cannot provide the basic ID necessary for a real job. If these people are replacing you, you might rethink your career path or your work ethic.

And the slaughter of innocents does not help your cause. There have been more illegals deported under Trump than have been deported under any other administration. Now that the gov't is finally doing something you try to justify the wholesale murder of innocents? Bullshit.
Erasing white people from the earth is NOT equality its genocide. You can argue until you are blue in the face that whites aren't being eliminated but facts are facts and its not some accident its completely on purpose.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
Shooting unarmed innocents in Walmart doesn't help you and your plight you fucking retard :thup:
NO ONE is innocent in a war and those were illegals and Mexican nationals so nope not innocent at all.

You think there is an effort to eliminate white folk. You're crazy.
That's not up for discussion I asking what did you expect to happen? Just for us to ALLOW it to happen without fighting back?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

The white man came to the North American continent, slaughtered the red man & subjugated the black man, all done with guns & violence, to ensure future generations of 'white children.' I guess the best laid plans of mice & men sometimes get a bit wonky & then karma interjects. Good luck with that fight of yours.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
Shooting unarmed innocents in Walmart doesn't help you and your plight you fucking retard :thup:
NO ONE is innocent in a war and those were illegals and Mexican nationals so nope not innocent at all.

You think there is an effort to eliminate white folk. You're crazy.
That's not up for discussion I asking what did you expect to happen? Just for us to ALLOW it to happen without fighting back?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

Won't happen that way. You'll get old and die, but there will be plenty of brown people to take up where you left off.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
NO ONE is innocent in a war and those were illegals and Mexican nationals so nope not innocent at all.

That's not up for discussion I asking what did you expect to happen? Just for us to ALLOW it to happen without fighting back?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

The white man came to the North American continent, slaughtered the red man & subjugated the black man, all done with guns & violence, to ensure future generations of 'white children.' I guess the best laid plans of mice & men sometimes get a bit wonky & then karma interjects. Good luck with that fight of yours.
That's it? That's where the ENTIRE history of the USA started eh? Who was here before the Indians? Who did they kill , other than murdering each other over land and because someone was from a different tribe. We didn't subjugate anyone we used an inferior race for what they were best at doing. They were SOLD into slavery by their own tribes and by warring tribes to Jewish shipowners and brought to the USA. I don't need luck. I have determination and the will to NOT see my people erased from the earth and I and millions like me will see that through or we will destroy the country and then the world if it ever goes in a different direction. Little men in pajamas and ak47's defeated the mighty US military in Vietnam,Iraq and Afghanistan....we can do it to.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
NO ONE is innocent in a war and those were illegals and Mexican nationals so nope not innocent at all.

That's not up for discussion I asking what did you expect to happen? Just for us to ALLOW it to happen without fighting back?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

Won't happen that way. You'll get old and die, but there will be plenty of brown people to take up where you left off.
Indeed we ALL get old and die...my 5 kids will have kids hopefully 3 to 4 a piece and continuing on and on and on. Shitskins are only "winning" right now because political elites are letting them win, we have just begun to fight back. You ain't seen shit yet.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

The white man came to the North American continent, slaughtered the red man & subjugated the black man, all done with guns & violence, to ensure future generations of 'white children.' I guess the best laid plans of mice & men sometimes get a bit wonky & then karma interjects. Good luck with that fight of yours.

That's it? That's where the ENTIRE history of the USA started eh? Who was here before the Indians? Who did they kill , other than murdering each other over land and because someone was from a different tribe. We didn't subjugate anyone we used an inferior race for what they were best at doing. They were SOLD into slavery by their own tribes and by warring tribes to Jewish shipowners and brought to the USA. I don't need luck. I have determination and the will to NOT see my people erased from the earth and I and millions like me will see that through or we will destroy the country and then the world if it ever goes in a different direction. Little men in pajamas and ak47's defeated the mighty US military in Vietnam,Iraq and Afghanistan....we can do it to.

Your thread started out with, "When the systematic attempt at eliminating white people in America" in the first sentence.
Your OP is based on the perspective of the white man in America, and NOT on what came before the white man showed up here.
Try keeping up with your own thread.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

The white man came to the North American continent, slaughtered the red man & subjugated the black man, all done with guns & violence, to ensure future generations of 'white children.' I guess the best laid plans of mice & men sometimes get a bit wonky & then karma interjects. Good luck with that fight of yours.
That's it? That's where the ENTIRE history of the USA started eh? Who was here before the Indians? Who did they kill , other than murdering each other over land and because someone was from a different tribe. We didn't subjugate anyone we used an inferior race for what they were best at doing. They were SOLD into slavery by their own tribes and by warring tribes to Jewish shipowners and brought to the USA. I don't need luck. I have determination and the will to NOT see my people erased from the earth and I and millions like me will see that through or we will destroy the country and then the world if it ever goes in a different direction. Little men in pajamas and ak47's defeated the mighty US military in Vietnam,Iraq and Afghanistan....we can do it to.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

Won't happen that way. You'll get old and die, but there will be plenty of brown people to take up where you left off.
Indeed we ALL get old and die...my 5 kids will have kids hopefully 3 to 4 a piece and continuing on and on and on. Shitskins are only "winning" right now because political elites are letting them win, we have just begun to fight back. You ain't seen shit yet.

Yep, I've seen lots of shit. Your silly ranting about holding back the demographic changes that are happening is a big old stinky pile of it.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

The white man came to the North American continent, slaughtered the red man & subjugated the black man, all done with guns & violence, to ensure future generations of 'white children.' I guess the best laid plans of mice & men sometimes get a bit wonky & then karma interjects. Good luck with that fight of yours.
That's it? That's where the ENTIRE history of the USA started eh? Who was here before the Indians? Who did they kill , other than murdering each other over land and because someone was from a different tribe. We didn't subjugate anyone we used an inferior race for what they were best at doing. They were SOLD into slavery by their own tribes and by warring tribes to Jewish shipowners and brought to the USA. I don't need luck. I have determination and the will to NOT see my people erased from the earth and I and millions like me will see that through or we will destroy the country and then the world if it ever goes in a different direction. Little men in pajamas and ak47's defeated the mighty US military in Vietnam,Iraq and Afghanistan....we can do it to.
The liberals were just going to stand by and to nothing as whites became the minority in America. Trump is saving America.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
They were innocent human beings that you're not worthy to live among, you feral mutt...but the good thing about guys on the sidelines and cheering for wars is...they're on the sidelines.

Raise your paw, cheerleader cuck :itsok: im sure your balls will drop soon
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

Won't happen that way. You'll get old and die, but there will be plenty of brown people to take up where you left off.
Indeed we ALL get old and die...my 5 kids will have kids hopefully 3 to 4 a piece and continuing on and on and on. Shitskins are only "winning" right now because political elites are letting them win, we have just begun to fight back. You ain't seen shit yet.

Given this rant and your well known views, this must chap your ass, huh?
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

The white man came to the North American continent, slaughtered the red man & subjugated the black man, all done with guns & violence, to ensure future generations of 'white children.' I guess the best laid plans of mice & men sometimes get a bit wonky & then karma interjects. Good luck with that fight of yours.
That's it? That's where the ENTIRE history of the USA started eh? Who was here before the Indians? Who did they kill , other than murdering each other over land and because someone was from a different tribe. We didn't subjugate anyone we used an inferior race for what they were best at doing. They were SOLD into slavery by their own tribes and by warring tribes to Jewish shipowners and brought to the USA. I don't need luck. I have determination and the will to NOT see my people erased from the earth and I and millions like me will see that through or we will destroy the country and then the world if it ever goes in a different direction. Little men in pajamas and ak47's defeated the mighty US military in Vietnam,Iraq and Afghanistan....we can do it to.
How in the hell is he saving America by bringing in the LARGEST number of legal invaders ever and now pushing for red flag laws and banning certain websites?
You are triggered...good good. As I said NO ONE is innocent. SOME of us were intended to be warriors from the beginning never having families and only meant to be warriors like the soldiers in Pittsburgh,Charleston,El Paso, and in California synagogue shooting along with the NZ soldier,some of us had families first but we will all fight in the greater fight when it happens which will happen once the government oversteps its bounds and pisses off not just white nationalists but normal every day people and along with these asinine laws its trying to pass and the ever increasing debt it won't take much for the country to collapse into a war.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

Won't happen that way. You'll get old and die, but there will be plenty of brown people to take up where you left off.
Indeed we ALL get old and die...my 5 kids will have kids hopefully 3 to 4 a piece and continuing on and on and on. Shitskins are only "winning" right now because political elites are letting them win, we have just begun to fight back. You ain't seen shit yet.

Given this rant and your well known views, this must chap your ass, huh?
Jew york post...not even gonna bother clicking on it. A man in Ukraine I believe it was has more descendants than that. :) Oh and its not a rant its the facts.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

The white man came to the North American continent, slaughtered the red man & subjugated the black man, all done with guns & violence, to ensure future generations of 'white children.' I guess the best laid plans of mice & men sometimes get a bit wonky & then karma interjects. Good luck with that fight of yours.
That's it? That's where the ENTIRE history of the USA started eh? Who was here before the Indians? Who did they kill , other than murdering each other over land and because someone was from a different tribe. We didn't subjugate anyone we used an inferior race for what they were best at doing. They were SOLD into slavery by their own tribes and by warring tribes to Jewish shipowners and brought to the USA. I don't need luck. I have determination and the will to NOT see my people erased from the earth and I and millions like me will see that through or we will destroy the country and then the world if it ever goes in a different direction. Little men in pajamas and ak47's defeated the mighty US military in Vietnam,Iraq and Afghanistan....we can do it to.
A rational human sees the guy cheering innocent people getting gunned down by a cowardly fuck boy as the triggered one, toto.

Raise your paw if you believe you're being invaded, and your literal response is to chat about it on your fat ass on a messageboard :114::113:
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

Won't happen that way. You'll get old and die, but there will be plenty of brown people to take up where you left off.
Indeed we ALL get old and die...my 5 kids will have kids hopefully 3 to 4 a piece and continuing on and on and on. Shitskins are only "winning" right now because political elites are letting them win, we have just begun to fight back. You ain't seen shit yet.

Given this rant and your well known views, this must chap your ass, huh?
Jew york post...not even gonna bother clicking on it. A man in Ukraine I believe it was has more descendants than that. :) Oh and its not a rant its the facts.

Oh I have no doubt there are people out there with more descendants.

But this one, your buddies had her and her husband. But she survived to have 400+ more Jews.
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

The white man came to the North American continent, slaughtered the red man & subjugated the black man, all done with guns & violence, to ensure future generations of 'white children.' I guess the best laid plans of mice & men sometimes get a bit wonky & then karma interjects. Good luck with that fight of yours.
That's it? That's where the ENTIRE history of the USA started eh? Who was here before the Indians? Who did they kill , other than murdering each other over land and because someone was from a different tribe. We didn't subjugate anyone we used an inferior race for what they were best at doing. They were SOLD into slavery by their own tribes and by warring tribes to Jewish shipowners and brought to the USA. I don't need luck. I have determination and the will to NOT see my people erased from the earth and I and millions like me will see that through or we will destroy the country and then the world if it ever goes in a different direction. Little men in pajamas and ak47's defeated the mighty US military in Vietnam,Iraq and Afghanistan....we can do it to.
Keep being triggered snowflake...its hilarious. Its not my time yet nor many people I know time yet...soon enough though...we have families and that's our first job was to insure there was a future generation of white children but when push comes to shove we will fight. You keep throwing a fit though.

Won't happen that way. You'll get old and die, but there will be plenty of brown people to take up where you left off.
Indeed we ALL get old and die...my 5 kids will have kids hopefully 3 to 4 a piece and continuing on and on and on. Shitskins are only "winning" right now because political elites are letting them win, we have just begun to fight back. You ain't seen shit yet.

Given this rant and your well known views, this must chap your ass, huh?
Jew york post...not even gonna bother clicking on it. A man in Ukraine I believe it was has more descendants than that. :) Oh and its not a rant its the facts.

Oh I have no doubt there are people out there with more descendants.

But this one, your buddies had her and her husband. But she survived to have 400+ more Jews.
Jews are like cockroaches...no surprise...
Eliminating white people? White people have ruled the world for centuries. Now other people are demanding equality, and you call that eliminating them?
You enjoy drinking the liberal Kool-Aid. Fortunately enough of us refuse to touch the stuff.
Eliminating white people? White people have ruled the world for centuries. Now other people are demanding equality, and you call that eliminating them?
You enjoy drinking the liberal Kool-Aid. Fortunately enough of us refuse to touch the stuff.

No koolaid here. From either side.
Anyone who uses the phrase "demand equality" unironically is up to their eyeballs in the koolaid.

Oh? What would you call it when people refuse to be treated as second class citizens? Or women refuse to have their lives ruled by men? Are those not demands for equality? Speaking the truth make some people mad.

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